Are you waiting for the G5?



  • Reply 41 of 78
    Waiting for a G5? You damn well better believe it, but then again... a) I don't need a new mac, and b) I can't get a new mac for 9 months... and well, c) I'll need one in 9 months

    My G4/466 is going fine. This is my final year of school, so mac usage is down to 20% or so, work is up 5 fold :/

    I'll need a new mac for Uni, and a G5 fits the bill. This is MWSF '03, I'll be looking for the bottom model (with middle CPU if Apple bring back BTO processor, as of the machines release, not a few months later...) and a 17" ASD So, a 1.4 possibly 1.6ghz G5 would be fitting... (1.2/1.4/1.6DP @ MWNY, 1.4/1.6/1.8DP at MWSF)

    Also, I'll be looking at an airport network, as my brother intends on getting a base model iMac (which we hope will be 1000mhz G4 with combo drive, GF4MX and a price cut).

    Apple will have a lot of my money in 9 months (10 really), if they play their cards right...
  • Reply 42 of 78
    big macbig mac Posts: 480member
    I too am most definitely waiting for the G5. However, if great gains in clock speed are achieved with future Apollos, and if Apple releases said new Apollos with new motherboards, then I may consider upgrading at that time. However, for those two criteria to be met, that would mean that the G5 would be vaporware. I don't believe that's the case. We will see the G5 not too long from now - all unofficial signs point to it. Yet, if the G5 isn't out by MWSF, then I may seriously consider a G4 purchase.

    While I have an iBook I'm very happy with, my 8600/300 is still my primary workhorse. I definitely want to replace it - when the time comes - with a brand new, super fast G5. The QuickSilvers are fine machines, but I will wait it out, Apple.
  • Reply 43 of 78
    krassykrassy Posts: 595member
    i am watining for G5 - and before that day will come i'll have to make enough money with my current G4/400 ... just to get as much speed and new technology i can get then...

    hutzlefutz !!!!!
  • Reply 44 of 78
    jccbinjccbin Posts: 476member
    Waiting for G5.

    Previous posters have complained that, if G4's advance to this or to that, that if the current G4's are plenty fast (i.e. "good enough"), why would people wait for G5s?

    Simple. Windows is "Good Enough." Apple must be much more than that in my eyes to succeed.

    If I wanted a Ferrari (and could afford one), why would I buy a Cadillac?

    Apple can do it. It's a matter of when.
  • Reply 45 of 78
    mattyjmattyj Posts: 898member
    I want a G5 for one thing.

    I want it to be able to take anything I throw at it, my current mac (iMac 233Mhz revision a) is straining and has many bugs in it.

    From what I've heard, the G5 can do this, so I want a pro system because a consumer machine just doesn't cut it anymore.
  • Reply 46 of 78
    I'm waiting for something that makes me slobber (well, more than usual) and say, "I got's to have that!"

    I usually upgrade when my apps are really laggin' on my system. VPC4 was a big bottle neck for a while, but I got a 1GHz Duron, and it took care of that problem.

    How 'bout something that has "Quad" in it? I missed that whole Quadraphonic era, and never did get a Quadra Mac all those years ago. Now, I think I'm ready for a splash of Quad.
  • Reply 47 of 78
    maskermasker Posts: 451member
    I'm buying whatewver PowerMac is available/announced at MWNY. If there is no "new" or speed bumped PowerMacs. I'm going to wait til late August, but I will have a "new-to-me" PowerMac on Sept 1, 2002.

    I don't care if it's G4 or G5, as long as it's fast, can rip through Photoshop, and looks like like butter.

    The only other wish I have is that it somehow closes the "performance gap" between PC's and Macs.

    I want bragging rights and I don't want to pay 2x more for them.

  • Reply 48 of 78
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    I'm not waiting.

    When the computer I have now is no longer easily able to do what I want to do, I'll look at whatever the options are. I don't need top-of-the-line performance, so I'll prefer something that isn't a big, loud tower if possible.

    If I get a computer before then it'll be an iBook, and that probably won't have a G5 in it.
  • Reply 49 of 78
    rickagrickag Posts: 1,626member
    I was ready to buy the low end tower in Jan., have the money and need to upgrade badly.

    But I truely expected the G4 to migrate to the 0.13µ process w/ SOI and a faster bus. When @ MWSF no upgrades were announced, I was throughly bummed.

    The iMac was very, very tempting, but I don't want the LCD monitor. I do want PCI slots and an upgradable graphics card slot. The 933 MHz is also tempting especially w/ a superdrive, but my disappointment in the belated upgrades has clouded my judgement.

    I'm not waiting for the G5 necessarily, but @ least for a revised motherboard.

    [ 02-09-2002: Message edited by: rickag ]</p>
  • Reply 50 of 78
    I was waiting. i've been waiting. i could still be waiting for some time to come. **** it. i just bought a 800mz G4 system and can't wait till monday when it arrives. for the money, right now, it is a far cry from my upgraded 8500 150. not to mention i'm running on a 466 G4 at work and it absolutely blows it away. at the price that apple is selling them, i can buy a G5 or G6 in a year or so and not feel to bad about it.
  • Reply 51 of 78
    maniamania Posts: 104member
    Well, I am not waiting cause I just sold my dual 800 and bought an 867 in Dec. Why would I do such a thing you ask? The dual was making my mp3s skip. Yes it's true - I traded a dual for a single because I want my mp3.

    That said I do not notice any other difference. Granted I am not a Maya type person but I do use photoshop and wolfenstien a lot. I find either system adequate but not 'screamin'.

    You all know the rule with computers - buy em when u need em and not a day before. In my case I really needed one (had a 7500).

    OSX is a Godsend BTW.
  • Reply 52 of 78
    g-newsg-news Posts: 1,107member
    A single 867 vs a dual 800, and you use PS and RtCW a lot...boy that was a really, really bad trade. Both Photoshop and RtCW are so going to blow the 867 away if run on a Dual 800.

    And there certainly was another solution to the MP3 problem than selling the system. Even getting an iPod would have been the better deal.

    I feel sorry for you, really, that was a mistake.

  • Reply 53 of 78
    mattyjmattyj Posts: 898member
    I have been waiting for a new mac for 2 years now, and I will not get one until a G5 comes out, a 2Ghz G5 with 333Mhz DDR RAM is what I really want, wether I need the power is not the question. You will always find that the extra power will come in use, I found that out, and I missed the boat with a 233Mhz iMac, so I want a real POWER HOUSE this time round.
  • Reply 54 of 78
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by RosettaStoned:


    Assumptions then Questions.

    Assumption: You really don't like the Mac OS. I feel sorry for you.

    Assumption: You don't do any HEAVY graphic design or video work. Am I wrong?

    Question: WHY do you need a G5? What do you know about the G5 that makes you need it more than say for example a 1.5Ghz G4? What SPECIFICALLY do you need from a G5 processor?

    Question: What do you mean by "lazy ass"? What in your mind makes Apple seem lazy?

    You've made a lot of accusations and statements without any facts or reasons.

    I am truly interested in your opinion, so please clarify.



    I'll answer a few those for him based on my opinions and beliefs

    1.) If I was a PC user the only 2 thngs that would ever attract me to the mac would be the design and the operating system. Unfortunately neither of those are big enough to justify the spending of thousands of dollars on new hardware/software unless its competitive and worth the money. OS X is great but the hardware is not there. Just because he doesn't want to spend 2000+ just to get a computer with a choice of displays andexpansion doesn't mean he hates the operating system. it means he is smarter than most mac users

    2.) Implying you can only use a mac for heavy graphic work is insane. and completely wrong. Apple has a strong hold on the graphic industry because they were there first and people generally stick with what works unless the otherside has too many benefits to hold out. But this in no way means that Windows is not prominate in the high end publishing industry. couldn't be more wrong.

    3.) G4 won't scale high. it's at the end of the line. all it has left in its roadmap is a die shrink which should only bring it to around 1.2-1.3Ghz by most estimates. The G4 also does not support a FSB of over 133Mhz creating a huge bottleneck even on a dual 533 in altivec operations. The G4 is an old processor design and its time for a new one. The G5 is suppose to scale well, have a new architecture with faster buses and possibly rapidio, be more efficient, and outperform nearly everything in its class. Now yo tell me why I wouldn't want to wait for the G5?

    4.) Apple being lazy ass and you want justification for that? Their pro line is justification enough. The one product line that should see new features implemented the quickest sees them the slowest.
  • Reply 55 of 78
    bigcbigc Posts: 1,224member
    Just moved from 2001G4 733 to Dual gig. A little faster but still not fast enough with 1 gb tiff files. Figure even with the G5 it still won't be fast enough (ie, immediate response, 500 mb/s disk reads would be nice) so I'd get what ever upgrade you can afford.

    Friend just went from 6400 to dual 800 and that kind of change is fun so was beige G3 500 to G4 733 but 733 to 1 gig no great revelation, (does rip mp3 at 15 - 20X rather than 8 to 12X but I'm not ripping 200 cd's a day. It's all relative. from a work standpoint the G3 500 to G4 733 saved me about a 1/2 hour today and relieved a lot a frustration.

    If you want a good upgrade go to the cinema display (or at least the 17") thats worth more than a small processor upgrade. Once you get a LCD you'll never want to go back (even if colors aren't perfect just use dual monitors and use a second CRT for color reference)
  • Reply 56 of 78
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    I'm waiting for a laptop that gives instantanious, bounce free, OSX operation and fast OS9 like system response. I don't care what 'G' it uses so long as it does things at least as fast as a current bottom-line Powermac. Preferably at closer to an iBook price than a TiBook price.

    That's what I want, and I can wait till September for it. Mind you, last year I told myself I could wait till September too, then when I got back to classes, I realized that my **old** PC soldiers on just fine, especially since I'm one of the few people with access to a very sweet mac-lab.
  • Reply 57 of 78
    jccbinjccbin Posts: 476member
    Hey, Apple, you reading this?

    Lotsa dough on the table here, waiting for you, Mr. Jobs.
  • Reply 58 of 78
    spookyspooky Posts: 504member
    [quote]Originally posted by jccbin:

    <strong>Hey, Apple, you reading this?

    Lotsa dough on the table here, waiting for you, Mr. Jobs.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Exactly. What worries me a little is the fact that ebcuase the hype has gone overbaord this time round (and apple did nothing to negate this) a great many people will wait for the G5. Many businesses however will not and cannot wait. Given that most of the main software is available for windows many companies will switch.

    As the Pmac line is apple's real profit earner I am concerned about where cash will come from for future R&D.

    Surely Jobs and co can see that the introduction of the G5 would herald a massive amount of purchasing from the likes of us who have put off buying macs so far?
  • Reply 59 of 78
    thuh freakthuh freak Posts: 2,664member
    i've been thinking about a new computer since my current b&w g3/350 arrived. not b/c its lacking anything, but i like to have the newest and baddest. now i'm thinking, what do i need a new cpu to do? can my current one really not do it? all i do is web surf and p'o'gram. i probably will get a g5 tho [if i got the bank roll], whenever they come out, b/c skipping a generation :eek: outta be a wicked speed boost. even if i dont need it.

    "i feel discouraged, hungry, and malnourished" -m.m.
  • Reply 60 of 78
    moogsmoogs Posts: 4,296member
    Add my name to the list...I'm sure the new crop are much better than my G4/500 but not enough to make me spend $2500-$3000 on one. Sorry Apple.

    [ 02-09-2002: Message edited by: Moogs ? ]</p>
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