Steve Jobs stayed tag-less by leasing a new car every six months



  • Reply 61 of 131
    Originally Posted by ruel24 View Post

    This seems strange and hypocritical of a man that advocated "green". The AMG SL55 and SL63 are both gas hogs... I could see Jobs driving a Prius, instead.

    Maybe if the Prius wasn't hideous.
  • Reply 62 of 131
    tjwaltjwal Posts: 404member
    Before passing judgement maybe a bit more information is necessary If he parked cross ways there must have been a bunch of empty stalls on either side. Was the lot empty at the time, if so it was probably after work hours. Handicap stalls are usually closest to the door so he may have just expected to pop in and out. I parked in a handicap stall last night when I picked up my daughter from work. The parking lot was empty and the stalls are closest to the door where she comes out.
  • Reply 63 of 131
    Originally Posted by bloodline View Post

    I will say that if someone thinks they know better than a doctor when it comes to cancer... Then I call that person arrogant. I will always defer to an expert when making a decision.

    Or extremely scared and willing to defer to an expert, but the "expert" happens to be a new-age healer. That may be stupid, but it is not necessarily arrogant.
  • Reply 64 of 131
    Originally Posted by ShaolinDave View Post

    i hate to speak badly of the recently deceased, but parking sideways in a handicap spot? what a total shitbag.

    Handicap and disabled terms have been watered down. Seems like everyone is disabled now.

    My favorite golf course has about 10 handicap spaces. The guys park there and then proceed to play and walk 18 holes.
  • Reply 65 of 131
    When I had cancer, I was allowed to park in the Handicapped spots.
  • Reply 66 of 131
    This isn't such a bad thing. Wasteful with his money, maybe, but I'm sure he has more than enough. And though some will think negatively of him for it, what's so bad about it? He's not breaking the law or screwing anybody (except perhaps the DMV) out of money. Frivolous, yes, but we're all frivolous in our own ways. Some people update their phones every year! (I update mine every 2 years and some people think even that's wasteful)
  • Reply 67 of 131
    Originally Posted by Proximityeffect View Post

    When I had cancer, I was allowed to park in the Handicapped spots.

    He has done it since the beginning of Apple.
  • Reply 68 of 131
    tjwaltjwal Posts: 404member
    Originally Posted by bloodline View Post

    Self deluded is very true in Steve's case... He was deluded about lots of things... That's how he pushed the people around him to achieve great things...

    But I will say that if someone thinks they know better than a doctor when it comes to cancer... Then I call that person arrogant. I will always defer to an expert when making a decision.

    I've found it the other way around. Drs tend to be arrogant and will ignore the patients opinions. Not related to Cancer but there have been times when I did know better than my Doctor. I'm the one with the symtoms, while the Dr can only go by how I describe them. At least twice I have had to push for an test that confirmed that I was right. As I'm a male I only go to a Dr once or twice a decade but when I do I do my homework first.

    As for Cancer, while I'd trust modern medicine, that is my choice. To seek other forms of treatment is a matter of choice not arrogance.
  • Reply 69 of 131
    eightzeroeightzero Posts: 3,096member
    Why is it that people insist on calling the law a "legal loophole." Sure, the law maight be poorly written, or have unintended consequences, but *it's the law.* And if you're crazy enough to think you can change's to you.

    But a more entertaining thought would be what Steve might have had for a personalized plate. "AAPL" "MISFIT" "CRAZY1" "REBEL" "1MORTHNG" "INSNLEGR8" "1984"
  • Reply 70 of 131
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by JONOROM View Post


    I knew two people who tried alternative therapies for their cancers rather than surgery or chemo. They both died. Neither one was arrogant.

    Self- deluded is the correct term I believe.

    Your friends may have been self-deluded. But that tells you nothing about anybody else.

    The reasons why people do things are idiosyncratic.
  • Reply 71 of 131
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    I'm finding the first half of the book to be ho hum - most if not all of the details can be found in previous books or articles. Hoping the second half is more enlightening.

    Me too.

    While the book is skillfully written, the subject matter is already well known, and very little is being revealed.

    It is not a particularly flattering portrayal, either. The main thing the author brings to the table is an unflinching demonstration that this was not a particularly nice or a particularly moral man.
  • Reply 72 of 131
    Originally Posted by Proximityeffect View Post

    When I had cancer, I was allowed to park in the Handicapped spots.

    If I may ask, allowed by whom? In a private parking lot, I imagine the company can give you such permission.

    In a public parking place in most cities, you need a permit to park in spots reserved for the disabled. I think that's the issue - Jobs had no such permit - or perhaps no permit of any kind for his car
  • Reply 73 of 131
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    Me too.

    While the book is skillfully written, the subject matter is already well known, and very little is being revealed.

    It is not a particularly flattering portrayal, either. The main thing the author brings to the table is an unflinching demonstration that this was not a particularly nice or a particularly moral man.

    Indeed, but yet highly principled. His principles, however, are not always nice or morally admirable.

    What irks me about the book is not just the rehashing. It's the fact that the various episodes are written in ways very reminiscent of how I have learned of Jobs' history. I feel like I have read all of it before - not just the story, but the structure, the tone, etc.

    The license plate is an example of how Isaacson couldn't shed light on a simple mystery, how he didn't investigate enough to find the right person to tell him the real scoop. If Jobs didn't share the truth with him on this, what else did he keep from Isaacson?
  • Reply 74 of 131
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by Crunch View Post

    Some of you might as well wear shirts that say "We are the 99%"

    Some do, but I don't think your point has anything to do with shirts, per se.

    What are you trying to say?
  • Reply 75 of 131
    paxmanpaxman Posts: 4,729member
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    This is how the 1% lives.

    Legal loopholes.

    New Mercedes every 6 months.

    Parks in handicapped spaces sideways.

    What sort of a person does this shit?

    This is how Steve lived

    Ridiculous as it is the Merc thing comes under the classification: Billionaire perks. On the whole he didn't seem to indulge that much.

    What people have to understand is that their heroes often are not nice people. If you expect them to be you will probably be disappointed. You don't build something like Apple Inc in record time by being a nice guy, a charming person, a loyal friend, a wonderful husband, a great dad, a considerate partner, a caring boss, etc etc. Likewise, those qualities won't help you if you want to become world champion at anything - you have to stay totally focussed on your end goal and yourself.

    I am not making excuses [I don't think they need to be made] but perhaps the kind of person who parks like that is the kind of person who is so wrapped up in his own ideas he has no time for shit like parking. So wrapped up in himself and his ideas he doesn't give a flying fuck what anybody thinks. Luckily for Steve Jobs he was so good at what he did that most people would probably not disagree, no matter the level of assholeness.
  • Reply 76 of 131
    Why not just put in a "Reserved for CEO" parking spot near each building if that's such a big deal?

    This is ironic considering Apple's obvious attention to accessibility issues. Their OS software has always included this and I've rarely been to an Apple Store that didn't have at least one disabled employee perfectly adapted to their job. Apple's demo video for Siri, with the blind person using it to send texts and the Ray Charles song in the background, brought a tear to my eye.
  • Reply 77 of 131
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,903member
    Originally Posted by ruel24 View Post

    This seems strange and hypocritical of a man that advocated "green". The AMG SL55 and SL63 are both gas hogs... I could see Jobs driving a Prius, instead.

    In the past Steve and Apple were absolutely not leaders on the green front. Apple only became green after they were pilloried by various environmental groups and the media several years ago for being very un-green. Apple could have been a leader in this area, but it was not a priority of Steve's until he realized it had marketing and brand value. If being green had been part of his core values he would have lived a very different lifestyle I think.
  • Reply 78 of 131
    He's had a tradition of parking in handicapped spaces for a long time, so no, you can't use his illness as an excuse.

    But I think I know why he did it. There are legal requirements mandating a specific number of handicapped spaces, even when few handicapped people are employed by you or visit you. So if you own the company, you are probably irked that you have to create and label all these spaces, even though they are used less than 1% of the time. Then the idea pops up: Why not use one (or even two) of your handicapped spaces as a de facto CEO spot?

    That seems perfectly reasonable to me, and no actual handicapped people were harmed or even inconvenienced.


    I do find it amusing he leased a new car every six months. For those not in the know, that's the most expensive way to buy a car, ever. Even Newport Beach barons keep their cars for a year or two.

    For those appalled by the ostentation of this policy, remember that a lot of good people were employed building him those cars, and selling and maintaining them. That's something people forget about the toys of rich men - they tend to create a lot of jobs, in all kinds of places.


    I don't think Steve has ever been all that green, per se. He has been into natural foods, yes, and he was a Democrat, but that doesn't make him particularly environmentally sensitive. He not only owned a SL55/63 but also a Gulfstream V jet, which is one of the most environmentally insensitive forms of transportation invented by man. I am sure the pollution from his car was completely dwarfed by his jet, which he appears to have made pretty heavy use of over the years.

    What he really loves is a clean, German-styled design. That defines the SL55. There are no visually appealing environmentally sensitive cars I know of other than the Tesla Roadster. While he could have easily afforded a Tesla, I suspect its rough ride would have caused a lot of pain. The SL55 has a perfect balance of ride and handling so however bad his cancer it would always keep him as comfortable as possible under the circumstances.

  • Reply 79 of 131
    welshdogwelshdog Posts: 1,903member
    Originally Posted by paxman View Post

    If you expect them to be you will probably be disappointed.

    Hear hear! This is one of the biggest problems humans deal with daily. It is very difficult to try to see the world in the same way another person would. And yet far too many assume other people are like them. They aren't and they never will be.

    The rich and successful often have advice for those of us who aren't. Guess what? Your advice won't work, because we are not you. Steve says follow your passion and success will follow. What if you don't have a passion? What if you don't know what your passion is? What if your passion is eating bacon and watching Oxygen? That ain't gonna make you rich, but it is your passion nonetheless.

    My advice is don't try to be what you are not. I'm not Steve Jobs and I'm fine with that.
  • Reply 80 of 131
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    This is how the 1% lives.

    Legal loopholes.

    New Mercedes every 6 months.

    Parks in handicapped spaces sideways.

    What sort of a person does this shit?

    The type of person that CAN. And the type of person that hates "this shit" is the person that CAN'T.
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