Apple designer Jony Ive rumored to be considering move back to UK



  • Reply 141 of 146
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by penchanted View Post

    Of course they are edited. But really, we have people who don't know who was the first president and could not even answer leading questions that contained part of the answer. To me, it's pretty saddening.

    Of course it's sad. But if you think being ignorant is caused by being American, you're sorely mistaken. I would think in your 5 decades you would have seen that. Every group of people will have its share of addicted, lazy, drop out losers. Just because you've only seen Leno interview Americans doesn't mean the same effect wouldn't occur elsewhere. It would.

    Ever seen who wants to be a millionaire or are you smarter than a 5th grader? Hundreds of self-selected people who want to get rich by answering trivia. They ask questions EVERYONE should know. But I bet even you, who is deeply saddened by the idiocy of what you see on TV (catch the irony in that?) wouldn't win the million, or answer all the elementary school level questions correctly. Oh, and I'm sure you know these shows got their start in England. Turns out even Europeans suffer from being human and forgetting the things they learned 30 years earlier. Weird, huh?
  • Reply 142 of 146
    gary54gary54 Posts: 169member
    Originally Posted by Paul94544 View Post

    Everything in the natural world obeys this law






    Apple is beginning it decay stage

    Only 15 years after the fact chance to jump on that bandwagon! Way to go!



    The Goose is Cooked

    "Apple as we know it is cooked. It’s so classic. It’s so sad." — Stan Dolberg of Forrester Research, quoted by the New York Times in 1996. See also Fortune’s "By the time you read this story, the quirky cult company…will end its wild ride as an independent enterprise," from the same year. Time: "Certainly No Future."

    Microsoft’s Nathan Myhrvold couldn’t even predict the present: "Apple is already dead," he said after Jobs’ return.

    AppleTV’s Features and Impact

    "Apple’s iTV will include features beyond streaming content and could have an impact on video similar to what the iPod has done for music." —

    Andy Neff of Bear Stearns packs several failed prognostications into one sentence.

    Jobs, Shjobs!

    "The idea that they’re going to go back to the past to hit a big home run .

    . . is delusional" — Dave Winer, quoted by the Financial Times in 1997.

    Self-Mutilation or Sale Is the Only Way Forward

    "[Apple] seems to have two options. The first is to break itself up, selling the hardware side. The second is to sell the company outright." — The Economist, Feb. 1995

    Shut Down The Primary Source Of Revenue

    "Admit it. You’re out of the hardware game," — Us, in 1997.

    Sidenote: Evolution/change/passing of generations never has equated to *death* That's different. No one bothered to mention that obscure distinction?
  • Reply 143 of 146
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    If the guy wants to leave, then he's going to leave. He's already made a lot of money, I doubt anything can stop him if that's what he's decided upon.

    Imagine the horror of him ending up working for someone else... like Adrian Newey moved from McLaren to Red Bull - after he announced he is tired of F1 and would like to design racing yachts.

    I'm sure HP, Dell, Toshiba... would pay him big money AND be much more flexible regarding his location; some of them might agree for him to work from home and spend only minimum time at company's R&D department, much as it is required to test prototypes.
  • Reply 144 of 146
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by SDIOWarrior View Post

    Maybe he is out of ideas. So much perfection can only be obtained once.

    Or maybe Apple doesn't want to change things too much, and he would like to design new laptop/tablet/... from scratch instead of fine-tuning current design?
  • Reply 145 of 146
    gary54gary54 Posts: 169member
    Originally Posted by jasenj1 View Post

    Interesting thread. Lot's of navel gazing, introspection, and life advice. I feel like we should all be sitting in a pub sharing a pint.

    My $0.02.

    Ive is an ex-pat and has kids. It's completely reasonable that he wants his children to grow up in his/their native culture rather than anywhere else. He's British. He wants his children to be British - and not some half USA/Brit hybrid. Take them home and let them eat bangers and mash, play cricket, and learn to speak proper English.

    He's proven to be a successful designer and has made a big pile of money for his employer and himself. Good on him. Now take that pile of money and raise your kids how you want, where you want. Apple is just a company, and they just make things. They'll find someone else to make pretty things for them; you'll never have another chance to raise your children.

    And Jony's close friendship with Steve could be a catalyst. Maybe he's seen Steve spend monster hours pouring his heart and soul into Apple, Pixar, Disney, etc. Who knows what kind of family life Steve has? Maybe Jony would like a little more family time and a little less company time.

    The illusion that you are irreplaceable is the stuff of dictators and tyrants - see Mubarak, Gaddafi, et al.

    - Jasen.

    If people would stop thinking of their own self interest in Apple as a company. He is a man with a life and family like anyone else.
  • Reply 146 of 146
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
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