Microsoft abandons Zune media players in iPod defeat



  • Reply 101 of 144
    Originally Posted by Mynameisjoe View Post

    That stupid paper clip they put in word trumps all.

    The paperclip is the ultimate.

    Followed by Windows ME? I dunno...
  • Reply 102 of 144
    philipmphilipm Posts: 240member
    All those folks who extolled the Zune are going to look really stupid. Oh, wait. They already did.
  • Reply 103 of 144
    SpamSandwichSpamSandwich Posts: 33,407member
    Originally Posted by afreemanmd View Post

    I never have seen a Zune in the wild. I have seen them in stores, but never in the hands of a consumer.

    Same here, although I did see some girls at a Target store once weighing the benefits of iPod vs. Zune and they settled on Zune. I shed a tear for them now.
  • Reply 104 of 144
    asciiascii Posts: 5,936member
    Remember this? The Zune team's iPod amnesty bin:

    Do you think those employees will be allowed their iPods back now?
  • Reply 105 of 144
    jd_in_sbjd_in_sb Posts: 1,600member
    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post

    Of all the dumbass things Microsoft have done over the years, I would vote releasing a Zune in brown as the second dumbest thing.

    The dumbest obviously is Balmer being appointed CEO.

    What do you think second dumbest is?

    The dumbest thing Microsoft ever did? I think it is obvious now: not creating a decent, modern portable operating system. Windows Mobile was unusable and they knew it yet did nothing until iOS and Android forced them to wake up.
  • Reply 106 of 144
    firefly7475firefly7475 Posts: 1,502member
    Originally Posted by bigpics View Post

    So in many ways IMO the code will to be a fairly large break that's at least likely to make at least a big hunk of software and maybe all drivers that currently work on Win 7 and Vista (and often, still, XP) incompatible.

    Although Microsoft are moving toward "Dot Net" as a platform rather than "Windows" I still don't think they will break backwards compatibility with old versions of Windows. I do think we'll see multiple versions though.
    • WP8 - ARM/x86. All applications written to Silverlight/XNA.

    • WT8/ARM - Metro UI. Only supports Silverlight/XNA via Marketplace (although Office will have to be ARM native). The "consumer" tablet. IMO they should brand it with Xbox, but they won't.

    • WT8/x86 - Dual UI. Standard Windows and Metro. Legacy as well as Silverlight/XNA support. Dock-able. The "business" tablet.

    • W8 - Standard Windows UI. Legacy as well as Silverlight/XNA support.

    • Xbox Next - I don't know, although support for Silverlight and the Marketplace was rumored.

    • Car/Sync - I don't know.

    Each Windows login will also be attached to a Windows Live account. I won't go as far as saying a Windows Live account will be a requirement to login to Windows, but I do think W8 variants will be severely limited without one. The Windows Live account will be used to sync user data, media, apps and purchases across all platforms.

    Originally Posted by bigpics View Post

    One possible approach might be to mostly virtualize Win 7 and Vista in ways that lets older programs operate mostly in a sandbox - on the level of Win 8 only (not Win Tab 8 or Win Phone 8).

    Maybe, but maybe not. Although it's possible I just can't see Microsoft breaking legacy support. Certainly not on the desktop variant of Windows 8.

    I actually wouldn't be surprised if we never see an ARM version of "desktop" Windows.

    Originally Posted by bigpics View Post

    Finally, it also means partially rearchitecting all of their own own PC and Server programs over a relatively short period. And they gotta lotta programs.

    This one is tricky.

    On one hand... again I can't see Microsoft breaking legacy support with Windows Server (2012?). Even if it meant losing their entire consumer business it wouldn't be worth pissing off their enterprise customers.

    On the other hand... with Office 365 and Azure you can see Microsoft are shifting Windows Server and everything it supports to the cloud, so maybe the hardware architecture or OS won't matter so much to business.
  • Reply 107 of 144
    firefly7475firefly7475 Posts: 1,502member
    Originally Posted by jd_in_sb View Post

    The dumbest thing Microsoft ever did? I think it is obvious now: not creating a decent, modern portable operating system. Windows Mobile was unusable and they knew it yet did nothing until iOS and Android forced them to wake up.

    This is probably the best answer I've seen, although I think it's far to easy to underestimate the effort involved in getting the Windows code base to that stage.

    It's not like Microsoft had thousands of developers sitting on their hands with nothing to do.

    The release schedule for W8 is probably quite good for the resources Microsoft have available.

    This brings us to the real issue which is wasted man-hours (or rather person-hours ) which can probably mostly be attributed to bad decisions by management.

    Vista is probably the key culprit here. It was written, hacked at and re-written again and ended up years overdue. If better decisions were made early in the Vista life-cycle we may have seen a fully modular, mobile supporting Windows 8 in Christmas 2009.

    That's just one example. You could also look at Windows Mobile, KIN, or one of a bunch of other time-wasting projects.
  • Reply 108 of 144
    kyle172kyle172 Posts: 64member
    We are the Champions, We are the Champions, No time for losers Because we are the champions "Queen"
  • Reply 109 of 144
    gctwnlgctwnl Posts: 278member
    Originally Posted by brentbordelon View Post

    What Microsoft should do is QUIT trying to catch up with everyone else and start focusing on something new and different like they did 20 years ago. That's the only chance they have of ever being as good as they once were.

    At least that's the opinion of a 25 year Microsoft developer

    Microsoft hardly ever produced something themselves. The original MS-Basic was the product that started MS, but for the rest, most of it was boughth. MS-DOS was bought from SCP, DOS-emulation in Windows NT was bought, IE was bought. Kinect was bought. Word/Excel was bought (I think). Windows NT (2000, XP) was built, Windows 1-3 was insipired by Apple but built by Microsoft (and having once developed for it: the API is a disaster zone). OS/2 was built (together with IBM).

    I don't know how much on the enterprise side (Exchange, Outlook, SharePoint was built and not bought).

    None of their built products were ever particularly good. Gates in his Microsoft years never was a great engineer (given for instance how little he understood of the limits of AI and how many billions were wasted in that direction), but he was a great strategist (read his book "The Road Ahead" which is very interesting when it talks about "the road travelled")

    I think, also, you meant 30 years (MS-Basic) and not 20 years.

    Jobs did something new 30 years ago (NeXT) and the results (iOS, OS X) are a foundation for their success (industrial design is another one)
  • Reply 110 of 144
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    The good news is we don't have to hear about any laughable "iPod killers" anymore. Now we're going to have to hear about a whole bunch of laughable "iPad killers", for a while to come.

  • Reply 111 of 144
    phalanxphalanx Posts: 109member
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    Then go buy a Zune. I'm sure there's few left for cheap.

    Thanks, I have two.
  • Reply 112 of 144
    firefly7475firefly7475 Posts: 1,502member
    Originally Posted by gctwnl View Post

    Microsoft hardly ever produced something themselves. The original MS-Basic was the product that started MS, but for the rest, most of it was bought

    Perhaps. Off the top of my head i would say a handful of products were totally purchased, some were originally spawned from a purchased product and developed, some incorporate purchased components and others were totally developed in house.

    I think there is a lot of effort involved in taking some raw components and making it into a successful product (like Kinect or the MacBook Air)

    iTunes was spawned from SoundJam but looking at iTunes now I would say it is an Apple creation, even though it was originally started by another company.
  • Reply 113 of 144
    d-ranged-range Posts: 396member
    Originally Posted by PaulMJohnson View Post

    Of all the dumbass things Microsoft have done over the years, I would vote releasing a Zune in brown as the second dumbest thing.

    The dumbest obviously is Balmer being appointed CEO.

    What do you think second dumbest is?

    Windows ME, without doubt
  • Reply 114 of 144
    It's sad as I've wanted one for a while, but they never came to the UK. But they were never going to beat Apple, it didn't matter how much better than the iPod they made it, people would still buy iPods. People know they want an iPod even before they know what they look like or anything other than the fact it plays music and that's hard to compete with.

    Another underlying reason though could be more to do with Windows Phone 7. Any new version would need to be updated to support WP7 apps, but they could start to cause issues with the mobile manufacturers who were previously unhappy with Google releasing their own phone. Who knows maybe we could see a return of Zune but as a software platform for other hardware vendors like WP7.
  • Reply 115 of 144
    guch20guch20 Posts: 173member
    Originally Posted by phalanx View Post

    Thanks, I have two.

    I'm sorry.
  • Reply 116 of 144
    guch20guch20 Posts: 173member
  • Reply 117 of 144
    x38x38 Posts: 97member
    Originally Posted by stokessd View Post

    The cut off text drives me nuts. I hate that, and I'm glad it's off the market. Such horrible gui design.


    I agree!!

    All the positive press about the Zune HD when it came out got me to go to the store and try one. I thought it was an incredibly horrible piece of junk, largely because of that stupid cut off text business. I've never understood how anybody can like those silly things.

    Apparently not many people did.
  • Reply 118 of 144
    bc kellybc kelly Posts: 148member

    1 - Good Thread by 'bigpics' et al ... ty

    Would have to study it deeply to fully digest, but first need to make sure my 'foundation of understanding' is firm ...

    Microsoft was stuck with DOS for years. Was ok as calculator/adding machine, but that's about it, and would always be limited cause it was based on algebra x/y axis, not the geometry/vectors needed for Graphics. Then they tried to invent a new code with NT, but didn't work, and been trying/re-trying ever since in hopes of moving into the 21st Century.

    But OSX/Unix/et al ... are taking over the World with their 'simplicity and elegance', plus are 'open' and designed for the 'Net - so will always have that added advantage.

    And unless Microsoft succeeds in writing that 'New Code' ? Then eventually they will become an Historical Oddity like Roman Numerals are to Hindu/Arabic Base 10.

    That fairly accurate in 'poetic terms' ?


    B - to all you AppInsider Snarky Wannabes

    Yea, yea ... some pretty good Zune Jokes, but from few years back - The Best?

    Craig Ferguson - you know, The Scottish Conan Guy

    He gave a simple reason why it failed

    "The Zune Zucked"


  • Reply 119 of 144
    xsuxsu Posts: 401member
    Originally Posted by AdonisSMU View Post

    Lol now that's the dumbest suggestion ever. MSFT gave apple money because it didn't want to be broken up.

    Actually MSFT been broken up could have turned out to be a blessing in disguise. It would have allowed the pieces to be more nimble with what they do.
  • Reply 120 of 144
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Finally. It seems like it has been around forever, like the blind man with both his legs chopped off begging on your street corner.

    Actually, it was more like this...

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