Apple TV updated to stream live MLB & NBA games, offer 5.1 sound with Netflix



  • Reply 61 of 89
    pmcdpmcd Posts: 396member
    Originally Posted by aimac1 View Post

    This is what fixed the problem for me. Connecting ATV2 via Wifi = a miserable Netflix experience. Constantly buffering. Once I moved the ATV2 near my router and plugged in via Ethernet, all of my buffering problems went away.

    I have 2 ATV's. One wireless on the 5GHz band while the other is wired. Both work great with netflix and streaming. The wired one is a bit better. Networks are tricky when they don't work right.

  • Reply 62 of 89
    christophbchristophb Posts: 1,482member
    Originally Posted by ruckerz View Post

    IT annoys me that I can't watch local games live. I imagine all the billing is done through Apple, if I change my billing address via iTunes can I now watch local games live on the ATV 2? Or do I need to also get a proxy that's elsewhere?

    It isn't AppleTV or Apple it's MLB's policy to protect local markets who pay MLB to exclusively show those games. I'm a Yankee fan in Texas and I don't get to see them play the Rangers unless it's picked up by a local broadcast or cable channel. Same goes with them doing interleague with the Stros. I'm lucky only because the teams I follow aren't in my regional area; In Texas, region is pretty damned big.

    Blackouts are part of the business but the bright side is, those same "local" markets are why you get to see teams when they are away.
  • Reply 63 of 89
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member
    It has nothing to do with Netflix servers. It is your own internet service provider that likely sucks. This goes to the heart of the net neutrality argument. You pay your internet service provider to provide content you seek on the Internet. Yet, it often times forces companies like Netflix to pay a premium to deliver the content you requested. Often times your Internet Service provider competes with Netflix so it purposely throttles Netflix's connection.

    Net Neutrality law seek to prevent Internet providers from favoring certain content over others so you can get your Netflix content without delay.

    Originally Posted by Postulant View Post

    Netflix servers suck at times. Updating the AppleTV won't fix that.

  • Reply 64 of 89
    tbelltbell Posts: 3,146member
    Watching Sports kills brain cells.

    Originally Posted by mesomorphicman View Post

    Add ESPN and NFL Network (RedZone) and I'll seriously consider buying one.. but they need more content for sports junkies, especially U.S. football fans. More content like History Channel, Cooking Channel, HGTV, TCM, Comedy Central, Toon Network, and PBS and local channels (if possible) would be nice too. But mainly more sports.

    Football is the #1 sport in the U.S. look at how many people bought DirecTV just to get the football package... football drives sales. Now that the NFL Network has the Redzone w/o needing DirecTV a lot of those people are considering dropping their DirectTV subscription. Apple, listen to me - Football equals sales and money and subscribers. Make a deal with the NFL and a lot of men (not just tech nerds) will buy an Apple TV.

  • Reply 65 of 89
    libertyforalllibertyforall Posts: 1,418member
    Exercising your piehole here won't help you much, do it HERE:

    Originally Posted by saarek View Post

    Nice update if you're American.... As usual with the Apple TV nothing of any real benefit to the many owners outside of the US.

    Would it really hurt Apple to improve the device from an international user perspective?

    I'm aware that it's a "hobby" product, but it's highly annoying that outside of the US we pay significantly more for a product that offers significantly less!

    I love my Apple TV, I really do, but sometimes i can't help but feel shafted by Apple.

  • Reply 66 of 89
    libertyforalllibertyforall Posts: 1,418member
    Haven't tried the update yet -- don't want to loose my jailbreak and XBMC, etc., but check out AirFlick -- free app made my ATV 10X more useful and doesn't need a jailbreak to work!

    Originally Posted by iGuessSo View Post

    I was going to ask about HuluPlus and AirPlay, not being an ATV owner (yet).

    So AirPlay doesn't work with streaming apps?

  • Reply 67 of 89
    libertyforalllibertyforall Posts: 1,418member
    Yea, distribution rights are a bunch of NONSENSE to the consumer who just wants to watch what they want!!!

    Originally Posted by pmcd View Post

    There are very simple ways to access US content if you looked into that. However, have you considered that it might be local political issues preventing distribution of certain content via the ATV? That is certainly the case in Canada. Distribution rights are very complicated. I really doubt that Apple is conspiring to prevent iPlayer on the ATV. I happen to like UK programming but I can't view it from here. I also can't rent TV shows for 99 cents on the ATV2. Every media player in the world is having problems with the way the world is divided. Of course many of them will play any type of codec, and it's pretty clear why that is.


  • Reply 68 of 89
    mistergsfmistergsf Posts: 244member
    Originally Posted by libertyforall View Post

    Try a wired connection instead of wireless -- same results?

    I agree, try wired - if you can. As much as I love the convenience of Wi-Fi, my results were always inconsistent and my troubleshooting could not find the cause or issue; big headache. Fortunately, in our new home, it was easy to wire behind walls for ethertnet. Since being wired, I've not had any problems at all with Netflix or music streaming. I'm ecstatic at the speed of my cable connection.
  • Reply 69 of 89
    Originally Posted by dagamer34 View Post

    Now if only the NFL got on top of this and also had live streaming right on the AppleTV. Then again, there's no point in announcing it now when football is in its off-season.

    The draft is just next month..

    Originally Posted by tjwal View Post

    Number 3 would be to incorporate or clone XBMC

    #3 would be keep supporting and upgrading ATV 1

    Originally Posted by RobH View Post

    Exactly! WTF is it with putting Rounders on AppleTV? Only in America can they get so excited about the girls alternative to cricket!!!

    Come on Apple add some proper features! I've bought a FoxsatHD box and the iPlayer feature alone is whipping the ass of AppleTV.

    iPlayer is not that good. BBC3 is pants apart from Family Guy (though repeats). But I could understand your frustration. US is everything to them.. The rest of the world is second class (be comfortable with it).

    Originally Posted by Muncie View Post

    Second that. And MLS, please.

    Yep, NFL esp. Red Zone. I could do without MLS (elementary). Premier League all the way.

    Originally Posted by saarek View Post

    Nice update if you're American.... As usual with the Apple TV nothing of any real benefit to the many owners outside of the US.

    Would it really hurt Apple to improve the device from an international user perspective?

    I'm aware that it's a "hobby" product, but it's highly annoying that outside of the US we pay significantly more for a product that offers significantly less!

    I love my Apple TV, I really do, but sometimes i can't help but feel shafted by Apple.

    I think this is because Apple can't seem to tame the American market but this is still early (just out of the hobby stage). Plus, like in the EU, competition watchdogs/law and what not might have something to do with it.
  • Reply 70 of 89
    If it only could stream personal content available on WiFi/LAN without Apple ID validated over Internet and linked to credit card (no you cannot create account via App Store and select option "none" anymore - I tested yesterday by creating two accounts like that and Apple article on the subject is outdated).

    This is something like you go to your own bathroom but your doors have electonic lock that you have to use Internet account to unlock and the account has to be linked to credit card. Good luck with your own pants.

    Some people at Apple are so shortsighted that they cannot understand that people may not be eligible for credit card (youngsters, foreigners living in the USA e.t.c.) and there can be local Internet outage due to some works around the corner while one needs to show that last trip movie and slideshow to his friends during party.

    Seems like Apple enginnering IQ level is falling.

    (owner of original Apple TV... trying to setup new Apple TV - a souvenir to relatives).
  • Reply 71 of 89
    elliots11elliots11 Posts: 290member
    Originally Posted by aross99 View Post

    Are you using the Google DNS, or OpenDNS servers? If so, try your ISP's DNS servers. A number of people using the Google DNS and OpenDNS servers reporting having this issue, and that changing back to their ISP's servers resolved it.

    Sounds impossible I know, but it has something to do with sites that have multiple distribution points around the country, and sending out the content differently depending on where you were located. Using Google DNS or OpenDNS masked your location, and caused issues with this type of streaming...

    Or something like that...

    Even with stock DNS settings, my ATV will intermittently have the same issue of 2+ hour load times and slow previews. Don't know if it's my ISP or waiting on Apple's new server farm.
  • Reply 72 of 89
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by TBell View Post

    Watching Sports kills brain cells.

    Fewer than playing sports (at least US football).
  • Reply 73 of 89
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    The new ATV2 keyboard in 4.2 (2060) is awful!

    Oh, and ATV2 is also not honoring start or stop times when playing music from an iTunes library...
  • Reply 74 of 89
    john.bjohn.b Posts: 2,742member
    Well, so much for that:

    Originally Posted by MLB.TV

    The below-listed Club(s) is within the searched home television territory, and MLB.TV is subject to blackout for all regular season live games for these Club(s):

    * Chicago White Sox

    * Milwaukee Brewers

    * Chicago Cubs

    * St. Louis Cardinals

    * Kansas City Royals

    * Minnesota Twins

    Six teams?
  • Reply 75 of 89
    Has anyone else noticed that since the update, video descriptions are now missing from both the Home Sharing browsing and while watching the file? Or is this just my ATV2??
  • Reply 76 of 89
    razorpitrazorpit Posts: 1,796member
    Originally Posted by TimSteele View Post

    The updates are nice but there is no mention of fixing the problem with Netflix streaming stopping with long delays. This is the only feature of Apple TV I cannot use... And don't say it is my personal network (as many posts have claimed) as there is a Wii sitting right next to it connected to the same network and it works fine.

    I've noticed the same thing.

    Originally Posted by johnnyb0731 View Post

    The Wii streams a standred def file and the appletv steams in HD?

    I've yet to watch anything streamed in HD from Netflix. Before this update (5.1 audio) you would think the data would be the same.

    Originally Posted by aross99 View Post

    Another plus for the local storage on the ATV1. I don't think the ATV2 buffers as well as the ATV1. With the ATV1 it would continue to buffer until it had the whole movie. I don't think the ATV2 does that.

    It seems to me like the ATV1 just does a better job of streaming movies than the ATV2, and certainly better than streaming from Netflix.

    From what I've read Netflix does not buffer on any device. Supposedly they built a generic delivery system so that it can be implemented on a variety of hardware platforms, some with large amounts of storage (laptops) and those without, Wii.

    Originally Posted by desarc View Post

    aww come on Apple. add support for NHL Gamecenter. you KNOW there have to be literally tens of appleTV owners other than myself that are dying for it.

    Count me in as one of the ten! Seriously, how hard could it be to negotiate a deal with the NHL?
  • Reply 77 of 89
    core2core2 Posts: 49member
    Originally Posted by wheeles View Post

    Firstly, where the iPod succeeded was in being able to play the primary file format of music pirates, MP3. Apple TV is not able to play the primary file format of video pirates, AVI (and it's variants). Sure, you can re-encode etc., but why bother when pretty much every other video device supports it?

    Um, for 99 bucks I can have a portable box I can take with me when I travel and install XBMC on it and play anything under the sun... sounds like a pretty good deal for me.
  • Reply 78 of 89
    kenckenc Posts: 195member
    Originally Posted by jonro View Post

    How nice that Apple has added Internet content that they would earn money from. Where's Pandora. I use it fairly frequently and want it on my ATV.

    Are you sure? I have an ATV2 and I subscribe to NBA's LeaguePass on my MBA. I can now watch the NBA on my big screen in HD, and I didn't pay anyone one cent more. Before, the feed on my MBA was sketchy SD thru Silverlight, I believe. Now I get HD.
  • Reply 79 of 89
    Originally Posted by Ohcomeon View Post

    No catch-up TV for UK users.

    Even more disappointing from Apple's point of view, they didn't take the opportunity to get iTunes Extras working.

    Totally agreed - not only do we pay £104 for a $99 device, we miss out on US centric content. No Netflix, no MLB etc. Please Apple add the freely available iPlayer to Apple TV. There is now an iPlayer app for iPhone and iPad so maybe app streaming will work ?
  • Reply 80 of 89
    Originally Posted by neiltc13 View Post

    Nice to see them adding content for users outside the USA...

    Oh well, I'll stick to my PS3 streaming BBC iPlayer, ITV Player, 4oD and LoveFilm.

    Me too but its too bad the PS3 has a) such an idiotic user interface on the above and b) is so noisy.
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