Apple's Tim Cook profiled as "most powerful gay man in Silicon Valley"



  • Reply 141 of 335
    jpmukjpmuk Posts: 19member
    Well he doesn't LOOK gay...

    It's 2011 for goodness sake why should it matter. If nothing else at least we know he'll have his mind on the job and won't be spending loads of time running after the kids. He's obviously earned his right to be in the position and has a track record that would let him walk into any tech company. I think we should leave it at that.
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  • Reply 142 of 335
    dasanman69dasanman69 Posts: 13,002member
    Gay shmay. Who cares? What does sexual orientation have to do with anything?
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  • Reply 143 of 335
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by halfyearsun View Post

    Seriously. This is gossip. And AI is reporting on gossip. Especially something as fiercely personal as this. I'd say it was an inappropriate and irresponsible choice to publish this

    AI should be fu**ing embarassed.
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  • Reply 144 of 335
    All phones lose some signal when held in the wrong location. The iPhone 4 is even better than those because it shows you right on the side where not to touch it because there's a black line there!

    Don't touch the lines. Problem solved!
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  • Reply 145 of 335
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by dasanman69 View Post

    Gay shmay. Who cares? What does sexual orientation have to do with anything?

    It's such a big deal to homophobes that it requires an entire article. Look he's gay and successful!

    I gasped out loud, stopped short, and spilled my coffee this morning when I saw the headline AI actually published. Absolutely f'ing shameful!
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  • Reply 146 of 335
    leonardleonard Posts: 528member
    If you take everything about the sexual orientation of the guy out of the story, there is actually some good information here.

    From what I gather from the story, Tim Cook is a good leader and business man. He gets things done, knows how a business works and plans for the future. Very good things for a leader of a big business. That's definitely one thing Steve is, a good leader and business man.

    But, from the article, it seems Tim Cook lacks one thing that Steve also has, product design. Which wouldn't make him a bad leader or CEO of Apple. He would just need a good advisor on the product design side. That would probably be Jonathan Ives.

    Looks like we got Steve Jobs succession plan covered by two or three good people.

    Oh, and AppleInsider needs some editors. Reading that article was atrocious. Too many grammar and spelling mistakes.
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  • Reply 147 of 335

    "i'm totally out in my private life," demeter said in an interview, "but i'm not sure about being out professionally. I'm not worried about a backlash or anything like that, i'm just not sure that my being gay has anything to do with my business and the kinds of games we're creating. It's not like we're making 'gay' games."

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  • Reply 148 of 335
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    It's such a big deal to homophobes that it requires an entire article. Look he's gay and successful!

    I gasped out loud, stopped short, and spilled my coffee this morning when I saw the headline AI actually published. Absolutely f'ing shameful!

    It's also a very big deal to those who are gay. It wasn't just published as "look all you homophobes, you're stupid", it was also published from the stance "see, we're just as good as the rest of you."

    Let's not pretend that every article about MLK is published with the singular purpose to tell racists they are stupid - it's also to make blacks proud. Actually, I think this article wasn't written with any purpose of it being such a big deal to homophobes - I think it was written because it's such a big deal to gays but either way it serves to makes gays proud and those who don't approve of being gay (or what you call "homophobe" which, IMO, is lazy because there are plenty of people who aren't afraid of gays as the name would imply but simply do not approve of their lifestyle, you can still call them archaic and discriminatory but saying they are afraid of gays isn't really an accurate term: off soap box now) annoyed or outraged dependent upon how much they really care.
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  • Reply 149 of 335
    Originally Posted by John.B View Post

    They are "outing" the guy. Not cool. Not even close to cool.

    Agreed. In AppleInsider's defence, it seems that for some bizarre f*cked up reason, Valleywag chose to publicly out Cook.

    After that, it's "Apple news" of a sort and AI is right to talk about it in that everyone is already going to be talking about it anyway. I don't know why anyone cares about this crap anymore anyway it's not like it's still the 1950's.
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  • Reply 150 of 335
    I'm a "religious conservative" & I think the article was BS too. This "gayness" is not a factor in the quality of his job, which at this point appears superb.
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  • Reply 151 of 335
    Originally Posted by tenguy View Post

    I'm a "religious conservative" & I think the article was BS too. This "gayness" is not a factor in the quality of his job, which at this point appears fabulous.

    There... fixed that for you.
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  • Reply 152 of 335
    what's next AI, you going to sit outside Jobs' house to see what you can find out about his leave?

    we need to know even less about this than the fact that Jobs is taking time off for a while.
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  • Reply 153 of 335
    Daniel... if you want to get the click rate even higher why don't you start a rumour that Tim Cook has been seen dating Eric Schmidt... hence Schmidt's departure...
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  • Reply 154 of 335
    Originally Posted by bigmc6000 View Post

    It's also a very big deal to those who are gay. It wasn't just published as "look all you homophobes, you're stupid", it was also published from the stance "see, we're just as good as the rest of you."

    Let's not pretend that every article about MLK is published with the singular purpose to tell racists they are stupid - it's also to make blacks proud. Actually, I think this article wasn't written with any purpose of it being such a big deal to homophobes - I think it was written because it's such a big deal to gays but either way it serves to makes gays proud and those who don't approve of being gay (or what you call "homophobe" which, IMO, is lazy because there are plenty of people who aren't afraid of gays as the name would imply but simply do not approve of their lifestyle, you can still call them archaic and discriminatory but saying they are afraid of gays isn't really an accurate term: off soap box now) annoyed or outraged dependent upon how much they really care.

    Are you implying that AI and/or DED published this article from a gay perspective, to say: "see, we're just as good as the rest of you."?
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  • Reply 155 of 335
    sipsip Posts: 210member
    Tabloid journalism hits Apple.
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  • Reply 156 of 335
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Are you implying that AI and/or DED published this article from a gay perspective, to say: "see, we're just as good as the rest of you."?

    I think it was written from a click rate perspective... now if they could have just added flash in there somewhere...
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  • Reply 157 of 335
    pmzpmz Posts: 3,433member
    Originally Posted by bigmc6000 View Post

    It's also a very big deal to those who are gay. It wasn't just published as "look all you homophobes, you're stupid", it was also published from the stance "see, we're just as good as the rest of you."

    Are you kidding me? As good as the rest of WHO? This is the type of attitude that's a problem, where people stupidly pretend that gay people are "different", and need to be pedestalized. It's more insulting than you even realize. A nice little head pat to say, "aww good for you little gay man. You're almost like a regular human being"

    Absolutely sick. Has this been taken down yet, AI? Christ even Macrumors has the decency to ignore this gossip swill drivel.
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  • Reply 158 of 335
    iliveriliver Posts: 299member
    Is Jonny Ive gay?

    If so, isn't he really the "most powerful gay man in Silicon Valley"?
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  • Reply 159 of 335
    Originally Posted by pmz View Post

    Are you kidding me? As good as the rest of WHO? This is the type of attitude that's a problem, where people stupidly pretend that gay people are "different", and need to be pedestalized. It's more insulting than you even realize. A nice little head pat to say, "aww good for you little gay man. You're almost like a regular human being"

    Absolutely sick. Has this been taken down yet, AI? Christ even Macrumors has the decency to ignore this gossip swill drivel.

    I think you guys are missing my point - from what I can tell the original article was written from the gay perspective - ie a gay man wrote it. Yes, if a straight guy comes along and gives you a pat on the head and says, "oh hey, maybe you are just as good" that is insulting but, at least in this PC day in age, if it's a member of that group pointing out "we're just as good as you" it's a push for equality.

    Obama, this is pretty much without question, rode into the White House on the wave of saying a black man can do just as good as a white man - do you consider that insulting? Most black people I've ever talked to consider it empowering - it's all about your perspective....
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  • Reply 160 of 335
    He's gay?

    So what?

    I'm hetero.

    Why should anyone care?
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