Apple's iPhone 4 coming to Verizon on Feb. 10 for $199



  • Reply 21 of 254
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by Yuniverse View Post

    well, in that case it's either means that iPhone 5 will be released in the summer for both AT&T and Verizon and will anger the new Verizon iPhone 4 customers or

    the iPhone 5 will be released for both AT&T and Verizon next Feb (2012) and will anger(?) or disappoint everyone else who's waiting for the next model.

    Doesn't make sense...

    IPhone 5 will come out when it is ready just like any other Product. As far as people getting angry well let them, I'd rather see solid updates than to have Apple avoid moving forward because a customer got angry over a new phone.
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  • Reply 22 of 254
    Outstanding. Reliable signal at last comes to the iphone.
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  • Reply 23 of 254
    30 minutes flat. Badabing Badaboom man Verizon really wanted this iPHONE!!!!
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  • Reply 24 of 254
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    It is a bit confusing though, or potentially so.

    All the stupids will buy the new Verizon iPhone without thinking of the relatively imminent release of iPhone 5. Perhaps Verizon has already worked out a deal with Apple where they will offer a great deal on an upgrade when that happens.

    I'm also a bit surprised they didn't name it something else, like "iPhone 4v" or something. It seems odd to have two products with the same name that aren't actually the same thing and don't even operate if you buy the wrong one for your network.

    5.5 months is relatively imminent?
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  • Reply 25 of 254
    gqbgqb Posts: 1,934member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Better network or better phone? Consumers shouldn't have to choose.


    I thought it was ALL about choice.

    The big announcement here, tho', was the 5 device hotspot. THAT'S the competition I've been waiting for.

    Verizon, AT&T.... go at it!
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  • Reply 26 of 254
    Originally Posted by gwlaw99 View Post

    5.5 months is relatively imminent?

    yeah, slight exaggeration from me. sorry.

    still, if you've been waiting for three years, what's six months more? I know if it was me, I'd wait anyway.
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  • Reply 27 of 254

    YEAH. If ATT doesn't offer this by iPhone 5, I will make the jump to Verizon.
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  • Reply 28 of 254
    I suppose this means it has a sim card slot for traveling abroad to use GSM....this is great news!


    Can I use my iPhone 4 while traveling abroad?

    Yes, customers can use iPhone for voice and text in over 40 countries with data service in over 20 countries. For service availability and rate information, visit International Roaming Rates and Coverage. When travelling outside of these 40 destinations, the Global Travel program is the perfect short-term solution for the occasional or infrequent global traveler who needs to stay in touch when travelling internationally.

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  • Reply 29 of 254
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    It is a bit confusing though, or potentially so.

    All the stupids will buy the new Verizon iPhone without thinking of the relatively imminent release of iPhone 5. Perhaps Verizon has already worked out a deal with Apple where they will offer a great deal on an upgrade when that happens.

    I'm also a bit surprised they didn't name it something else, like "iPhone 4v" or something. It seems odd to have two products with the same name that aren't actually the same thing and don't even operate if you buy the wrong one for your network.

    No, I don't think people buying an iPhone4 now are stupid, hell they've been waiting for years and years. They'll see the refined antenna design, etc. it would be a good time to take the plunge for many. I'm on my iPhone4 at least until end of this year and even then I'll be seein' what the iPhone5 brings.

    As for iPhone4 on Verizon or ATT... Those are really "teh stupids" if they get the WRONG BLOODY PHONE for their network!
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  • Reply 30 of 254
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by Jerseymac View Post

    To everyone who said it wouldn't happen...

    To everyone who said it couldn't happen

    To everyone who said it shouldn't happen...

    I have one word for you...


    About damn time Apple.

    And now that it is a reality there will be no more endless mind numbingly boring speculation. I am sure there will still be comparisons, infantile competition and vitriol but at least we all can have iPhones. May the future be more interesting!
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  • Reply 31 of 254
    No VCAST logo on the home screen.

    This is a good thing!
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  • Reply 32 of 254
    Thank God, I can finally get rid of my buggy Droid phone. The bugs introduced in the Froyo update have annoyed me to no end. The two most annoying ones were:

    1) Cannot connect to Infrastructure WiFi.. ( Worked fine on 2.1 )

    2) Ruined AAC+ Streaming over 3G ( Worked fine on 2.1 )

    3) Camera never seems to work correctly. Very buggy and laggy in all Android versions....

    I can't wait...
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  • Reply 33 of 254
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    yeah, slight exaggeration from me. sorry.

    still, if you've been waiting for three years, what's six months more? I know if it was me, I'd wait anyway.

    What is the announced feature that you are waiting for in the iPhone 5?
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  • Reply 34 of 254
    AT&T will get iphone 5 first just like xbox 360 gets map packs first for every call of duty game.
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  • Reply 35 of 254
    Verizon has once again crippled a device.

    Why would I pay more (given good coverage where I am at) for:

    No Concurrent Data/Voice (Verizon me...this is like power windows in a car...once you have it, you wonder how you lived without it)

    No Free Wifi

    No international coverage (this also results in less demand for selling your used iPhone)

    No Rollover Minutes

    Visual Voicemail will not update while you are on another call

    Unless Verizon has monthly plans at half the price, forget it.
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  • Reply 36 of 254
    From the Ars Technical Live Blog:


    Q: more on the constant data/constant voice expectations from GSM - will it be jarring on CDMA?

    Cook is stopping to think carefully on how to answer. Verizon guy is watching him carefully.

    Cook: it's all about getting it on Verizon. The customers who want it there will be willing to make these tradeoffs.

    They didn't solve the simultaneous voice-data issue. So when you are using it as a hotspot, you'll drop your internet connection when a call comes in.

    They also aren't talking about pricing plans yet... Which means either they'll be expensive, or they haven't come to any internal agreements.
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  • Reply 37 of 254
    Originally Posted by EnviroG View Post

    Great Announcement! Hopefully the smaller carriers will be next, maybe in time for iphone 5. Time will tell

    Does that mean we are now going to be inundated daily with stories about iPhone coming soon to Sprint or T-mobile? Of course it shouldn't be to hard for Sprint to provide iPhones to all 10 of their remaining customers.
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  • Reply 38 of 254
    Originally Posted by paxman View Post

    And now that it is a reality there will be no more endless mind numbingly boring speculation. I am sure there will still be comparisons, infantile competition and vitriol but at least we all can have iPhones. May the future be more interesting!

    Finally the prophecy is fulfilled. And before the end of the world in 2012 too!
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  • Reply 39 of 254
    How does the mobile hot spot work if I have another device tethered to my phone and I get a voice call? Does my data connection drop?
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  • Reply 40 of 254
    Originally Posted by Jerseymac View Post

    To everyone who said it wouldn't happen...

    To everyone who said it couldn't happen

    To everyone who said it shouldn't happen...

    I have one word for you...


    About damn time Apple.

    What are you? 5 years old?
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