Apple ships over 1 million MacBook Airs in new notebook's first quarter



  • Reply 161 of 207
    wolfmanwolfman Posts: 79member
    Originally Posted by fearless View Post

    I want a MacBook Air but I'll wait til the first revision to have a Thunderbolt port. I need to be able to access decent video files, ProRes and bigger (not edit them especially, just deal with media) and the idea of having to buy an MBP just to get that is stopping me in my tracks. So please. Thunderbolt on the Air, soon!

    The Tunderbolt chip is huge! Given the (small) size of the MBA logic board, this may not happen as quickly as you want.

    Even without Thunderbolt, our 13" MBA is sweet No need to wait...
  • Reply 162 of 207
    slurpyslurpy Posts: 5,386member
    Originally Posted by zunx View Post

    It seems that you did not get it. It is NOT to work on the device. Just make the presentation on a standard Mac, move it to the pocketable Mac via USB PenDrive and use the pocketable Mac for the videopresentation with a USB-based wireless remote control. That is! Instead of carrying 2 kg of laptop and accessories, you just carry 400 to 600 g (or so) on your pocket. For people giving lots of videopresentations, that is fantastic.

    No, I did get it. This thing still has to run an OS- either OSX or iOS. They're not gonna invent a 3rd. OSX would be unuseable, and iOS would be absolutely redundant, and iOS keynote doesnt support the full features of the OSX version anyway. Again, whats the point? Its not a practical or logical device.
  • Reply 163 of 207
    Originally Posted by Cubert View Post

    Let the eternal debate begin!

    MacBooks Air vs. MacBook Airs.

    Why did you start such a silly debate? You knew folks would take the bait. I think you deserve a spanking.

    The correct answer is neither. That is, the correct answer is neither "Macbooks Air" or "Macbook Airs". The correct answer is Macbook Air. The grammar of the article should have been called into question, not the usage of an incorrect term. Every mention of "Macbook Airs" should be replaced with Macbook Air. Every one of them - and the sentences where the incorrect term is used should be rewritten to reflect the change, i.e., the correction.

    That is all.
  • Reply 164 of 207
    zunxzunx Posts: 620member
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    No, I did get it. This thing still has to run an OS- either OSX or iOS. They're not gonna invent a 3rd. OSX would be unuseable, and iOS would be absolutely redundant, and iOS keynote doesnt support the full features of the OSX version anyway. Again, whats the point? Its not a practical or logical device.

    The point is to carry 600 g in the pocket to plug the presentation on the videoprojector and give the presentation with the remote control instead of 2 kg of laptop plus accessories. Only that. No need to interact with the interface beyond that. No need to work on it. Nope. And since it must be fully compatible with Keynote and PowerPoint presentations created on a standard Mac, it must be also a Mac, since iOS does not deliver. Only that.
  • Reply 165 of 207
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    Originally Posted by Carmissimo View Post

    It's unlikely that any one with any sense to them would buy a MBA to do the sort of heavy lifting that would make the included base RAM inadequate.

    If you need more than 2GB, what you also need is more computer than the MBA. In other words, you really should be looking at a MacBook Pro, all of which come in base form with 4GB of RAM.

    The base 13" MacBook Pro is less expensive than the base 13" Air, so if specific performance needs are the issue, clearly the Air is not the way to go. If a capable machine with excellent portability is what you want, then the Air makes sense. But if you need more horsepower, it's not the bang-for-the-buck choice even within the Apple range.

    In short, if you find after the fact that 2GB of RAM is causing a problem, you probably shouldn't have bought an Air in the first place.

    I recently spent a week scuba diving and shooting underwater photography with a friend who was running an off-the-shelf 2GB 13" MBA (late 2010) while I had my 4GB, HDD-based 13" MBP (mid 2010), since sold. In a head-to-head comparison running local Lightroom libraries of the raw underwater images for the week, I'd be inclined to say the only deficiency in her MBA was the page out rates (not enough base memory, not upgradeable). In fact, I pretty much said exactly that:

    Originally Posted by John.B View Post

    Imagine how many they'll sell if they upgrade to Sandy Bridge processors and add the Thunderbolt port...

    Also, the default 2GB RAM is woefully inadequate in 2011.

    Based on that experience, if they gave the MBAs similar updates to the early 2011 MBPs, I will be first in line for one. For those of use to have to travel with the current weight restrictions, a pound-and-a-half here and there can make a big difference and, IRL, SSDs can make up a lot of the performance difference of a slower processor.

    Maybe don't be so quick to assume what you think makes a fast enough computer has to apply to everyone?
  • Reply 166 of 207
    co4ndco4nd Posts: 11member
    The major complaint was the lack of a CD Rom drive. It's another case of apple being a head of the consumer.
  • Reply 167 of 207
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    It will be interesting to see if these problems go away with an iPad 2 only version of the iWork apps.

    Originally Posted by extremeskater View Post

    Its not wildly exaggerated at all.

    Presenter Notes are removed if you attempt to move to the iPad and if you attempt to bring it back to your Mac they are simply deleted.

    Moving to the iPad doesn't handle screen resolutions or screen ratios well at all.

    Can we say no support for custom fonts.

    Removes master slides.

    Anyone that uses Keynote on a regular basis knows the iPad Keynote should be called Keynote Lite.

    Going from one to another simply creates more work.

  • Reply 168 of 207
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    It will be interesting to see if these problems go away with an iPad 2 only version of the iWork apps.

    How exactly does deleting present notes when moving off the iPad and additional fonts have to do with not enough RAM. Let's consider that iWork for iPad is still in it's first iteration.
  • Reply 169 of 207
    jonamacjonamac Posts: 388member
    Originally Posted by mcarling View Post

    MacBook is a noun. Air is used as an adjective. The noun gets the 's' and the adjective doesn't.

    Originally Posted by Logisticaldron View Post

    In your logic then it should be MacsBook Air because Book is an adjective describing the type of Mac it is.

    Neither 'air' nor 'book' is an adjective. They are both nouns.

    It's a silly argument born out of pretentiousness and a misconception. Hangers-on, passers-by etc. are couplings of nouns with prepositions, not nouns with adjectives. I can see what you're both saying but they're MacBook Airs. 'MacBook Air' is a product name, you can't chop it up; it needs to stay intact.

    'Air' isn't added because the MacBook is made of air. It's not a description of the product. It's just a nice word that's added to the base MacBook name because it evokes a sense of lightness in the buyer's mind. At no point does it magically become an adjective or, for that matter, a preposition.

    'Nike Airs Classic' sound right to you? No.
  • Reply 170 of 207
    lamewinglamewing Posts: 742member
    Originally Posted by ebergh View Post

    Way back in the dark ages before "computers" and desktop publishing I learned how to type on those strange things called "typewriters", and God help you if you tried to use them while looking at the keys! You either typed at less than 5 words a minute or you had a metal rats nest of keys to contend with... you HAD to learn where the "home keys" are (that's what those bumps are for on the H and J keys BTW). .

    Metal rats nest? I thought I was ancient and I learned to type on an IBM Selectric with their fancy "ball".
  • Reply 171 of 207
    mac_dogmac_dog Posts: 1,083member
    oh, man, really? w(ho)tf cares? the true definition of geek masturbation.

    clearly a slow day for some.
  • Reply 172 of 207
    jonamacjonamac Posts: 388member
    Originally Posted by mac_dog View Post

    oh, man, really? w(ho)tf cares? the true definition of geek masturbation.

    clearly a slow day for some.

    I agree, but when I found it stupid to bring up, I wanted to at least put it right. If you're going to be a super geek, at least get the info right.
  • Reply 173 of 207
    john galtjohn galt Posts: 960member
    Originally Posted by wizard69 View Post

    Can we say far to little RAM?

    You can say it, but if you write it that way, it makes about as much sense as MacBooks Air.

  • Reply 174 of 207
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by Logisticaldron View Post

    How exactly does deleting present notes when moving off the iPad and additional fonts have to do with not enough RAM.

    There are actually many issues here that impact the various problems with the iWork suite. On big issue is that iPad one is extremely tight with respect to RAM.


    Let's consider that iWork for iPad is still in it's first iteration.

    Which is exactly my point! If the next iWork update targets iPad 2 they will have far more RAM to work with which would hopefully mean that they can retain all of the data from files transferred to the platform. Due to they way iOS works RAM significantly limits app functionality. With iPad 2 we should start to see some impressive apps that leverage the greater amount of RAM in the device.
  • Reply 175 of 207
    wizard69wizard69 Posts: 13,377member
    Originally Posted by john galt View Post

    You can say it, but if you write it that way, it makes about as much sense as MacBooks Air.

    I would guess you don't know what RAM is.
  • Reply 176 of 207
    cvaldes1831cvaldes1831 Posts: 1,832member
    Originally Posted by co4nd View Post

    The major complaint was the lack of a CD Rom drive. It's another case of apple being a head of the consumer.

    Based on alleged sales figures, this appears to no longer be a significant issue.
  • Reply 177 of 207
    brucepbrucep Posts: 2,823member
    Originally Posted by zunx View Post

    Apple should make a really portable MacBook Air:

    - 400 to 600 g.

    - 5 to 7-inch screen.

    - Pocketable.

    The ultimate Keynote and PowerPoint presentation tool!


    mac should make a 6 in ipad
  • Reply 178 of 207
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    Originally Posted by brucep View Post


    mac should make a 6 in ipad

    You mean 'Apple' and '7-inch', respectively.

    And no, they won't.
  • Reply 179 of 207
    marvfoxmarvfox Posts: 2,275member
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    My 3-month old 13" MBA is a treat to use each time. I actually end up using it more than my 27" i7 iMac now. The SSD setup makes my MBA much faster for everyday use. Phenomenal machine.

    Is it really much faster than my 5400 HD? Will I see a difference if I installed a SSD in my MBP 13 inch from 2010 I just got 1 month ago. Thanks
  • Reply 180 of 207
    I am enjoying my MBA, and did not get the optical drive. MacMall pre-installed Windows 7 (and sent me the install disk which says clearly the drive is needed for reinstall). I installed two other things on the MBA, MS Office for Mac by sharing my iMac drive, and Sophos Virus on Windows by putting the install on a flash drive. So, with these two methods, i seem to be getting along nicely.

    Can anyone think of a likely scenario where i will need to Optical drive? Main reasons for not buying it were (1) the ads tout that it's not needed, and (2) another piece of hardware lying around not being used, getting misplaced, etc.

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