IDC: Android poised to pass Apple's iOS, Nokia's Symbian in Europe



  • Reply 81 of 118
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by Bretzelburg View Post

    Just try to buy one here. Even certified Apple resellers refuse to sell them because Apple can't deliver them enough stock (they even make this statement on their websites:


    ). Personally I know of at least 10 people who want to buy one, including me (without a 2 year subscription from carrier Mobistar). Can't find it.

    Some people are buying Andy's just because there are no iPhones.

    Same situation here. 3 weeks and counting for my wife iphone4. I wonder how many people would tolerate this.
  • Reply 82 of 118
    Originally Posted by 蘋果蘋果蘋果 View Post

    That's because the iPhone is only available on one carrier, while the Android is available everywhere. And they wonder why Android is beating the iPhone?

    Hey - but who is making the money? They gotta give those Androids away to get anybody (except fanboys) to use them. Can you say BOGO? I knew you could.

    Nobody gives away iPhones for free. Nobody.

    Actually, overseas, the iPhone is given away free as part of a contract by many carriers.

    As for the bolded part, spoken like a true Apple fanboy. You have to remember that for many, a free phone is what their budget allows for. Not everyone can put down $199 or $299 smartphone.
  • Reply 83 of 118
    Originally Posted by 蘋果蘋果蘋果 View Post

    That's because the iPhone is only available on one carrier, while the Android is available everywhere. And they wonder why Android is beating the iPhone?

    Hey - but who is making the money? They gotta give those Androids away to get anybody (except fanboys) to use them. Can you say BOGO? I knew you could.

    Nobody gives away iPhones for free. Nobody.

    What AI needs is writing recognition software so they can just automatically and permanently ban this joker.
  • Reply 84 of 118
    tjwtjw Posts: 216member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    What AI needs is writing recognition software so they can just automatically and permanently ban this joker.

    why does he need to be banned? Does he not conform to your church of jobs?
  • Reply 85 of 118
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    I used the Galaxy Tab this weekend there isn't anything great about it. Honestly I think Apple would put alot of this competition to rest if they simply allowed users to install 10.1 on their system if they wanted too, like Android.

    Again, DaHarder disagrees.
  • Reply 86 of 118
    Originally Posted by maccherry View Post

    Apple controls iOS 100% while so they get 100% of the money!


    That is a very important point.
  • Reply 87 of 118
    Originally Posted by tjw View Post

    why does he need to be banned? Does he not conform to your church of jobs?

    I don't see what this has to do with worshiping full employment.
  • Reply 88 of 118
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Didn't Steve say that their numbers come from activations not channel shipments? .

    Yes. He also told us that Google is cooking the books on its alleged iPhone-killing "Market Share".
  • Reply 89 of 118
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    What AI needs is writing recognition software so they can just automatically and permanently ban this joker.

    you and kim jong-il....i mean steve think alike!
  • Reply 90 of 118
    Originally Posted by 蘋果蘋果蘋果 View Post

    Yes. He also told us that Google is cooking the books on its alleged iPhone-killing "Market Share".

    And how do you know Steve didn't do the same when he presented his numbers?
  • Reply 91 of 118
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    Inventory is inventory. I was just responding to your post questioning how many GT are ultimately "sold".

    You keep saying "Inventory is inventory"... What does that mean?

    For Apple, and its channel partners, inventory has a cost: (the time value of money tied up in inventory, space costs, shipping costs, receiving costs, handling costs, etc.) Once the inventory is sold those costs are gone. Until the inventory is sold, by agreement, the reseller can return the inventory to Apple (with certain limitations) at the cost of shipping, receiving, restocking, etc.

    With the way electronics are being introduced into today's marketplace, there is also a certain amount of perishability associated with inventory -- its value decreases the longer it is being held in inventory (even as additional costs are being added, as above).

    A good example of perishability;

    -- An orange grower in Los Angeles picks the oranges when they are ripe;

    -- He loads them on a train destined for New York City.

    -- the grower has out standing orders for, say, 30% of his harvest

    -- as the train travels across the country additional carloads are sold along the way

    Ideally, when the train reaches NYC, all the carloads of oranges remaining are contracted for sale.

    Worst case, the entire trainload reaches NYC with none sold -- there is a glut of oranges -- they are beginning to rot.

    Realistically, the price of oranges is carefully negotiated along the way, by buyers and sellers, with consideration given to the "perishability" of the inventory.

    Edit: Yeah, I know -- with Florida Oranges, the consumer just needs to stick her hand way back in the gondola and the grower will hand her a carton of OJ.

    Certainly this is apples and oranges [pun], but no modern reseller wants to hold inventories of rapidly changing electronics for anything longer than 6 weeks -- Rather, 2 weeks or as close to JIT as possible. Savvy manufacturers, like Apple, are well aware of this, and do everything they can to work with their resellers to help them forecast, plan, order, sell and re-balance their inventories. This works to everyone's benefit: Apple, Resellers and the consumer.

    Modern Production, CoGS, Inventory Management, Channel Management, systems take all this into consideration (including the perishability of inventory).

    The companies that do this well, prosper -- those that don't, languish.

    Apple, especially Tim Cook, does this as well as anyone.

    I sincerely doubt that Samsung, HP, Dell, RIM, MSFT, etc. come close to Apple's channel and inventory management...

    So, no: Invnetory is not Inventory!
  • Reply 92 of 118
    Originally Posted by matrix07 View Post

    Again, DaHarder disagrees.

    Stop being a moron. I don't post as anyone else, I have been here since 2006 and I will fully take credit for anything I say. There wasn't anything wrong with my comment about installing Flash if the end user wants that option. Get a life.
  • Reply 93 of 118
    kevtkevt Posts: 195member
    Originally Posted by 蘋果蘋果蘋果 View Post

    That's because the iPhone is only available on one carrier, while the Android is available everywhere. And they wonder why Android is beating the iPhone?

    Hey - but who is making the money? They gotta give those Androids away to get anybody (except fanboys) to use them. Can you say BOGO? I knew you could.

    Nobody gives away iPhones for free. Nobody.

    Wake up! We're talking Europe here. In most of Europe, certainly the major countries iPhone is on all carriers! And still leapfrogging not only Apple, but market-leading Symbian.

    Originally Posted by 蘋果蘋果蘋果 View Post

    Can you say BOGO? I knew you could.

    Nobody gives away iPhones for free. Nobody.

    I'm in the UK, BOGOF are few and makes very little difference.

    What makes a bigger difference is that Android phone start at lower price points and there is more choice

    Originally Posted by 蘋果蘋果蘋果 View Post

    They gotta give those Androids away to get anybody (except fanboys) to use them.

    Sure, only Android fanboys would use and Android phone.

    And only Apple fanboys would use an iPhone.
  • Reply 94 of 118
    samabsamab Posts: 1,953member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Well, considering that they added more new subscribers than Verizon last quarter, and the quarter before that, and the quarter before that, ...*, I think they're probably doing OK. You really are the king of data misrepresentation, samab.


    Not when you only look at the postpaid net adds --- which is what the iphone is all about.

    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    I sincerely doubt that Samsung, HP, Dell, RIM, MSFT, etc. come close to Apple's channel and inventory management...

    Frozen orange juice futures --- old eddie murphy movie.

    Apple channel and inventory management:

    (1) idiotic carriers like in Russia signing minimum order that they can't sell

    (2) mysteriously "ran out" of iphone in the quarter before a new iphone was launched

    (3) we still haven't see a white iphone 4
  • Reply 95 of 118
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Again, you do not understand distribution -- especially Apple distribution. My company was an Apple reseller for more than 11 years.

    To qualify as an Apple reseller you must:

    -- satisfy minimum financial and legal requirements

    -- agree to certain terms and conditions *

    -- place an initial minimum order **

    -- place a series of follow-on orders and forecasts for the next quarter, or quarters **

    -- report al least monthly ** on your sell-through

    -- update at least monthly ** your orders and forecasts for the next quarter, or quarters

    * you cannot transship inventory to anyone without permission -- you sell what you have, keep it, or return it to Apple with a restocking charge.

    ** If you do not perform well in sales, forecasts, and returns your profit margins will be reduced to the point where it is not profitable for you or Apple -- and you will not be re-authorized

    Just as with everything else, Apple is interested in a vibrant, profitable, well-funded reseller channel. It's Apple's football, you play their game. The reporting assures that Apple knows what inventory is in the channel and what is being sold.

    Certainly, there are exceptions -- resellers break the rules, lose their authorization, etc. and dispose of their Apple inventory as best they can. But, the channel cleanses itself.


    Brillant insight into the world of Apple retailing. Thanks for sharing that.
  • Reply 96 of 118
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by tjw View Post

    why does he need to be banned? Does he not conform to your church of jobs?

    Because having been banned once he keeps reregistering under different names, a clear violation of the posting guidelines.

    Good enough reason for you?
  • Reply 97 of 118
    successsuccess Posts: 1,040member
    Originally Posted by tjw View Post

    As far as I am aware, the US market is the only market where the iPhone is only with one carrier...

    Nope, Japan as well.
  • Reply 98 of 118
    Originally Posted by samab View Post

    Not when you only look at the postpaid net adds --- which is what the iphone is all about.

    What does that mean?


    Frozen orange juice futures --- old eddie murphy movie.

    No, actual personal experience -- worked for IBM at the time on a project for Minute Maid. Some of us gain experience by doing -- others by watching (actors playing roles in imaginary movie plots).


    Apple channel and inventory management:

    (1) idiotic carriers like in Russia signing minimum order that they can't sell

    (2) mysteriously "ran out" of iphone in the quarter before a new iphone was launched

    (3) we still haven't see a white iphone 4

    1 - Apple is not perfect - but their practices are self- correcting.

    2 - Proof of widespread lack of inventory? Sales slowed in anticipation of new iPhone 4 - just like any anticipated new model of a car, TV, etc.

    3 - not able to mfgr to Apple QC standards.

    That all you got?
  • Reply 99 of 118
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Because having been banned once he keeps reregistering under different names, a clear violation of the posting guidelines.

    Good enough reason for you, asshole?

    She really gets under your skin, eh?
  • Reply 100 of 118
    here in china, a month before the delivery time for iphones were 2 months and now there is no delivery time mentioned on apple websites nor on china unicom stores.... i never see here people using android phones, hell i've never seen an android phone...
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