Apple expected to hold event by Valentine's Day to announce Verizon iPhone



  • Reply 41 of 74
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    The only way for Apple to rise above all this is for them to pony up and buy a phone company. Isn't that what Apple does anyway? They study or partner with the best of the best (in this case, the worst of the worst) then beat them at their own game. C'mon, already Steve! Buy Sprint+T-mobile+a chinese phone company... or something.


    Apple considers mobile operators as dumb pipes. So should you.

    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Mobile operators and ISPs should be just big dumb pipes.

    They already are.
  • Reply 42 of 74
    The marketing machine is firing on all eight cylinders. All these rumors are just adding more furry to the stories and curiosity generated by different news agencies, anonymous sources, and whatever.

    I'm impressed at how well Apple can pull this off.
  • Reply 43 of 74
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Are you talking about the cellphone or her?

    I will let you find your own answer.

    Good luck, sonny.

    You definitely need it.
  • Reply 44 of 74
    Originally Posted by PowerMackrb View Post

    Yes there will be an event by valentine's Day, but it will be for a Verizon Compatible iPad. I never understood why everyone said the iPhone was coming.

    I am inclined to agree, sort of. I think they will do one better and release one 'cellular' iPad with both CDMA and GSM. Although truly what I wish is that prices could come down enough that they did only one lineup with say the 16gb wifi only for schools and the little kiddies and then a 32, 64, and 128 with all 3 connections. Unlocked and no contracts. The pressure of a choice might drop AT&Ts prices and even perhaps bring back the unlimited plan
  • Reply 45 of 74
    Originally Posted by Mac.World View Post

    I'm not so sure about this.

    If the iPhone stays on 3G frequencies until the iPhone 5 is released and other smartphones on Verizon utilize the LTE frequencies, there may be less impact than anticipated... at least until the LTE iPhone is released next June/July.

    Time will tell.

    LTE will be very limited through 2011 on Verizon. If they do not put caps on the iPhone data they will be quickly overwhelmed as people who have waited to physically dump their Android devices. Android has been just a fill in a vacuum. The next sucking sound will be within Android going to iPhone. I will switch from Android to iPhone as soon as my contract is up, that's for damn sure. I am tired of my phone locking up, having to reboot and getting it replaced 4 times, while my GF's iPhone works perfectly all the time.
  • Reply 46 of 74
    Originally Posted by Radjin View Post

    LTE will be very limited through 2011 on Verizon. If they do not put caps on the iPhone data they will be quickly overwhelmed as people who have waited to physically dump their Android devices. Android has been just a fill in a vacuum. The next sucking sound will be within Android going to iPhone. I will switch from Android to iPhone as soon as my contract is up, that's for damn sure. I am tired of my phone locking up, having to reboot and getting it replaced 4 times, while my GF's iPhone works perfectly all the time.

    But what about all the openness, freedom and Full Flash Internet you currently enjoy with Android?
  • Reply 47 of 74
    Originally Posted by cvaldes1831 View Post

    I will let you find your own answer.

    Good luck, sonny.

    You definitely need it.

    What I need is to get out of Asia. Pity the developed country economies are sh1te at the moment.
  • Reply 48 of 74
    Originally Posted by Radjin View Post

    LTE will be very limited through 2011 on Verizon. If they do not put caps on the iPhone data they will be quickly overwhelmed as people who have waited to physically dump their Android devices. Android has been just a fill in a vacuum. The next sucking sound will be within Android going to iPhone. I will switch from Android to iPhone as soon as my contract is up, that's for damn sure. I am tired of my phone locking up, having to reboot and getting it replaced 4 times, while my GF's iPhone works perfectly all the time.

    I bet Verizon is really nervous. In fact, I think they had to wait until 2011 for iPhone and iPad because they were worried their network couldn't handle it and they could not risk having any embarrassing ATT-like service issues.
  • Reply 49 of 74
    radjinradjin Posts: 165member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    But what about all the openness, freedom and Full Flash Internet you currently enjoy with Android?

    And botnets, viruses, trogens and everything else coming out of Russia and China, through a market that is uncontrolled.
  • Reply 50 of 74
    What VZ iPhone? Oh, you mean the one that won't be coming until 2012?

    Does anyone remember that pesky 5-year exclusivity contract? I'll believe a VZ iPhone when I see it for sale in an actual VZ store. In order to have Apple release an iPhone in the US for anyone but ATT, one of the following would have to be the case:

    1. Apple & ATT have renegotiated the contract to only last 4 years; no evidence of that.

    2. Apple makes a special unit for VZ that's not an "iPhone", thereby not subject to the contract.

    3. Apple makes a CDMA iPhone and claims "it's not the same thing"; not a smart idea.

    4. Apple simply violates the contract and gives the finger to ATT - "sosumi"; really dumb idea.

    5. Apple waits for the contract to end in 2012 and ships a VZ iPhone then; what will really happen.

    Apple will probably announce an EVDO version of the iPad for VZ in early 2011.

  • Reply 51 of 74
    radjinradjin Posts: 165member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    I bet Verizon is really nervous. In fact, I think they had to wait until 2011 for iPhone and iPad because they were worried their network couldn't handle it and they could not risk having any embarrassing ATT-like service issues.

    I think Verizon would have given both nuts, or in their case ovaries, to get the iPhone at almost any costs. I would guess too many legal issues to overcome and as Apple has been selling out of iPhones every since; they have not really needed to build a dumbed down phone for Verizon's one-thing-at-a-time network. Everyone in my office is complaining to me that they can't look up information for a client as they talk, they have to hang up or drag out the iPad or laptop making the client wait. I promised them if things do not improve by our contract date, we will switch to AT&T. Are you listening Verizon? 106 phones switching... I am sure they don't hear a thing...
  • Reply 52 of 74
    Originally Posted by mytdave View Post

    1. Apple & ATT have renegotiated the contract to only last 4 years; no evidence of that.

    Except that the original contract is obviously dead in one way or another.


    2. Apple makes a special unit for VZ that's not an "iPhone", thereby not subject to the contract.

    You're under the assumption the five-year still exists. It doesn't.


    3. Apple makes a CDMA iPhone and claims "it's not the same thing"; not a smart idea.



    4. Apple simply violates the contract and gives the finger to ATT - "sosumi"; really dumb idea.

    Yeah, because contracts have never been violated before. How are you to know that AT&T didn't violate THEIR terms of the contract a year and a half ago, prompting the revisions that led to the iPad controversy?


    5. Apple waits for the contract to end in 2012 and ships a VZ iPhone then; what will really happen.

    Keep dreaming.

    I'm an untruther myself. I refuse to believe this Verizon iPhone crap that people keep spewing until I see Steve Jobs on stage in front of a Verizon logo or I'm holding one in my hand.

    But this is nonsense. We know the contract has changed. We likely know the reasons for it. I don't believe this January and February crap, but we're not limited to 2012 anymore.
  • Reply 53 of 74
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Except that the original contract is obviously dead in one way or another.

    You're under the assumption the five-year still exists. It doesn't.


    Yeah, because contracts have never been violated before. How are you to know that AT&T didn't violate THEIR terms of the contract a year and a half ago, prompting the revisions that led to the iPad controversy?

    Keep dreaming.

    I'm an untruther myself. I refuse to believe this Verizon iPhone crap that people keep spewing until I see Steve Jobs on stage in front of a Verizon logo or I'm holding one in my hand.

    But this is nonsense. We know the contract has changed. We likely know the reasons for it. I don't believe this January and February crap, but we're not limited to 2012 anymore.

    Prove it. Show me that the contract is invalid. We may agree that a VZ iPhone is not imminent, but I have seen nothing that shows the 5-year clause is void. If I am wrong, I will be pleasantly surprised, and will eat crow (not literally) if a VZ/Sprint/T-Mob iPhone shows up before 2012.
  • Reply 54 of 74
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by mytdave View Post

    Prove it. Show me that the contract is invalid. We may agree that a VZ iPhone is not imminent, but I have seen nothing that shows the 5-year clause is void. If I am wrong, I will be pleasantly surprised, and will eat crow (not literally) if a VZ/Sprint/T-Mob iPhone shows up before 2012.

    Contracts can be pretty complex and you?re not going to get the ?proof? you want.
    [Engadget] uncovered court documents from 2008 in which Apple confirms a 5-year exclusivity agreement with AT&T signed in 2007.


    For example, in July of 2008 we had the very same USA Today reporting that, ?Under the original iPhone contract, Apple had the right to offer the device to other carriers beginning in 2009.?

    But instead, in 2008 Apple and AT&T apparently agreed to an extension ? into 2010, USA Today reported citing ?people familiar with the matter? who asked ?to not be named because the terms are confidential.? The reason for the extension? The huge payout AT&T was giving Apple for each iPhone sold, apparently.
    That last bit coincides with talk of Apple wanting to get out of the profit sharing of the original iPhone which AT&T wanted to maintain as the current model requires more up front money from the carrier.

    You at least have to agree that Apple wanted to change the contract the next year. Whether that meant starting with a new contract or enabling/disabling some aspect of the contract is semantics. Tallest Skil?s comment,"the original contract is obviously dead in one way or another?, seems perfectly reasonable to me.
  • Reply 55 of 74
    Wow the op's grammar skills are a bit dull. But I could say that about almost everything at AI. You guys should hire someone who can write a proper sentence if you want people to keep reading.

    .. the apparently loss of exclusivity. Wow.
  • Reply 56 of 74
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Come June/July there wont be a shortage of iPhone 4s on eBay and Craigslist. That'll cover the cost of the ETF.
  • Reply 57 of 74
    Rumors have really started to have gone wild about Verizon and yet when you start to look at the sources, they all come back to a rumor.

    We've seen no picture or any substantiation of the CDMA Iphone from Apple either.

    Yes logic would dictate that Apple is about to make a move to increase its IPHONE sales and being ATT has finished its exclusivity, why not. Hopefully Apples timing doesn't disappoint everyone.
  • Reply 58 of 74
    Unless verizon gives me unlimited data,competitive plan pricing, or anything close (Which they won't and def will cap my data and I can't allow that since I use nearly 40gb a month of data) I'm not switching period. Verizon can choke on android for all I care.
  • Reply 59 of 74
    Originally Posted by Flash_beezy View Post

    Unless verizon gives me unlimited data,

    They won't.


    competitive plan pricing,

    They obviously will.


    or anything close

    What does this mean?

    You act as though AT&T gives you unlimited data and doesn't cap your use. THEY DO. EVERYONE DOES NOW. No one is going to get unlimited data. The plans are going to be the same price. It's common sense.

    See? These are the people who whine about it not being on Verizon and then will whine when they DO get it. These people whine that Apple doesn't offer Blu-ray, but would whine that the drives are $300 BTO if Apple ever did (they won't). Come on, man.
  • Reply 60 of 74
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    You act as though AT&T gives you unlimited data and doesn't cap your use. THEY DO. EVERYONE DOES NOW. No one is going to get unlimited data. The plans are going to be the same price. It's common sense.

    I?m wondering if AT&T may drop the unlimited data plan options from those that retained them when they update their contract.

    The only caveat is AT&T wants to retain these customers so they?ll allow it, but I doubt the number of users willing to pay ETF fees to jump to another carrier supporting the iPhone will be high and the amount of data some of us users consume with our jailbroken, tethered iPhones on an unlimited plan may make it more advantageous for AT&T to simply drop the option altogether.

    I think it can go either way next Summer.
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