HOLY @#$&!! CNN reports G5 powermac!
<a href="http://www.cnn.com/2001/TECH/ptech/12/03/G5.mac.idg/index.html" target="_blank">http://www.cnn.com/2001/TECH/ptech/12/03/G5.mac.idg/index.html</a>
They report on all the G5 rumors, then they try to "balance" the story with vauge denials from Motorola. But the message is clear: Powermac G5s announced in January.
I'm going to go crap my pants!
They report on all the G5 rumors, then they try to "balance" the story with vauge denials from Motorola. But the message is clear: Powermac G5s announced in January.
I'm going to go crap my pants!
[quote]Reports from The Register, and repeated on Web sites worldwide, strongly suggest that a G5-based product could be announced.<hr></blockquote>
[quote]However, other industry sources suggest that introduction of G5 Macs could be preceeded by a new generation of faster G4s.<hr></blockquote>
Nothing new. Just a round-up article.
However, Clark wanted to mollify speculation of a G5 Mac, pointing out that the potential of the G4 architecture has "exceeded Motorola's initial expectations". He said: "The G4 has a great deal of remaining potential. There's a great deal of headroom left in the chip, which still has enormous usability."
He means, there is still more cash to squeeze out of the G4 chip. Har har!
It really could be just one person sending out all this information to a bunch of different sites. This person would be getting a huge laugh out of all of this right now.
<strong>I can't help but think that if this is a hoax, it's one of the best I've seen.
It really could be just one person sending out all this information to a bunch of different sites. This person would be getting a huge laugh out of all of this right now.</strong><hr></blockquote>
I agree. If this is a hoax, it is REALLY elaborate.
If there was no G5 introduction for January, I would expect the denial to come from Apple very soon.
CNN has a far, far larger audience than any of the Mac rumor sites, so to prevent further word of future products, the denial has to come very quickly.
Let's see what Apple has for us over the next few days. No comment, and we're extremely sure that we'll get some sort of new PowerMac (either Apollo or G5) in January. Or a denial, and we'll go back to speculating on iMacs.
My $.02 on the matter,
Sorry, i don't mean to be sarcastic ... well, THAT sarcastic anyway
Hey guys, check this new article from the register!!
<a href="http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/39/23158.html" target="_blank">http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/39/23158.html</a>
Everything start to get really confusing....
Anyway I really hope that the REAL G5 will come out in January..
if the G5 ISNT ready to go - Jobs is gonna get a bunch of crap at MWSF
Sucks to be him if there aren't any G5s.
building up expectations is so scary . . .
especially when non-apple freaks start reading it too . . .
<strong>but think about this
if the G5 ISNT ready to go - Jobs is gonna get a bunch of crap at MWSF
Sucks to be him if there aren't any G5s.
building up expectations is so scary . . .
especially when non-apple freaks start reading it too . . .</strong><hr></blockquote>
I don't think it'd be such a big deal. Rumors like this are always floating around before MWSF and MWNY. Like in the summer everyone was almost certain a LCD iMac would be introduced. Did it happen? No. People thought better G4s with all new features and stuff would be announced. Did it happen? No, we only got Quicksilvers.
[ 12-03-2001: Message edited by: apple_otaku ]</p>
<strong>True, but after that expo they actually warned us that the next event would be software only in order to keep LCD iMac rumors at bay. Will they do the same this time around? By all accounts the G5 rumors are even stronger. There are even higher expectations this time around.
That's true. The rumors are much stronger this time. I think if they would've warned us about something they would've done it already.
It would be naive to think Apple can't do controlled "rumors" like they have in the past.