Apple designer Jony Ive rumored to be considering move back to UK



  • Reply 101 of 146
    Bit off topic but If Johnathan Ive sets up a design consultancy firm then Nintendo needs to seek his services. Has anyone seen the new NDS 3D? The product design and build is shocking! I checked out the pics on engadget last night. It looks like something that was made in the late 80's.

    Hope Johnny stays at APPLE though, he is always welcome back to my home town university in Newcastle where he studied industrial design to set up shop though!
  • Reply 102 of 146
    Does anyone seriously believe that steve Jobs would take a leave of absence and not guarantee the top of his team large compensation? Most likely Jobs took care to assure that his key people will be there till he returns.
  • Reply 103 of 146
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    I wouldn't take it as an insult to US schools that he wants to educate his kids in the UK. It's just a very different culture that's all. I have lived and worked in both countries and even though the 13 colonies were founded by England in actual fact Americans are more like Germans than Englishmen.

    Physically they look more like Germans (they don't have the extremely white skin of the English) and culturally they are more serious like Germans. Anyway the point is the differences are not minor and I understand this move. Not to mention, young children speaking with that educated English accent sounds great!
  • Reply 104 of 146
    Originally Posted by Paul94544 View Post

    Everything in the natural world obeys this law






    Apple is beginning it decay stage

    Right. Except that, once upon a time, Apple had a 20-year run that ended in 1996 with Gil Amelio in charge, the stock trading in the low teens, and the company was literally 6 months from bankruptcy. The company had already reached the death stage by then. Then Steve Jobs came back. Today the stock is worth 20 times.

    Your fictional law vs. the facts... Facts win.
  • Reply 105 of 146
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    Contrary to the belief of Steve Jobs, you can't buy the love... or loyalty of company executives by showering them with lavish stock option bonuses. All that you achieve with such a lame strategy is to set the stage for a bigger disappointment later on when the executive, like Jonathan Ive, is not called upon for a higher function up the corporate ladder.

    For what reason, he says, would Apple have given me such an unheard of stock option bonus if the Apple Board of directors didn't have big plans for me? And when those big plans meet with reality, the executive is so disappointed that he loses all motivation to carry on and continue his day to day job at Apple corporate headquarters. All of a sudden, the stockholders, Mac users and Mac developpers mean nothing to Jonathan Ive, just as his inspired designs for Apple.

    Jonathan Ive never had any loyalty for Apple. And now, Jony has a bruised ego!

    Interesting perspective.
  • Reply 106 of 146
    palegolaspalegolas Posts: 1,361member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    The report said that Ive and his wife Heather are considering a move back to England with their twin sons for their education.

    Fully understand it. I don't blame them for eventually making this choice.

    Jonathan has meant so much for Apple, and is impossible to "replace".

    But I'm sure Jonathan will be there remotely overseeing the transition of new staff taking his place and eventually taking Apple's design into the future.
  • Reply 107 of 146
    I know why Jony's leaving:

  • Reply 108 of 146
    mr omr o Posts: 1,046member
    Ive and Steve Jobs are close friends. If someone knows about Steve's health, it would've been Ive. Steve is the vision, Ive is the execution. You cannot simply replace Ive by someone else, no matter how bright that person is. Ive is the gatekeeper with an out of this world ability to merge all the brilliant ideas from his team into a solid product we all crave/lust after.

    Without Ive we are very likely going to end up with gadgets ?

    I am sorry for this sad post
  • Reply 109 of 146
    mr omr o Posts: 1,046member
    Originally Posted by mr O View Post

    Ive and Steve Jobs are close friends. If someone knows about Steve's health, it would've been Ive. Steve is the vision, Ive is the execution. You cannot simply replace Ive by someone else, no matter how bright that person is. Ive is the gatekeeper with an out of this world ability to merge all the brilliant ideas from his team into a solid product we all crave/lust after.

    Without Ive we are very likely going to end up with gadgets ?

    I am sorry for this sad post

    All I am trying to say is that Ive will never leave his best friend. Especially not with all the health issues Steve is having at the moment.

    It is actually all human stuff ?
  • Reply 110 of 146
    Nothing is static, nothing is forever. Either a company dares deal with change and view that as possibilities or it will stagnate. That's the corporate challenge. Indeed, I think Mr Ives has done marvelous stuff within Apple, but maybe there's more talent out there and within who can inspire, design and show new ways to do things?

    Mr Ives - Take good care of yourself, if you want to move on, please part from Apple as friends and watch your friend prosper. Be proud of your work and move on to new great challenges. Best of luck!
  • Reply 111 of 146
    Originally Posted by mr O View Post

    Ive and Steve Jobs are close friends. If someone knows about Steve's health, it would've been Ive. Steve is the vision, Ive is the execution. You cannot simply replace Ive by someone else, no matter how bright that person is. Ive is the gatekeeper with an out of this world ability to merge all the brilliant ideas from his team into a solid product we all crave/lust after.

    Without Ive we are very likely going to end up with gadgets ?

    I am sorry for this sad post

    I think you're right about Steve & Jonny's relationship. I also think that Jonny's built a solid design team, such that if he leaves, he'll feel confident about promoting one of his lieutenants to fill his position. It's highly unlikely that Jonny would be replaced by someone from the outside.
  • Reply 112 of 146
    shaun, ukshaun, uk Posts: 1,050member
    Most of the best private schools in the UK have boarding facilities for children whose parents live/work away so he wouldn't need to move back to educate his children here.
  • Reply 113 of 146
    asdasdasdasd Posts: 5,686member
    Firstly the assumption that Steve is going to die is probably wrong. He is an out patient. The board dont have a succession plan. Cook has not been appointed interim CEO, as he was last time ( when Jobs could have died in the operating theatre). Dont assume anything until he actually resigns. He is not going to be a CEO on his death bed, but I dont think he is dying, he probably has had real problems with energy and eating.

    The board should lighten up. Ives could move his team, or some of it to Somerset or London. And fly to Cupertino once a month. Or for a month at the important stages every few months.

    In fact Apple need to move some development out of cupertino. London is a world city, try that.
  • Reply 114 of 146
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    So, a Brit who travels to France understands what's happening in Egypt better than a Californian who travels to Texas?

    I also disagree that you cannot travel (EASILY) in the USA without meeting people with substantially different histories, language and culture. Ignoring the fact that 3+ generation Americans who live in Louisiana are hugely different in all of those ways from someone from Boston, America is also full of large communities of 1st and 2nd generation immigrants from other places.

    Unfortunately theory and practice are 2 different things. I am a Brit who has lived in the US for 15 years. You can travel and get different worldviews but in my experience, few do. People travel, meet up with distributed family, hang out with people of their own type etc.

    Your flippant comment that you can go from Paris to Brussels and learn less than Philly to DC etc. is totally wrong. Firstly, Paris might be on strike (often happens) - new experience. Brussels is currently in the center of a sectarian/linguistic struggle that threatens to tear Belgium apart. I suppose you could go to the South in the US and talk about the War of Northern Aggression? I travel all over the US and unless you talk to the taxi drivers and busboys, I get pretty much the same worldview wherever I go. The cities and burbs are the burbs are the burbs and I don't get into the backcountry much. 3 different viewpoints on American history from Boston, Louisiana and San Francisco does not count as real diversity.
  • Reply 115 of 146
    marvfoxmarvfox Posts: 2,275member
    I think Johnny Ive should not be held prisoner by Apple demanding him to stay with the company.He is a dedicated man and gifted and if he goes Apple is in trouble I think.This is his life and he has a family to think about. He deserved his wealth by what products he created for the company.
  • Reply 116 of 146
    Originally Posted by ouragan View Post

    Contrary to the belief of Steve Jobs, you can't buy the love... or loyalty of company executives by showering them with lavish stock option bonuses. All that you achieve with such a lame strategy is to set the stage for a bigger disappointment later on when the executive, like Jonathan Ive, is not called upon for a higher function up the corporate ladder.

    For what reason, he says, would Apple have given me such an unheard of stock option bonus if the Apple Board of directors didn't have big plans for me? And when those big plans meet with reality, the executive is so disappointed that he loses all motivation to carry on and continue his day to day job at Apple corporate headquarters. All of a sudden, the stockholders, Mac users and Mac developpers mean nothing to Jonathan Ive, just as his inspired designs for Apple.

    Jonathan Ive never had any loyalty for Apple. And now, Jony has a bruised ego!

    I've missed your terrible, misinformed comments - welcome back!

    1. Jony's loyalty is not in question here - where did you see it was. If the rumor is true he is making a life choice that may be at the expense of his Apple career.

    2. If you think $30M stock grant is unprecedented in Apple or elsewhere, then you are more misinformed that I thought. Most of Apple's top execs are getting massive grants due to the mind-boggling financial performance of Apple. These are "just rewards" for key people as in any successful corporation.

    3. Jony is a designer - he runs all design at Apple. There is no where else for him to go. CEO - really? He is clearly behind Tim Cook in the running for that and probably wouldn't want it. Truly creative people usually make so-so leaders and terrible managers.

    4. Your absurd anthropormophism of a job at the the Company into some personal debt to stockholders to users is farcical. Jony is a guy from the UK with a young family and apparently a desire to return home. Why blow it up into something it isn't. I think he's done enough for Apple for several lifetimes and has left a legacy and language of design that will continue with or without him.
  • Reply 117 of 146
    Originally Posted by Shaun, UK View Post

    Most of the best private schools in the UK have boarding facilities for children whose parents live/work away so he wouldn't need to move back to educate his children here.

    He only has to move back if he doesn't hate his kids. Or did you board at private school and turned out great?

    Boarding school... really?
  • Reply 118 of 146
    Originally Posted by nuntius View Post

    Sorry to say this, but the standard of that article was very poor. The prose did not flow, there were fragmented sentences and there were several typos, as well as poor overall structure.

    AppleInsider is accepting resumes for feature and review editors. You should send in your resume.
  • Reply 119 of 146
    kotatsukotatsu Posts: 1,010member
    Originally Posted by Mode View Post

    What does it say about the American educational system (even private) - when one of the most brilliant industrial designers of our time wants to leave so his kids can have a decent education?

    When all the intellectuals and great minds start leaving the country... watch out.

    The UK has some exceptional private schools for the wealthy, but for the vast majority of the population here schools are dreadful and getting worse rapidly. The UK is way down the world league tables in most, perhaps all areas of education.

    Things will get a lot worse soon too as the bankrupt UK government is now allowing anyone with money to run schools, which means religious crazies of every flavour. It's not going to end well.
  • Reply 120 of 146
    Interesting thread. Lot's of navel gazing, introspection, and life advice. I feel like we should all be sitting in a pub sharing a pint.

    My $0.02.

    Ive is an ex-pat and has kids. It's completely reasonable that he wants his children to grow up in his/their native culture rather than anywhere else. He's British. He wants his children to be British - and not some half USA/Brit hybrid. Take them home and let them eat bangers and mash, play cricket, and learn to speak proper English.

    He's proven to be a successful designer and has made a big pile of money for his employer and himself. Good on him. Now take that pile of money and raise your kids how you want, where you want. Apple is just a company, and they just make things. They'll find someone else to make pretty things for them; you'll never have another chance to raise your children.

    And Jony's close friendship with Steve could be a catalyst. Maybe he's seen Steve spend monster hours pouring his heart and soul into Apple, Pixar, Disney, etc. Who knows what kind of family life Steve has? Maybe Jony would like a little more family time and a little less company time.

    The illusion that you are irreplaceable is the stuff of dictators and tyrants - see Mubarak, Gaddafi, et al.

    - Jasen.
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