South Korean carriers flooded with 200K one-day iPhone 4S pre-orders

in iPhone edited January 2014
South Korean sales for Apple's new iPhone 4S reached 200,000 units in one day as mobile carriers KT and SK telecom opened pre-orders for the device.

As Apple continues its international iPhone 4S rollout, combined sales of the new handset from South Korean carriers KT and SK Telecom reached 200,000 units when pre-orders opened on Friday, with the unexpectedly high traffic causing the companies' websites to crash at one point, reports local news site Chosunilbo.

First day South Korean sales of the 4S beat those of Samsung's Galaxy S II, which tallied only 120,000 over three days in its native country despite accumulating 3 million pre-orders worldwide after being launched in April. The record demand for Apple's newest handset outpaced pre-orders for the previous generation iPhone 4 in the region, which totaled 130,000 in August 2010.

Samsung is still considering whether to file an injunction that would bar Korean sales of Apple's device as part of its worldwide patent battle against the iPhone maker. The Galaxy handset manufacturer has filed suits against Apple disputing 3G standards patents in many international courts, which has led to an investigation of Samsung by the European Commission over possible antitrust issues.

Recently, South Korea repealed a nearly two year ban on iOS games stemming from complaints by the country's Games Ratings Board. A localized App Store was subsequently opened and granted users access to iOS content without the need find workarounds via international iTunes accounts.

Elsewhere in Asia, pre-orders of the iPhone 4S in Hong Kong reportedly sold out in the first 10 minutes of availability. Ticonderoga Securities analyst Brian White viewed the crushing demand as a "very positive sign" for Apple in Greater China, while suggesting that Mainland China should being carrying the handset in December.

The iPhone 4S is set to ship on Nov. 11 in South Korea and Hong Kong, as well as Albania, Armenia, Bulgaria, El Salvador, Greece, Guatemala, Malta, Montenegro, New Zealand, Panama, Poland, Portugal, and Romania.


  • Reply 1 of 46
    zindakozindako Posts: 468member
    Was this a double post? Lol
  • Reply 2 of 46
    melgrossmelgross Posts: 33,588member
    That's about the equivelant of 1.3 million phones on preorder here in the States. Pretty good.
  • Reply 3 of 46
    cameronjcameronj Posts: 2,357member
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    That's about the equivelant of 1.3 million phones on preorder here in the States. Pretty good.

    Straight linear population scaling? Gotta scale it down to account for mobile phone penetration I imagine. Clearly a huge number though.
  • Reply 4 of 46
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    But why would anybody want to buy an iPhone 4S? These real smart people (retarded trolls) on the internet told me that it was the same as the iPhone 4.

    Besides a vastly new improved camera, a new revolutionary voice recognition system and personal assistant (SIRI) that has Google shitting their pants, a new dual core CPU and improved GPU that is far more powerful than the previous iPhone, an improved antenna system and 1080p HD video recording, there's hardly any difference at all.
  • Reply 5 of 46
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    But why would anybody want to buy an iPhone 4S? These real smart people (retarded trolls) on the internet told me that it was the same as the iPhone 4.

    Besides a vastly new improved camera, a new revolutionary voice recognition system and personal assistant (SIRI) that has Google shitting their pants...

    Google isn't at all threatened by SIRI. The only reason they are pretending to be is so that the DOJ will let them get away with having a monopoly. It's the same reason why they let Yahoo! and Bing pretend to have a much greater percentage of the search market than they actually do.
  • Reply 6 of 46
    Originally Posted by Alex3917 View Post

    Google isn't at all threatened by SIRI.

    Yeah, and you know this.

    If Schmidt is ever found to have dissembled to the US Congress on this (or any other) issue, Siri will be the least of his problems.
  • Reply 7 of 46
    Originally Posted by melgross View Post

    That's about the equivelant of 1.3 million phones on preorder here in the States. Pretty good.

    I still remember the days - really not too long ago - when many operated on the assumption that Koreans, Japanese, Finns, Swedes, etc. were oh-so-sophisticated for the iPhone....

    My. How things change.
  • Reply 8 of 46
    sflocalsflocal Posts: 6,111member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    But why would anybody want to buy an iPhone 4S? These real smart people (retarded trolls) on the internet told me that it was the same as the iPhone 4.

    By preceding "trolls" with "retarded", an assumption can be made that there are non-retarded trolls with is clearly not the case.

    Trolls (especially the ones that infest AI) are already retarded to begin with. Unless you are referring somehow to trolls being double-retarded which could indicate twice the brain damage as regular trolls.

    Perhaps best to avoid confusion by using the more basic form of the basement-dwelling varieties such as "Phantards", "Wintards", "Freetards", etc...
  • Reply 9 of 46
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member
    Originally Posted by Alex3917 View Post

    Google isn't at all threatened by SIRI. The only reason they are pretending to be is so that the DOJ will let them get away with having a monopoly. It's the same reason why they let Yahoo! and Bing pretend to have a much greater percentage of the search market than they actually do.

    If Google does not feel threatened, then they are foolish. Larry Page is not foolish. Nor does he have Schmidt's hubris.
  • Reply 10 of 46
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    By preceding "trolls" with "retarded", an assumption can be made that there are non-retarded trolls with is clearly not the case.

    Trolls (especially the ones that infest AI) are already retarded to begin with. Unless you are referring somehow to trolls being double-retarded which could indicate twice the brain damage as regular trolls.

    Perhaps best to avoid confusion by using the more basic form of the basement-dwelling varieties such as "Phantards", "Wintards", "Freetards", etc...

    Here we go again with the high school girlish and xenophobic characterization. What do you gain other than a few guffaws from members of your clique?

    The rest of us wonder how you can spew out an adjective such as *re@#$%ed* without any hesitation. With every alliteration, your place as an unenlightened, offensive human being in this universe is further entrenched.
  • Reply 11 of 46
    "The iPhone 4S is set to ship on Nov. 11 in South Korea as well as Albania, Armenia, Bulgaria, El Salvador, Greece, Guatemala, Malta, Montenegro, New Zealand, Panama, Poland, Portugal, and Romania"

    So nice of Apple to get those phones out to critical locations like Albania and Panama, before they'll sell a factory-unlocked 4S to me here in the U.S.
  • Reply 12 of 46
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post



    retarded to begin with.

    double-retarded which could indicate twice the brain damage




    This is all very offensive.
  • Reply 13 of 46
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    This is all very offensive.

    Hear hear.
  • Reply 14 of 46
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    This is all very offensive.

    That's merely your opinion.
  • Reply 15 of 46
    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    Here we go again with the high school girlish and xenophobic characterization. What do you gain other than a few guffaws from members of your clique?

    The rest of us wonder how you can spew out an adjective such as *re@#$%ed* without any hesitation. With every alliteration, your place as an unenlightened, offensive human being in this universe is further entrenched.

    I agree people should refrain from the use of that word. There was, however, no alliteration in his post.

    Never use a large word when a more diminutive one will suffice

    Or at least look it up first.
  • Reply 16 of 46
    Originally Posted by cameronj View Post

    Straight linear population scaling? Gotta scale it down to account for mobile phone penetration I imagine. Clearly a huge number though.

    You're just introducing bias.

    Why do you assume that the market penetration for cell phones is less in South Korea? It might be higher for all you know.
  • Reply 17 of 46
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member
    Originally Posted by Doctor David View Post

    I agree people should refrain from the use of that word. There was, however, no alliteration in his post.

    Never use a large word when a more diminutive one will suffice

    Or at least look it up first.

    This time, you have a point.
  • Reply 18 of 46
    stelligentstelligent Posts: 2,680member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    That's merely your opinion.

    It's the opinion of the majority of civilized society.
  • Reply 19 of 46
    tjwaltjwal Posts: 404member
    Originally Posted by sflocal View Post

    By preceding "trolls" with "retarded", an assumption can be made that there are non-retarded trolls with is clearly not the case.

    Trolls (especially the ones that infest AI) are already retarded to begin with. Unless you are referring somehow to trolls being double-retarded which could indicate twice the brain damage as regular trolls.

    Perhaps best to avoid confusion by using the more basic form of the basement-dwelling varieties such as "Phantards", "Wintards", "Freetards", etc...

    IMHO the retarded trolls probably don't lower the level of intelligence of posters to AI, where there seems to be a super abundance of retards. You certainly fit the bill.
  • Reply 20 of 46
    Originally Posted by stelligent View Post

    ... The rest of us wonder how you can spew out an adjective such as *re@#$%ed* without any hesitation. ....

    Don't include me.

    Language can be hurtful and the word "retarded" has evolved into a pejorative term (that it wasn't originally), so personally I avoid using it if I can help it. However ...

    What's worse is people who think that all offence and bad language should be edited out of the English language and human interaction.

    I find the fact that you actually typed "*re@#$%ed*" instead of "retarded" just shocking.

    Swearing is a perfectly normal, healthy part of life, and people can and do say offensive things all the time. I would save your anger and outrage for battles that really matter. There are a lot worse words than "retarded."
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