IDC: Android poised to pass Apple's iOS, Nokia's Symbian in Europe



  • Reply 101 of 118
    freerangefreerange Posts: 1,597member
    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Android doesn't seem to be slowing becasue they are not giving any offers on phones. The phones are the same price as the iPhone. RIM has been giong BOGO for a long time and Windows 7 phones were just released and they are already doing BOGO.

    That's total BS. Android devices are being discounted all over the place. You have no idea what you're and are an abusive jerk looking at your obsessive chain of BS posts.
  • Reply 102 of 118
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by 애플애플애플애플애플애플 View Post

    She really gets under your skin, eh?

    Actually, I'm getting the ban thing down to a science, where I barely have to think about your sad, wretched existence.
  • Reply 103 of 118
    Originally Posted by FreeRange View Post

    That's total BS. Android devices are being discounted all over the place. You have no idea what you're and are an abusive jerk looking at your obsessive chain of BS posts.

    "You have no idea what you're and are an abusive jerk looking at your obsessive chain of BS posts."

    I guess I would comment on that if I understood what you were trying to say.

    Like the newest iPhone non of the new Android phones are being discounted. That would be the Samsung Epic, HTC Evo, HTC Incredible, Droid 2 and Droid X. All on par with the iPhone hardware wise.

    Now if you are talking about phones that are much older then yes I am sure they are being discounted. So the only one that is full of BS is you.
  • Reply 104 of 118
    daharderdaharder Posts: 1,580member
    Originally Posted by matrix07 View Post

    Again, DaHarder disagrees.

    I strongly suggest that you concern yourself with what you think, and leave me out of your little inane comments.

  • Reply 105 of 118
    Are we going to get this same story each time Android passes iPhone in some part of the world?

    "Android passes iPhone in Burkina Faso!"

    "Android passes iPhone in Malta!"

    "Android passes iPhone in Antarctica!"

  • Reply 106 of 118
    paul94544paul94544 Posts: 1,027member
    Originally Posted by deuxlavabo View Post

    Competition in the smartphone market is not a zero-sum game. If the market were 100% saturated it would be... but it's far from it. iPhone will continue to see blockbuster growth, and yes, free Android handsets (with GOOG hoping to make a few ad $$ on the back end) will grow as well. In many cases the free option will out-grow the iPhone. Big deal. Would AAPL like it if Android weren't competing? Of course. Would they sell more? Sure. But this is the real world, and there is competition. AAPL will continue as it always has to make a superior product, and more and more people will buy it.

    In the phone world, carrier matters at least as much as handset, which is a big reason for Android's success. Get iPhones into Verizon showrooms, and their counterparts around the world, and iPhone market share is sure to pick up.

    I agree with most of what you say and would like to add that phones only last 2 years and as such the market is many times more dynamic than the computer market, so not only is the smart phone market not saturated but will also exhibit more flux until the devices become commodities. Android I fear will become more of a commodity OS for the smartphone and thus cheaper than the iPhone. I can see $100 android phones very soon, can Apple match that? Probably not - I think apple will be forced to into an entry level iPhone, if they don't I think they will suffer. Of course their tendency will be to go for the high end which has worked for them in the past but I wonder how long this will last in a commodity phone world. Perhaps this is the real reason they made the iPad. SJ is clever he knows the iPhone like any device has a lifespan. He knows Apple must continue to innovate to succeed of course and create new catogories of device. iPad is their latest attempt

    I imagine the next device they attempt might be touch sensitive something, on some kind of surface who knows.

    blah blah blah
  • Reply 107 of 118
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Google's Android mobile operating system will pass Apple's iOS and Nokia's Symbian in 2011 to become the top smartphone platform in all of Europe, IDC has predicted.

    So 37 handsets by 14 manufacturers (all combined) will outsell 1 handset by 1 manufacturer?

    Not really saying much, is it?
  • Reply 108 of 118
    chris_cachris_ca Posts: 2,543member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Actually, I'm getting the ban thing down to a science, where I barely have to think about your sad, wretched existence.

    And yet, you still reply...
  • Reply 109 of 118
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by Chris_CA View Post

    And yet, you still reply...

    And then you, of course, have to say something to me. Do you know anything about the situation? Privy to any PMs? No? Then shut up.
  • Reply 110 of 118
    Originally Posted by Chris_CA View Post

    And yet, you still reply...

    That is because he's obsessed. He's my biggest fan.
  • Reply 111 of 118
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    And then you, of course, have to say something to me. Do you know anything about the situation? Privy to any PMs? No? Then shut up.

    Rude people like you need to be banned.
  • Reply 112 of 118
    There's always hanky panky that does go on but Apple does get wise to some or most of it. Resellers do follow some pretty tight guidelines. But it varies in different countries, and Apple is not as hardcore strict as they have been several years ago. Also the big difference is Apple Cupertino/ geographic hq's deals with telcos directly a lot.

    In countries where the grey market thrives it can be heck of an annoyance being an official Apple Reseller because you cannot carry the hottest products until official launches, in the meantime, you're slammed hard by customers expecting you not only to carry the hottest products (ie. iPhone 4 and iPad), they also expect you to provide full support for warranty issues, etc. which are sometimes not possible because it hasn't been authorised by Apple.

    Hence as a poster mentioned the Belgian reseller saying they wouldn't even bother with iPhones at all. Probably a smart move. Even back as far as the iPhone 3G I was in the UK and visited Brussels, it was months of very limited iPhone stock. Quite insane at times.

    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Again, you do not understand distribution -- especially Apple distribution. My company was an Apple reseller for more than 11 years.

    To qualify as an Apple reseller you must:

    -- satisfy minimum financial and legal requirements

    -- agree to certain terms and conditions *

    -- place an initial minimum order **

    -- place a series of follow-on orders and forecasts for the next quarter, or quarters **

    -- report al least monthly ** on your sell-through

    -- update at least monthly ** your orders and forecasts for the next quarter, or quarters

    * you cannot transship inventory to anyone without permission -- you sell what you have, keep it, or return it to Apple with a restocking charge.

    ** If you do not perform well in sales, forecasts, and returns your profit margins will be reduced to the point where it is not profitable for you or Apple -- and you will not be re-authorized

    Just as with everything else, Apple is interested in a vibrant, profitable, well-funded reseller channel. It's Apple's football, you play their game. The reporting assures that Apple knows what inventory is in the channel and what is being sold.

    Certainly, there are exceptions -- resellers break the rules, lose their authorization, etc. and dispose of their Apple inventory as best they can. But, the channel cleanses itself.


  • Reply 113 of 118
    Originally Posted by cutykamu View Post

    here in china, a month before the delivery time for iphones were 2 months and now there is no delivery time mentioned on apple websites nor on china unicom stores.... i never see here people using android phones, hell i've never seen an android phone...

    Holy moley it is true...

    The Apple China online store says: (Google translated)

    16 GB

    RMB 4,999

    Estimated time of delivery: No Supply

    32 GB

    RMB 5,999

    Estimated time of delivery: No Supply
  • Reply 114 of 118
    tjwtjw Posts: 216member
    Originally Posted by cutykamu View Post

    here in china, a month before the delivery time for iphones were 2 months and now there is no delivery time mentioned on apple websites nor on china unicom stores.... i never see here people using android phones, hell i've never seen an android phone...

    No offence, but China is kind of irrelevant in this debate. The Chinese and asian markets are totally different.
  • Reply 115 of 118
    tjwtjw Posts: 216member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Because having been banned once he keeps reregistering under different names, a clear violation of the posting guidelines.

    Good enough reason for you?

    And how are you so sure it is him?
  • Reply 116 of 118
    tjwtjw Posts: 216member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    I don't see what this has to do with worshiping full employment.

    You don't get it? Are you stupid?
  • Reply 117 of 118
    mr. hmr. h Posts: 4,870member
    Let's nip this in the bud:

    Please don't discuss in threads whether or not people are trolls. It is completely off-topic. If you suspect someone of being a troll, just report the post and do not reply to it. That includes you, addabox.

    Off-topic posts are being/have been deleted.

    Originally Posted by tjw View Post

    And how are you so sure it is him?

    Because I confirmed to him that it was.

    This guy accumulated, under a different handle, sufficient infraction points to be permanently banned. In theory it's the person that is banned not the handle, so any time he re-registers he will be banned again. One day he might give up this stupid game.

    Do not reply to this post. Any questions or comments should be directed to me or other moderators via PM. Thanks.
  • Reply 118 of 118
    Originally Posted by tjw View Post

    No offence, but China is kind of irrelevant in this debate. The Chinese and asian markets are totally different.

    Not sure about it being irrelevant. Apple makes x amount of iPhone4 and iPad. They have to allocate this globally. We know Apple takes the China market seriously. They also think Europe is important... or maybe not.

    When talking about iOS devices, it's as I feel an issue with how much stock Apple can make, and *where* they channel that stock, geographically and temporally.

    If China is listed as "no date" at all, that means other geographic regions will definitely be experiencing shortages. The major Asian markets (China, Hong Kong, Korea) will influence stock allocation to Europe, in some way or the other.

    Imagine... Just a few months after a big launch in China at several brand new, large Apple Stores, and Apple Online Store China selling iPhones, no iPhones are available with no estimated date. This clearly indicates some serious demand globally that is not being fulfilled satisfactorily.
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