Verizon rumored to launch LTE 4G capable Apple iPhone after Christmas

in iPhone edited January 2014
A new report claims that Apple will launch a new iPhone on the Verizon network after Christmas, with the upgraded handset capable of accessing the carrier's new 4G long-term evolution wireless network.

Citing a single, anonymous source, MacDailyNews reported on Monday that Verizon showed off LTE-capable iPhones to company management at a training session last week. The information was credited to a source that the site said it believes is "credible," but cautioned that the news should be treated as a rumor without independent confirmation.

MacDailyNews isn't a usual source of inside information, and a few alleged insider tips they have reported in the past have missed the mark. However, this story has been reported for the sake of completeness.

If true, the rumor would contradict reports from a number of mainstream publications, including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and Bloomberg. Those reports claimed that Apple plans to launch a CDMA iPhone in early 2011, but made no mention of an LTE 4G radio.

In Monday's latest report, the source claimed that the new iPhone will be announced after Christmas, as the current exclusive carrier of Apple's smartphone, AT&T, reportedly had a "final demand" to maximize holiday sales.

The new Verizon iPhone is rumored to become immediately available once it is announced, and it was said that the CDMA variant of the handset has been completed for some time.

"Verizon agreed to take 100% responsibility for security, so all the devices will be in their hands until the official announcement date, and they will then distribute thru channels in massive manner (hence early stockpiling)," the report said.

The source claimed that the new handset will be marketed as Verizon's first and only 4G LTE phone, but because the network is not yet nationwide, it will also include a CDMA chip for coverage on the company's existing network. Verizon's 4G network launched earlier this month in 38 metropolitan areas and more than 60 commercial airports across the U.S., offering data speeds of between 5 and 12 megabits per second downstream.

The report said that Apple originally planned to launch an "iPhone 5" in the summer of 2011 as LTE-only, but it looks unlikely that either AT&T or Verizon will have their 4G network operational nationwide by then. It was said that Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs is unhappy with the situation, and the company is assisting the carriers in building their next-generation networks.

Some previous reports explicitly stated that the next iPhone will not support LTE, though it has also been rumored that the Verizon iPhone could support concurrent data and voice connections, unlike previous CDMA devices.

In November, Verizon Chief Executive Ivan Seidenberg admitted his company's 4G LTE network has attracted the attention of Apple. He said that attention helped the carrier to gain access to the iPad, which it began selling in October.


  • Reply 1 of 94
    This rumor does not necessarily contradict mainstream publications since "early 2011" is still considered "after Christmas"
  • Reply 2 of 94
    this is such bull. A "final demand" from AT&T? What leverage would they have? Verizon taking "100% responsibility" for the safety of the iPhones? Fat chance apple allows that. Verizon management saw the new iPhone in a "training session?" What training could they possibly need? Perhaps the most senior of executives/engineers have seen the verizon iPhone, but not anybody who would leak such info. Steve Jobs "not happy" about the 4g status? He's unwilling to help AT&T bolster their network, why would he help Verizon?

    And on top of it all, every legitimate mainstream news source missed out on this story, yet "macdailynews" gets it? Highly suspect. Don't hold your breath.
  • Reply 3 of 94
    In all seriousness, how long have the Verizon iphone rumors existed now? Did it start the day the first iphone came out, or announced even?

    It's the saaaame stuff all the time with this rumor.
  • Reply 4 of 94
    This would be very un-apple to do this, ie make a first generation product totally feature-complete. I mean, what are they going to sell the early adopters next year? There is a reason why, for instance, the iPad has less RAM than the iPhone 4 released only weeks later, and why it has no cameras. They will get it on the next go-around and make more money in the process.

    The Verizon iPhonefinally makes good on a disappointment from the original 2007 launch: the network. Personally, it's the reason I don't have an iPhone and CDMA is already a dream for most of us. Why drive up the manufacturing costs, risk wading into unprecedented technology on the world stage, etc and cannibalize future sales in the process? CDMA is the profit-maximizing first step, and 4G will come later. If not January 2012, then perhaps this spring.
  • Reply 5 of 94
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    "Verizon agreed to take 100% responsibility for security, so all the devices will be in their hands until the official announcement date, and they will then distribute thru channels in massive manner (hence early stockpiling)," the report said.

    The report said that Apple originally planned to launch an "iPhone 5" in the summer of 2011 as LTE-only, but it looks unlikely that either AT&T or Verizon will have their 4G network operational nationwide by then. It was said that Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs is unhappy with the situation, and the company is assisting the carriers in building their next-generation networks.

    Some previous reports explicitly stated that the next iPhone will not support LTE, though it has also been rumored that the Verizon iPhone could support concurrent data and voice connections, unlike previous CDMA devices.

    Apple giving anyone 100% responsibility on anything is hilarious.

    There's no way Apple thought that Verizon would have a complete rollout of LTE by the summer of 2011. That's completely absurd. Anyone with half a brain knows that we will see dual band CDMA/LTE phones for a long time. I call BS!
  • Reply 6 of 94
    Don't know how true the rumor is, but if it is true...WHOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!
  • Reply 7 of 94
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    In all seriousness, how long have the Verizon iphone rumors existed now? Did it start the day the first iphone came out, or announced even?

    It's the saaaame stuff all the time with this rumor.

    Since before the iPhone was officially announced for any carrier. However, I think there is enough circumstantial evidence to say that a CDMA-based iPhone is coming in 2011, and that Verizon will most likely be a carrier.

    Regarding the article, an iPhone with an LTE chip in 2011 seems very far fetched. I have seen nary an LTE chip for handsets that even come close to meeting what I presume is Apple?s size and power consumption restrictions. Oh, there will be handsets with LTE in 2011, but unless Apple wants to drop its ?smallest smartphone in the world? title and/or has found away to better the technology in ways that the longstanding cellular chip makers haven?t been able to do then I think it?s impossible for task for Apple at this point.
  • Reply 8 of 94
    A Verizon/iPhone rumor? I've never heard one of those before.
  • Reply 9 of 94
    Originally Posted by chronster View Post

    In all seriousness, how long have the Verizon iphone rumors existed now? Did it start the day the first iphone came out, or announced even?

    It's the saaaame stuff all the time with this rumor.

    The rumors have been around forever, but John Gruber's knowledge of it coming has not. I took every rumor with a pound of salt until he gave it a 90% go status a few months ago. His track record is good enough I believe he would know, and he now regards it as pretty much a certainty. I'd also rely on feature lists from him far more than from anonymous sources. I'm content to wait and see what'll happen.
  • Reply 10 of 94

    Wake me up if it ever happens. Until then, these rumors are boring.

    And besides, I'm locked in to ATT for the duration, I already get service which is comparable to Verizon, and so who the heck cares?
  • Reply 11 of 94
    since when is 4G only a solid 5-12 Mbps?
  • Reply 12 of 94
    well even if they come out with Verizon LTE iPhone I won't be getting it stick with my AT&T iPhone 4 until Verizon lowers their horrible LTE Prices......

    like $50 for 5GB which on LTE can burn through in 32 minutes... no thanks....
  • Reply 13 of 94
    Adding Verizon is important and it *will* happen in 2011. No doubt. If it does have LTE boy will that be sexy.

    The other thing to note is that Apple needs to go multi carrier In China with that CDMA variant but there's not enough stock to go around as it is in China.

    So to sum up my rambling, 2011 = shoring up Apple's home fort and finally giving ATT a nice nudge in the 'nads
  • Reply 14 of 94
    there going to come out with a CDMA iphone 3GS
  • Reply 15 of 94
    Originally Posted by SteveLV702 View Post

    well even if they come out with Verizon LTE iPhone I won't be getting it stick with my AT&T iPhone 4 until Verizon lowers their horrible LTE Prices......

    like $50 for 5GB which on LTE can burn through in 32 minutes... no thanks....

    I really cannot see myself going through anything more than 1GB on my iPhone as it is. Tethering though, if the connection was actually any good (3G tethering pales of course in comparison to DSL etc) you could hit 10GB and beyond.
  • Reply 16 of 94
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by AppleStud View Post

    this is such bull. A "final demand" from AT&T? What leverage would they have? Verizon taking "100% responsibility" for the safety of the iPhones? Fat chance apple allows that. Verizon management saw the new iPhone in a "training session?" What training could they possibly need? Perhaps the most senior of executives/engineers have seen the verizon iPhone, but not anybody who would leak such info. Steve Jobs "not happy" about the 4g status? He's unwilling to help AT&T bolster their network, why would he help Verizon?

    And on top of it all, every legitimate mainstream news source missed out on this story, yet "macdailynews" gets it? Highly suspect. Don't hold your breath.

    Maybe the executives did see the phone in the training session, but it was all a test to see if the execs could keep their mouths shut (as a prerequisite for the 100% responsibility thing).
  • Reply 17 of 94
    Originally Posted by SteveLV702 View Post

    well even if they come out with Verizon LTE iPhone I won't be getting it stick with my AT&T iPhone 4 until Verizon lowers their horrible LTE Prices......

    like $50 for 5GB which on LTE can burn through in 32 minutes... no thanks....

    Those are aircard plans. Verizon hasn't said anything about cell phone plans. Of course it's easy to guess that the cell plans won't be too far off those prices.

    On a different note, I don't think an LTE iPhone will be out this year because I am quite sure that a 4G chip requires significant power and it would each the battery just as fast as WiMax does.
  • Reply 18 of 94
    Originally Posted by GotWake View Post

    Apple giving anyone 100% responsibility on anything is hilarious.

    Yep, cause Apple would still be deemed as liable if something went sideways.

    Also, wasn't there a report that Jobs already said that the next iPhone would not be LTE, even dual.

    As for the whole 'the CDMA model has been ready for a while' where are all the leaks. Generally we get all kinds of this or that site recorded traffic blah blah. Assuming it is built it would have been field tested by now. So where's the proof positive.

    Frankly I still question any intent to have a Verizon phone while they have a CDMA fall back. The lack of such a phone in any area not hobbled by the deal with ATT (basically all areas not the US) seems like a huge sign that Apple doesn't want anything to do with the tech. At least in tms of a phone.

    That said, if they are going to release it, I wish they would do it. And if they aren't, I wish Jobs would get up on stage and tell folks, that unless Verizon starts supporting GSM, it won't happen even if hell freezes over, so shut up.
  • Reply 19 of 94
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,600member
    I don't know whether this is true or not, but it makes holding the stock difficult. If it's true, the price will go up at least another five points, and possibly ten. If it's shown to be untrue, it will drop as much as ten. That's a big differential.
  • Reply 20 of 94
    Originally Posted by reklss41 View Post

    there going to come out with a CDMA iphone 3GS

    That would really, really suck. No way they could do this, not in the face of Android's current success.
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