Android, Windows Phone bosses downplay Apple's Siri threat



  • Reply 41 of 223
    bertpbertp Posts: 274member
    Here is a link to an interesting AVIOS article on Siri?
  • Reply 42 of 223
    When the mouse was introduced as a new man machine interface device, some high level executives also said it was a passing fad ...
  • Reply 43 of 223
    nasseraenasserae Posts: 3,167member
    Originally Posted by umrk_lab View Post

    When the mouse was introduced as a new man machine interface device, some high level executives also said it was a passing fad ...

    I remember reading that it, along with Apple computers, were called just toys. Funny how many still call Apple products toys and for fun only.
  • Reply 44 of 223
    Originally Posted by Asherian View Post

    It's funny that I keep hearing the "do I need my jacket today" example.

    Try asking Siri "Text my wife I love her". Awkward moments will ensue.

    I tried, but I don't have contact info for your wife...

    Actually, it works quite well...

    Try: "Text my wife [short pause] I love you"

    Siri: "here's your message to Lucy,

    'To: Lucy:

    I love you'

    Want to send it?"
  • Reply 45 of 223
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,828member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Google Android boss Andy Rubin and Microsoft's Windows Phone head Andy Lees have both publicly criticized Apple's new Siri voice assistant and questioned its usefulness...

    ?Your phone is a tool for communicating. You shouldn?t be communicating with the phone; you should be communicating with somebody on the other side of the phone,? he added.

    I guess we'll start seeing Android phones with one or two line alphanumeric displays, after all, what more does one need to display a phone number. \ (Those displays will be wider than Apple's display though!)
  • Reply 46 of 223
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    I found myself setting up standard calendar events, and time/date and location reminders with it where I typically wouldn't have bothered to take the time. It even noted when there was an overlapping event. After using it for a day i found going back to my iPhone 4 to be difficult. I kept trying to get my iPhone 4 to access Siri. It's rough to have great technology taken away from you.

    Yes, I'm using Siri to respond to this message.

    It is amazing that little minds are so incapable of thinking outside the box.
  • Reply 47 of 223
    Originally Posted by RS9 View Post

    Andy and Andy don't have a clue. We all know Apple is slowly migrating IOS to the Desktop.

    Imagine your Imac or Laptop with Siri Integration. Imagine Apple TV with Siri or more likely the often rumored 46 inch plus Apple flatscreen.

    I can see it now a voice controlled entertainment center. Any one for:

    - "record Toy Story"

    - "set up recording for.....?

    - "call Mom," via your TV

    Apple didn't pay $200 million to embed Siri on a smart phone.

    I certainly wouldn't and can think of a number of ways to use Siri. Siri and the Iphone is only the beginning.

    Hey, there was a character named "Andy Andy" on that old sitcom Cheers:



    What do you want to do tonight, Cliff?


    Eh, I dunno, what do you want to do?


    I dunno.


    You guys, you do this all day long for hours!


    Face it Rebecca, we're bored, nothing ever happens around here.


    [gasps] Oh my God!


    Hey, it's Andy Andy.


    What, you know this person?!


    Yeah, former major felon. Once killed a waitress.


    Where's Diane? I demand to see Diane!!!


    Well, Miss Chambers hasn't worked here for 5 or 6 years.


    Oh really? Well, okay.


    So, what do you want to do?

  • Reply 48 of 223
    iqatedoiqatedo Posts: 1,828member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Yes, I'm using Siri to respond to this message.

    It is amazing that little minds are so incapable of thinking outside the box.

    It took real courage to include a voice recognition/interpretation capability as a key feature of a new OS! Microsoft and Google don't have that courage, Steve Jobs and Apple did. Apple might have bought the core technologies but these had to fit within a longer term vision, not just become some cute add-on. Steve talked about the vision over many years, going back at least one and one-half decades.

    Originally Posted by MaroonMushroom View Post

    ...I however would not use this in public, and would probably laugh / shake my head at anyone who does when I finally see it happen.

    I would not be embarrassed to talk with a real-life PA in public, perhaps one day Siri will pass the Turing test and then we all can do so without sweating on the outcome.
  • Reply 49 of 223
    sockrolidsockrolid Posts: 2,789member
    Originally Posted by appleinsider View Post

    [...] rubin, who currently serves as google's senior vice president of mobile, said in an interview on wednesday that he doesn't "believe that your phone should be an assistant.? [...]


    Originally Posted by appleinsider View Post

    [...] on thursday, microsoft's lees said that he didn't think siri was "super useful," as reported by engadget. He also touted windows phone 7's own voice recognition implementation as harnessing "the full power of the internet, rather than a certain subset," because it uses bing for its voice search feature. [...]

  • Reply 50 of 223
    Originally Posted by vvswarup View Post

    Lay off Windows and Android bosses, people! In case you've forgotten, Apple is no stranger to such tactics. Remember when Steve Jobs said that 7-inch tablet makers should ship their tablets with a nail file? How about when he he went on AllThingsD and trashed Adobe and Flash?.

    Niether of your two examples show that SJ was being disingenuous, Flash is sub par technology and deserves to die and so far there are no 7 inch iPads from Apple.

    The difference with these two guys is that it's very obvious - given their history of aping Apple's every move - that this is simply spin and will come back to bite them when they eventually include something similar in their OSs and if history is any guide, they will probably claim that they were planning this all along.
  • Reply 51 of 223
    Denial is the first phase after decline sets in and competition falls of the cliff....

    This is typical example of Apple showing the future. We (consumers and competition) don't get it. After some time this will become mainstream....and Apple is ahead of the pack.

    Let Balmy be CEO of Microsoft as long as it takes.....
  • Reply 52 of 223
    aknabiaknabi Posts: 211member
    Originally Posted by Aizmov View Post

    And in a few months they will bring their own Siri-like assistant. What a bunch of tools.

    You nailed it... they'll wait to see user loving the experience and use cases that make sense and then come out with their clunky copies and claim it as innovation.

    Anyone involved with Marko-spin in general is a tool... even Apple spinsters
  • Reply 53 of 223
    Originally Posted by Aizmov View Post

    And in a few months they will bring their own Siri-like assistant. What a bunch of tools.

    Even if that were true, it would just be an extension of what Google has been doing with Gingerbread since late 2010.

    Using voice to interact with your phone is not a new concept to android.
  • Reply 54 of 223
    povilaspovilas Posts: 473member
    Originally Posted by Technarchy View Post

    Using voice to interact with your phone is not a new concept to android.

    According to Rubin it shouldn't be
  • Reply 55 of 223
    These things have been with us for years so let's commend Apple for teaching us how to sing.

    Apple changes mindsets which is often a good thing.

    With Siri there is also a fair case to argue that Apple wants to delay ever having a phone that is closer to midway between a Pad and a Pod.
  • Reply 56 of 223
    Originally Posted by vvswarup View Post

    Lay off Windows and Android bosses, people! In case you've forgotten, Apple is no stranger to such tactics. Remember when Steve Jobs said that 7-inch tablet makers should ship their tablets with a nail file? How about when he he went on AllThingsD and trashed Adobe and Flash?

    It's how the game is played. Executives are supposed to talk up their product and their strategy. They're supposed to poke holes in competitor's products/strategies. As far as I'm concerned, Andy Rubin did his job as the Android boss. Whether he's right or not is irrelevant. It's his job to to say good things about his company's products and show how they're better than competitors' products.

    I have been visiting this forum since 2008 but never cared to register. There were many moments when I really wanted to thank somebody, rebuke somebody for his bullshit, put-in my 2-cents or simply pay homage to Steve(recently) but I didn't.

    But today, this comment made me throw up and i had to register just to tell this one man..... "In future PLS refrain from typing your mind out; I am telling you from the core of my heart that your any future comment will also be as stupid as this one is. Trust me!"

    Huh!! I feel so much better now..
  • Reply 57 of 223
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by solipsism View Post

    ... 2) When Apple releases a 7" iPad with the same version of iOS designed for the 10" iPad then you'll have a soapbox on which to stand.

    Yeah, the 7" iPad rumor looks like it will have the staying power of the iPhone nano rumo, and how long has that'e release been imminent? Belief in these things flies in the face of all reason, but people seem to get stuck on the idea and start to act like it's been announced.
  • Reply 58 of 223
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,948member
    Originally Posted by mdriftmeyer View Post

    Quite often one will find Siri is more valuable than wasting time talking to people who have nothing valuable to say, and that includes ourselves.

    ... and Asherian.
  • Reply 59 of 223
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    "Your phone is a tool for communicating. You shouldn?t be communicating with the phone; you should be communicating with somebody on the other side of the phone,? he added."

    Really, so why put a web browser, GPS, apps and other functionality on a phone. This guy really is a moron.
  • Reply 60 of 223
    nkhmnkhm Posts: 928member
    Originally Posted by vvswarup View Post

    Lay off Windows and Android bosses, people! In case you've forgotten, Apple is no stranger to such tactics. Remember when Steve Jobs said that 7-inch tablet makers should ship their tablets with a nail file? How about when he he went on AllThingsD and trashed Adobe and Flash?

    It's how the game is played. Executives are supposed to talk up their product and their strategy. They're supposed to poke holes in competitor's products/strategies. As far as I'm concerned, Andy Rubin did his job as the Android boss. Whether he's right or not is irrelevant. It's his job to to say good things about his company's products and show how they're better than competitors' products.

    LOL - seriously. What Jobs said was true, not just some pathetic dig at another company.

    7" tablets failed.

    Mobile flash fails.
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