IDC: Android poised to pass Apple's iOS, Nokia's Symbian in Europe



  • Reply 21 of 118
    Originally Posted by nagromme View Post

    Also, for Android to pass iOS, you have to count iPad and iPod Touch users too. Otherwise you just have ?all the different incompatible Android platforms combined? passing the iPhone alone. Not passing iOS.

    Yep. And you can throw in ATV into the equation as well.
  • Reply 22 of 118
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    ... and this is what I commented in an earlier story about the GT... 600,000 in the channel... maybe 150,000 sold... if they are lucky... and I also said that there will be deep discounts just before Christmas.

    So I'm wondering... when they are talking about the Android OS overtaking iOS, are they talking about just smartphones or are they talking about all Android and iOS devices? [on edit... I noticed that Nagromme mentioned the same thing]

    Thats the problem you spend too much time "wondernig" when you have no clue what you are talking about. If you have no clue if 600k were sold or not yet your tiny mind will try to justify they weren't
  • Reply 23 of 118
    Keep up the good work.
  • Reply 24 of 118
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    ... and this is what I commented in an earlier story about the GT... 600,000 in the channel... maybe 150,000 sold... if they are lucky... and I also said that there will be deep discounts just before Christmas.

    So I'm wondering... when they are talking about the Android OS overtaking iOS, are they talking about just smartphones or are they talking about all Android and iOS devices? [on edit... I noticed that Nagromme mentioned the same thing]

    Yeah i'm wondering the same thing.
  • Reply 25 of 118
    tjwtjw Posts: 216member
    Originally Posted by deuxlavabo View Post

    Competition in the smartphone market is not a zero-sum game. If the market were 100% saturated it would be... but it's far from it. iPhone will continue to see blockbuster growth, and yes, free Android handsets (with GOOG hoping to make a few ad $$ on the back end) will grow as well. In many cases the free option will out-grow the iPhone. Big deal. Would AAPL like it if Android weren't competing? Of course. Would they sell more? Sure. But this is the real world, and there is competition. AAPL will continue as it always has to make a superior product, and more and more people will buy it.

    In the phone world, carrier matters at least as much as handset, which is a big reason for Android's success. Get iPhones into Verizon showrooms, and their counterparts around the world, and iPhone market share is sure to pick up.

    As far as I am aware, the US market is the only market where the iPhone is only with one carrier. To all those expecting iPhone to wipe android off the face of the earth when Verizon gets it think again....

    Here in the UK iPhone is on every carrier, same story in most of Europe and yet this story is reporting android becoming the leading platform, all without the buy one get one free deals since they are US only. Get used to it fanboys.
  • Reply 26 of 118
    With WinMo starting as well..... I think that Android's growth will slow down a little. So maybe it is 2012?
  • Reply 27 of 118
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    This continues to be perplexing. Foxcon is cranking out an iPhone every one and a half seconds. How is it that Android phones are in abundance? Is it because there are multiple manufacturers?

    Well HTC, Samsung and Moto are the three main ones when it comes to Android. I know HTC had issues when the Evo came out and there was a delay for months.

    I live in Atlanta and I guess we tend to get a good supply of Apple products, I have never seen a shortage of iPhone or iPads in my area. iPhone only when it was first released by after that you can walk in and get just about any iPhone or iPad you want. Even at places like Target when it comes to the iPad, fully shocked, same with Best Buy.
  • Reply 28 of 118
    Originally Posted by TommyB View Post

    While I do appreciate that a horserace makes for a more compelling storyline, I do not understand why writers continue to speak of Android overtaking Apple iOS. The real story is that Android is replacing Windows. Period.

    Totally agree. I personally think it is great that there are two viable mobile platforms and neither of them is from Microsoft. This trend is likely to continue with Tablets and it is going to continue to drive many people away from Windows, even on the desktop.
  • Reply 29 of 118
    Originally Posted by Doorman. View Post

    With WinMo starting as well..... I think that Android's growth will slow down a little. So maybe it is 2012?

    Android doesn't seem to be slowing becasue they are not giving any offers on phones. The phones are the same price as the iPhone. RIM has been giong BOGO for a long time and Windows 7 phones were just released and they are already doing BOGO.
  • Reply 30 of 118
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    You act as if your stupidity bothers me. So when you can't post something educated you make yourself look even more stupid but using emotions that make you look like a mental health patient.

    Keep up the good work.

    Without taking sides Island Hermit wasn't actually attacking you. He was merely pointing out that you agreed that what you said was BS.

    Povilas said: Do you even understand what you are saying is pure BS?

    To which you replied: Actually I understand this very well.

    He was teasing you, you took the bait and now he's reeling you in. Let go of the hook.
  • Reply 31 of 118
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Thats the problem you spend too much time "wondernig" when you have no clue what you are talking about. If you have no clue if 600k were sold or not yet your tiny mind will try to justify they weren't

  • Reply 32 of 118
    Originally Posted by tjw View Post

    As far as I am aware, the US market is the only market where the iPhone is only with one carrier. To all those expecting iPhone to wipe android off the face of the earth when Verizon gets it think again....

    Here in the UK iPhone is on every carrier, same story in most of Europe and yet this story is reporting android becoming the leading platform, all without the buy one get one free deals since they are US only. Get used to it fanboys.

    I don't think most of of us really care that much about who wins what, we've been here before. I think all we're trying to establish is how many Android phones are actual sales to customers, not those delivered into the sales channels.
  • Reply 33 of 118
    Originally Posted by tjw View Post

    As far as I am aware, the US market is the only market where the iPhone is only with one carrier. To all those expecting iPhone to wipe android off the face of the earth when Verizon gets it think again....

    Here in the UK iPhone is on every carrier, same story in most of Europe and yet this story is reporting android becoming the leading platform, all without the buy one get one free deals since they are US only. Get used to it fanboys.

    how dare you! we here at north korea...i mean apple....will keep you fandroids in check one way or another!
  • Reply 34 of 118
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Android doesn't seem to be slowing becasue they are not giving any offers on phones. The phones are the same price as the iPhone. RIM has been giong BOGO for a long time and Windows 7 phones were just released and they are already doing BOGO.

    I don't think even hard core AFBs will argue that Android isn't a capable phone maybe in part because it is very similar to iPhone. When comparing any products before making a purchasing decision, fit and finish is is one factor to consider. My neighbor just bought the Galaxy phone and loves it, while his wife has an iPhone. When I held his phone it felt very bulky and the plastic construction seemed rather cheap. I really like the way my iPhone feels in the hand as well as the way it functions. Not to dis the Galaxy but the fit and finish on the iPhone is top notch.
  • Reply 35 of 118
    Originally Posted by Bretzelburg View Post

    Just try to buy one here. Even certified Apple resellers refuse to sell them because Apple can't deliver them enough stock (they even make this statement on their websites)... Personally I know of at least 10 people who want to buy one, including me (without a 2 year subscription from carrier Mobistar). Can't find it.

    Some people are buying Andy's just because there are no iPhones.

    Now that's an Apple Reseller with some real *balls*. The one I do some work for here in Asia would never have the guts to tell Apple to f*** off, well Apple wouldn't care anyway...

    But yeah, thank you for clarifying. Most people do not realise how impossibly difficult it is to find iPhone 4 in many European, Asian, Middle Eastern, etc. markets. Let alone iPads which have barely launched officially in so, so many countries.

    The issue is, Apple can sell much more, if they make much more. End of story.

    In the meantime, people will continue to buy more of Android and Blackberry because it's more readily available, of course also Android is so widely available from so many handset manufacturers.

    Apple is 1. Only one company. 2. At the very max of its (current) production capacity.

    Of course Android is going to "win"! That is, have more marketshare, if you consider that "winning", which some might do.
  • Reply 36 of 118
    Originally Posted by Mr Underhill View Post

    Without taking sides Island Hermit wasn't actually attacking you. He was merely pointing out that you agreed that what you said was BS.

    Povilas said: Do you even understand what you are saying is pure BS?

    To which you replied: Actually I understand this very well.

    He was teasing you, you took the bait and now he's reeling you in. Let go of the hook.

    Whatever Island he is on they need to disconnect the power. Or let it sink into the ocean. The IQ of the forum would go up by 20%.

    Problem on this forum is any chance of having a technology debate on products other then what Apple has to offer is dead within about three posts. Its sad and pathetic. I am not only a fan of Apple I am a fan of technology and I like talking about more then just Apple products and to compare what others have to offer.

    In many cases we have a group that simply likes to go into defensive mode because they have some complex that Apple needs to rule the world. Then you have the other group that is afraid they aren't going to be seen as cool enough because now everyone owns Apple products. Its like a power struggle between their ears.

    If it wasn't so pathetic it would be funny to watch.
  • Reply 37 of 118
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Whatever Island he is on they need to disconnect the power. Or let it sink into the ocean. The IQ of the forum would go up by 20%.

    Problem on this forum is any chance of having a technology debate on products other then what Apple has to offer is dead within about three posts. Its sad and pathetic. I am not only a fan of Apple I am a fan of technology and I like talking about more then just Apple products and to compare what others have to offer.

    In many cases we have a group that simply likes to go into defensive mode because they have some complex that Apple needs to rule the world. Then you have the other group that is afraid they aren't going to be seen as cool enough because now everyone owns Apple products. Its like a power struggle between their ears.

    If it wasn't so pathetic it would be funny to watch.

    It's them Dharma Project experiments.
  • Reply 38 of 118
    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post

    how dare you! we here at north korea...i mean apple....will keep you fandroids in check one way or another!

    That is bizarre. They do have many PC-related magazine apps (I think, never bothered to look for PC magazine apps) and definitely also through Zinio.
  • Reply 39 of 118
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    I don't think even hard core AFBs will argue that Android isn't a capable phone maybe in part because it is very similar to iPhone. When comparing any products before making a purchasing decision, fit and finish is is one factor to consider. My neighbor just bought the Galaxy phone and loves it, while his wife has an iPhone. When I held his phone it felt very bulky and the plastic construction seemed rather cheap. I really like the way my iPhone feels in the hand as well as the way it functions. Not to dis the Galaxy but the fit and finish on the iPhone is top notch.

    I like the fit and finish of the iPhone also but I think its human nature that even if a product is better over time the consumer looks for change or something new. I think that is why Android is going so well its the first new thing that can compete with the iPhone.

    While I like the size of my iPad and I didn't like the Galaxy Tab, I like the size of my Evo better then the iPhone. Its what I have become use too, I find the bigger screen better for web use I do alot. Now to me the iPhone seems too small.

    While this rarely gets mentioned I also think a big downside to owning an iPhone now that alot more teens have phones is the fact you can't get insurance on your iPhone like you can other smartphones. My daughter doesn't have a friend that doesn't have a cracked iPhone 4 already. All glass and teens do not go together and alot of parents understand that and they don't want ot have to shell out 600.00 if there kid drops their iPhone when you can protect yourself against that with just about every other phone.
  • Reply 40 of 118
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    In many cases we have a group that simply likes to go into defensive mode because they have some complex that Apple needs to rule the world. Then you have the other group that is afraid they aren't going to be seen as cool enough because now everyone owns Apple products.

    I think i fall into the latter category. But at least the name calling has stopped.

    I need to find another technology company that's in its ascendancy that also make compelling products. Any tips?
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