Google overtakes Nokia as maker of top smartphone platform

in iPhone edited January 2014
After passing Apple's iPhone on its way up, Google's Android has now passed up Nokia's Symbian to take the top spot among smartphone platforms, ending Nokia's 10 year reign on top of the global smartphone industry, according to one research firm.

Research firm Canalys revealed Monday that the 32.9 million handsets running a Google platform, which includes Android, OMS and Tapas, sold last quarter were enough to topple Nokia's Symbian, which had sales of 31 million, from the number one place, Reuters reports.

Google saw 615 percent growth year over year, compared to Nokia's 30 percent growth. Apple came in third with 16.2 million iPhones sold, giving it 16 percent of the global smartphone market. Research in Motion and Microsoft rounded out the list with 14 percent and 3 percent of the market respectively.

Though Nokia still maintains a sizable lead as the largest handset maker in the world, it has lost significant ground in the smartphone market in recent years. Former CEO Olli-Pekka Kallasvuo admitted last year that the Finnish handset maker had failed to make a splash in the U.S. smartphone market.

In September, Nokia went through a major management shakeup. The company first announced it would change CEOs, bringing in Microsoft executive Stephen Elop, in hopes of reenergizing the company's smartphone offerings. The company's smartphone chief announced his resignation several days later, then Nokia Chairman Jorma Ollila declared his intention to step down.

Nokia's flagship N8 smartphone saw numerous delays on its way to market. The company even went through a lost prototype debacle similar to the leak of an Apple iPhone 4 prototype that made headlines last year. Though sales of the N8 reportedly reached around 4 million units in the fourth quarter of 2010, the figures have been viewed as too little too late for Nokia.

Google's Android has seen its fair share of controversy on the way to the top. Reports emerged last year that Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs felt betrayed by Google after the search giant followed his company into the smartphone business.

"We did not enter the search business. They entered the phone business," Jobs allegedly said during a company meeting. "Make no mistake; Google wants to kill the iPhone. We won't let them."

While Apple has yet to pursue direct legal action against Google, the iPhone maker has filed infringement complaints against several prominent Android handset manufacturers. The Cupertino, Calif., company sued HTC in March of last year over alleged infringement of patents related to the iPhone user interface, architecture and hardware. HTC responded with a countersuit.

Apple and Motorola are also locked in a legal dispute. In October, Motorola accused Apple of violating a number of its patents, citing the company's "late entry into the telecommunications market." Apple responded in kind, eventually adding to the suit the same patents it was accusing HTC of violating after Motorola attempted to have them invalidated.

Quarterly sales of Android passed up the iPhone in May of last year. Earlier this month, research firm comScore reported that total subscribers of Google Android in the U.S. have passed the iPhone.

In the third quarter of 2010, Apple broke into the top 5 global cell phone makers, passing RIM to place fourth. According to IDC data released last week, Apple slipped to fifth in the fourth quarter.


  • Reply 1 of 56
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    I see no real difference between the two, aside from one being able to evolve a little faster than the other.

    Both give User Experience a back seat.
  • Reply 2 of 56


    BY THE END OF 2014?


    LIKE.. END OF 2010!!


    Now what's next?

    February the 11th

    Nokia embraces Android!!

    (meanwhile microsoft cries outloud

    cause their windows phone 7

    with windows1.0 graphics

    and 7000 apps failed to impress

    despite $ GIGA $ marketing campaigns)

  • Reply 3 of 56

    Wake me up when someone -- other than carriers -- is actually making money off of this thing.
  • Reply 4 of 56
    Why did Google ever choose Android to market a os system?

    It rhymes with a physical problem I have.
  • Reply 5 of 56
    Am I the only one here who thinks they're making too much of a big deal on marketshare than it really is? Nokia and Microsoft has always dominated it in smartphones and PC but that hasn't stopped Apple from growing. Apple is making more and more money and more and more devices despite lower or shrinking marketshare. Apple is making more money on one phone model alone than most Android manufacturers made as a company. OSX is a $20B+ annual business and growing. I don't know. I think if Apple really cared so much about marketshare they would've licensed iOS and OSX to others.
  • Reply 6 of 56
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post


    Wake me up when someone -- other than carriers -- is actually making money off of this thing.

    Don't forget the OEMs. Last I read, they're all posting profits in regards to the use of Android in their devices.
  • Reply 7 of 56
    irelandireland Posts: 17,798member
    It seems Google is the new Microsoft. Just imagine now if there was a $50 license fee for Android. Or Google - in the future - decide to announce that? That's over $1.5B extra profit in the quarter, and growing. Before tax of course. I know Apple are cleaning up. I just wish they would catch up a bit on unit sales versus Android. If Apple lowered the price of their phone a touch they might make a bit of ground, but that could backfire on them. They lower it eventually, anyway, though.

    The one thing Apple has going for them in terms of future-proofing the iPhone is the console methodology of it, which seems to work. It didn't work for PC's, but it seems to work for iPhones and iPods, and perhaps iPads.

    I just hope a day doesn't come where the sheer number or Android phones out there stops some developer from making an iPhone app we all need. It probably is worth point out though, that the Mac never sold in numbers anything like the iPhone. So we probably should be Ok there.

    Both platforms can co-exist. But is Microsoft going to join them at the top?
  • Reply 8 of 56
    This is completely expected news. Android will pause the surge a bit in this quarter due to the iPhone being carried by Verizon this February, but this is a global phenomenon, and as such, it seems unstoppable. The iPhone will win the top tier 400-600 dollar phone competition, and android will sweep the whole rest, just like what happens in the laptop business (with microsoft there for the masses).

    With 80 bucks phones, android will have 70-80% market share in no time.

    Fortunately, we won't have the same shenanigans we had in the nineties with MS, since android is a lot more open than windows, despite its shortcomings, and Google won't be able to monopolize the market, since there won't be interoperability issues, like there was in the 90s between windows and macs.

    I think this is a good situation for almost everyone. Everyone will have a smartphone, the richer people will buy iPhones, the masses will buy android (the smartphone for the rest of us?! Ironic marketing piece, but possible!), everyone will have advanced internet access, e-reader devices, gamecenters, apps, etc.,etc.,etc.

    Win win?
  • Reply 9 of 56
    I don't understand how any American can support Google when they are helping asian companies rip off the IP of innovative American companies. Android does nothing to help the american economy.

    Android wins, America loses IMHO.
  • Reply 10 of 56
    Originally Posted by Riley__ View Post

    I don't understand how any American can support Google when they are helping asian companies rip off the IP of innovative American companies. Android does nothing to help the american economy.

    Android wins, America loses IMHO.

    The vast majority of electronics are manufactured in the Asian countries. Using your line of logic, you might as well stop buying any and all electronics then.
  • Reply 11 of 56
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
  • Reply 12 of 56
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
  • Reply 13 of 56
    IP theft is already part of Oracle vs Google. Apple hasn't sued Google yet for IP theft instead choosing to sue their partners.

    I do know where the iPhone and other electronics are made, but Apple makes the bulk of the money from iPhones and contributes to American exports, Google contributes nothing to American exports.
  • Reply 14 of 56
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,918member
    It's just bad news all the time for Nokia. I don't think their fortunes are entirely irreversible at this point, but I seriously doubt they'll ever be able to turn it around. Bad management top to bottom.
  • Reply 14 of 56
    os2babaos2baba Posts: 262member
    Originally Posted by LuisDias View Post

    This is completely expected news. Android will pause the surge a bit in this quarter due to the iPhone being carried by Verizon this February, but this is a global phenomenon, and as such, it seems unstoppable. The iPhone will win the top tier 400-600 dollar phone competition, and android will sweep the whole rest, just like what happens in the laptop business (with microsoft there for the masses).

    With 80 bucks phones, android will have 70-80% market share in no time.

    While Android will most likely clean up the low end "feature phone" market, don't be too sure that iPhone is going to clean up the top end. There is no price difference between the high end Android phones and iPhone. And the high end Android phones have generally been better than the iPhone in hardware. People are going to decide based on OS/brand/features/value preference whether they will buy an Android or iPhone. No doubt most on this forum will choose iPhones. Many like me have decided to go with Android phones.
  • Reply 16 of 56
    mjtomlinmjtomlin Posts: 2,681member
    OMS (OPhones) and Tapas OS are based off Android, they are not "Android". There is a significant difference. Lumping those in with Android would be akin to lumping Android in with all mobile Linux systems. They are separate platforms.

    They are not actually Google platforms as this report is stating, but are being included because they are based off a Google platform, which is pretty weak since Google doesn't control the direction those platforms head. OMS is actually owned by China Unicom and the other by some ex-Google employee. Both are Chinese though and meant only for the Chinese market.
  • Reply 17 of 56
    pxtpxt Posts: 683member
    Wow, Nokia have really been blindsided over the last few years.

    Whenever someone says "If it ain't broke don't fix it", I think of cases like this.

    If it ain't broke, innovate !
  • Reply 18 of 56
    bongobongo Posts: 158member
    Originally Posted by Riley__ View Post

    IP theft is already part of Oracle vs Google. Apple hasn't sued Google yet for IP theft instead choosing to sue their partners.

    I do know where the iPhone and other electronics are made, but Apple makes the bulk of the money from iPhones and contributes to American exports, Google contributes nothing to American exports.

    You should really read more, Android has brought many innovations to the table that Apple used as well, including multi-tasking, folders, high-res displays, and many others. The original Droid was the first phone to use the gorilla glass used in the iPhone 4. Apple still has no answers to widgets, wifi-tethering (coming soon), or a secure way to use non-app store apps (little security for apps that aren't checked by apple). Plus the whole America argument is naive, both Google and apple are American companies and Apple has foxconn, a Taiwanese company, produce its iPhone in china. Even Motorola, another American company, produces its phones in Asia.


    While Android will most likely clean up the low end "feature phone" market, don't be too sure that iPhone is going to clean up the top end. There is no price difference between the high end Android phones and iPhone. And the high end Android phones have generally been better than the iPhone in hardware. People are going to decide based on OS/brand/features/value preference whether they will buy an Android or iPhone. No doubt most on this forum will choose iPhones. Many like me have decided to go with Android phones.

    I do believe many people will choose high end android phones over the iPhone, however the past year has made it clear, people will buy the iPhone even if it has outdated hardware or missing features, so apple will always have higher profit margins. Just like with macs, the iPhone sells to people who don't need high end features but want to spend $200+ anyway. Cutting out features makes the user interface "simpler" and these users won't notice they're running year old hardware, in fact they get mad when new hardware comes out "too fast" as if they have to have the best. One of my iPhone using friends tell me that he doesn't like android because a new android phone would come out three months later making his phone "obsolete." There is a large group of people who actually think like this, and would rather not have new features if it meant their phone wouldn't be the top o' the line anymore. Its amazing.

    iPhone will dominate casual users, Android will dominate everything else.
  • Reply 19 of 56
    maestro64maestro64 Posts: 5,043member
    What else did anyone expect when you give your product away...

    Just just proves people are whores for free stuff. People will take a few phone or highly subsidizes phone and share their personal information and and be blaster with ads just so they do not have to pay for the phone
  • Reply 20 of 56
    Nokia was too lazy to innovate and invent so now nokia pays the price !!
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