Lawsuit accuses Broadway Apple Store employees of racial discrimination



  • Reply 61 of 212
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member
    Originally Posted by dreyfus2 View Post

    Whenever I look, people dressed like that make up for a decent percentage of the iTunes Store's homepage... Apple even used tracks from artists dressing like that in commercials. They (again, if this story has any substance at all) should make up their mind.

    Agreed however the photo on the cover of an album never scared anyone. The same cannot be said for real life gangster rapper wannabes when you run into them in person.
  • Reply 62 of 212
    bwikbwik Posts: 565member
    Originally Posted by spliff monkey View Post

    I have to disagree. White kids who try to be "thugs" are even more offensive than kids who grew up in a community and are following the norms of that community. Neither really has an excuse to behave or dress like a thug if they want to elevate themselves, but it sure is allot harder to bring yourself up and stand apart than it is do step down because you are insecure about being a privileged white kid in a urban environment.

    If neither could speak well or impress me with their demeanor, I wouldn't hire either. Your assumptions are erroneous.

    A question you should be asking is, would they hire / maintain you on their staff, given your cultural positions in the workplace?

    It's no slam dunk that a Harvard educated millionaire business leader / professor does not dress a bit thuggish, have black skin, and/or use Ebonics. They might be judging you, just as you judge them. JMO
  • Reply 63 of 212
    sacto joesacto joe Posts: 895member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple is the target of a new lawsuit that claims employees of the company's Upper West Side store in New York City told two black men they were not welcome there.

    Why is Apple being sued? I'm sure they have very strict rules about how customers are to be handled. If an employee or employees decided to ignore those rules then how is that Apple's fault? The only thing I can think of is, perhaps Apple didn't adequately discipline the employees.

    On the face of it, this looks like the plaintiffs are just targeting Apple because they've got bucks. If Apple fights this then they tend to look like they're supporting prejudice. Their lawyer may be figuring that Apple will just settle to make the issue go away.
  • Reply 64 of 212
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by hittrj01 View Post

    I think there is more data that needs to come out for this story. Just judging from this article, this is a horrible, horrible thing. But are they known shoplifters around NYC? At other Apple retail locations? And some of the statements allegedly made (CONSIDER ME GOD!) seem a little too far fetched to take everything at face value. I'll wait until I see more information, but if this is all true, this is a bad, bad thing, and these employees need to be fired and sued individually.

    Indeed. This store seems too out there to be true. And if they used their phones to tape the whole thing where is the recording. They haven't posted it apparently and there's no mention of being told to hand over their phones etc.

    There is something fishy in all this. Something like perhaps they have been in the stores before and are suspected of shoplifting. Perhaps, in keeping with standard retail practice, any employee came over to the area and would have regardless of race or clothing cause a skinny white girl can show product into her low cut jeans as well as a black brotha in gangsta clothes. Maybe they got up in the employees face and were nasty to him and that is why they were asked to leave. Maybe they were loud and obnoxious and asked to be quieter and refused and that's why security asked them to leave. Perhaps that is also why the manager wanted the cops called.

    Maybe they are making the whole thing up.

    And even if that one particular employee is a total racist douche doesn't mean that the staff, or the company is. He could have said something that set them off but they were still loud, rude and inappropriate and under those conditions should rightfully been booted out.
  • Reply 65 of 212
    rot'napplerot'napple Posts: 1,839member
    Originally Posted by Doctor David View Post

    Racial discrimination should not not be tolerated whether you consider it "lite" or not.

    Then I guess you need to tell that to the Chief Prosecutor of the Land!
  • Reply 66 of 212
    shadoeshadoe Posts: 17member
    Originally Posted by bwik View Post

    The people saying "dress like a gangsta and be kicked out" really don't get it. At all. People who dress gangsta have the same rights as other people. If necessary, this can be demonstrated in a courtroom, where the "gangstas" are the powerful citizen, and the megacorp is the apologetic shrinking violet who thanks the plaintiffs for teaching them an important lesson.

    Baggy clothing is not "gangsta" or "thug" or whatever you want to call it. People of all type have adapted the style of dress. By the way, the real American gangsters are in offices on Wall Street and Congress. Nothing is what it seems to be. Look at the oil industry, food industry, tobacco industry, etc. that's where the real gangsters are! They are partnering with powerful members of Congress to rule every aspect of our lives. I think it's really dumb that people fear young men in baggy clothing. Why not fear Wall Street and Congress?
  • Reply 67 of 212
    nomadmacnomadmac Posts: 96member
    Originally Posted by NomadMac View Post

    Do you think they would have been tossed if they were wearing an Armani suit?

    Since no one responded to my direct hypothetical with an appropriate response, I guess I will have to answer my own question. No, they most likely wouldn't have been asked to leave if they were wearing Armnai suits. Therefore, these two gentlemen were not asked to leave because they were black but involved other variables, i.e., mannerisms, verbal and physical language and their appearance.

    If I walk into a bank and there's someone wearing a hoodie and baggy pants in front of me in line, I don't attempt to see what race that person is to make a judgement about my safety, I get the hell out. I've seen enough bank holdup surveillance photos on the news of various races to know that is not the place I want to be at that particular moment.
  • Reply 68 of 212
    eriamjheriamjh Posts: 1,730member

    They assert they are entitled to damages due to ongoing "emotional pain, suffering, inconvenience, loss of enjoyment of life, and other non-pecuniary losses."

    Excuse me while I go look up non-pecuniary in the dictionary.
  • Reply 69 of 212
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Certainly not the first time that Apple has been sued for discrimination. Several prior claims if you Google it. But that's probably common for nearly any company, especially one as prominent in retail as Apple is. It comes with the territory if you're going to deal with the public.

    And how did all those cases turn out.

    Most of them were likely dropped because there was no proof that things went down the way the plaintiff says. Be it discrimination of customers or employees. Or there is proof that it totally didn't go down the way the plaintiff says. Like the guy that is fired claiming it is because he's black when he was hired as a holiday seasonal (so no guarantee of continued employment), his numbers were low and he was constantly late for shifts and late returning from meal breaks. Plus he received numerous negative comments from customers and fellow workers. Clearly there was cause to let him go as a crappy worker. Being black didn't have to be in the equation and likely wasn't (unless you can find proof of equally crappy non black employees that were kept on)

    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    asscrack or underpants showing, no service.

    if they had a rule about asscrack and underpants they would have to fire half the staff of their stores. At least here in LA. The under 30 male staff around here are the worst offenders. It's gross.

    I actually had a day I had to go in to buy quite a bit of stuff and was disgusted to see that their so called Business Rep was one such offender. I turned around right in front of him to a gent I know from previous visits is a manager and told him straight up "I need to buy about $20k in equipment and if you want your store to get the sale you better find me an employee that knows how to dress like a grown up and not a 2 year old. You have 20 minutes or I'm going to Best Buy" (yeah I was in a mood). I even whipped out my iphone and started up the clock in front of him. I honestly didn't expect them to have anyone on the staff that fit the bill.

    Five minutes later a very nice, maybe 25 year old young man walks up. Pants on his waist, etc. I could even see a belt where the holster to his pay ipod was clipped on. And this was a pencil skinny kid that one would expect his pants to be hanging on his hips. He's the only one I will talk to if I have to go to that store. The rest of them just gross me out. And understand, I'm not some 50 year old foggy. I'm only 26 myself. I'm supposed to think that that look is sexy and cool. But I don't. As I told a guy at a club I want a man, not some 2 year old who can't figure out how to dress.
  • Reply 70 of 212
    sol77sol77 Posts: 203member
    Originally Posted by macologist View Post

    Look at the screenshot of the Complaint in this article. In the first paragraph it says: "there attorneys", instead of "their"... But even before I saw that, and read this article, I thought that it was Shakedown, Extortion!!! In general, it seems like every week somebody files a law suit against Apple, cause "that's where the money is"!

    We all know Racism is ugly and bad! Such Shakedown, Extortion Law Suits only add to the problem, IF it turns out to be that those "victims" are known "trouble makers" looking for a "Pay Day"... Even if they don't have a police record (yet...), that doesn't me that they are angels either... Hopefully the truth will come out, if this case ever goes to trial... If this is proved to be a Shakedown, Extortion Law Suit, these "smart asses" should be punished for wasting Time and Money!!!

    Not long ago, I saw this scene at a supermarket:

    2 African American teenagers were "shopping"... A manager, whom I know, came up to them and asked them to leave the store! I asked the manager: Why were you so nasty to them? What if they sue you, accusing you of racism, etc?!

    The manager said:

    "I've seen those guys before, I knew they were "up to no good"... Those kids told me that they were shopping along with their mom. So I said, let me to her, where is she? The kids said: she is another aisle! I said: let's go find her... The kids ran out of the store..."...

    Ages 34 + 25 in this case is older, but it ? could ? be a similar kind of people, except more savvy, looking for a fight, ready to record the conversation, create a law suit...

    I don't care about the color and how they were dressed, or that they likely don't live in that very upscale neighborhood in NYC, where the Apple Stores are... But... If, as was the case with the white manager in the supermarket, these 34 + 25 "victims" had a body language, vibe about them that was too obvious to the Apple Store folks, then it ? could ? likely be a PROVOCATION!!!

    To mistake a ? possible ? PROVOCATION for something similar to a Civil Rights Protests where African Americans were beaten etc - that would be an INSULT to ALL of us, of all colors!!!

    I do hope that the TRUTH comes out in this trial, and, if these guys of 34 + 25 years old were there to PROVOKE, I won't be too shocked!

    I've seen plenty African American Staff at Apple Stores, and they were no less polite, cool, friendly then the rest of their colleagues!!! For Apple Store employe to simply try to throw a customer out of the store, unprovoked, without a reason, is highly unlikely...

    The Staff at Apple Stores is already under pressure in NYC stores, which are crowded! The 5th Ave Store is busy at 1 - 3 AM... I've seen it! And it's crazy busy earlier in the evening!!! The "kids" could be there just to play with the Apple Products that they simply can't afford! They might even break it, or try to steal it, as a way to express their anger... The Apple Staff have to watch out for that, and be extra polite, so that they are not accused of any kind of discrimination... If things got as bad as these "victims" claim, there had to be a reason...

    If a PROVOCATION on the part of these "victims" is proven in this case, it's an INSULT to African Americans FIRST, and all of us!!!

    Apple must defend itself VIGOROUSLY!!! Shakedown, Extortion, Provocation Cases can't be allowed to become a norm!!!

    Speaking of provocation...I loved your post. I lived in Atlanta, Georgia for a year a few years ago and I can tell you this happens on a regular basis. People will intentionally provoke you, and then cry racism when you respond with nervousness or fear. This happens in I saw it every week. Once, when I was driving, some guy fast walked up to my car, shouting at me, and blocking my path. When I stepped on the gas and swerved around him the guy cried racism and many other expletives. On another occasion, several people filled Peachtree St. in an area where there was no cross walk, and traffic had a green light. I honked the horn because they were making no effort to move. I was treated to a volley of cursing and accusations of being a racist.

    The United States is a country still apologizing for things that happened well over a hundred years ago. The disadvantaged often carry a sense of entitlement against people they don't even know, even people like me who couldn't care less what color someone is.

    Like I said in my other post...who knows what really happened. My eyes roll, however, whenever I see the racism card played. There doesn't need to be a dress code, but if you dress like a thug and wear a hood while INSIDE a 70F degree store wearing huge pockets...that alone sets off suspicion.

    Emotional damages? Give me a break. Dress like the majority of your culture and you'll have no problems. I'm not promoting conformity...I'm saying if you're in Rome and you act like the counter culture, someone is going to get bothered. There are other venues for expressing your individuality than by dressing like a thug.
  • Reply 71 of 212
    Originally Posted by IronTed View Post

    No, I don't agree with you. This is truly disgusting! It appalls me that in this age and time, there's still racial discrimination. And no, there's no dress code at any Apple Store, unlike IBM. You can dress in any comfortable way you want. And you can speak with any accent. Prejudice is not an excuse for discrimination.

    Steve Jobs will never approve of this. He's a Buddhist, and a vegetarian. He's the most humble person you will ever come across. He would never consider himself a God.

    All involved employees of the Store should be fired.

    Now, I wonder which one of you on AppleInsider is a racist?

    Yes, there may be racial discrimination somewhere in the United States each day but it is rare and declines every year. The US is the most racially diverse open society in the world. The country (majority white) elected a black man (or 1/2 black, if you prefer) in 2008.

    Racial discrimination is not a major factor in keeping any one from achieving their goals and dreams.

    In about 30 to 40 years, as the races mix, it will become even less of a factor. Mixed race men are procreating with mixed race women. The result is a blended racial appearance that is hard to identify or pinpoint.
  • Reply 72 of 212
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Color me skeptical, but I don?t see the racial element in the stated actions by the employee. From his supposedly stated comment it sounds like they have asked others to leave and/or have had problems with theft.

    Originally Posted by IronTed View Post

    Prejudice is not an excuse for discrimination.

    Then what is an excuse for discrimination? I can?t think of a scenario where prejudice isn?t the reason for discrimination.

    QUESTION 1: If they have caught these men on camera stealing items from said Apple Store in the past but didn?t know their names and felt it was too much of a hassle to prosecute (this is more common than you realize), but employees now knew the men by their faces wouldn?t that opinion now be based on reason or actual experience and therefore not be considered undue prejudgment even if they had intended to pay that day?

    QUESTION 1 PLUS: If we are to side with the plaintiffs are we to believe that all Apple Stores or this Apple Store will kick out all people based on this silly notion of ?race??
  • Reply 73 of 212
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    Businesses reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. There's a lot of details missing in this article, and a lot of assumptions being made. While racism is certainly alive in America, if I saw a couple of seedy-looking punks (regardless of race) enter my store, they would at the minimum, would be closely monitored. What behavior were they displaying? Where they talking loud and using foul, abusive language on every other word? Where they behaving like the angels their lawyer is making them out to be?

    I'm a black and Apple store has always treated me very well and was happy to help me out like almost any business would. Apple is happy to take anyone's money regardless of their race. These people are grifting. If those people were at the store purchasing items then I'm sure the employees would've had no problem with these people being in the store. Bottom line... I just think they are making it up. After living in NYC for a little while foul mouthed black people making a scene in a store when they have no intentions of purchasing anything at all happens everyday. I watched it yesterday at starbucks for myself. Of course all the other black people in the store were not too happy about it as was myself.

    I should note that once I was treated terribly in a store that I went into...and I wasn't dressed poorly and I wasn't using foul language or anything...and I was the only one in the store... It was a red wing shoe store and I was getting some shoes that my employer required me to get at that particular store. In any case, the guy shoooed me out of the store and I told my manager about it when I came to work without the shoes. Needless to say my manager was furious. Red Wing shoes gave me a gift certificate for 100 bucks and a letter of apology. Apparently, Red Wing was inline to loose a $60,000 account.

    So what I am saying is that while I am skeptical, nothing shocks me.
  • Reply 74 of 212
    Originally Posted by Rot'nApple View Post

    Then I guess you need to tell that to the Chief Prosecutor of the Land!

    I see. You think the attorney general is being racist so now you can also. Brilliant.
  • Reply 75 of 212
    sol77sol77 Posts: 203member
    Originally Posted by Eriamjh View Post

    Excuse me while I go look up non-pecuniary in the dictionary.

    You inspired me. "Of or relating to money." Now I know.
  • Reply 76 of 212
    dick applebaumdick applebaum Posts: 12,527member
    Originally Posted by msimpson View Post

    In the Apple stores I have been in there has always been a very mixed group of people - all races, ages, sexes, nationalities. I have never seen anyone turned away or discriminated against. And the Apple staff are usually a diverse cross-section as well. They are always glad to help anyone I have seen.


    I went to the Glendale, CA store for some event -- it was very crowded with people of all races an all manner of dress. The Apple employees were of different races -- but all dressed alike.

    As a former owner of retail computer stores, I pay attention to the customers!

    One young man, with tawny skin appeared to be Hispanic. But, what drew my attention, was his black hair was spiked -- rising about 7 inches above his head. And he was dressed all in black -- tight T-Shirt and tight skinny jeans.

    He, clearly, meant to be noticed -- and appeared to be making some "statement" by the way he dressed and looked... Though, what statement, I could not tell.

    The following week, the Pasadena store opened -- it was about 4 miles from home. I didn't need anything, but I thought I'd just check it out.

    It was packed -- similar to my recent experience.

    Odd... I saw the same person, spiked-hair and black attire. I went over and asked him: "Didn't I see you at the Glendale store event last week?"

    He, kind of hemmed and hawed... Then he softly told me he worked for Apple security and was monitoring the activity in the store.

    Brilliant! Becoming invisible by standing out in a crowd.
  • Reply 77 of 212
    wigbywigby Posts: 692member
    Originally Posted by newbee View Post

    And what do you base your opinion on ..... the fact that they're black? .... or wear baggy pants? You may be right .... you may be wrong ..... as for me, I'll hold judgement until more details come forth. There are always two sides to every story. cheers.

    they are basing their opinion (assumption) on the same thing that anyone with common sense would. why would a retail store that serves all kinds of races (do you have any idea how many happy black customers frequent a typical apple store in ny?) turn away 2 black gentlemen on one day? apple and its employees care about money a lot more than they care about anyone's race. so common sense would dictate that these two men were behaving differently than everyone else in the store so apple refused to serve them. without all the facts, anyone reading racism into this is the real problem.
  • Reply 78 of 212
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by alphajack7 View Post

    The country (majority white) elected a black man (or 1/2 black, if you prefer) in 2008.

    It’s funny(or sad?) that I never see or hear Obama referred to as 1/2 white. “Obama is our first black president” might be true, but it’s certainly true Obama is our 43rd* white president.

    * I am counting unique individuals. Grover Cleveland is oft counted as the 22nd and 24th president.
  • Reply 79 of 212
    peter02lpeter02l Posts: 85member
    "The lawsuit alleges that the Apple employee approached the customers in an 'intimidating fashion,' invading their "personal space," and said to them, 'You know the deal. You know the deal.'"

    This would be an odd reaction on the part of the Apple employees unless the two shoppers were recognized from a past encounter. The first words uttered were "You know the deal. You know the deal."

    Couple that with the shoppers having the recorder at the ready, and one cannot eliminate the possibility that this whole encounter was indeed a setup.
  • Reply 80 of 212
    adonissmuadonissmu Posts: 1,776member
    Originally Posted by IronTed View Post

    No, I don't agree with you. This is truly disgusting! It appalls me that in this age and time, there's still racial discrimination. And no, there's no dress code at any Apple Store, unlike IBM. You can dress in any comfortable way you want. And you can speak with any accent. Prejudice is not an excuse for discrimination.

    Steve Jobs will never approve of this. He's a Buddhist, and a vegetarian. He's the most humble person you will ever come across. He would never consider himself a God.

    All involved employees of the Store should be fired.

    Now, I wonder which one of you on AppleInsider is a racist?

    Why would you take these people's word for it? What happened to innocent until proven otherwise? Or does this only apply to minorities? You are just as bad as people who really are racist.
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