Apple will reportedly= hold iPad 2 event on March 2

in iPad edited January 2014
Apple is reportedly set to hold a media event to unveil its next-generation iPad on Wednesday, March 2, in San Francisco, Calif.

Citing multiple sources, Kara Swisher of All Things D revealed the date on Tuesday. Though a venue has not been named, it is expected to be held at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, where previous Apple media events have been held.

Given that the event is a little over a week away, Apple is expected to send out invitations to the event soon. Other details on the event, including potential details on the rumored "iPad 2," were not given.

The first-generation iPad was announced in late January of 2010, ahead of a U.S.-only launch of the Wi-Fi model in early April. The 3G model and international launches came out over the following weeks and months, on its way to sales of 15 million units in the calendar year.

The iPad 2 is widely expected to be thinner and lighter with a faster processor, more RAM, and a camera for FaceTime video chat. It is also expected to have advanced graphics capabilities to allow playback of high-definition video and superior 3D graphics.

As onlookers await the iPad 2, speculation has already begun that Apple could unveil a different version of the iPad, perhaps with more features, as early as this September. The release of a so-called iPad 3 would align the device with the annual announcement of new iPods just before the holiday buying season.

Earlier Tuesday, AppleInsider exclusively reported that Apple has scheduled a "all hands" meeting for its retail employees in the coming days. Employees were asked to sign a non-disclosure agreement, and those who do not sign cannot partake in the meetings, expected to be held at individual stores on Sunday.


  • Reply 1 of 56
  • Reply 2 of 56
    Clearly the shorts are out en masse, because AAPL has dropped quite a bit in the past week or two. A few new pictures of Jobs in the papers don't explain the wild drops in the stock.
  • Reply 3 of 56
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,121member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Clearly the shorts are out en masse, because AAPL has dropped quite a bit in the past week or two. A few new pictures of Jobs in the papers don't explain the wild drops in the stock.

    The entire market is getting hammered. It's not specific to Apple. All I see is another opportunity to buy AAPL.
  • Reply 4 of 56
    If this is true then the MacBook's revision will not be on Thursday. At least I think that. Apple does not announce nor launch multiple products at a close time. So its either the Macs or iPad in end of February to beginning March.

    To be honest I can't afford either at the moment but if I had to choose which I'd go for iPad 2!
  • Reply 4 of 56
    rainrain Posts: 538member
    Meh, nobody cares. Who wants to sit around with a pad that can only view some web pages and run fart apps.

    Now the Playbook... There is an exciting product launch. Can view ALL web pages, will have magazine subscriptions (unlike the iPad). Will have awesome apps like skype and Netflix (unlike the iPad)... Will be able to tether and create hot spots (unlike the iPad)... Think outside the box, do whatever whenever and let your wildest dreams come true.

    Probably why Apple's stock is sinking like a stone right now.

    Ha - troll post of the week.

    Seriously thou - how long is Apple going to play castle? They are losing momentum and the PR war. Makes you wonder who will take the next big bite out of their logo?
  • Reply 6 of 56
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    The entire market is getting hammered. It's not specific to Apple. All I see is another opportunity to buy AAPL.

    Just read an Andy Zaky article on Bullish Cross, which explains the selloff.
  • Reply 7 of 56
    shaun, ukshaun, uk Posts: 1,050member
    I would believe Kara more than I would those stupid analysts. Can't see them releasing MBPs this Thursday then holding a media event for the iPad next week. That's very un-apple like. More likely they would combine the two next week. I wish they would announce all their new products at media events, just makes it that little bit more exciting.
  • Reply 8 of 56
    aiolosaiolos Posts: 228member
    If they don't end up updating the MacBook/Pro line, that would be totally ridiculous. But 2 product launches in such close succession seems very uncharacteristic of Apple. They need to update their notebook line + iMac line very soon, the current models have been on the market too long.

    Seeing as how the online store only has shipping delays for the MBP line, I think this announcement may be for the MBP's and not the iPad.

    No way to know for sure until March 2, which btw is a Wed. and thus also not a normal day for AAPL product launches...
  • Reply 9 of 56
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    Meh, nobody cares. Who wants to sit around with a pad that can only view some web pages and run fart apps.

    Now the Playbook... There is an exciting product launch. Can view ALL web pages, will have magazine subscriptions (unlike the iPad). Will have awesome apps like skype and Netflix (unlike the iPad)... Will be able to tether and create hot spots (unlike the iPad)... Think outside the box, do whatever whenever and let your wildest dreams come true.

    Probably why Apple's stock is sinking like a stone right now.

    Ha - troll post of the week.

    Seriously thou - how long is Apple going to play castle? They are losing momentum and the PR war. Makes you wonder who will take the next big bite out of their logo?

    I think the Playbook is basically DOA.

    The HP Touchpad is rather likely too.

    Just the way it is.
  • Reply 10 of 56
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    Meh, nobody cares. Who wants to sit around with a pad that can only view some web pages and run fart apps.

    Now the Playbook... There is an exciting product launch. Can view ALL web pages, will have magazine subscriptions (unlike the iPad). Will have awesome apps like skype and Netflix (unlike the iPad)... Will be able to tether and create hot spots (unlike the iPad)... Think outside the box, do whatever whenever and let your wildest dreams come true.

    Probably why Apple's stock is sinking like a stone right now.

    Ha - troll post of the week.

    Seriously thou - how long is Apple going to play castle? They are losing momentum and the PR war. Makes you wonder who will take the next big bite out of their logo?

    You gave me a good laugh today, being that you made up a lot of your facts about the iPad. I think you might have been describing an ereader.. The iPad DOES run Netflix, DOES run

    Skype, will tether with OS4.3, and will have video chatting. My favorite moment is that you said iPad should think "outside the box". Hmm.. I'm pretty sure Apple revolutionized the tablet market and Playbook has imitated a lot of features of the iPad.

    And Apple's stock is sinking? Hmm.. Sure they have dropped some, but they usually do seasonally before their product launch months.. (April, June, and September) and now that I think about it iPhone is out on Verizon and is taking many of blackberry's customers.

    At the end of the day I think most can agree with me, Apple > Blackberry

    Why don't you go "troll" on BlackberryInsider instead of making stuff up about products you don't know about.
  • Reply 11 of 56
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by rain View Post

    Meh, nobody cares. Who wants to sit around with a pad that can only view some web pages and run fart apps.

    Now the Playbook... There is an exciting product launch. Can view ALL web pages, will have magazine subscriptions (unlike the iPad). Will have awesome apps like skype and Netflix (unlike the iPad)... Will be able to tether and create hot spots (unlike the iPad)... Think outside the box, do whatever whenever and let your wildest dreams come true.

    Probably why Apple's stock is sinking like a stone right now.

    Ha - troll post of the week.

    Seriously thou - how long is Apple going to play castle? They are losing momentum and the PR war. Makes you wonder who will take the next big bite out of their logo?

    And they say Apple has an RDF. Living in Vancouver, you must suffer from overlapping reality distortion fields being both in Canada and so close to Redmond.
  • Reply 12 of 56
    nceencee Posts: 858member
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Clearly the shorts are out en masse, because AAPL has dropped quite a bit in the past week or two. A few new pictures of Jobs in the papers don't explain the wild drops in the stock.

    Not just Apple.

    I have 54 stocks up on screen for monitoring, These include several energy, internet, Housing, Automotive, pharmaceutical and tech stocks, and only ONE is up, ONLY ONE (Chesapeake Energy).

  • Reply 13 of 56

    ow the Playbook... There is an exciting product launch.

    Absolutely. So glad I don't use e-mail. Having that Blackberry tethered to it is so convenient.
  • Reply 14 of 56
    a_ka_k Posts: 32member
    I guess the person who claimed iPad 2 would be delayed to June wanted to get some attention today ;-) 15 minutes of fame anyone?
  • Reply 15 of 56
    Originally Posted by PresidentVirg View Post

    If this is true then the MacBook's revision will not be on Thursday. At least I think that. Apple does not announce nor launch multiple products at a close time. So its either the Macs or iPad in end of February to beginning March.

    To be honest I can't afford either at the moment but if I had to choose which I'd go for iPad 2!

    Honestly I think we'll see iPad 2 as the primary focus and the one more thing as the MBP refresh.

    That or the other way around, but either way they'll do both on the 2nd. Everyone thought "Oh Steve's birthday they have to be releasing it then" but he prob won't be there so it was a BS date.
  • Reply 16 of 56
    I think it is very obvious that these rumors of iPad 2 delays and iPad 3 coming out late this summer or fall are made up by parties connected too or have interests with Apple?s competition. Think about it, if you don?t even have a tablet out yet, and it is not going to be released until this summer (HP & RIM); you want potential customers waiting until this summer to make a decision about buying a new tablet, instead of this spring when the iPad 2 comes out. So you float the idea that an iPad 3 is coming out late this summer. Making some people wait for iPad3.

    Also I don?t think it is a coincidence that these rumors of iPad 2 and iPhone delays come out the same week that Motorola?s Xoom is released.
  • Reply 17 of 56
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    And they say Apple has an RDF. Living in Vancouver, you must suffer from overlapping reality distortion fields being both in Canada and so close to Redmond.

    Right! I thought I was reading satire for most of his post until I realized (I guess) that he was serious.

    Two Points -

    1) The Playbook must be tethered just to get Email, Contacts, Calendar! This is IMO a stupid design feature.

    2) If RIM cannot even make one decent Handset how can they think of making a competitive tablet?
  • Reply 18 of 56
    Originally Posted by SpamSandwich View Post

    Clearly the shorts are out en masse, because AAPL has dropped quite a bit in the past week or two. A few new pictures of Jobs in the papers don't explain the wild drops in the stock.

    More like claims that he has told at most six months left to live.

    Plus the subscription stuff and claims that Kindle etc are jumping ship. And Apple is going to get in trouble for antitrust. And so on.
  • Reply 19 of 56
    herbapouherbapou Posts: 2,228member
    The AppleStore is 1 street away from where I work. Release those MBP already so I can go take a look at them :-)
  • Reply 20 of 56
    newbeenewbee Posts: 2,055member
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    And they say Apple has an RDF. Living in Vancouver, you must suffer from overlapping reality distortion fields being both in Canada and so close to Redmond.

    Living in Vancouver is not the problem for Rain ... I'm also from Vancouver and will proudly admit to being An Apple "fanboy". The problem with Rain is the same as it is with all the other trolls .... very low self esteem. Why else the need to visit "someone else's house" and proceed to complain about everything they see? .... unless of course, it's his "job" .... but, in his case at least, I don't think anyone is desperate enough to hire someone with a "skill set" so limited.
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