Court accepts Verizon, T-Mobile briefs in Apple suit against Samsung



  • Reply 21 of 59
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Verizon and T-Mobile jumping into this would be as odd as Apple weighing in against AT&T's buyout of T-Mobile.

    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    No, I just believe the Apple fan sites are blowing this out of proportion and ironically making Apple out to be petty and childish. I ironically think more highly of Apple.

    You should think more highly of Apple since they are the having their IP blatantly stolen from Samsung, not the other way around.
  • Reply 22 of 59
    Originally Posted by replicant View Post

    if you think Apple does not have a case:

    you're a bit late...

    no one thinks Apple doesn't have a one.

    But that's besides the point.

    1) the store display is Samsung, the wall in the BG belongs to a Euronics in Italy.

    2) the direct inspire from Apple...but it's still a plug...I wouldn't mind them being forced to alter the design, but I don't see why it matters for that.

    3) Don't agree on the boxes. Apple inspired the industry to make simple boxes with the's a norm across brands (That I've seen at least)

    4) Apple doesn't have a patent on 30 pin connectors...but definitely inspired by Apple...(I'd say copied but that's not the right word here as Samsung hasn't directly copied Apple...more so took wayyyy too much inspiration from them)

    5) These apps aren't that similar...a bit of a stretch.


    (I'd say copied instead of inspired but that's not the right word here as Samsung hasn't directly copied Apple...more so took wayyyy too much inspiration from them)
  • Reply 23 of 59
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,218member
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    I'm fine with not installing suspicious random apps from random sites and not installing an app before I read both the reviews and permissions.

    Even if the reviews and permissions are complete and accurate, can you trust others to do the same?

    Just as you might be the safest driver in the world, you are still at the mercy of bad drivers.

    This is a matter of public safety.
  • Reply 24 of 59
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    Verizon and T-Mobile jumping into this would be as odd as Apple weighing in against AT&T's buyout of T-Mobile.

    You should think more highly of Apple since they are the having their IP blatantly stolen from Samsung, not the other way around.

    could you stop with the talking points.

    for starters only ONE piece of "IP" has held up in the Samsung/Apple case...the gallery bounce back...that's it.

    The only other big thing they're dealing with now is the fact that the Galaxy Tab somewhat resembles a drawing representing a piece of tech Apple never has and most likely never will create*

    *main reason I seem to be defending Samsung more than I wish to (they are trying to resemble Apple products, don't get me wrong) is because this sets a negative precedent for the tech community as a whole...all you have to do is register a bunch of drawings...come up with something COMPLETELY different...and no one can make anything that looks like the drawings? WOW.

    I can't stand for that. I don't believe anyone can.
  • Reply 25 of 59
    Originally Posted by Cpsro View Post

    Even if the reviews and permissions are complete and accurate, can you trust others to do the same?

    Just as you might be the safest driver in the world, you are still at the mercy of bad drivers.

    This is a matter of public safety.

    lol, not the same...

    Idiot A from Arkansas and Idiot B from Cali do not hurt me if they can't install apps intelligently and properly...without having their hands held.

    If Idiot A and B are driving recklessly they are a danger to me, and many others who happen to not be idiots.
  • Reply 26 of 59
    solipsismsolipsism Posts: 25,726member
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    could you stop with the talking points.

    for starters only ONE piece of "IP" has held up in the Samsung/Apple case...the gallery bounce back...that's it.

    The only other big thing they're dealing with now is the fact that the Galaxy Tab somewhat resembles a drawing representing a piece of tech Apple never has and most likely never will create*

    *main reason I seem to be defending Samsung more than I wish to (they are trying to resemble Apple products, don't get me wrong) is because this sets a negative precedent for the tech community as a whole...all you have to do is register a bunch of drawings...come up with something COMPLETELY different...and no one can make anything that looks like the drawings? WOW.

    I can't stand for that. I don't believe anyone can.

    1) You're seriously asking for me to stop with "topics that invite discussion or argument"?

    2) You're defending Samsung because you want to. Your choice! No one is forcing you to defending this wittle guy in the face of the big, bad, evil Apple.

    3) This is why I consider you a troll and not simply a poster a disagree with. You've repeatedly dismissed the comparative images of selling Samsung products and then claimed such hyperbolic things as "Apple is trying to stop everyone with rectangles with rounded corners" and "this is all about trying to stop anything that looks like their drawings." The only others being called out for blatantly copying Apple are the Chinese clones, not the RiM PlayBook, not the Kindle Fire, not WP7. et al.
  • Reply 27 of 59
    ochymingochyming Posts: 474member
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    What the hell just happened?

    : A pattern you apparently fail to notice.

    And the decline of USA economy, tied to rabid money making.
  • Reply 28 of 59
    ochymingochyming Posts: 474member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    What does this mean?

    : Read again, perhaps you can catch it.

  • Reply 29 of 59
    I posted elsewhere

    Bill Handel in LA has Millions of listeners

    Asked Samasung multiple times to pick up the defective Samsung washer and dryer - every time - call the 800 number - they ignored that he said he already did

    Show #1 - tells the Samsung/Korean "ignore" story

    Show #2 - tells it again (after calling samsung personally - no reply)

    Then - after show 2 - VP USA Samsung calls Bill - says we will refund you 100%

    Bottom line - Korean mentality is obsinant - they ignore the obvious - abusive - I think they are at the point of Bill Handels 2nd show being completed - MILLIONS OF LISTENERS NEVER BUYING THEIR CRUMMY DEFECTIVE WASHERS AND DRYERS AGAIN

    Samsung made the offer to Apple - SAMSUNG USA/AMERICAN has penentrated their thick Korean mentality - Samsung knows they have to agree or they lose 10 BILLION of Apple businesss - they will give apple huge royalty and agree to change the style of their pad/phone - I expect early next week -
  • Reply 30 of 59
    xamaxxamax Posts: 135member
    Originally Posted by Apple Business Students Life View Post

    I posted elsewhere

    Bill Handel in LA has Millions of listeners

    Asked Samasung multiple times to pick up the defective Samsung washer and dryer - every time - call the 800 number - they ignored that he said he already did

    Show #1 - tells the Samsung/Korean "ignore" story

    Show #2 - tells it again (after calling samsung personally - no reply)

    Then - after show 2 - VP USA Samsung calls Bill - says we will refund you 100%

    Bottom line - Korean mentality is obsinant - they ignore the obvious - abusive - I think they are at the point of Bill Handels 2nd show being completed - MILLIONS OF LISTENERS NEVER BUYING THEIR CRUMMY DEFECTIVE WASHERS AND DRYERS AGAIN

    Samsung made the offer to Apple - SAMSUNG USA/AMERICAN has penentrated their thick Korean mentality - Samsung knows they have to agree or they lose 10 BILLION of Apple businesss - they will give apple huge royalty and agree to change the style of their pad/phone - I expect early next week -

    Wow I thank you for this insight, brilliant! Thank you, indeed!!!
  • Reply 31 of 59
    charlitunacharlituna Posts: 7,217member
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    No, I just believe the Apple fan sites are blowing this out of proportion and ironically making Apple out to be petty and childish. I ironically think more highly of Apple.

    Apple isn't being as petty as some folks think. Many don't realize that trademarks/trade dress require that you actively defend them. If Apple had not filed their suit someone later could use their lack of response to defend a more blatant offense, and win.

    And even they are just being petty, so is everyone else.
  • Reply 32 of 59
    Originally Posted by XamaX View Post

    Wow I thank you for this insight, brilliant! Thank you, indeed!!!

    Ug -

    Painful here - go you the Yahoo finance message boards please

    ... hint - I am providing a lawyer's insight to strategy/dealing with a stupid client - you must take into consideration your client - Samsung is a client from hell - and the lawyers obviously are having pains explaining to them because of that Korean mindset that you simply cannot STEAL from Apple and think that they are not going to cut/your head off of the $9 BILLION OR SO IN PRODUCT THAT YOU SELL THEM

    I think they are at the point (KOREANS/SAMSUNG) based on Apple lawyer comment - that they (KOREAN/SAMSUNG) see that they are going to lose the $9 BILLION IN CONTRACTS from Apple - Apple can replace them 100%, and they will be left with no apple sales - and a crummy product that goes nowhere and will not make up that revenue

    Samsung has taken this as far as they can - they still do have a way out by making nice with Apple .. I think there is a possibility of their settling this week and not losing it all
  • Reply 33 of 59
    xamaxxamax Posts: 135member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    1) You're seriously asking for me to stop with "topics that invite discussion or argument"?

    2) You're defending Samsung because you want to. Your choice! No one is forcing you to defending this wittle guy in the face of the big, bad, evil Apple.

    3) This is why I consider you a troll and not simply a poster a disagree with. You've repeatedly dismissed the comparative images of selling Samsung products and then claimed such hyperbolic things as "Apple is trying to stop everyone with rectangles with rounded corners" and "this is all about trying to stop anything that looks like their drawings." The only others being called out for blatantly copying Apple are the Chinese clones, not the RiM PlayBook, not the Kindle Fire, not WP7. et al.

    And he's trying to take over this forum by constantly posting his manipulative opinions.

    He is a forum ter_ror_ist.

    To AbsoluteDesignz: Man, you are free to be a Droid fanboy and I understand your superficial mentality that really is adequate for Droid crap. But you're anoying and conflicting with the deeper more sophisticated Apple fanboy mentality.

    I like to pay more for classier, more sophisticated BETTER tools cos it resonates with my deeper essence. I'm free to do so as you're free to buy your crapdroid stuff. But I don't go to droid forums to engage in guerrilla tactics to annoy the people there disguised as a genuine poster with valid arguments.

    Your actions here, your attitude and your argumentation are absolutely representative of what's going on between Apple and that other company!

    That also superficial REALLY ARROGANT organization being sued by Apple also think it can invade and conquer and get away with stealing ideas and IP from Apple that SPENT GAZILLIONS IN R&D AND YEARS IN DEVELOPMENT. Not so! Go do your R&D, invest years and gazzillions of your own and THEN COME TO MARKET WITH VALID COMPETITIVE PRODUCTS. That is competition, not stealing.

    Not even in China the copiers are getting away with it. And in China they sell cheaper lower quality products, everybody knows what they're buying.

    And this company thinks they can war their best client in court by defending they are right in copying their client's products they manufacture hence they have priviledged access to?!

    Apple is doing right by suing their Ss out of the market! Same_sing is stealing a fortune from Apple, a fortune Apple already spent and the iPads people aren't buying by being deceived into buying same_sing stuff that is marketed and sold as same_thing!

    They are pirates and don't even do a good job at it - maybe that's why you sympathize with them and come here with your guerrilla tactics.

    Well surprise surprise, stay tuned. You'll soon find out what happens to pirates.

    And stop trolling (here, if you can't help it)
  • Reply 34 of 59
    hmmhmm Posts: 3,405member
    Originally Posted by Apple Business Students Life View Post

    I posted elsewhere

    Bill Handel in LA has Millions of listeners

    Asked Samasung multiple times to pick up the defective Samsung washer and dryer - every time - call the 800 number - they ignored that he said he already did

    Show #1 - tells the Samsung/Korean "ignore" story

    Show #2 - tells it again (after calling samsung personally - no reply)

    Then - after show 2 - VP USA Samsung calls Bill - says we will refund you 100%

    Bottom line - Korean mentality is obsinant - they ignore the obvious - abusive - I think they are at the point of Bill Handels 2nd show being completed - MILLIONS OF LISTENERS NEVER BUYING THEIR CRUMMY DEFECTIVE WASHERS AND DRYERS AGAIN

    Samsung made the offer to Apple - SAMSUNG USA/AMERICAN has penentrated their thick Korean mentality - Samsung knows they have to agree or they lose 10 BILLION of Apple businesss - they will give apple huge royalty and agree to change the style of their pad/phone - I expect early next week -

    Oh joy.... more racist anecdotal trash. I'm really serious here. I've had to warranty stuff before. Not everything with bad warranty service is designed and/or manufactured in Korea, China, or Taiwan. You've stated that you don't like Samsung and extrapolated that to generate stereotypes for an entire nation. Really if you're going to comment on the culture of an entire nation, at least reference more than a single example from a single company.

    Originally Posted by igorleandro View Post

    So... carriers complain for not having the iPhone on their network, then they side with someone who is against apple... Would you guys make up your minds?

    Although having Samsung's products for sale, I don't see that as a stronger business than having the iPhone...

    Wrong move on their part imho.

    I think you don't get it. T-mobile doesn't have the iphone on their network today, and Verizon draws a huge amount of business from Samsung. Both of them could suffer huge losses from losing Samsung devices. Every time someone opposes Apple in any way we get followup posts that Apple should pull the iphone from whatever network or simply not supply it in the future. In the end it wouldn't benefit anyone including Apple. It would cost Apple potential sales, and eliminate an easy upgrade path for their customers.
  • Reply 35 of 59
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by Suddenly Newton View Post

    What exactly is Verizon insinuating when they claim "public safety" is at stake if a Samsung can't sell a bunch if new phones?

    They are insinuating that only having phones from other manufacturers is putting the public in danger.

    There should be an enquiry and a class action over their (and T-mobile's) selling of sub-standard phones i.e. ONLY Samsung phone's can serve the purpose.

    Should be a piece of cake, they've both come out and admitted it in a court of law.

    Then there's the issue of the bodies responsible for "public safety", are they government run?

    Has a fair tender system been used when determining that phones from other manufacturers are too risky to use.

    Those idiot telco's should be slammed for butting in to matters which don't concern them.
  • Reply 36 of 59
    xamaxxamax Posts: 135member
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    Apple isn't being as petty as some folks think. Many don't realize that trademarks/trade dress require that you actively defend them. If Apple had not filed their suit someone later could use their lack of response to defend a more blatant offense, and win.

    And even they are just being petty, so is everyone else.

    To fight for the Light and Truth will NEVER be petty! That's the correct definition for Glory!

    Apple was passive, maybe, in the times of MS copying the Mac OS and when they cane out with Win95 Jobs was away at NeXT and Pixar. So Apple lost big time for the pirates and almost went down. It was only fair that Bill Gates committed those $150M and promised to keep Office development going in Mac OS - Bill Gates showed his character and he actually owed Apple a lot of money from the pirating. But then, as he expressed, MS had only to gain from a living Apple, with all its creative juice. So things turned out alright and here we are. And the world has changed because of that.
  • Reply 37 of 59
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    1) You're seriously asking for me to stop with "topics that invite discussion or argument"?

    2) You're defending Samsung because you want to. Your choice! No one is forcing you to defending this wittle guy in the face of the big, bad, evil Apple.

    3) This is why I consider you a troll and not simply a poster a disagree with. You've repeatedly dismissed the comparative images of selling Samsung products and then claimed such hyperbolic things as "Apple is trying to stop everyone with rectangles with rounded corners" and "this is all about trying to stop anything that looks like their drawings." The only others being called out for blatantly copying Apple are the Chinese clones, not the RiM PlayBook, not the Kindle Fire, not WP7. et al.

    Please don't you quote the troll I've got on ignore?

    It is obviously so deluded it thinks the opinion of one judge in the Netherlands makes decisions for the judiciaries of the USA, Australia, Germany and others.

    It has probably been smoking too much of the stuff they sell in the cafes of Amsterdam.
  • Reply 38 of 59
    Originally Posted by XamaX View Post

    To fight for the Light and Truth will NEVER be petty! That's the correct definition for Glory!

    Apple was passive, maybe, in the times of MS copying the Mac OS and when they cane out with Win95 Jobs was away at NeXT and Pixar. So Apple lost big time for the pirates and almost went down. It was only fair that Bill Gates committed those $150M and promised to keep Office development going in Mac OS - Bill Gates showed his character and he actually owed Apple a lot of money from the pirating. But then, as he expressed, MS had only to gain from a living Apple, with all its creative juice. So things turned out alright and here we are. And the world has changed because of that.

    So true -

    Gates knew he stole Apple's OS

    Was absolutely amazing - and "lucky" that Jobs took a break

    There is no "break" here for Samsung or the other thieves around the world. Google cannot get away doing what Msft Did - at least Gates did the deal/investment with Apple.

    Samsung / Google - no deal. Samsung - you have $9 BILLION - cave and keep your revenue or do it "the Korean way" and die
  • Reply 39 of 59
    Originally Posted by hmm View Post

    Oh joy.... more racist anecdotal trash. I'm really serious here. I've had to warranty stuff before. Not everything with bad warranty service is designed and/or manufactured in Korea, China, or Taiwan. You've stated that you don't like Samsung and extrapolated that to generate stereotypes for an entire nation. Really if you're going to comment on the culture of an entire nation, at least reference more than a single example from a single company.

    I think you don't get it. T-mobile doesn't have the iphone on their network today, and Verizon draws a huge amount of business from Samsung. Both of them could suffer huge losses from losing Samsung devices. Every time someone opposes Apple in any way we get followup posts that Apple should pull the iphone from whatever network or simply not supply it in the future. In the end it wouldn't benefit anyone including Apple. It would cost Apple potential sales, and eliminate an easy upgrade path for their customers.


    Korean way is doggish .. ignore .. be pig headed .. don't listen or face reality till its shoved down your throat ... you need to learn who you are dealing with in business .. plain and simple .. I have had Japanese MEGA business clients - they pegged their partners and competitives quite accurately - I did not fully understand then - now I do - Korea is a unique animal / character ... they are not "Japanese like" at al ...... at al - repeat .......... Apple needs to shove it down their throat that this behaivior is unacceptable .. they stop it or that $9 billion is gone - I believe that they have already started moving productionbig time . koreans are lame for acting so slowly in getting the point .. i think their lawyer is showing this week that someone slugged their head with the hammer hard enough that they are now awake - they are dead if they do not act quickly (this week) in showing apple they are not scum and will amend their evil ways
  • Reply 40 of 59
    xamaxxamax Posts: 135member
    Originally Posted by Apple Business Students Life View Post

    Samsung has taken this as far as they can - they still do have a way out by making nice with Apple .. I think there is a possibility of their settling this week and not losing it all

    I honestly think the line has been crossed and there's no way Apple will want to be in the same situation again. So even if Samsung settles and this all goes away - I don't believe it although I hope it does - Apple will serenely and constantly push to get their business out of heavy hitters and competitors like Samsung and disseminate their subcontracting over ?many? ?small? companies.

    There was a time when I speculated Apple could buy Sony out, for their technology, patents, factories (in Europe too I think), marketing channels, getting a strong foothold in Japan, etc etc etc. But I realized that kind of action may not be in the cards because Apple would get 1) huge management headache 2) corporate/cultural conflict 3) a lot of divisions and resources to sell/spin off in their hands.

    Apple is better off investing in Brazil, even if through Foxcon. That's a brilliant idea because it's wise to diversify also in terms of nations and geographic regions, as was shown in the Japanese Tsunami case.

    Notwithstanding, if Apple keeps this growth rate it may be forced to get into manufacturing, perhaps with a partner like Foxcon or another manufacturing specialized one. Maybe they can go propose a deal to several small companies to get into business with them by building new facilities globally well distributed with Tim Cook groomed managers in charge.

    I would certainly get much of my business out of China, not concentrate it as much. There are many countries in the world where labour is cheap even just out of currency differences. I would definitely venture that out in India as I believe Nokia did. So, in conclusion, it would be smart to invest in manufacturing in the biggest markets which, "by coincidence", have got the cheapest labour AND the biggest projected growth: China, India, Brazil. Would certainly take a look at Europe, like Sony did decades ago, cause it's huge and usually products are more expensive if imported. Sony's golden era here was accomplished that way.

    Hey Apple, build up a factory in Portugal, the government will gladly offer exceptional taxing conditions and even invest with you, the country is very well sourced in terms of technology skilled labour - lots of early adopters here! - and you'll get engineers who think and talk similar to Brazillians. Same language, similar mentality. Not such a bad idea
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