Apple iPad rival HP Slate sees demand fizzle at 9,000 units



  • Reply 41 of 137
    grkinggrking Posts: 533member
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    but.. but it has full OS, USB, and HDMI ports! Everyone should want one of these instead of the big iPod touch!.

    Well, it is not so simple, in spite of people wanting it to be.

    Apparently the new 11" MBA is cutting into iPad sales (, and the supposed reason why?

    You guessed it - full OS, USB and keyboard.
  • Reply 42 of 137
    desarcdesarc Posts: 642member
    Apple hit a home run with the iPad [leveraging an OS from their phone and the same components in the phone and now the air is brilliant.]

    nobody can touch the iPad tablet as nobody can touch the iPod... the thing is, nobody "needed" a tablet computer until the iPad came out. [and still, it's a completely unnecessary form factor]

    i may pick one up in a year or two if/when some good productivity apps are released, but a computer designed to consume and not create content is something i have no interest in - and don't start praising iWork on the iPad. i've tried it - and it's more frustrating than trying to get anything done at the DMV.
  • Reply 43 of 137
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by DecimusPlancus View Post

    I agree. I am extremely surprised that they would even plan for a run that small. Unless they needed it as a stopgap product until their "real" tablet product (perhaps based on webOS) is released.

    This screams MS throwing money at them to having something in play until Windows Phone 7 is made into a viable tablet OS. I don?t think HP would go to this much trouble, and even give people $100 off an already, IMO, lower (than what would have been typical in 2009) price point.
  • Reply 44 of 137
    Originally Posted by grking View Post

    Well, it is not so simple, in spite of people wanting it to be.

    Apparently the new 11" MBA is cutting into iPad sales (, and the supposed reason why?

    You guessed it - full OS, USB and keyboard.

    you mean a real computer can do mor then a tablet 0.0

    anyways on topic:

    i wonder if HP is going to have a commercial if they make a second tablet saying that "our first real tablet pc have 80% more demand then the original supply

    I also hope palm leads somewere.......... otherwise it will just be the death of a good (imo ofc) company, that could have made a more controlled android os cheaply... (and mass market it)
  • Reply 45 of 137
    Originally Posted by desarc View Post

    i may pick one up in a year or two if/when some good productivity apps are released, but a computer designed to consume and not create content is something i have no interest in - and don't start praising iWork on the iPad. i've tried it - and it's more frustrating than trying to get anything done at the DMV.

    Clearly, you're in a chicken-and-egg stage with iWork on the iPad. I was in a similar place. But I can quite confidently tell you that, once you get used to it -- and given the recent updates -- they're truly (and almost fully) functional. In fact, both Keynote and Numbers are superbly implemented on the iPad.
  • Reply 46 of 137
    mcdavemcdave Posts: 1,927member
    Originally Posted by zunx View Post

    Apple should release a truly mobile Mac. As light and small as possible. Ideally, 400 to 600 g and pocketable (or so). Whatever form factor (tablet, slider or clamshell). The Mac in your pocket (or purse or bag). Always.

    But shrinking the OSX UI wouldn't work well so maybe replace it with one optimised for a smaller screen? And a miniscule physical keyboard would be poor to type on so how about a touchscreen instead?
  • Reply 47 of 137
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by grking View Post

    Well, it is not so simple, in spite of people wanting it to be.

    Apparently the new 11" MBA is cutting into iPad sales (, and the supposed reason why?

    You guessed it - full OS, USB and keyboard.

    There is no evidence that the new MBA is cuting into the iPads sales. In my opinion the two are in different category. The MBA is a full fledged laptop and the iPad is not. Furthermore, if you are talking about specs then the 13" white MB is more powerful and the same price as the 11" MBA.

    And it is not as simple as a full OS, USB, and keyboard. You know since a tablet is without a keyboard.
  • Reply 48 of 137
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member
    Originally Posted by iStud View Post

    Maybe they had contractual obligations with MS, and had to produce a minimum number of units....?

    very possible. if not, then Ballmer threw a total fit and threatened war. he'd have looked like the utter fool he is if the Slate he personally hyped proved to be total vaporware. which foolish threat probably clinched HP's purchase of Palm. nice going!
  • Reply 49 of 137
    Originally Posted by NasserAE View Post

    but.. but it has full OS, USB, and HDMI ports!

    So does the average $800 Windows notebook that doesn't give up the keyboard, trackpad, or optical media drive. The HP Slate is not a game-changer. It's another in a decades-old parade of Windows tablet PCs that has yet to win over PC users at large.
  • Reply 50 of 137
    Originally Posted by zunx View Post

    Apple should release a truly mobile Mac. As light and small as possible. Ideally, 400 to 600 g and pocketable (or so). Whatever form factor (tablet, slider or clamshell). The Mac in your pocket (or purse or bag). Always.

    Why are you the one who always comes asking Apple to build seemingly impossible (or at least impractical) stuff? What, do you want a 20g iPhone with that?
  • Reply 51 of 137
    They must have a hell of a profit margin if they figured only 5000 would cover the development and tooling costs.
  • Reply 52 of 137
    I heard from someone who is working on Thor, that "everyone" on set was using iPads and Filemaker Go. I took that to mean that producers/coordinators/assistants etc. were using it. I'm sure they all looked very cool and relevant while doing so. Now, if someone was using a HP tablet on set, can you imagine the ridicule they would receive?! They would never work in this town again i'd guess.
  • Reply 53 of 137
    rp2011rp2011 Posts: 159member
    Jobs has put his neck and Apple's coffers on the line and won big for the last 10 years. His winnings are big enough to take some losses now. But I wouldn't bet against Job's right now, he's on a roll and the new products alone look to be able to let Apple coast for a while if it wanted. for they are still hungry and seem to have some big cards up their sleeve still with their still under wraps data center and whatever plans they have for their 50 billion dollar coffers and their ARM design companies.

    The Verizon iphone, ipad and mac apps store are only going to see their coffers continue to grow next year. Steve Jobs, CEO of the decade for sure.
  • Reply 54 of 137
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by waldobushman View Post

    Before one gets too worked up about the story, I would first be a little skeptical about the 5,000 to 9,000 unit builds. These numbers from a leaked document might be true, but I wouldn't stake any money on it.

    On the plus side, however, we do have some indication how much effort it requires for any company, even an HP, to build or contract to build factories to produce the components and assemble them and deliver them. Apple's logistical expertise is top of class and HP would need much time to compete just on those terms, regardless of how "magical" their product might be.

    Nonetheless, skepticism of the 5,000 unit numbers is still in order.

    It depends. I don't necessarily believe that this was all they ever intended to produce, but it could very well be all they made for a first run. Remember that everything we read, no matter where we read it, says that Win 7 tablets won't be a success. And as has been already stated here, Hp could have been contractually obligated to produce some minimum number. But, with that, it could be that this is a test run. Companies do that. If a couple of tablets were bought by a lot of companies, and they got them for evaluation, then in anywhere from a month to 6 months from now, it's possible that Hp will see dozens of orders from each of those companies, or not.
  • Reply 55 of 137
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by grking View Post

    You would lose your bet. MS has publicly said that tablets will be based on either the embedded version of Windows 7 or on Windows 8. But of course your view is common in the MS is evil crowd.

    Where are you getting your (wrong) information? MS said no such thing!

    Before making incorrect statements about something easily discoverable, check to see if you're correct before posting.
  • Reply 56 of 137
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Its hard to say that having a USB or HDMI port is a bad thing and while I like having them the Slate was a bad idea from the start. I have an HDMI out on my Evo and it would be nice to have one on my iPad.

    I was actually surprised they decided to even release the Slate I thought the project got killed a long time ago.

    Here's something interesting that I read about a month ago in Computerworld. It seems that one of the reasons why business likes the iPad so much is because it DOESN'T have a full fledged USB port. It seems as though that's a main port of entry for those stealing company info. Shove a USB stick with some nasty software in it and download whatever you want. No can do with the iPad (so far!).
  • Reply 57 of 137
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    I'd be more than skeptical. I'd be willing to bet that it's wrong.

    5,000 units at $800 is only $4 M - and that even assumes that the retailer doesn't keep any of the selling price.

    There's no way HP would develop a product for $4 M. Even if MS did all the software work, the tooling costs, marketing cost, testing costs, and support costs alone would more than eat up that much money.

    True, but what if they made 100,000, and people didn't buy them? That would be worse. as a past manufacturer, I can say that making a minimum number is a better bet than making a lot more that may not sell. As we've read, Hp can always make more. But one thing I've read that seems odd, is Hp having to recall the personnel. Are they actually making this themselves, and not having one of their contract manufacturers do it? Why would they do that?
  • Reply 58 of 137
    Originally Posted by maccherry View Post

    How low will HP go!

    OMFG! That is just classless!

    I read the specs for that "SLATE" and was not impressed! It's nothing but a keyboardless netbook. Period.

    The ipad is a content consumption device but many in the press have misconstrued the purpose of the ipad so they could set up other competing product along side it in what has become a hunt for the unicorn.

    Look at that Playbook(vaporware!) by RIM. LOL!

    Are we to believe that RIM, in just 4 months, will all of a sudden manufacture, along with credible software, 'THE BUSINESS TABLET" that apparently the world has been longing for?


    It has two things the iPad needs: 1) Stylus input (not the crappy 3rd party stylus) and 2) full Windows 7 handwriting recognition that can handle multiple languages as well as mathematical notation.

    WHY CAN'T THE IPAD DO THIS??? So many of use students, polyglots, and artists would kill for a slate that could do this!
  • Reply 59 of 137
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,599member
    Originally Posted by Lukeskymac View Post

    Why are you the one who always comes asking Apple to build seemingly impossible (or at least impractical) stuff? What, do you want a 20g iPhone with that?

    There's nothing wrong with wanting it. If 22 years ago, when Apple came out with the Macintosh Portable, at 16 pounds, with low rez B/W screen for $6,500, you asked for a laptop that weighed less than 3 pounds, with a high rez color screen, and wanted it for less than $1,000, people would have thought you were nuts.

    If you said you wanted several GB RAM, and a 64 or 128 GB HDD, they would have begun the commitment papers. And if you said that it had to be an SSD with high speed wireless networking, then they would have put you away without finishing the papers.

    Who knows what will be available in a few years?

    Oh, I almost forgot, that $1,000 22 years ago is about $1800 today, so working back, $1,000 today would be about $560 back then. That would mean that the 11.6" Macbook Air would have had to cost $560 back when the Macintosh Portable came out.
  • Reply 60 of 137
    this article is so funny

    Who in a right mind would purchase stylus oriented tablet with microshit windows ?

    why did HP bothered to produce this tablet?
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