Are you waiting for the G5?



  • Reply 21 of 78
    spookyspooky Posts: 504member
    It seems like quite a few are waiting on the G5. Gievn this, I wonder what apple's game plan is? Surely they must be looking at the potential lost revenue on their high margin gear becuase many people like me are waiting for the G5?

    I don't think I'll change my G4 400 sawtooth until the G5 plus a new architecture comes along. Not just becuase of performance but becuase like a lot of people I can't shake the gut feeling that the G4 is nothing more than a stop gap.
  • Reply 22 of 78
    cosmonutcosmonut Posts: 4,872member
    I am NOT waiting for the G5, because I have no money. No way to buy one if it came out tomorrow.

    If I had the money, I'd buy a Dualie-Gig in a second, though.
  • Reply 23 of 78
    At the very least, I'm waiting on DDR RAM, a faster system bus, and a few other minor things to be added to the mobo (perhaps... sound in :mad . If that happens to come with a G5, so be it. If not, no biggie.

    My 350 G4 sucks at compiling java or CS class.

    >javac *.java

    *comp grinds away for a min or two*

    error! you forgot a ; on line blah


    *fixes missing ;*

    >javac *.java

    *comp grinds away for a min or two*

    oops! did I forget to mention you missed another ;?

  • Reply 24 of 78
    [quote] Do you run VPC 5 (in OS X) on your new machine? If you do, how does it run windows apps? <hr></blockquote>

    Sorry, don't have it. I was thinking about getting it, but have not yet.
  • Reply 24 of 78
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by spooky:

    <strong>It seems like quite a few are waiting on the G5. Gievn this, I wonder what apple's game plan is? Surely they must be looking at the potential lost revenue on their high margin gear becuase many people like me are waiting for the G5?

    I don't think I'll change my G4 400 sawtooth until the G5 plus a new architecture comes along. Not just becuase of performance but becuase like a lot of people I can't shake the gut feeling that the G4 is nothing more than a stop gap.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    same thing here. down to the G4/400 sawtooth.
  • Reply 26 of 78
    jwdawsojwdawso Posts: 391member
    New motherboard with DDR will tempt me. I'm hoping for a G5 this summer, and I will probably go high end. But if a G4, I'll get the minimum with a superdrive, and save for a G5 next year.
  • Reply 27 of 78
    g-newsg-news Posts: 1,107member
    Yeah I am waiting too.

    I'm currently stuck with a Beige G3 @ G4 466 and a Voodoo3, soon to be a Radeon.

    I'm looking towards MWNY, and I'll buy if:

    G5 1.2GHz + and all new mobo and case (with all the stuff we want)

    or: Dual G4 at 1.4Ghz or more, new mobo, new case preferred.

    If both that doesn't happen, I'll wait for MWSF, which would make my Mac 4 years old, and I think then I'd have to buy whatever comes out. G5 1.6Ghz or dual 1.4 would be nice by then.

    Of course I will also get a 2.8 GHz G5 at MWNY

    Money is no longer an issue, I've been saving long enough.

  • Reply 28 of 78
    bogiebogie Posts: 407member
    I won't be in the market until well after the G5 release. Right now I have a Beige G3 266, a Beige G3 400 with an ATi Rage 128, tons of hard drives and a CD-R, a Newton Message Pad 2000 upgraded, and a PowerBook 400 FireWire.

    I would love a highend workstation to replace my G3s but right now for the first time in three years I have actually become satisfied with my main Mac and slowed my upgrading. That and I am pretty broke.

    So maybe in a year or so and the 2nd-3rd revision of the G5 will correspond with me re-entering the market.
  • Reply 29 of 78
    stoostoo Posts: 1,490member
    [quote]Surely they must be looking at the potential lost revenue on their high margin gear becuase many people like me are waiting for the G5?<hr></blockquote>

    Perhaps they're being optimistic and taking the view that the G5 revenue awaits them in the future and current G4 Towers are clearing the way

    Current Mac is a 6400/180 with 80MB RAM. Soon to get a Voodoo 3 because the on board video ain't too good. No need to upgrade, until Apple gives a convincing reason. For example, a G5 with 8x the clock rate would do
  • Reply 30 of 78
    programmerprogrammer Posts: 3,458member
    I want something really freakin' fast! If it doesn't smoke the Althon 1700XP that I've got at work, then I'll wait until my current Mac drops dead.
  • Reply 31 of 78
    I don't know what to do. The one thing I hate is that my G3 is more upgradable than those damn Quicksilver towers. I mean I want the higher clock or possibly dual processors, but I think I'd end up just taking out the Superdrive and putting in my Lite-On 24x10x40x internal because I couldn't stand the slow burn time with the Superdrive or slow CD read time. And a mod would just destroy the work of art. A Cooler Master case is gonna cost an extra $200 at least. Why is it so hard for Apple to do what they did with my machine and make it truely expandable and upgradable? Aside from DDR, 400 MHz bus, G5 1.6 GHz yada yada yada can't I just a 2nd full drive bay?
  • Reply 32 of 78
    I'm waiting for something that's a lot better than my G4 450 (best $ ever spent). I too believe that this latest offering is a stop gap. If I "really" needed a faster machine than I do, I'd be buying the Dual 1 gig right now, not waiting for a machine that might be out at the end of March or maybe over a year from now.

  • Reply 33 of 78
    I sold my G4 450 a month ago thinking that Apple might announce a G5 or at least a speed bump and I didn't want my G4 to lose any more value. I'm staying with my Pismo until the G5 comes out and then I'll think about getting a new Power Book then too. I'll consider a new PB if a big enough revision takes place at MWTY.
  • Reply 34 of 78
    Also does any one think Apple might just skip the DDR memory bus and go for RapidIO?
  • Reply 35 of 78
    I'm waiting for a G5, especially since I need a high end desktop, but at the same time I also HAVE to have a laptop for college classes, therefore my Titanium/500 will last me.

    Plus, even if a G5 came out tomorrow I couldn't afford one until at least Christmas.

    The longer I wait, the more kickass of a system I'll be able to afford.
  • Reply 36 of 78
    cakecake Posts: 1,010member
    Yes, I'm waiting for a G5, but I'm selling my Dual 533 in the next couple of weeks anyway - got a 933 on the way.
  • Reply 37 of 78

    I have a Dual 533 and I'd be very interested to hear how much difference you notice between it and your new single 933.

    My rule has always been that I will upgrade when my current processor speed has been doubled, but also based upon what real-world performance is.

    Being a daily Photoshop user, I definitely appreciate the dual processors. I've been using Photoshop 7 on OSX for almost a month now, and although it is a bit sluggish, I see great things ahead. I can't wait to see how Photoshop 7 final performs on a Dual 1Ghz PowerMac running 10.2.

    As for the topic of this thread, my feeling is that a lot of people are waiting for the G5 simply because it's called the G5. It's marketing. Apple could probably re-brand their current lineup as G5s and people would go bitchcakes buying them just to say they own a G5, making the "old clunky G4s" look like Abe Vigoda.

    What can the G5 offer you/me in terms of specific areas of increased performance?

    Graphic processing power? Video encoding powerhouse? Real-time scrolling?

    Hey, as long as it speeds up my <a href=""; target="_blank">reeeeally important apps</a>....


  • Reply 38 of 78
    arty50arty50 Posts: 201member
    [quote]Originally posted by mattyj:

    <strong>I am waiting for the G5, thats why I have not bought a mac for 2 years since I got the revision a. iMac, because it will be a whole lot faster than my iMac. </strong><hr></blockquote>

    I'm with mattyj. Plus my brother just bought a Dual 800 and is bragging like no other. He hasn't even gotten the shipment yet. I will have the last laugh...muahahahahahaha

    [ 02-09-2002: Message edited by: Arty50 ]</p>
  • Reply 39 of 78
    I had to buy a laptop back in June...based upon what was offered at the time, A PBG4 just wasn't going to cut it for what I do. So, I bought a dell. Now I am lookign to be getting a new desktop system by August. I really want a mac, but if I can't get a G5 by then, I sincerely doubt I will ever make the switch, since then I will be set for the rest of my college and will be starting to get into stuff I won't be able to switch away from.

    In layman's terms, if Apple doesn't get off their lazy ass by this summer, I will be building a PC. Hear that? Good. Now get me the system I want, so I won't have to go with plan B. The real world has deadlines for when they need things, and even the SJRDF cannot hide that.
  • Reply 40 of 78
    [quote]Originally posted by TheDragoneater:

    <strong>I really want a mac, but if I can't get a G5 by then, I sincerely doubt I will ever make the switch...

    In layman's terms, if Apple doesn't get off their lazy ass by this summer, I will be building a PC.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Assumptions then Questions.

    Assumption: You really don't like the Mac OS. I feel sorry for you.

    Assumption: You don't do any HEAVY graphic design or video work. Am I wrong?

    Question: WHY do you need a G5? What do you know about the G5 that makes you need it more than say for example a 1.5Ghz G4? What SPECIFICALLY do you need from a G5 processor?

    Question: What do you mean by "lazy ass"? What in your mind makes Apple seem lazy?

    You've made a lot of accusations and statements without any facts or reasons.

    I am truly interested in your opinion, so please clarify.


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