Apple may be prepping iPad 3 for fall 2011 launch - rumor

in iPad edited January 2014
Reports have emerged of a fall launch of Apple's third-generation iPad in order to match the touchscreen tablet's release schedule with the company's annual iPod releases and the holiday season.

John Gruber of Daring Fireball sparked the first rumors Wednesday when he mentioned that the HP TouchPad may "bump up against the release of the iPad 3" in a post. HP unveiled the webOS-based tablet Wednesday, though the device will not become available until "later in the summer."

After speculation arose that Gruber's comments were based on inside information, he clarified his thoughts as mere guesswork in a subsequent post.

"My gut feeling is that Apple will move the iPad to a September release schedule, alongside the iPods," he wrote. "But they wouldn?t want to wait over a year and a half from the announcement of the original iPad to announce the second one."

Gruber guesses that Apple will release the second-generation iPad "fairly soon," possibly in March with a shipping date in early April. The updated device would be faster, with "more RAM, maybe more storage, thinner and lighter, a front-facing camera." He also believes iOS 5 would be announced in March and ship in June.

"iPad 3, shipping in September, announced at the annual iPod event. Running iOS 5.1, same as the next-generation iPod Touch," predicted Gruber, adding that the release may be more like an iPad 2.5, iPad 2 HD or iPad 2 Pro--"a new higher-end model that sits atop the iPad product family, not a replacement for the iPad 2 models."

Gruber's conjectures were followed by a report from TechCrunch's MG Siegler that lent credence to the speculation, though for different reasons. Siegler cited a "very good" anonymous source that claims Apple is planning a "big fall surprise" related to the iPad 3.

"We don?t have any more concrete information beyond that," said Siegler. "But, as of right now, the plan is apparently to release one iteration of the iPad in the next few weeks. And then blow the doors open with another new version in the fall."

He went on to surmise that a third-generation iPad could have "a retina-like display" or perhaps "another, slightly smaller form factor," though Apple CEO Steve Jobs has downplayed the possibility.

While Apple has yet to formally announce the second-generation iPad, reports of the device have picked up steam as of late. On Tuesday, The Wall Street Journal reported that Apple has begun manufacturing the next-generation tablet. As reported by AppleInsider in January, the iPad 2 is expected to be thinner and lighter, with a faster processor, more memory, a FaceTime-ready camera and an upgraded graphics processor.

For more, see AppleInsider's extensive coverage of the iPad 2.


  • Reply 1 of 104
    i am surprised gruber can write about anthing except baseball or his hate for certain political individuals.
  • Reply 2 of 104
    One word: Bullshit.

    More than one word: This is obviously never going to happen. Trying to release a 3rd-generation iPad less than half a year under the second one would destroy consumer confidence... How is this even news?
  • Reply 3 of 104
    bugsnwbugsnw Posts: 717member
    A fall announcement of iPad 3 seems incredibly ambitious, even by Apple standards. But they've done this before.

    Anyone remember buying iMac G5s that were newly released only be to shocked at how quickly they announced the newer, better, intel iMacs? If memory serves, the time span of this painful upgrade was 1 or 2 months.

    I like the idea of a March iPad 2 followed by a surprise iPad 2 on steroids in September. It makes sense if the primary innovation is a retina screen.

    It does make me want to hold off on the iPad 2, however. I intended to do so as long as the retina display rumors were out there and seemed likely to occur.
  • Reply 4 of 104
    Seriously? This is awesome news! I'm gonna skip the iPad 2 and go straight to 3.... Wait, Hans Gruber says his gut tells him this???? I don't trust that guy after he said we can take over Nakatomi Plaza without resistence. He totally missed the mark on that one.
  • Reply 5 of 104
    mj1970mj1970 Posts: 9,002member
    This sounds strange to me. Possible, but strange. Apple appears to have carefully crafted a product release calendar for themselves that looks kinda like this:

    January: Mac (granted this one has been less consistent and more sporadic lately)

    April: iPad

    June: iPhone

    September: iPod

    The brilliance of this is two-fold:

    1. It keeps the products flowing and refreshing without stepping on one another by evening out engineering, development, production, etc.

    2. It keeps everyone always anticipating and talking about Apple products all year.

    Having said that, as more of a pure consumer product, a launch and availability for Christmas suggests fall as a good time for iPad (as well as iPod). But I think I'm sticking with the quarterly refresh cycle.
  • Reply 6 of 104
    Originally Posted by drumrobot View Post

    One word: Bullshit.

    More than one word: This is obviously never going to happen. Trying to release a 3rd-generation iPad less than half a year under the second one would destroy consumer confidence... How is this even news?

    I figure that the April release will be a small upgrade, say to iPad 1.5. This will keep the momentum going and help keep the product fresh in consumers' minds. The real deal will be the September release, which might be the iPad version 2.

    My own feeling is that Gruber is spot on with the theory that Apple wants to move its iPad refresh cycle to September. That way it can clear out inventory to students returning to school but have something new for the fall and Xmas shopping seasons. Having an April refresh cycle for a product like the iPad doesn't make sense to me.

    I was really looking forward to something big in April and I have my heart set on finally getting an iPad. However, if the April release is only a 1.5 version, then I'm tempted to wait until September. I suspect that I won't be alone in this. While I'm not waiting for any single new feature (like those who won't buy one until a retina display is an option), a 1.5 upgrade just might not be enough for me.

    Of course this is all a big gamble: We don't know a thing about any plans for a September iPad 2 or iPad 3. (cue music "The Long Hot Summer" sung by Jimmie Rodgers..."...the long hot summer oh so slowly creeps along...)
  • Reply 7 of 104
    nagrommenagromme Posts: 2,834member
    The headline is wrong: there is no such “rumor." Only an educated guess. Any “rumors” dervied from a guess rather than sources of any kind is not headline-worthy

    The guess, however, is a reasoned one and worth an article to dicsuss.

    Originally Posted by drumrobot View Post

    One word: Bullshit.

    More than one word: This is obviously never going to happen. Trying to release a 3rd-generation iPad less than half a year under the second one would destroy consumer confidence... How is this even news?

    Not so obvious to me. It’s obvious they wouldn’t call it an iPad 3, and nearly as obvious that they’d update only the top-end model(s) at first. I also think it might make sense to launch it 2 months later than September—just in time for holiday shopping.

    If you think THAT is crazy, remember November is just 2 months before January 2012, and a new iPad in January wouldn’t be shocking at all.

    It wouldn’t “destroy" consumer confidence because the masses of average consumers don’t follow these schedules they way we tech-heads do. And it WOULD sell a lot of retina iPads to happy owners, and maintain Apple’s lead over the copy-catters!

    There’s no reason to assume either way about Gruber’s guess. It’s just worthy of consideration. Apple itself probably doesn’t yet know what it can confidently deliver in volume and when.
  • Reply 8 of 104
    dave k.dave k. Posts: 1,306member
    The only way that would work is for the iPad 3 to be a minor bump up from the iPad 2.
  • Reply 9 of 104
    Originally Posted by nagromme View Post

    The headline is wrong: there is no such ?rumor." Only an educated guess. Any ?rumors? dervied from a guess rather than sources of any kind is not headline-worthy

    What about MG Siegler's source? Doesn't that count?

    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Siegler cited a "very good" anonymous source that claims Apple is planning a "big fall surprise" related to the iPad 3.

  • Reply 10 of 104
    Originally Posted by speedxdesign View Post

    i am surprised gruber can write about anthing except baseball or his hate for certain political individuals.

    He mostly only mentions sports on his personal Twitter feed, not the Daringfireball site. Mostly. If this surprises you than you're not familiar with DF.!/gruber!/daringfireball
  • Reply 11 of 104
    It will probably have Lion on it, in all its touch interface glory.
  • Reply 12 of 104
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,523member
    Originally Posted by bugsnw View Post

    Anyone remember buying iMac G5s that were newly released only be to shocked at how quickly they announced the newer, better, intel iMacs? If memory serves, the time span of this painful upgrade was 1 or 2 months.

    Note quite the same thing being predicted here, though. Gruber said: "a new higher-end model that sits atop the iPad product family, not a replacement for the iPad 2 models."

    Introducing a new higher end model that sits on top of the existing family is very different from totally replacing the existing lineup.
  • Reply 13 of 104
    Originally Posted by speedxdesign View Post

    i am surprised gruber can write about anthing except baseball or his hate for certain political individuals.

    Heh. Actually, his writing re Apple is quite good. The other stuff, though... well, I feel embarrassed for him. If he could just muster the discipline to stick to his best subject, he'd come across as astute, insightful - even visionary. But as things stand, he regularly reveals himself to be desperately needy, insecure and extremely juvenile.

    I don't think he'll ever grow up, either. He certainly seems hell-bent NOT to.
  • Reply 14 of 104
    Originally Posted by drumrobot View Post

    One word: Bullshit.

    More than one word: This is obviously never going to happen. Trying to release a 3rd-generation iPad less than half a year under the second one would destroy consumer confidence... How is this even news?

    Most of the MacBook/Pro get a refresh on average from 6 to 8 months.

    Gruber's point is he believes Apple rather be on a yearly cycle for Fall rather than Early spring. So, the 3rd one would be a minor refresh.
  • Reply 15 of 104
    blastdoorblastdoor Posts: 3,523member
    Originally Posted by MJ1970 View Post

    This sounds strange to me. Possible, but strange. Apple appears to have carefully crafted a product release calendar for themselves that looks kinda like this:

    January: Mac (granted this one has been less consistent and more sporadic lately)

    April: iPad

    June: iPhone

    September: iPod

    The brilliance of this is two-fold:

    1. It keeps the products flowing and refreshing without stepping on one another by evening out engineering, development, production, etc.

    2. It keeps everyone always anticipating and talking about Apple products all year.

    Having said that, as more of a pure consumer product, a launch and availability for Christmas suggests fall as a good time for iPad (as well as iPod). But I think I'm sticking with the quarterly refresh cycle.

    Yeah, but the problem is that the importance of the iPod is becoming relatively smaller all the time. I could imagine that the non-iOS iPod is heading towards a state of suspended animation. Heck, the Classic is already there. The form factors we see now for the non-iOS iPods could be the last form factors we'll ever see -- just evolutionary capacity upgrades from here on out. And if that's true, then using September for iPods alone wouldn't make sense.

    I bet September becomes an event focused on iOS devices that aren't the iPhone, which would include the iPod Touch, iPad, and AppleTV. I can also imagine that Apple might introduce a 7" iPod Touch (but they would call it an iPod, not an iPad).
  • Reply 16 of 104
    i'm with gruber on this one. i thought they were going to do this with the first ipad. it makes sense and i hope apple does it. it won't be the same product, it will be a "pro" product (non essential features that are very nice if you can pony up the cash, eg lighter, slimmer, new material such as liquid metal or carbon fiber) that will sell at a premium. then all the apple haters can justify getting the base model and leave the pro model to the "snobby apple lovers". that said, i definitely wouldn't wait for it. it appears the the upcoming ipad will fulfill anybody's legitimate needs. i think they'll keep the spring release schedule though. with a relatively low margin product, it seems like it would make sense to have lower component prices during the holiday shopping season.
  • Reply 17 of 104
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    This sounds like pure BS.

    The people making these ridiculous predictions should put their money where their mouth is.

    There are international sites where people can wager on almost anything. Those people who truly believe that the iPad3 will come out in the fall would place a bet on that. And those people who believe that this is pure BS would place a bet on that outcome.

    I know which one I would put my money on.
  • Reply 18 of 104
    frankiefrankie Posts: 381member
    Talk about a good way to piss a lot of people off.

    I already know of people who are gonna be mad when the 2nd one comes out!
  • Reply 19 of 104
    Originally Posted by speedxdesign View Post

    i am surprised gruber can write about anthing except baseball or his hate for certain political individuals.

    Gruber is spot on 99% of the time. The 1% falls in his baseball realm, on 'certain political individuals' he's 100% right.
  • Reply 20 of 104
    Pathetic rumor

    If any of you had taken business courses or have been following Apple's moves and have some common sense then you would know this rumor is bullshit.

    First of all it will mess up apple's supply chain and economies of scale. Second of all, it will hurt its brand reputation since they would be cheating out customers that bought the ipad 2 there will be many many negatives if they do this. There are no net benefits for apple to do it. Third of all is just the expansion of my second point, there are no net benefits but extra costs for apple because competitors are virtually non existent and to abandon the technology to produce ipad 2 for ipad 3 in 6 month? Foxconn would be f***** same with other manufacturers. Use your brain please. Zzzzz
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