Apple releases iOS 5.0.1 with improved iPhone battery life

in iPhone edited January 2014
Apple on Thursday issued iOS 5.0.1, an incremental update for the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch that addresses a well-publicized bug that resulted in shorter battery life.

The update is now available to all users through iTunes, and will also be made available for download as an over-the-air update. In addition to addressing battery life issues, it also brings new multi-touch gestures for multitasking to the first-generation iPad.

The full list of fixes in iOS 5.0.1, according to Apple, are:

Fixes bugs affecting battery life

Adds multitasking gestures for original iPad

Resolves bugs with Documents in the Cloud

Improves voice recognition for Australian users using dictation

Apple provided its developer community with two betas of iOS 5.0.1, and both were released in rapid succession last week, just two days apart. The last build, released last Friday, was known as "9A404."

The company worked quickly to address battery life concerns that were expressed by existing iPhone users who upgraded to iOS 5, as well as customers who bought the new iPhone 4S hardware. Apple publicly said the battery life bugs affected a small number of users.

In addition to the features listed above, pre-release builds of iOS 5 listed two more developer-centric updates available in the new version of the mobile operating system. They included security improvements, as well as a new way for developers to specify files that should remain on a device even in low storage situations.

Prior to issuing the iOS 5.0.1 update, Apple employees were actively working with some customers to diagnose the battery-related bugs as it worked on a fix. Some users were asked to install temporary diagnostic software on their iPhone so Apple could track their usage.


  • Reply 1 of 127
    no over the air updates yet?
  • Reply 2 of 127
    I'll wait and see how everyone else does first.
  • Reply 3 of 127
    Build number?
  • Reply 4 of 127
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Adds multitasking gestures for original iPad

    *Halleluja chorus*

    Originally Posted by ghostface147 View Post

    Build number?

    Well, if I'm not wrong, it's 9A404, which means I got this update two days ago.
  • Reply 5 of 127
    So now the Geico mascot can own an iphone 4S, and use Siri just like the rest of us? I would have to guess that Cockney English would also have been a problem for Siri, but no information on whether that has been a problem in the U.K.
  • Reply 6 of 127
    Originally Posted by Obama View Post

    I'll wait and see how everyone else does first.

    Exacty. Although these +0.0.1 releases tend to be bug fixes; they won't introduce new features. It should be stability release only. Maybe I will upgrade from iOS 4 finally
  • Reply 7 of 127
    Sweet! It's already showing up ota and I'll be downloading as soon as I get to my home wifi. Not that it hasn't been great having android-like battery life on my 4S...
  • Reply 8 of 127
    poochpooch Posts: 768member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Well, if I'm not wrong, it's 9A404, which means I got this update two days ago.

    my downloaded update: iPhone3,1_5.0.1_9A405_Restore.ipsw
  • Reply 9 of 127

    Improves voice recognition for Australian users using dictation

    Where do I start with this one....
  • Reply 10 of 127
    lukeilukei Posts: 382member
    OTA update done, automatic time update back on!
  • Reply 11 of 127
    s4mb4s4mb4 Posts: 267member
    ota working for me via my VPN in Florida.

  • Reply 12 of 127
    Apparently, PC-free doesn't mean WiFi-free as I had hoped. Can't download this over 3G, even though it's just 39MB. Ridiculous.
  • Reply 13 of 127
    My iPad 2 is showing 5.0.1 9A405

    Was a 38MB OTA download. Went smooth.
  • Reply 14 of 127
    Originally Posted by Naboozle View Post

    Apparently, PC-free doesn't mean WiFi-free as I had hoped. Can't download this over 3G, even though it's just 39MB. Ridiculous.

    it's not just about the size. Wifi is more stable than 3g. If you get a corrupted download when it installs it could brick your phone. Would you want that. 99.9% of folks would say no. Because either they don't know how to fix it or just don't want to have to bother with it
  • Reply 15 of 127
    morkymorky Posts: 200member
    Originally Posted by Naboozle View Post

    Apparently, PC-free doesn't mean WiFi-free as I had hoped. Can't download this over 3G, even though it's just 39MB. Ridiculous.

    Personally, I'm glad my local 3G towers aren't collapsing under the load of thousands of simultaneous OS updates.
  • Reply 16 of 127
    OTA update working for me on AT&T. Download took a minute by Wifi.

    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    it's not just about the size. Wifi is more stable than 3g. If you get a corrupted download when it installs it could brick your phone. Would you want that. 99.9% of folks would say no. Because either they don't know how to fix it or just don't want to have to bother with it

    I expect there is a verification process to ensure that the installation package is valid before installation commences. This shouldn't be an issue.

    Edit: I'm looking at a 'verifying update' screen right now. And add to that the point below where a transmission error would likely result in a file which could not be opened in the first place.

    Originally Posted by Morky View Post

    Personally, I'm glad my local 3G towers aren't collapsing under the load of thousands of simultaneous OS updates.

    They probably would have been able to handle this given it is user-initiated and the file is relatively small.
  • Reply 17 of 127
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    it's not just about the size. Wifi is more stable than 3g. If you get a corrupted download when it installs it could brick your phone. Would you want that. 99.9% of folks would say no. Because either they don't know how to fix it or just don't want to have to bother with it

    the protocol is error-free, no? A comm break should result in an incomplete file, not a corrupt one. And in any case, the OS should have further verifications before it applies the update. I doubt this is the reason, simply the old 20MB cap being enforced. I'm willing to bet that if the update had been 19MB there would have been no problem.

    Thing is, I thought I had read something about future IOS updates not counting against your data plan; which implies they'd be available for 3G download.
  • Reply 18 of 127
    Installed iOS 5.0.1 on my iPhone 4 and all the bugs that have been driving me crazy are still there:

    --Calendar app freezing and crashing on first launch. Second launch takes 5+ seconds. Not until the third launch does it open normally.

    --After tapping on three things in the Music app a freeze of several seconds happens.

    --Shake to shuffle plays the sound notification, then keeps playing the same song for another 2 seconds before changing the song, where it used to play the chime, then instantly change to the next song

    --Launching Messages freezes for about 2 seconds, crazy annoying when all you want to do is send a quick text.

    Looks like I am being forced to buy an iPhone 4S just like I was forced to buy an iPhone 4 when iOS 4 was released making my iPhone 3G useless due to glacial performance.

    At least I am trying to use the Best Buy buyback program to get $167 in trade-in value, if they ever have stock of the 4S soon.
  • Reply 19 of 127
    Did it on 3GS and 4 Apple simple!!!!
  • Reply 20 of 127
    My strife is with the Notifications though. It takes way too many steps to set a notification:

    Press plus.

    Type notification (the little arrow that jumps to notification settings should be visible here already to skip a few steps...)

    Tap ready/finished/valmis. (Sorry, Finnish)

    Tap notification.

    Tap remind.

    Choose Date or Location (there could be two sets of scroll wheels here already: date and recent locations)

    Tap the default date to launch the scroll wheels (why can't they be visible already at this point?)

    Scroll the wheels.

    Tap ready or whatever.

    Tap ready or whatever again.

    Same with location-based notifications... Why can't there be like a list of the most used or recent locations? Please. Anyone?

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