Samsung takes stab at iPhone 4S with Galaxy S II comparison sheet



  • Reply 161 of 244
    If I were only looking at specs, I would still choose the iPhone 4s. Just because they bold something doesn't make it better. Gingerbread over iOS 5... seriously? Lower screen resolution... bulkier... worse graphics performance... inferior back-facing camera... etc.
  • Reply 162 of 244
    tt92618tt92618 Posts: 444member
    Originally Posted by RedHotJeff View Post

    Cupertino, start your photocopiers.

    Good grief. If you can't look at virtually any smartphone on the market today and see the obvious ways in which they have copied Apple, then you really need some help.
  • Reply 163 of 244
    Originally Posted by tt92618 View Post

    If that is true, who cares and how is it relevant? What's your point? Are you trying to assert that Apple tailors its consumer products to appeal to the largest group of consumers?

    How dare they!

    ... and, isn't it odd that when I look at all my Apple merchandise I know I'm looking at very high end products.
  • Reply 164 of 244
    shaun, ukshaun, uk Posts: 1,050member
    Originally Posted by Rabbit_Coach View Post

    Then why are you replying at all ??

    Whatever. I prefer to make comments than slag off others.
  • Reply 165 of 244
    snovasnova Posts: 1,281member
    Originally Posted by joshua.lyon View Post

    Being that Lexus is a subsidiary of Toyota Motor Corporation, I'm sure they're happy Corollas sell like hot-cakes. Then again, they're also not interested in having one model car have the top number of sales of all cars - they're interested in overall profitability just like any other company.

    you are wrong, they would absolutely love to have a single model people love and cant make enough of. They are interested in maximizing return on investment which yields higher profits. Even better if that model has very high margins, like an SUV or a luxury car.
  • Reply 166 of 244
    Originally Posted by snova View Post

    you are wrong, they would absolutely love to have a single model people love and cant make enough of. They are interested in maximizing return on investment which yields higher profits.

    I was going to say something to him but I wasn't sure what he was trying to say.

    Hell... if Toyota could sell more of one model of the Lexus than Toyota Corollas it would pee its pants daily... if a company wore pants and could pee.
  • Reply 167 of 244
    Originally Posted by Shaun, UK View Post

    Very disappointed. I need to upgrade my phone soon and was waiting to see the iPhone 5. I'm not that bothered about screen resolution but I do want a larger screeen. Sadly for an Apple fan like me the Samsung Galaxy is looking very tempting right now.

    You're upset that the phone isn't bulky enough for you? I could understand if you were buying a car... This is like saying you need a 100" screen in a room where you are only sitting 5' away from the screen. The iPhone has a feature that lets you hold the phone three inches closer and it becomes the same size as a 4.5" screen but is higher resolution. Magical.
  • Reply 168 of 244
    My son bought a Sprint Galaxy S2 2 weeks ago. He's looking for a buyer. What he learned over the first two weeks is that (1) screen quality is just so-so (bigger is not better), (2) the build of the handset is kind of cheesy (and the body already shows scratches), (3) the pictures from its camera are quite disappointing, and the video quality is not great for being 1080p, (4) it's really kind of big and awkward to handle.

    I've played with it and that's why I decided to hold off for the iPhone 4S. Glad I did.
  • Reply 169 of 244
    Originally Posted by jacobo007 View Post

    I see a few inaccuracies in the comparison, fair overall, but even with that Samsung made sheet, i don't think they made it clear why they believe that the GSII is so much better.

    The problem with Samsung's spec sheet is this. Average Joe and Jane (the ones who vastly outnumber nerds and buy iPhones in droves), are not impressed with specs. Is it user friendly? Can I get everyday things and complex things done with ease? Do I have access to tons of apps? The iPhone answers all these questions, you can't put that on a spec sheet
  • Reply 170 of 244
    I'd love to see a little bigger screen on iPhone (especially if they can get it more from shrinking the bezel than making the phone bigger). But not at a lower resolution - based on the resolutions of the two, isn't it close to twice as many pixels on the iPhone?

    Resolution seems much more important than screen size since it means more actual detail to see - with the smaller screen you can just hold it a bit closer.
  • Reply 171 of 244
    Originally Posted by JustReelFilms View Post

    Sigh...just look how biased the chart is. Samsung doesn't even highlight iPhone 4s advantage over SII.

    Lets break it down shall we:
    • Screen resolution - iPhone should win here.

    • Videocapture: 1080p High profile is better because?

    • Dedicated outer camera button: S2 has none, iPhone does, yet its a tie?

    • Syncing: iTunes syncing isn't required anymore. There is iCloud. And if you want iTunes, it can be done wirelessly, even backing up.

    • Use of smartphone as HDTV remote control: Samsung's best feature There are tons of remote controls for iOS.

    • OS: Of course Samsung prefers "Latest version of Gingerbread" over iOS5 and forgetting that iOS devices also get the latest version of iOS5

    And finally, Price/memory: Samsung touts external card support up to 32GB, while ignoring that iPhone can get iPhone4S gets up to 64GB.

    "(no memory limitations)" ... uhm yes you do. SII does not support SDXC and 32GB is not bigger than 64GB. Unless you want to play swap cards.

    Thank You. Now I wont have to waste my time typing it all out.

    I don't see how High profile capture is a benefit. Yes its 50/60fps but humans only see 24fps and iPhone records 30fps. Coupled with the new camera optics and such, 30fps vs 50fps is a small sacrifice when the iPhone will get a much better picture.

    Also, where is the proof that analysts proffer the AMOLED screen? Last time I browsed the web it was all praise for the iPhone 4 screen.

    The rest of the points you've already covered.

    Apart from one.

    Removable battery.

    Someone raise your hand if you own two batteries for your phone, or know where to buy them officially (as in not chinese and/or off of ebay).

    Never seen a battery pack in the shops, never seen them for sale on the manufactures site and when I took an LG phone with a removable battery in to get the battery replaced they STILL took the phone off of me because they didn't stock batteries in the shop. Since when has a removable battery been an advantage?
  • Reply 172 of 244
    This is the future of the smartphone...

  • Reply 173 of 244
    Originally Posted by fila97 View Post

    It's the software, stupid.

    Exactly. It's what make the user experience excellent. And that's the thing I love about the iPhone and the Mac, your old hardware doesn't become obsolete immediately when a new OS or model comes out. The only thing I wish iPhone had was external memory card. Right now, with all the important apps and music installed, and photos from the camera roll on my 32GB iPhone 4, it has only 500MB left. I still want to put all of my iPhoto library and some movies in there but I can't...
  • Reply 174 of 244
    Originally Posted by SuperTomcat View Post

    This is the future of the smartphone...

    Certainly not my future...
  • Reply 175 of 244
    Originally Posted by Shaun, UK View Post

    Whatever. I prefer to make comments than slag off others.

    Maybe you are right. I shouldn't slag.

    But see in this thread there is so much negativity in such a twisted way, that it makes me sick. You just happened to be one of those posters who were misled by all the hilarious rumors about new form factors and LTE support and eventually a bigger screen. It was more or less obvious that this wasn't going to happen. And honestly why should they ad a feature, that not even 1% of the users are able to use?

    It makes the device more expensive, cranks down battery life and would make the IPx bigger. Most people don't want that.
  • Reply 176 of 244
    clemynxclemynx Posts: 1,552member
    Originally Posted by benanderson89 View Post

    Yes its 50/60fps but humans only see 24fps and iPhone records 30fps.

    The eye sees 24 FPS, the brain sees those 60 FPS. I don't think anyone needs a lesson on the benefits of having more FPS for more fluid and natural videos.
  • Reply 177 of 244
    tt92618tt92618 Posts: 444member
    Originally Posted by smeagol View Post

    The problem with Samsung's spec sheet is this. Average Joe and Jane (the ones who vastly outnumber nerds and buy iPhones in droves), are not impressed with specs. Is it user friendly? Can I get everyday things and complex things done with ease? Do I have access to tons of apps? The iPhone answers all these questions, you can't put that on a spec sheet

    The problem with their approach, and i've said it many times over, is that they think they are a device maker. They think their job is to produce a device that has x specifications, and so that's all they can talk about because it is all they understand. They do not understand that they are (or should be) in the business of creating end to end experiences. In that equation, the hardware is only a part. It's a a big part, but just one part.

    When I download an app on my iPhone, I do it without fear that it is compromised by viruses and malware. Such a simple expectation - but the other guys can't give me that. Plus, I can download it and use it on my iPad too. And I don't have to synch - I can just do it through the cloud. And oh, wait - I can synch it all back to my PC as well, without lifting a finger. The other guys can't give me that.

    When I buy a song, I can listen to it even before it finishes downloading because it streams to me from the cloud while it downloads. The other guys can't give me that. But wait, I can also listen to it on my iPad, and at home on my desktop, because I can get it straight from the cloud and I don't have to lift a finger. And oh, wait, I can even push it to my home entertainment system using airplay and listen to it that way, or I can view my playlists and make selections on my big screen TV. The other guys can't give me that.

    When I purchase or rent TV shows and movies, I can watch them while they download, and if I happen to be watching on the train, then get home, I can pick up right where I stopped on any one of the devices I choose. Do I need to synch between them? No. Do I need to do anything special at all? No. I can just start watching and it knows where it was. And suppose I want the movie on my iPad for a business trip, but I bought it using my Apple TV? Big deal - I can just grab it over the air and store it locally. The other guys can't give me that.

    I was out with my kids and I recorded a video of them dancing in the fountain, and now I want to watch it on my big screen. Easy - I just start watching it and tell airplay to send it to the Apple TV. Poof - it's on the big screen. The other guys can't give me that.

    These examples barely scratch the surface of the connected ecosystem Apple has built.

    What the other guys don't get is that there is more to deriving value from one of these devices than you can get by just concentrating on building hardware. And as long as they continue to 'not get it', Apple will continue to kick their rear ends.
  • Reply 178 of 244
    Originally Posted by GalaxyTab View Post

    I take it these people whom find it obtrusive are also against wallets too as they're normally thicker and wider than both the iPhone and SGSII?

    I think people here are being deliberately obtuse to support their flawed arguements but given the audience, I should expect this.

    I gave up my wallet and keep identification and credit card in my phone case. One item to carry and it's smaller than my wallet. With a big phone I can't do that very easily so I'd be carrying around a wallet and a phone that, for me, is too bulky. I think a majority of people will find it too large also. Not everyone of course, some people will love a phone that size. But I'd put my money on a smaller form like the iPhone.

    I don't know who your complaining about being obtuse and I can't imagine it was me, but it doesn't matter since I'm not the obtuse police. (good name for a band by the way " obtuse police).
  • Reply 179 of 244
    Originally Posted by Bwana_Dik View Post

    My son bought a Sprint Galaxy S2 2 weeks ago. He's looking for a buyer. What he learned over the first two weeks is that (1) screen quality is just so-so (bigger is not better), (2) the build of the handset is kind of cheesy (and the body already shows scratches), (3) the pictures from its camera are quite disappointing, and the video quality is not great for being 1080p, (4) it's really kind of big and awkward to handle.

    I've played with it and that's why I decided to hold off for the iPhone 4S. Glad I did.

    My GOD...

    You are a real Apple fan.

    (1) screen quality is just so-so (bigger is not better)

    (2) the build of the handset is kind of cheesy (and the body already shows scratches)

    (3) the pictures from its camera are quite disappointing, and the video quality is not great for being 1080p

    (4) it's really kind of big and awkward to handle

    Your son is the only one doesn´t agree with most of 90% of reviews...
  • Reply 180 of 244
    tt92618tt92618 Posts: 444member
    Originally Posted by SuperTomcat View Post

    My GOD...

    You are a real Apple fan.

    (1) screen quality is just so-so (bigger is not better)

    (2) the build of the handset is kind of cheesy (and the body already shows scratches)

    (3) the pictures from its camera are quite disappointing, and the video quality is not great for being 1080p

    (4) it's really kind of big and awkward to handle

    Your son is the only one doesn´t agree with most of 90% of reviews...

    Funny how you fandroids haul out the reviews when it suits you... but creatively fail to notice that ip4 is the best selling handset on every network where it is sold, and has the best consumer satisfaction ratings of any handset.

    Oh, wait - did I disturb you with logic? You may resume your ranting.
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