Google's Schmidt: Apple responding to Android with lawsuits, not innovation



  • Reply 221 of 228
    Originally Posted by Brainless View Post

    Don't have to be SJ or ES or lawyer or anyone else. Just check the facts. Android acquired by Google in 2005, this information available to public. Rubin is known as author of another mobile phone, so it is known that Google is in mobile business from 2005.

    iPhone was made available to public during the Keynote in 2007. Prior that there were no mobile phones produced by Apple.

    Those are the facts.

    Was it really Apple's business ? I think it wasn't.

    Those are "your" facts... and you wouldn't know a fact if it slapped you in the face. Unless you're Steve or Eric you haven't got a clue as to who knew what and when.

    I know... you read it on the internet...
  • Reply 222 of 228
    macrulezmacrulez Posts: 2,455member
  • Reply 223 of 228
    The intelligence level of this article has now gone below the trolling level...

    Here's my take: I love the people who said Apple only innovates. Then someone brought in the 5 things iOS 5 copied from Android (I only agree with 3 of those) and someone defended it with "Those were the next logical step in tech." So Android transitioning to touch screen devices ISN'T the next logical step? You can't have it both ways. While I agree that Android only exists because of Apple's iOS success, to say that every Android phone is a copy of the iPhone is absolutely stupid. Google isn't suing Apple over their "new" Notification Center despite the fact that it is a COMPLETE rip off of an Android function (there's not even a debate with it). Competition is GREAT for us (I don't know why so many Android and iOS fans get at each others throat). Let them innovate MORE stuff, not just sue each other into oblivion. I hate lawyers
  • Reply 224 of 228
    os2babaos2baba Posts: 262member
    Originally Posted by addicted44 View Post

    Google doesn't have any patents on them.

    Google has less than 500 patents, including stellar ones like the one on the doodle.

    That's correct. That's because Google, like HTC is an engineering company and has a distaste for patents. I expect that like Sun which had the same DNA, it will be forced to start patenting the large number of innovations they have come up with over the past decade just to ward off patent trolls.

    It's not coincidental that while Apple has been pretty much sitting on its laurels for the past couple of years, Android has gone leaps and bounds beyond iOS. About once a year, Apple attempts to narrow the gap with a new version and within a couple of months it starts widening again.

    There is no doubt that Android was influenced by the original iPhone, just like there is no doubt that iOS4 and especially iOS5 has been heavily influenced by Android. Apple, I think has realized that they simply can't catch up and have resorted to lawsuits. They lost one to Kodak a couple of days ago. 8 out of 10 patents were thrown out against HTC and they implicitly admitted to having stolen Nokia's patents by paying them off.

    It doesn't spell doom for Apple, but merely reflects their current status of being technologically overwhelmed.
  • Reply 225 of 228
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,572member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Those are "your" facts... and you wouldn't know a fact if it slapped you in the face. Unless you're Steve or Eric you haven't got a clue as to who knew what and when.

    I know... you read it on the internet...

    FYI, a good summary page on Google mobile market rumors can be found here:

    In a nutshell, the first patent filing by Google for mobile specific tech dates from 2001. Rumors of Google's interest in a mobile OS and related smartphones began in 2004. Android of course purchased in 2005. By 2007 there were reportedly 5 prototype Android phones with various sizes and hardware configurations being shown to Open Handset Alliance members, and yes at least one used a touchscreen. Some others may have too, dunno.

    But of course no one at Apple would have been aware of any of these news items when Eric Schmidt was invited to serve on the Board. It might make someone question who was using who.

    And FWIW, the "Blackberry" type Android prototype so often mentioned here actually became the Palm Pre Pro, an HTC release powered by. . . Microsoft!
  • Reply 226 of 228
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    FYI, a good summary page on Google mobile market rumors can be found here:

    In a nutshell, the first patent filing by Google for mobile specific tech dates from 2001. Rumors of Google's interest in a mobile OS and related smartphones began in 2004. Android of course purchased in 2005. By 2007 there were reportedly 5 prototype Android phones with various sizes and hardware configurations being shown to Open Handset Alliance members, and yes at least one used a touchscreen. Some others may have too, dunno.

    But of course no one at Apple would have been aware of any of these news items when Eric Schmidt was invited to serve on the Board. It might make someone question who was using who.

    And FWIW, the "Blackberry" type Android prototype so often mentioned here actually became the Palm Pre Pro, an HTC release powered by. . . Microsoft!

    Don't get me wrong... I'm not on either side of this other than to say none of us will ever know the real truth... otherwise I wouldn't have put Schmidt in the equation. You can read all sorts of crap on the internet (which I have) but, still, no one will ever know other than SJ and/or ES about who knew what and when... and what prompted SJ to say what he said... that was my point... the reason behind SJ's comment about entering Apple's space. To say that it was Steve's ability to distort reality is bullshit unless you have intimate knowledge of who knew what and when.

    [ on edit: Apparently Jobs was angry over the fact that Google demonstrated pinch to zoom... a key feature of iOS... and this prompted Job's comment (apparently... I read it on the interent).
  • Reply 227 of 228
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,572member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Don't get me wrong... I'm not on either side of this other than to say none of us will ever know the real truth... otherwise I wouldn't have put Schmidt in the equation. You can read all sorts of crap on the internet (which I have) but, still, no one will ever know other than SJ and/or ES about who knew what and when... and what prompted SJ to say what he said... that was my point... the reason behind SJ's comment about entering Apple's space. To say that it was Steve's ability to distort reality is bullshit unless you have intimate knowledge of who knew what and when.

    Agreed Island Hermit. To the best of my knowledge no one here knows what the current relationship between Google and Apple is, much less what prompted the partnership and resultant split. Most of the anger at Google by some Apple fans is simply because Steve Jobs (seemed he) was angry at them IMHO. No other factual basis for it since there's been no declaration from any of the 1st team players as to what really occurred over what timeline.
  • Reply 228 of 228
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    Agreed Island Hermit. To the best of my knowledge no one here knows what the current relationship between Google and Apple is, much less what prompted the partnership and resultant split. Most of the anger at Google by some Apple fans is simply because Steve Jobs (seemed he) was angry at them IMHO. No other factual basis for it since there's been no declaration from any of the 1st team players as to what really occurred over what timeline.

    I put an edit on my earlier comment that I'm sure you've seen by now. Apparently Steve was hot but I'm still wondering who knew what and when...
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