In-depth Review: Apple's iPad 2 running iOS 4.3



  • Reply 161 of 221
    rbonnerrbonner Posts: 635member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    You're full of it. My Aunt does not have a PC and cannot used computers so I tried to recommend an iPad to her, but had to stop mid recommendation as she wouldn't be able to set it up. There are zero Apple stores in our country and I don't want her iPad to be tied to my computer. It's a con because it's a con, and calling me out saying: "you just want to bitch" is completely crap.

    It would be cool if Apple developed a dock connector flash drive that could serve as the initial setup and some backup. That would open up the iOS devices to many more people.
  • Reply 162 of 221
    quadra 610quadra 610 Posts: 6,757member
    Originally Posted by nvidia2008 View Post

    Poor other tablets. No one wants to scalp them.

    That's pretty much the point, isn't it.

    We're all here complaining about iPad shortages and having to wait in line. Meanwhile no one is in line for the also-rans. The Galaxy Tab is DOA. The Xoom is unfit for regular use - since Google strikes again with releasing things in a Beta state and Moto doesn't seem to care, etc.

    The competition would kill for this kind of demand and attention. There is currently no viable alternative to the iPad. The competition has had over a year now, if not more. And they've got nothing more than incoherent attempts to get in on the tablet market (or rather, iPad market.)

    Meanwhile Apple is already well ahead of the game with an entire ecosystem in place that just works. Seamlessly with really no learning curve.
  • Reply 163 of 221
    Originally Posted by rbonner View Post

    It would be cool if Apple developed a dock connector flash drive that could serve as the initial setup and some backup. That would open up the iOS devices to many more people.

    No! Stop! Damn... I think it's too late. You've just created a:


    You're going to get a few replies about Apple's stupid decision not to include a USB port, a SD slot, a microfiche reader, a CD player, a vhs player, a cassette recorder....
  • Reply 164 of 221
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,945member
    Originally Posted by boeyc15 View Post

    Just curiuos, how do you know they are adobe IPs?

    Not having access to the info that the mods do, I'd assume they just looked up who "owns" them through ARIN.
  • Reply 165 of 221
    nvidia2008nvidia2008 Posts: 9,262member
    Originally Posted by Quadra 610 View Post

    That's pretty much the point, isn't it.

    We're all here complaining about iPad shortages and having to wait in line. Meanwhile no one is in line for the also-rans. The Galaxy Tab is DOA. The Xoom is unfit for regular use - since Google strikes again with releasing things in a Beta state and Moto doesn't seem to care, etc.

    The competition would kill for this kind of demand and attention. There is currently no viable alternative to the iPad. The competition has had over a year now, if not more. And they've got nothing more than incoherent attempts to get in on the tablet market (or rather, iPad market.)

    Meanwhile Apple is already well ahead of the game with an entire ecosystem in place that just works. Seamlessly with really no learning curve.

    That's the weird thing. All the sites like Engadget are continually writing about tablet after tablet that in reality not many people give a hoot about. What the heck is going on???
  • Reply 166 of 221
    cwscws Posts: 59member
    Excellent review, but in your list of apps initially available on the iPad 1 you left out iBooks. Fifty percent of my iPad use is as an e-book reader, for which it shines. The iBooks app is far superior to the Amazon Kindle or other ebook apps. If the iPad did nothing else, I would buy it as an ebook reader.
  • Reply 167 of 221
    onhkaonhka Posts: 1,025member
    Originally Posted by Sue Denim View Post

    Doesn't matter if you agree or not. But even though I want one (and will probably get one), some cons include:

    4) lack of Flash (if you don't like it, turn it off. Some of us want it).

    5) lack of integrated USB/Video or SD card (far more convenient way to transfer information without dragging around dongles)

    6) lack of keyboard option (so far),

    7) and so far, Apple seems to artificially be limiting availability. (No one seriously believes Apple couldn't offer better availability if they wanted, do they?)

    Based on reviews, I'd also question Safari's performance (compared to Android's) - though I haven't found that to be a big limiter for myself.

    Hi Teckstud. See you found your way back.
  • Reply 168 of 221
    grillagrilla Posts: 12member
    Friday evening the Apple Store in Bridgeport Village in Portland received their shipment for the next day. They knew exactly how many they had to sell, which was 15. Take into account that many people in line were there to buy 2 each, so only 8 people got an iPad this next morning. How hard would it be for the store to post in the window how many of each kind of Ipad they had for sale before they left Friday nite? Duh. Instead there was a line outside the store with people camping out all nite. When the Apple store manager came to give out the vouchers Saturday morning it took only a minute to realize that Apple had shown complete disrespect for their loyal fan base. For the first time in my life I heard people shouting "F Apple". A local TV station captured it and I hope they run with the story.

    Originally Posted by Sue Denim View Post

    Point taken.

    But my point was things like: Apple could have a lousy inventory notifier at least as lame as they had back in the iPhone3G days (where you could see what stores had inventory). And if they wanted, a much better system. They could let people know in line how many they have in stock, so lots of people could go home. They have people in-store at 7, but they won't open the doors or sell them until 9. And there are rumors that they are holding some back each day for the next day. Etc., etc. They're trying to make an artificial supply constraint because it plays the press. But it is also a way to treat your customers like garbage. This annoys me.

    Look. If they were doing everything they could to help their customers and couldn't keep up with demand -- they get a pass. But does anyone believe that this is the best they can do?

  • Reply 169 of 221
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    No! Stop! Damn... I think it's too late. You've just created a:


    You're going to get a few replies about Apple's stupid decision not to include a USB port, a SD slot, a microfiche reader, a CD player, a vhs player, a cassette recorder....

    You are wrong!

    Apple could introduce an OS Reinstall drive similar to the one provided with the new AirBook.

    This would act as a restore drive and a substitute for iTunes setup. When/if MobileMe is enhanced it could be used for the sync and backup functions.

    Once this comes together, the iPad will not require a PC, but, unlike the competition, the iPad can take advantage of an available PC to gain speed and reliability.

    That would qualify the iPad as a "Post PC Device" -- by anybody's measure.
  • Reply 170 of 221
    recrec Posts: 217member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    You just don't get it. You need a PC to set it up and that's a con.

    Do you? My memory is fuzzy, honestly, since I got my iPad a year ago. I thought you can just pull it out of the coffin and start using it. That's my memory anyway. It's not like the iPhone where it won't work until you plug it into a PC... its more like the iPod touch, where you can just take it out of the box, it comes charged up, and you can start using it without any kind of account.

    Syncing is of course a good idea for 2 reasons: OS updates and backing up your stuff, but that's it.

    Honestly not trying to be argumentative. I could be wrong, I suppose I could find out if I fully reset my iPad to factory conditions and see if it was usable right out of the box or not.
  • Reply 171 of 221
    robogoborobogobo Posts: 378member
    The iPad doesn't really need another computer to function. They'll happily set it up for you when you purchase it in the store, and even do updates for you when new firmware is released. Or you can use a friend's (or nephew's) machine to do the setup, after which you (or your aunt) are running free, and your friend (or nephew) can delete the data from his iTunes. Other than that, it's possible, though less convenient and dangerous for your data, to operate it completely on its own. Another computer makes it all go much more smoothly and provides backups, but it can't legitimately be a negative point.
  • Reply 172 of 221
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    You are wrong!

    Apple could introduce an OS Reinstall drive similar to the one provided with the new AirBook.

    This would act as a restore drive and a substitute for iTunes setup. When/if MobileMe is enhanced it could be used for the sync and backup functions.

    Once this comes together, the iPad will not require a PC, but, unlike the competition, the iPad can take advantage of an available PC to gain speed and reliability.

    That would qualify the iPad as a "Post PC Device" -- by anybody's measure.

    Hey... don't get me wrong... I don't give a rat's ass about adding devices... but, if you've read any threads on AI in the last while (and I know you have), then you'll know that any mention of an added anything brings up the incessant whining about how Apple should have added this or that or the other thing...

    (on edit... Actually, I think the little Reinstall drive is cool and a good idea...)
  • Reply 173 of 221
    Originally Posted by robogobo View Post

    The iPad doesn't really need another computer to function. They'll happily set it up for you when you purchase it in the store, and even do updates for you when new firmware is released. Other than that, it's possible, though less convenient and dangerous for your data, to operate it completely on its own. Another computer makes it all go much more smoothly and provides backups, but it can't legitimately be a negative point.

    Yep. I wasn't going to comment cause this thread is so troll filled what with "Sue" and "Ireland" but this has been my experience also.

    Unless you need to transfer media files you don't really need to touch a computer past the initial setup and any backing up you might want to do. Personally, the idea of using the iPad as a music player or keeping a lot of movies on it seems silly to me and I use mine as a regular, working computer. For that reason, I don't even need to sync for backups as I just save my stuff in the cloud using MobileMe.

    Putting movies on and off the device is the only real need I can see that might get one using the computer sync a lot, and even then, this has been largely replaced by airplay even though few use it yet.

    In any case, the idea that it has to be entirely free of a PC to be considered a "post-PC device" is just a flawed idea that no one is pushing except those that want to take a shot at Apple for other, personal reasons. It's the very definition of a strawman argument in that it's an argument against something that was never suggested in the first place.
  • Reply 174 of 221
    alfiejralfiejr Posts: 1,524member
    excellent DED take on the iPad 2 with iOS 4.3. especially the Post-PC section:

    "As long as you approach iPad as a post-PC device rather than expecting it to be a drop in replacement for a PC (whether a notebook or netbook or Slate PC-like device), few of the iPad's limitations will irk you. The ones that remain will be related to Apple's iOS development (meaning they should be addressed quickly, given the company's record-setting turnaround on both completing and delivering prompt updates) or the company's design decisions."

    a lot of geeks just don't get this. go look at AnandTech's review just up yesterday for example. some good meaty tech analysis (they love the processors), but they wail continually - including the setup story lead intro - about how it can't replace their laptop. and they think it should. that's their frame of reference. so smart these guys, yet so dumb too.

    rational thoughts now turn instead to what will iOS 5 add to the iPad 2 consumer experience later this year. if the sched is the same as last year, the iPhone version will come in the Spring, and then be adapted for the iPad in the Fall. first, some likely stuff:

    - various improvements to Safari. browser tabs via page images in a pull-up pane would be very Apple-ish. Private browsing also, given Apple's strong interest in user privacy.

    - some adjustments to notifications, as they seem to bother quite a few now.

    - an easy file transfer mechanism between iOS devices, like directly "sharing" files between same/compatible apps.

    - a powerful but easy to use iPhoto app, completing the iOS iLife suite.

    - some package to take advantage of the revamped MobileMe services that is obviously coming very soon.

    then some "maybe" stuff:

    - some kind of widgets to aggregate useful info/notifications. probably limited in scope.

    - the much-rumored iTunes cloud service. altho this might wait until the Fall as part of Apple's annual big iPod hype. it would be good buzz for bringing iOS 5 to the iPad then too.

    and finally, any wildcards such as:

    - some new features coming with OS X Lion that are integrated with iOS too. that would be exciting. OS X Lion is going to be fully unveiled at the WWDC no doubt, so the timing makes sense.

  • Reply 175 of 221
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by sennen View Post

    No, you just don't get it. It's simply the state of things at this point in time.

    I get that. But it's a con.
  • Reply 176 of 221
    Originally Posted by REC View Post

    Do you? My memory is fuzzy, honestly, since I got my iPad a year ago. I thought you can just pull it out of the coffin and start using it. That's my memory anyway. It's not like the iPhone where it won't work until you plug it into a PC... its more like the iPod touch, where you can just take it out of the box, it comes charged up, and you can start using it without any kind of account.

    Syncing is of course a good idea for 2 reasons: OS updates and backing up your stuff, but that's it.

    Honestly not trying to be argumentative. I could be wrong, I suppose I could find out if I fully reset my iPad to factory conditions and see if it was usable right out of the box or not.

    As it stands today (I bought a refurb iPad 1, a week ago) you need to connect the out-of-the-box iPad to a pc running iTunes.

    It is also interesting that, for 4.3 Beta software, the AppleTV required corresponding updates. The AppleTV was updated by plugging it into iTunes running on a Mac (the power was supplied by the Mac, not by the AppleTV power cord).

    Later, when iOS 4.3 was released, there was an update to the AppleTV using the normal OTA update procedure.

    I think there is a market for a iHome server that could act as an "iTunes MAchine" for storing media and apps to be synched to iDevices.

    It could replace some existing stand-alone devices and interface MobileMe:

    -- AirPort Extreme WiFi, Ethernet, Cable

    -- Time Machine

    -- Mac or PC for iTunes & Media/app Libraries

    -- Crossload apps to AppleTV

    -- Central WiFi sync station for multiple iDevices

    -- Central USB sync/recharge station for multiple iDevices

    -- Centralized interface for MobieMe backup/sync

  • Reply 177 of 221
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by rbonner View Post

    It would be cool if Apple developed a dock connector flash drive that could serve as the initial setup and some backup. That would open up the iOS devices to many more people.

    Not a bad idea. But iTunes in the cloud is probably a better way to go.
  • Reply 178 of 221
    irelandireland Posts: 17,799member
    Originally Posted by REC View Post

    Do you? My memory is fuzzy, honestly, since I got my iPad a year ago. I thought you can just pull it out of the coffin and start using it. That's my memory anyway. It's not like the iPhone where it won't work until you plug it into a PC... its more like the iPod touch, where you can just take it out of the box, it comes charged up, and you can start using it without any kind of account.

    Syncing is of course a good idea for 2 reasons: OS updates and backing up your stuff, but that's it.

    Honestly not trying to be argumentative. I could be wrong, I suppose I could find out if I fully reset my iPad to factory conditions and see if it was usable right out of the box or not.

    You are wrong. The only exception is if you get Apple to set it up before you leave the Apple Store, something that is an impossibility in my country.
  • Reply 179 of 221
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Hey... don't get me wrong... I don't give a rat's ass about adding devices... but, if you've read any threads on AI in the last while (and I know you have), then you'll know that any mention of an added anything brings up the incessant whining about how Apple should have added this or that or the other thing...

    (on edit... Actually, I think the little Reinstall drive is cool and a good idea...)

    I didn't read your post close enough... we're both on the same side -- I thought I was responding to Ireland. ;

    ... I'll get back to you....
  • Reply 180 of 221
    recrec Posts: 217member
    Originally Posted by robogobo View Post

    The iPad doesn't really need another computer to function. They'll happily set it up for you when you purchase it in the store, and even do updates for you when new firmware is released. Or you can use a friend's (or nephew's) machine to do the setup, after which you (or your aunt) are running free, and your friend (or nephew) can delete the data from his iTunes. Other than that, it's possible, though less convenient and dangerous for your data, to operate it completely on its own. Another computer makes it all go much more smoothly and provides backups, but it can't legitimately be a negative point.

    Depending on your usage, if true, this is not a negative at all.

    Many people buy PC's and never back them up. Since common uses are email and web, and your data in these cases are likely in the cloud, for these people having a dead HD is just an inconvenience. Same goes for iPad.

    Although your data isn't backed up (unless you do MobileMe or Dropbox) iPad does have one distinct advantages here over a PC: your apps are. Once you buy an Appstore app, it can be re-downloaded any number of times with that account. It's too bad they don't do this for music (I understand licensing is what it is) but lost apps can be re-downloaded over the air. That is far better and more convenient than a traditional PC, and an advantage for iOS devices.

    They could solve the whole backup issue by revamping and making MobileMe more robust. Let users back up all of their data, music, photos, in-app data, everything, to a private account tied to their itunes account. At least then you eliminate half the need to connect to a PC at all, and you've modernized the platform. And I'm sure in a few years they'll solve the OS updates over the air as well.

    Although lets be honest, updating the OS for the iPad is not that critical. It's definitely nice to have, but if you are average user or grandma, you can be just fine and dandy with iOS 4.2 for probably the lifetime of the product.
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