Apple TV challenge from Google falls flat in 2010



  • Reply 121 of 135
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    Artefacts, what artefacts?

    Maybe you shouldn't buy tv's from seconds world.

    Oh, that's it!

    Nice spelling there btw.
  • Reply 122 of 135
    Originally Posted by sprockkets View Post

    ... Right, they aren't stupid. They aren't mechanically inclined nor can they think critically. ...

    Well, the competition was stiff, but sprockkets (who, ironically, chastised someone for spelling issues) wins the prize as the most arrogant, obnoxious, generally offensive and clueless troll of the week, and it's only Monday.
  • Reply 123 of 135
    vspvsp Posts: 32member
    Originally Posted by Gary54 View Post

    a great internet search engine. Does anyone have a better one? Apple?

    Google's core competency is search. Search on the web is their bread and butter and everything else is subordinate to ads. At first it seems that Google has the the world as its oyster but soon with the advent of Facebook, Twitter, Apple's iAd and Microsoft's Bing the efficacy of Google's ads empire began to loose its lustre. Google saw the threat and it began to extend its tentacles into every direction without any clear strategy. It was panic and Google was like a chicken without a head. Google began to buy up companies and offer their services "free" so that it would sustain its ads monopoly. But the developers of these services soon became disillusion because Google was feeding their "creations" to the voracious ads machine. Their "babies" were being treated as cannon fodders to the evil ads monopoly and they were not happy about it. So the founders of AdMob, YouTube, Wave and many others scuttle Google for greener pastures.

    Other reasons why Google product launches failed miserably are because Google's employees considered themselves to be the crème de la crème of the tech industry and many of them became like prima donnas who think that whatever they created would automatically become the darlings of the consuming public. But they were terribly wrong and were soon brought down to earth as many of their products were duds.

    Google's treachery with its friends and partners were legendary. It's theft of Apple's iPhone ideas made a bitter adversary of a former ally. While Apple crafted its strategy with consummate flair, Google was flailing with one failure after another. Google's "free" Android to every Jack and sundry has opened the door to Asian competitors like Samsung, Asus, HTC and others to weaken American darlings such as Dell and HP to be also-rans. American producers are playing in an unleveled playing field against Asian giants and soon will concede the tech industry to Asia.
  • Reply 124 of 135
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Well, the competition was stiff, but sprockkets(who, ironically, chastised someone for spelling issues) wins the prize as the most arrogant, obnoxious, generally offensive and clueless troll of the week, and it's only Monday.

    Ad hominem, used when a person has lost an argument and has nothing else to say.

    Of course if you actually did what I said about the DNS look ups you would see that most are missing a part of the puzzle, but that's ok; I know you would rather troll instead.

    Oh, and btw, it's spelled that way on purpose. But only a dumb ass like you would expect handles to be spelled correctly, as if "annoymouse" is an actual word.
  • Reply 125 of 135
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by sprockkets View Post

    Ad hominem, used when a person has lost an argument and has nothing else to say.

    You say that, but then follow it up with...


    But only a dumb ass like you would expect handles to be spelled correctly, as if "annoymouse" is an actual word.

    Really?! Looks like today we get examples of ad hominem and irony. \
  • Reply 126 of 135
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    You say that, but then follow it up with...

    Really?! Looks like today we get examples of ad hominem and irony. \

    He asked for it, so what's your point???

    If he wants to actually discuss how DNS and load balancing works, I'll be right here. I'm not the one who attacked first.
  • Reply 127 of 135
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post

    Well, when even you think the images could have been faked, what's to reply to?

    What screams fake about the iPhone image is that the accelerometer appears to be working i.e. a boot failure would be in portrait mode.

    It doesn't take Einstein to figure that out.
  • Reply 128 of 135
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    What screams fake about the iPhone image is that the accelerometer appears to be working i.e. a boot failure would be in portrait mode.

    It doesn't take Einstein to figure that out.

    Where do you see that in pictures of an email exchange???
  • Reply 129 of 135
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by sprockkets View Post

    Oh, that's it!

    Nice spelling there btw.

    I use British English, not the bastardized US version.

    Nice display of ignorance there, btw.



    noun object made by humans, especially one used in daily life.
  • Reply 130 of 135
    Originally Posted by hill60 View Post

    I use British English, not the bastardized US version.

    Nice display of ignorance there, btw.



    noun object made by humans, especially one used in daily life.

    I don't live in the UK. And you are the ones who bastardized it.

    And as usual, you ad hominem instead of answering my question.
  • Reply 131 of 135
    Originally Posted by Robin Huber View Post

    Good come back, but I think his implication was besides their core product.

    Who cares? I'm glad Google has the free cash to throw around making all these other things. Even if they aren't as good as Apple's, at least they are doing R&D, putting prototypes out there, educating the public on new capabilities, etc.

    - Jasen.
  • Reply 132 of 135
    Originally Posted by Wovel View Post

    1 -Plenty of TV shows, but I agree the networks need to step up.

    2 - There are some ways around this now with airplay

    3 - HD Movies start playing in under 45 seconds 100% of the time for me. Get some real Internet

    4 - I imagine this is coming soon.

    2 - You have to jailbreak it

    3 - I have real internet, just using OpenDNS

    4 - I doubt it
  • Reply 133 of 135
    Originally Posted by clintonf View Post

    If you're experiencing slow downloads, make sure you're not using the Google DNS. If you are, that's probably the problem...

    Yet my AmazonVOD and Netflix streams work great on my Sony Media Player device...
  • Reply 134 of 135
    Originally Posted by _Hawkeye_

    Nothing wrong with Apple TV that a tuner & DVR wouldn?t fix. Till then, it?s just to me.

    Originally Posted by SockRolid View Post

    Never gonna happen. Sorry.

    Then i won?t be buying an Apple TV. Sorry!
  • Reply 135 of 135
    Originally Posted by psedog View Post

    You may not be the only one, but that doesn't make it a common issue. I'm in Japan accessing the US iTunes store and all of my streams have been pretty close to instant on the aTV 2.0 through Wifi-N with the router on the second floor.

    Edit: I'm pretty surprised at what I can do through wifi without any streaming issues. All of my movie files are on the time-machine connected wifi to my macbook and then backup wifi, then down to the aTV. I've done 720P and 1080P (obviously the aTV down converts it) without issue.

    Well done..
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