Google exec reiterates Motorola purchase not just for patents

in General Discussion edited January 2014
Google Chairman Eric Schmidt said his company bought Motorola Mobility for its products, as well as its patents, while noting that the current state of patents in the U.S. is a "terrible."

Speaking at a conference, Schmidt said, ?We did it for more than just patents. The Motorola team has some amazing products,? downplaying the role the company's 25,000 patents and pending filings played in the deal, Bloomberg reports. The former CEO's position, however, backpedals from the company's early strong stance that patents were the primary reason for purchase.

The executive called the current patent issue "terrible," voicing concerns that "overbroad patents will somehow slow" innovation in the software industry, as noted by TechCrunch.

Schmidt also addressed the Nortel patent auction that saw Google lose out to Apple and other competitors after a fierce bidding war, calling the patents "questionable" and the final $4.5 billion bid "too pricey." The Mountain View, Calif., company has characterized the Nortel deal, as well as other group patent purchases, as a conspiracy by competitors to block its Android mobile operating system.

Google announced its $12.5 billion acquisition of Motorola Mobility in August, billing it as a way to "supercharge Android, enhance competition, and offer wonderful user experiences." Chief Legal Officer David C. Drummond said Motorola's patent portfolio would help Google fight off "some very aggressive licensing demands in the Android ecosystem."

Larry Page, CEO and co-founder of the search giant, published a blog post shortly after the deal was announced, characterizing it as a way to protect itself from "anti-competitive threats from Microsoft, Apple and other companies."

However, recent analyses from intellectual property experts have suggested that Google overpaid for the company, as its patents, despite being numerous, may not provide as much protection as previously thought.

"What they bought is crap, because at the end of the day Motorola sold off its good assets," said Dr. David Martin, founder and chairman of M-Cam Inc, in an interview. Martin also added that Google actually increased its patent vulnerability with the deal.

Patent specialist Florian Mueller reports that many of Motorola's patents are already committed to F/RAND (fair, reasonable, and non-discriminatory) terms that limit their defensive usefulness.

Schmidt's comments on Thursday also run counter to an assertion by Sony Ericsson executive Nikolaus Scheurer that "Google confirmed that this [acquisition] is not making Google a hardware manufacturer."

The executive did take the time to praise Apple during his interview. As a former Apple board member before a conflict of interest forced him to resign, Schmidt praised Apple co-founder CEO for giving the "best performance of a CEO in 50 years."

?We?ve all benefited from the tremendous innovation at Apple. And I say this as a very proud former board member at Apple,? he said. Jobs stepped down as Apple CEO in late August, leaving Tim Cook to serve in his stead.

But, Schmidt's remarks from Thursday on Apple's innovations stand in contrast to comments he made in July where he accused competitors like Apple of "responding with lawsuits as they cannot respond through innovations."


  • Reply 1 of 108
    More Google doublespeak and they wonder why they have a credibility problem.

    The MM acquisition will probably go down in history as the moment Google 'jumped the shark'.
  • Reply 2 of 108
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    If the Motorola purchase proves to be a boat anchor it really will call into questions Google's basic business acumen. They already looked kind of silly when they lost out on the recent Novell/Nortel bidding war, seemingly by not taking it all that seriously.

    No one questions Google's technical chops, but I wonder if they have the people in charge to make the smart decisions when it comes to these kind of strategic acquisitions.
  • Reply 3 of 108
    I never believed that Google paid $12.5 billion just to get at Moto's patents. They wanted to be a phone maker. They want to be Apple.
  • Reply 4 of 108
    tnsftnsf Posts: 203member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Speaking at a conference, Schmidt said, ?We did it for more than just patents."

    No, you didn't.


    "The Motorola team has some amazing products.?

    No, they don't.


    The executive called the current patent issue "terrible," voicing concerns that "overbroad patents will somehow slow" innovation in the software industry, as noted by TechCrunch.

    Thats what people say when they don't own any important patents. When they haven't invented anything of their own except a search algorithm.


    Schmidt also addressed the Nortel patent auction that saw Google lose out to Apple and other competitors after a fierce bidding war, calling the patents "questionable" and the final $4.5 billion bid "too pricey."

    You think those were pricey? Wait until you find out what its like to have Moto's 29,000 thousand employees chained to your ankle. Now thats expensive.
  • Reply 5 of 108
    such seething hate for no real reason from users here.
  • Reply 6 of 108
    kreshkresh Posts: 379member
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    such teething hate for no real reason from users here.

    It is only natural to be a little grumpy when teething.
  • Reply 7 of 108
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    such teething hate for no real reason from users here.

    @AbsoluteDesignz this isn't a great site for comments, most come from rather uneducated fan boys. But then again most of the articles are also by ignorant fan boys, so just read it for the occasional actual news and don't let the comments get to you, it isn't worth the frustration.

    Apple is to this site what Republicans are to FOX News.

    Both provide an equal level of ignorant reporting and shameless bias.
  • Reply 8 of 108
    tnsftnsf Posts: 203member
    Originally Posted by anthropic View Post

    @AbsoluteDesignz this isn't a great site for comments, most come from rather uneducated fan boys. But then again most of the articles are also by ignorant fan boys, so just read it for the occasional actual news and don't let the comments get to you, it isn't worth the frustration.

    Apple is to this site what Republicans are to FOX News.

    Both provide an equal level of ignorant reporting and shameless bias.

    Or... Google made a huge mistake.

  • Reply 9 of 108
    sheffsheff Posts: 1,407member
    Antrix 4 G chromebook is all I can say right now. Android on the phone, Chrome OS on the dock. Plus a way to get into the tablet business. That is why they bought moto.
  • Reply 10 of 108
    sennensennen Posts: 1,472member
    Originally Posted by anthropic View Post

    @AbsoluteDesignz this isn't a great site for comments, most come from rather uneducated fan boys. But then again most of the articles are also by ignorant fan boys, so just read it for the occasional actual news and don't let the comments get to you, it isn't worth the frustration.

    Apple is to this site what Republicans are to FOX News.

    Both provide an equal level of ignorant reporting and shameless bias.

    Don't be so hard on yourself. Then again...
  • Reply 11 of 108
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    such teething hate for no real reason from users here.

    I read your comment here and thought are you just playing DUMB?? or are you just dumb.

    then I read the little bit at the bottom of your post: i.e.;

    "reasonable, rational, Fandroid with a general respect for Apple product design" ... and i realized why your making this ridiculous comment, first where was your head at when Mr. Shit (Eric) did what he did to Steve Jobs ... maybe it was up your arse where it prob would be or in the ground like an Ostrich and have you forgotten what Gaggle did to Apple previously?? well KARMA's a BITCH, then U DIE and I hope Gaggle dies a slow death with all those 29,000 Moto employees chained to his friggin ankle and the rest of them too... serves them right .. bunch of wannabe's.... my 2 cents...
  • Reply 12 of 108
    On another news, a teenager claims he does not want to be with his girlfriend only for sex.
  • Reply 13 of 108
    Originally Posted by bitzandbitez View Post

    maybe it was up your arse where it prob would be or in the ground like an Ostrich and have you forgotten what Gaggle did to Apple previously??

    Ok then, educate us. What did Google do to Apple and more importantly, why aren't Apple fighting back against whatever Google did directly with the company?

    Are Apple pussies with nothing to fight back against or are you simply talking shite?
  • Reply 14 of 108
    Originally Posted by kresh View Post

    It is only natural to be a little grumpy when teething.

    hahahahahahha thanks for pointing out such a stupid mistake on my part

    Originally Posted by anthropic View Post

    @AbsoluteDesignz this isn't a great site for comments, most come from rather uneducated fan boys. But then again most of the articles are also by ignorant fan boys, so just read it for the occasional actual news and don't let the comments get to you, it isn't worth the frustration.

    Apple is to this site what Republicans are to FOX News.

    Both provide an equal level of ignorant reporting and shameless bias.

    seems such

    Originally Posted by bitzandbitez View Post

    I read your comment here and thought are you just playing DUMB?? or are you just dumb.

    then I read the little bit at the bottom of your post: i.e.;

    "reasonable, rational, Fandroid with a general respect for Apple product design" ... and i realized why your making this ridiculous comment, first where was your head at when Mr. Shit (Eric) did what he did to Steve Jobs ... maybe it was up your arse where it prob would be or in the ground like an Ostrich and have you forgotten what Gaggle did to Apple previously?? well KARMA's a BITCH, then U DIE and I hope Gaggle dies a slow death with all those 29,000 Moto employees chained to his friggin ankle and the rest of them too... serves them right .. bunch of wannabe's.... my 2 cents...

    I don't give a damn about Mr. Schmidt. Nor do I see what Google did to Apple...funny how Apple has yet to file any complaints against Schmidt...a lesser man than myself may think you're assuming, inventing, and fanatically hoping.

    Also...90% of Google's business is not like Apple at all...oh wait...they design software...only Apple should be allowed to design software.
  • Reply 15 of 108
    Originally Posted by GalaxyTab View Post

    Ok then, educate us. What did Google do to Apple and more importantly, why aren't Apple fighting back against whatever Google did directly with the company?

    Are Apple pussies with nothing to fight back against or are you simply talking shite?

    lol, that's what I'm saying.
  • Reply 16 of 108
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    lol, that's what I'm saying.

    Let me guess what it'll be "Google stole teh multitouch!" (something Apple does not own) or "Android woz teh blackberry before iFone was shown!!!!!!!1one" (which is also bollocks because Android is software, not hardware. Software is scalable and able to run on many form factors/devices)
  • Reply 17 of 108
    Originally Posted by GalaxyTab View Post

    Let me guess what it'll be "Google stole teh multitouch!" (something Apple does not own) or "Android woz teh blackberry before iFone was shown!!!!!!!1one" (which is also bollocks because Android is software, not hardware. Software is scalable and able to run on many form factors/devices)

    Hell, Android was designed to be scalable regardless...the BB style prototype was just one of I think 3 prototypes.

    I think he's talking about the Schmidt was on Apple's board of directors thing...

    which, if so, becomes the ONE time Apple has proven to not be willing to take an offender to court.
  • Reply 18 of 108
    lukeilukei Posts: 385member

    Interesting. Net purchase price for Google not as high as announced.
  • Reply 19 of 108
    "Google Chairman Eric Schmidt the current state of patents in the U.S. is a "terrible.""

    Eric Schmidt or Super Mario?
  • Reply 20 of 108
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Speaking at a conference, Schmidt said, ?We did it for more than just patents. The Motorola team has some amazing products,?

    Google announced its $12.5 billion acquisition of Motorola Mobility in August, billing it as a way to "supercharge Android, enhance competition, and offer wonderful user experiences."

    That makes a lot of sense. The Motorola Atrix is one sweet phone, and Motorola makes a lot of set top boxes.

    The Moto box I've used with FIOS had lousy software. Adding Android to the box could supercharge it, as well as allowing Google to get its act together WRT GoogleTV.

    I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. Motorola Mobility has a lot of irons in the fire - I hope Google can heat them all up a bit.
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