Google's Schmidt: Apple responding to Android with lawsuits, not innovation



  • Reply 81 of 228
    mrstepmrstep Posts: 518member
    Originally Posted by matrix07 View Post


    And I think Apple wouldn't mind too much if Android is just not an iPhone clone. If they're being successful by looking like BB I don't think Apple would mind that at all.

    That said I don't have problem with Android in general. It has its place. What I have problem with is a company like Google who claimed to "be no evil.." yet...

    Google isn't doing any evil, they're letting their partners do it for them. See, no moral problem.

    BTW, great new case for the Samsung iTab, huh? What a bunch of friggin' copying wankers. You could be handed one of those tablets in that case and not know which product you're holding - which is exactly why these design infringement suit DO have merit. Instead of trying to do their own thing, they keep copying even more. Unreal.

    Anyway, the OS side isn't any better - where it differs, it's generally more complicated and less polished.
  • Reply 82 of 228
    Originally Posted by Harbinger View Post

    Nothing personal so far? I'd disagree. To wit:

    How was my comment disparaging Schmidt? All you did was repeat what I said essentially "we don't know other than being dismissed for a conflict of interest".
  • Reply 83 of 228
    rbonnerrbonner Posts: 635member
    Originally Posted by jjthomps View Post


    If someone ripped off Google and tried beating them over their head with their own intelligent property they wouldn't defend it?

    Innovate? Why so they can copy more?


    Vote: +1
  • Reply 84 of 228
    Originally Posted by Harbinger View Post

    There is always more to a story than meets the eye, even if you're personally engaged in the situation. Since we are all sidelines spectators here, I just don't see justification for the venomous passion. Instead, I worry about some of you. Are you unemployed? Do you have anger management issues? Sadly, there is no app for that.

    Unemployed?! WTF??!!

    What's wrong with the unemployed?

    I think YOU have issues... but that's just my opinion.

    [ ... and that photo of Schmidt does look creepy... ]

    [ ... I'm fully employed... just in case you are wondering... ]
  • Reply 85 of 228
    mdriftmeyermdriftmeyer Posts: 7,503member
    Originally Posted by spliff monkey View Post

    If I'm not mistaken the average college GPA for a CEO is something like 2.8 or 2.6. So academically speaking they are neither the hardest working nor the most intelligent people. You can graduate from Berkley with a C allot easier than you could graduate with all A's at just about any school. I don't think SJ graduated from college and we all know Gates didn't either. CEO... toughest job to get, but the easiest job to perform.

    Obviously none of us really know the details, but as I recall months after Schmidt was dismissed from the Apple board for a conflict of interest Android came out. It doesn't take much to put two and two together.

    Google was working on a Black Berry like phone OS. Schmidt got to check out iOS (as a board member) and realized Google was heading in the wrong direction. "poof" the market magically gets a "free" OS that resembles iOS in many ways.

    He abused his privileges as an Apple board member and used them to conduct "corporate espionage" IMO.

    Schmidt has a Ph.D. What's your point, again?

    Steve and Bill left school to start companies. Both of them had high marks when they left. What's your point again?

    The arrogance of Schmidt as an acting CEO or top executive is well documented from his days at Sun to Novell and now Google.

    He's very well aware of the line of ethics he toe-danced and that arrogance will be his downfall as a professional.
  • Reply 86 of 228
    Originally Posted by mrstep View Post

    Google isn't doing any evil, they're letting their partners do it for them. See, no moral problem.

    BTW, great new case for the Samsung iTab, huh? What a bunch of friggin' copying wankers. You could be handed one of those tablets in that case and not know which product you're holding - which is exactly why these design infringement suit DO have merit. Instead of trying to do their own thing, they keep copying even more. Unreal.

    Anyway, the OS side isn't any better - where it differs, it's generally more complicated and less polished.

    You mean this case? How could you possibly confuse this with Apple's case? How dare you accuse samsung of copying anyone!

  • Reply 87 of 228
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by mrstep View Post

    Google isn't doing any evil, they're letting their partners do it for them. See, no moral problem.

    I'm talking about the company in general. Not the HTC case or any Android case vs Apple. The way it disregarded others' intellectual property (Oracle, for example) and privacy, to name a few.
  • Reply 88 of 228
    mlayermlayer Posts: 23member
    If Google really wanted to support its hardware partners it would help compensate them for their legal and licensing costs. They're not doing that. Just like everything else they give away for free, it only comes with a bare minimum of support. That goes for end users and partners these days.
  • Reply 89 of 228
    Wow! Google copies the iPhone and then has the nerve to accuse Apple of not innovating? What a fucking hypocrite.
  • Reply 90 of 228
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,573member
    Originally Posted by jkichline View Post

    Basically Google purchased startup Android in 2005. In 2006 Schmidt joined the Apple Board of Directors and was thus, very privy to the development and launch of the iPhone in 2007. At the same time, Google was furthering development of Android. After iPhone launched out of secrecy in 2007, Google launched Android, but now instead of having the Blackberry copying look-and-feel, it became a replica of the iPhone. They continued to work on Android, copying many of iPhone core features.

    Finally in 2009, Schmidt "resigned" the board of directors, but Steve Jobs was very upset at the fact that Google decided to enter their market when they never thought twice about entering the search market.

    So what Schmidt did was betray trust and non-disclosures in creating Android by copying Apple's years of research in the field.

    You honestly believe Steve Jobs wasn't aware of what Google was doing with Android? And there's a claim by Apple that Schmidt violated NDA's? Apple management certainly hoped they wouldn't aggressively push Android as a mobile OS free for use. And Mr. Jobs probably was disappointed when they showed him their initial mockups and made it clear they were moving forward. But they were very open with Apple from all the reports I've seen, even inviting Apple engineers into the Google labs. And I'd be shocked if Mr. Jobs didn't pick Andy Rubin's brain for iPhone ideas. No, I don't think Schmidt was stealing from Apple. Steve Jobs would have failed Apple stockholders if he thought that was going on and didn't immediately remove him from the board. That he stayed on until 2009, when he voluntarily resigned, should be proof enough that he wasn't slinking around the Apple back corridors.

    As for the original Google mockup that's mentioned every time this comes up, even Blackberry's don't look like Blackberry's from three years ago. It was an obvious choice to go with a touchscreen once Apple had shown it would be accepted by consumers. \ Surely you're not arguing that only Apple has the right to a touchscreen, or that every other phone manufacturer should have stubbornly clung to an old inferior interface. Big cans of worms. . .

    So AFAIK, Steve Jobs has never said Eric Schmidt was stealing anything from Apple/doing things behind his back. It all came down to Google becoming a competitor and less valuable to Apple as a hedge against Microsoft. I'd imagine it was "do things our way or the highway".

    Makes a better story to claim theft tho. . .
  • Reply 91 of 228
    Originally Posted by spliff monkey View Post

    you mean this case? How could you possibly confuse this with apple's case? How dare you accuse samsung of copying anyone!

  • Reply 92 of 228
    Originally Posted by cloudgazer View Post

    It will be decades before we know what really happened here, if ever.

    Sure, I'm getting carried away here, no problem admitting that. But to your point about taking Eric to court, they would never do it that way, even though he did what he did. They would first let the product (Android) fly or fail in the court of public opinion, study what was violated and then attack that. Apple still has business arrangements with Google and is likely to far into the future.

    There was personal violation in the form of Erics dealings, but this is still business. While Apple isn't interested in licensing, if one of the remedies is getting money from the sale of every Android unit, they would take it. It would be a bit more than they would ever get out of Eric.
  • Reply 93 of 228
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,573member
    Originally Posted by mlayer View Post

    If Google really wanted to support its hardware partners it would help compensate them for their legal and licensing costs. They're not doing that. Just like everything else they give away for free, it only comes with a bare minimum of support. That goes for end users and partners these days.

    Apple could also support it's developer's in their Lodsys patent suits by promising to pay their legal fees and compensate them for their licensing costs if it comes to that. It's really the same thing in essence, isn't it? I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for HP, Microsoft, Apple, or Google to jump in with offers for monetary support every time one of their licensee's sees a lawsuit.
  • Reply 94 of 228
    patranuspatranus Posts: 366member
    Funny coming from the guy who responded to iOS with theft.


    The guy headed JAVA at Sun and *somehow* ended up with something exactly like JAVA.

    The guy was on the board of Apple and *somehow* ended up with something that looks exactly like an iPhone.

    This guy is laughable.
  • Reply 95 of 228
    dmarcootdmarcoot Posts: 191member
    Someone please remind Eric Schmidt what Google's phone looked liked before Steve Jobs showed him the iPhone.
  • Reply 96 of 228
    nofeernofeer Posts: 2,427member
    googles next product

    smart cases for android
  • Reply 97 of 228
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,949member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    I think that photo of Schmidt is creepy.

    That's why they called him Creep Executive Officer. He's a creepy, psychopathic guy, the camera doesn't lie
  • Reply 98 of 228
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    Schmidt has a Ph.D. What's your point, again?

    Steve and Bill left school to start companies. Both of them had high marks when they left. What's your point again?

    The arrogance of Schmidt as an acting CEO or top executive is well documented from his days at Sun to Novell and now Google.

    He's very well aware of the line of ethics he toe-danced and that arrogance will be his downfall as a professional.

    We agree and disagree?

    I've gotten to known a couple of CEO's well over the years. They aren't the most impressive humans. (implying humanity in their spirit). My point is they are usually arrogant pinheads and not the hardest working or best at anything. Usually their "minions" or "underlings" as they like to call them are doing most of the hard work.

    Not criticizing. I'm just saying grades don't prevent people from becoming CEO's and rather it seems better that they focus on being social butterflies.

    How does the old joke go? What do you call a doctor with a C average? Doctor. So Schmidt has a PHD. Good for his resume, but I'm pretty sure his ascension in the corporate ranks had much more to do with who he knows than what he knows.
  • Reply 99 of 228
    c4rlobc4rlob Posts: 277member
    It's a classic response from a free-loader to respond "why you coming after me from taking something from you, just make more!" It's like a child assuming that mom and dad are made of money. Until eventually you cut them off and say - go make your own!

    I'm all for competition, but competition by copying, and competition by innovation are two different things. Schmidt/Google should take his own advice. Where was their innovation? They basically copied Apple's recipe and added extra icing on top.

    That's the inherent problem with free-loaders - they seldom appreciate the hard work that goes into making and creating something. They assume it's all one big free-for-all, taking for granted the genius that may have came before them.
  • Reply 100 of 228
    Originally Posted by dmarcoot View Post

    Someone please remind Eric Schmidt what Google's phone looked liked before Steve Jobs showed him the iPhone.

    Let me do it.

    Remember Fandroids. Android used to look like this BEFORE Google COPIED the iPhone.

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