What would you buy TODAY, if Apple released it?



  • Reply 21 of 76
    1. DISPLAY

    * current 22" cinema display for $1799 or less


    * higher-res 23-24" cinema display for $2199 or less


    * 19" cinema display or studio display for $1199 or less (at least 1280x1024)


    * machine roughly 3 times as fast as my G4-450DP for $1999 or less (current dual 1ghz G4 would just about qualify, if/when it becomes cheaper)


    * significantly faster machine (maybe twice as fast or faster than current dual 1ghz G4), whether it be next-gen dual G4 (1.2 - 1.5ghz) with DDR RAM and faster bus, or quad G4, or MP G5, or ???, even if it's much more expensive.

    I still think Apple should make a "Studio Pro" Mac or "SuperMac" that's above the Powermac in both price and performance!
  • Reply 22 of 76
    amorphamorph Posts: 7,112member
    Nothing. I don't have the money to spend.

    If I did, the current high-end iMac and 12" iBook would both be looking very attractive.
  • Reply 23 of 76
    IPOD REMOTE so i can use these damn $80 sony headphones with a ONE FOOT WIRE! for the love of good, 1 foot???
  • Reply 24 of 76
    zoszos Posts: 4member
    <ol type="1">[*]A 1ghz+ PowerBook (or a 500mhz+ dual PowerBook)[*]A 20 gig+ iPod[/list=a]
  • Reply 25 of 76
    5gig iPod w/ FM Tuner, Microphone CAN$499 (US$315)

    would buy tomorrow.

    Apple Digital Video Camera. specs: sexy industrial design, all else optional CAN$999 (US$625)

    would buy in 6 mo.

  • Reply 26 of 76
    pscatespscates Posts: 5,847member
    800MHz G4 iMac with 15" LCD @ 1024x768 and a SuperDrive.

    Oh, WAIT...hey, guess what?

    But seriously, if this new iMac wasn't such a sweet piece of cool-osity, I'd like to have an 800MHz G4 iBook with 14" @ 1024x768 and a SuperDrive. Pretty much a portable version of the new iMac, more or less.

    As cool as the TiBook is, I appreciate and dig the ruggedness and overall cooler vibe of the iStuff, so...
  • Reply 27 of 76
    macaddictmacaddict Posts: 1,055member
    If Apple sold a black T-Shirt with a small white Apple logo on the back or chest I'd buy it for $10.


    If Apple released OS X for x86, I'd buy if for anything under $300. If they made an ATX Mac mobo, I'd buy it for $200 if it had good features (at least ATA100, 133MHz bus, 4PCI slots, etc).

    Maybe not. But I'd give it a lot of thought.

    A surefire one: If Apple made a two button mouse...
  • Reply 28 of 76
    No question:

    iBook 12.1"

    *700 G3

    *Combo Drive 8x8x6x24 (slight bump)

    *Radeon mobility (7500 would be nice, but not necessary

    *New version of AppleWorks (one that isn't a system-crash generator)

    * $1500

  • Reply 29 of 76
    fluffyfluffy Posts: 361member
    [quote]Originally posted by Mithral:

    <strong>*New version of AppleWorks (one that isn't a system-crash generator)


    Absolutely! I have Office, but i find myself using AW5 in classic most of the time. If Apple were to release AW7 I'd buy three copies today.
  • Reply 30 of 76
    powerdocpowerdoc Posts: 8,123member
    [quote]Originally posted by Amorph:

    <strong>Nothing. I don't have the money to spend.


    Amorph you have steal my answer

    shame on you

    [ 02-15-2002: Message edited by: powerdoc ]</p>
  • Reply 31 of 76
    onlookeronlooker Posts: 5,252member
    [quote]Originally posted by MacJunkie:

    <strong>Apple PowerMac G5 Workstation

    Quad 1.6GHz G5 CPUs

    512KB on-die L2 cache per CPU

    4GB PC2100 DDR SDRAM (8 @ 512MB DIMMs)


    UltraATA133 RAID array (4 @ 120GB/7200rpm HDDs)

    AGP Pro 110 8x graphics slot

    nVidia Quadro 900GLX w/128MB RAM & dual ADC ports

    Four (4) PCI X expansion slots; 128bit/133MHz

    Four (4) FireWire2 ports; 1600Mbps

    Four (4) USB2 ports; 480Mbps

    Dual 23" Apple Cinema Displays; 1920 x 1200/32bit

    Is that asking to much...?!?</strong><hr></blockquote>

    And I assume you have $10,000.00 or so to blow on that configuration?

    I just bought a dual GHz G4 w/GF4 TI, so I'm broke for a while, but I could scrounge up money for a Newton 3000 MessagePad if one was made available.

    Maybe a iTablet w/ airport also, but then I realy would be broke.

    [ 02-15-2002: Message edited by: onlooker ]</p>
  • Reply 32 of 76
    bartobarto Posts: 2,246member
    1) A FireWire 5.1 Channel Sound Thingy. Price $300

    2) I'm too interested in the FireWire Thingy.

  • Reply 33 of 76
    kalikali Posts: 634member
    [quote]Originally posted by hir:

    <strong>Just 2 _realistic_ products please and at what price. I would buy:

    1) iPod2 running Palm OS with iPhoto functionality. Price: $400.

    2) (uh, my budget doesn't currently allow for a # 2 <img src="graemlins/hmmm.gif" border="0" alt="[Hmmm]" /> )</strong><hr></blockquote>

    The dream machine :

    Collector's Mac IIci,

    with a Daystar 68040 @ 50MHz,

    32 MB ram,

    Radius PrecisionColor Pro 32 bit video card,

    LaCie 500 MB HD,

    MacOS 7.1


    <img src="graemlins/smokin.gif" border="0" alt="[Chilling]" />
  • Reply 34 of 76
    Well, I own a LOT of Macs at present, so bear in mind my wife's $15k geek limit is severely exceeded this year!

    G5 1.2 Ghz

    333 DDR Ram

    128 MB Geforce4 Ti 800 board

    512 MB of DDR333 RAM

    StarOffice OSX

    Pictures of Kay Baily Hutchinson with chocolate syrup and lacivious characters proximal.

    Price? $1899.

    The only good Republican, is a nude Republican.
  • Reply 35 of 76
    matsumatsu Posts: 6,558member
    An iPod with a high quality built in voice recording facility via a small firewire mic. imput is auto stored in either (user selectable) MP3 or AIFF format. Record everything, lectures, research notes. Sync to iBook, and make chapter marked archives for all important topics on back-up CD's and in a nice personal research database.

    Do it. I'll buy one and a new mac to go with it. Probably two.
  • Reply 36 of 76
    aries 1baries 1b Posts: 1,009member
    <img src="graemlins/oyvey.gif" border="0" alt="[No]" /> (Let me apologize in advance; I just can't help myself) :o

    The i****v1, the i****v2, and Kormac76 a beer <img src="graemlins/lol.gif" border="0" alt="[Laughing]" />
  • Reply 37 of 76
    paulpaul Posts: 5,278member
    12" iBook that is (if possible) a bit thinner and lighter, @ least 500MHz, @ least 100MHz Bus, @ least G3, @ least 5 Hr batt, DVD, @ least 10 GB HD, $999 ($899 refurb)....

    iPod Remote, $20-$50 depending if it added features or not (iPhoto d/l)

    iPod2 10+GB $450, iPod1 $300

    I dont think these requests are too hard to meet...
  • Reply 38 of 76
    G4 iMac on a 133mHz bus with dual monitor (extended desktop) support. I need more screen real estate for palettes in graphics applications.

    That's why, though I really wnated an iMac, I instead got a TiBook 667, which is basically this, but portable to boot.

    Thus I have no money to buy whatever Apple releases today, tomorrow, or the next day.

    Happily 'booking,

  • Reply 39 of 76
    ferroferro Posts: 453member
    I wish they sold something like a mini-TiBook thats about half the foot print of iBook2, 5-10GB hard drive, OSX 10.2, No cd drive and integrated wireless phone and Airport...

    sort of a mini-iBook portable with a "TiBook" ultrathin look and alot of wireless options...

    I would take it everywhere with me...

    I am too paronoid when taking my iBook2 laptop anywhere...

    I would hope they sell it somewhere under $1300


    P.S. - It would be ideal if they had an optional docking station that had a freeplay? type wind-up energy mechanism to support the power needs of the comp. and wireless stuff energy needs... I remember hearing about a Apple Wind-up idea a long time ago.... but I guess it never panned out...



    [ 02-16-2002: Message edited by: FERRO ]</p>
  • Reply 40 of 76
    [quote]Originally posted by hir:

    <strong>Just 2 _realistic_ products please and at what price. I would buy:

    1) iPod2 running Palm OS with iPhoto functionality. Price: $400.


    I definitely would go for your #1. Some built in high speed wireless connectivity would be great on it. You could have your pics/vids, MP3's, organizer and a way to use it as a communication device either by email or a headset jack. I'd also jump on a tower with an improved MB(DDR, ATA 100, etc.). A dual G5 would be nice in it but I'd settle for a dual 1.2-1.5 G4. The dual gig that's out now is tempting but I'm waiting for the better MB more than a G5 so I can at least get a little more life out of it.
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