
in General Discussion edited January 2014
You can f**k for free. You can pay people to watch them f**k. Why can't you pay someome to f**k you? It seems rather silly that prostitution is illegal. I think this falls under the category of "if you don't like it, don't do it." I personally wouldn't but I see no problem with others doing it. This is just like the gay marriage issue. The "moral authorities" aren't really hurt by it because it doesn't directly affect them and they don't have to partake in it, however, they still feel the need to oppress everyone else by telling people that they cannot do what they wish behind closed doors.

Freedom? Yeah right. We have a long way to go.


  • Reply 1 of 122
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    [quote]Originally posted by BR:

    <strong>You can f**k for free. You can pay people to watch them f**k. Why can't you pay someome to f**k you? It seems rather silly that prostitution is illegal. I think this falls under the category of "if you don't like it, don't do it." I personally wouldn't but I see no problem with others doing it. This is just like the gay marriage issue. The "moral authorities" aren't really hurt by it because it doesn't directly affect them and they don't have to partake in it, however, they still feel the need to oppress everyone else by telling people that they cannot do what they wish behind closed doors.

    Freedom? Yeah right. We have a long way to go.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    if you define freedom as the allowance of paying someone to **** you then yea I guess we have a ways to go.

  • Reply 2 of 122
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member

    Yeah, I'm oppressed!
  • Reply 3 of 122
    brbr Posts: 8,395member
    [quote]Originally posted by applenut:


    if you define freedom as the allowance of paying someone to **** you then yea I guess we have a ways to go.


    Again, I wouldn't do that, but I see no reason why others shouldn't be allowed to. Embracing the freedom of people to do things that you disagree with is part of being a true patriot. I'm talking about victimless crimes here. Don't bring up a bs argument about murder or rape.

    [ 01-20-2003: Message edited by: BR ]</p>
  • Reply 4 of 122
    hmurchisonhmurchison Posts: 12,432member
    [quote]if you define freedom as the allowance of paying someone to **** you then yea I guess we have a ways to go.


    Come on're smarter than this.

    BR speaks of exactly what is the blatant hypocrisy that the US perpetuates. We champion ourselves as "Bastions of Freedom" yet in Georgia after 130+ years it is now legal to fornicate outside of marriage.

    I believe it's a persons right to do with their body what they may as long as they are not hurting someone else.

    Ever take a Woman out on a few dates with the hope that you'll land in the sack eventually? That's damn near prostitution.

    I say legalize it not despise it...I won't partake but our Jails shouldn't be filled with Prostitues when bigger fish remain to fry.
  • Reply 5 of 122
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    warning...tired comment coming

    if you dont like it...MOVE.... find somewhere else if america is not "free" enough for you.

    can argue all you want, can go over every obscure restriction law whatever.... the fact is laws, restrictions, whatever are needed because people cant be given complete freedom without loss of control and them taking advantage of it.

    life is short and unfair and often sucks...... there are better things to waste time doing than arguing about legalizing prostitution and how america is hyprocritacal about its "freedom" because you cant pay to get ****ed.

    deal with it
  • Reply 6 of 122
    I was going to say something here, but it would have been essentially identical to what hmurch just said, including the retort to applenut. So I'll elaborate, because I have a spare moment.

    There's a clause in our declaration of independence that examines a right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. It's that Pursuit of Happiness that really separates the USA from most nations on the planet. If our leaders would get away from this silly cold-war, strong government status quo, there wouldn't be so much holier-than-thou fascist BS all over Washington.

    And I grew up in Washington among politicians' kids. I know how bad it really is. It's complete, unadulterated hypocrisy. They want you to believe that we are a dirty and terrible generation. Not true. People haven't changed much. These politicians and their fathers lived in much "seedier" times, yet there are always moral connections to the sanctity of the past. How easily people forget. It's just that information is better now and we know more.

    Applenut, you're a catholic, right? I'd argue that since 1056 the Catholic church has never been purer than it is now. It's just that information is better now and we know more.


    [quote]posted by Applenut

    if you dont like it...MOVE.... find somewhere else if america is not "free" enough for you.

    can argue all you want, can go over every obscure restriction law whatever.... the fact is laws, restrictions, whatever are needed because people cant be given complete freedom without loss of control and them taking advantage of it.


    There used to be laws that prevented Black people from riding on buses and eating at the same restaurants. I guess they should have moved away. . . . For our own protection.

    Another American ideal is the "timely revolution to keep matters true." We haven't had a revolution for 40 years or so. Being an American is not about being a steady subject to a government. It's about being a rebel. The greatest names in our cultural/social history are rebels. You do the research.

    Do you really believe this stuff?

    [ 01-20-2003: Message edited by: Splinemodel ]</p>
  • Reply 7 of 122
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    if you don't like it...don't move...instead vote, run for office, rally your friends....never understood the love it or leave it it and change it is more like it...g
  • Reply 8 of 122
    applenutapplenut Posts: 5,768member
    equating legalizing prostititution to segregation and racism is when i leave

    i should have known this place being an internet message board about a computer compant would be full of people in favor of paying to get laid.

    ah well. converse amongst yourselves

    [ 01-20-2003: Message edited by: applenut ]</p>
  • Reply 9 of 122
    brbr Posts: 8,395member
    [quote]Originally posted by applenut:

    [QB]equating legalizing prostititution to segregation and racism is when i leave<hr></blockquote>

    No one is equating them. They are both merely symptoms of a larger problem.

    [quote]i should have known this place being an internet message board about a computer compant would be full of people in favor of paying to get laid.<hr></blockquote>

  • Reply 10 of 122
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    Funny, I never thought about the subject like this. I've always thought of it from the perspective of the prostitute. If he/she wants to get paid to get laid, they definitely should have that right. Keeping someone from doing that is asinine.
  • Reply 11 of 122
    brbr Posts: 8,395member
    [quote]Originally posted by bunge:

    <strong>Funny, I never thought about the subject like this. I've always thought of it from the perspective of the prostitute. If he/she wants to get paid to get laid, they definitely should have that right. Keeping someone from doing that is asinine.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Well, that you bring up that side of the issue. Look at so many professions where women literally whore themselves out. Porn stars are paid to have sex but they are being paid for the rights to film them--not for the act itself...not much of a difference. Golddiggers accept jewelry, cars, and other forms of money for sex--but that's ok because they are gifts from a "boyfriend."
  • Reply 12 of 122
    outsideroutsider Posts: 6,008member
    Applenut, some people are just not as pretty as you and they need to PAY chicks to lay them More power to them!
  • Reply 13 of 122
    I don't see any problem with it. Is anyone harmed in the process? Can't we spend our money however we want? If the woman has no objection, god knows there are plenty of men out there who would pay for it. Freedom to ****.
  • Reply 14 of 122
    [quote]Originally posted by Outsider:

    <strong>Applenut, some people are just not as pretty as you and they need to PAY chicks to lay them More power to them! </strong><hr></blockquote>

    No, some people just aren't douchebags with silver spoons in their mouths and self-righteous attitude problems. . . American Princesses.

    Ooops, did I say that?

    Anyway, Applenut, you're dealing with people who have a lot more collective knowledge than you do, not to mention in some cases a lot more individual knowledge. One day you may realize that sin is a God-given right, and not to worry about people who choose it unless it affects you. Then again, you might not.

    Sorry to be a jerk, but you asked for it. You should do some reading. Try John Locke. It might help you understand the nature of freedom. . . American freedom.
  • Reply 15 of 122
    [quote]Originally posted by applenut:

    <strong>if you dont like it...MOVE.... find somewhere else if america is not "free" enough for you.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    I am Canadian, not American, but I am posting because the freedoms we have in this country are the same as the freedoms you have.

    I will admit, it is obvious that we share freedoms that many other nations on the planet do not have, but that does NOT mean that we are free. We are far from it. I remember growing up and hearing everyone around me always saying "you should be glad you don't live in some other country, you should be happy you have all this freedom". Well thats been the control statement all these years, hasn't it?

    Yeah, I'm f**king happy I don't live in some nation that oppresses me, that forces me to live my life by religious rules, or by a certain code, or forces a gun into my hand because the air I breath, or the ground I walk on is stricken with war 24/7. I'm happy I can vote (although I don't, because Every politician is running for personal gain, period), eat what I want, go party if I want, stay out as late as I want, because there isn't a curfew....And maybe the reason I consider countries run like this to be absolute bullshit, that I will never accept as any way of life for any human being, IS because I grew up with the freedoms I have, but I think my opinion comes more from the fact that treating humans like this is just plain WRONG.

    The freedoms I have compared to others, are like the differences between standing on top of a mountain, on a clear sunny day with my arms outstretched, and being shackled and locked away in an underground dungeon somewhere. That doesn't mean though that we are truly free. It just means that if we're unhappy here, we only have the option of going to the dungeon.

    As far as prostitution is concerned, I personally have no need for it, but I condone it 100%. Technically speaking, porn is the same as prostitution. People get paid to have sex, it just isn't as selective as going somewhere for it. If it was legalized, it would be a hell of a lot safer and cleaner than it is now, because you could set up businesses designed to handle it. Although, the decision to legalize prostitution is not a very important issue, especially on the current, world stage, it should be looked at and dealt with anyways.

    [quote]Originally posted by applenut:

    <strong>life is short and unfair and often sucks......</strong><hr></blockquote>

    This statement is partly true, life is short. You seem to have no interest in changing the rest of it though. Another thing I constantly hear around me "I'm just one person, I can't change anything" insert baby here &gt; cry...cry...cry...

    The point is, if everyone actually did something and made some noise, on any issue....If you actually demanded change, in one big f**king BOOMING voice, you would be surprised at what you could accomplish as a nation.....

    Or you can continue to be controlled by politicians who only care about themselves, and what they want.
  • Reply 16 of 122
    newnew Posts: 3,244member
    Of course you have your free, self-conscious prostitutes, put most are where they are because of poverty, abuse and drug-abuse. The sex industry is one of the nastiest businesses there is.

    Sorry guys, but freedom is the last word thats springs to mind. At least for my part.
  • Reply 17 of 122
    [quote]Originally posted by New:

    <strong>Of course you have your free, self-conscious prostitutes, put most are where they are because of poverty, abuse and drug-abuse. The sex industry is one of the nastiest businesses there is.

    Sorry guys, but freedom is the last word thats springs to mind. At least for my part.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    true, but how much of that is due to the fact that prostitution is a crime in most states? take it out of the hands of criminals, clean it up, and tax it and your part way there to imnproving some of these girls lives.
  • Reply 18 of 122
    thegeldingthegelding Posts: 3,230member
    same with it like booze and the govt gets some money, the economy gets a boost from the sales and the gansters and terrorists make no money from it...if booze and cigs are legal, pot (and prostitution) should be too....g

    how about this...prostitution taxes pay for homeless aid and abused aid/therapy and drug addiction therapy...doobie tax goes to terrorist hunting and drug addiction therapy...we all win

    just think...if the US made pot legal and taxed it, plus added a junk food tax (since all the potheads are gonna be munching out at 7-11 at 1 am), the federal deficit would be gone in a month or two....

    [ 01-20-2003: Message edited by: thegelding ]</p>
  • Reply 19 of 122
    bungebunge Posts: 7,329member
    [quote]Originally posted by New:

    <strong>Of course you have your free, self-conscious prostitutes, put most are where they are because of poverty, abuse and drug-abuse. The sex industry is one of the nastiest businesses there is.

    Sorry guys, but freedom is the last word thats springs to mind. At least for my part.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    In a lot of other countries (and even here) this is a huge problem. Sex slaves are real, and really sad cases. But I think in Nevada where prostitution is legal in some counties you probably have less problems of this kind. And I think prostitution doesn't drive people to become drug addicts, but the reverse. So this happens in either case.
  • Reply 20 of 122
    brussellbrussell Posts: 9,812member
    I suppose you could make the same type of argument about any kind of labor laws. Why have workplace health and safety laws? If an employee is willing to do the job and get paid, who is it hurting besides them?

    I think part of it has to do with the place of women in society. Because they have historically not had the same opportunity as men to choose their profession, prostitution was not really a voluntary choice in the same way as men's professions. Maybe now with women in the same professions as men in large numbers, things should change. I don't know, I admit to not having thought about it much.

    But you know, there's another thread where they're talking about how "sodomy" is still illegal in many states. So paying for it can't be legal if the act itself is still illegal.

    [quote]Originally posted by Splinemodel:

    <strong>Try John Locke.</strong><hr></blockquote>

    Was John Locke really in favor of legalized prostitution? Wow I didn't know that.

    <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
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