Leaked photos show Brazil-made 8GB iPhone 4 with custom model number

in iPhone edited January 2014
A set of recently-leaked photos depicts an 8GB iPhone 4 produced by Foxconn in Brazil and allegedly bearing a localized model number.

Though the 8GB iPhone 4 is not expected to go on sale in Brazil until the iPhone 4S arrives in the country, MacMagazine.br has received alleged early photos of the device from a reader. The back of the handset contains the words "Brazilian Industry" in Portuguese, as well as the stamp of approval from ANATEL, the country's telecommunications agency.

The iPhone 4 reportedly came with iOS 5.0 installed and carries a model number that ends with "BR," presumably indicating that the device was manufactured in Brazil. The most recent leak comes on the heels of last month's release of factory documentation for an 8GB iPhone 4 allegedly from Foxconn's facilities in Brazil. Shortly after that leak, Apple announced the 8GB iPhone 4 alongside the iPhone 4S.

Apple's manufacturing partner Foxconn is said to be considering an investment as large as $12 billion on production facilities in Brazil. But, according a report from September, negotiations between the company and the government have stalled because of disagreements over tax rates, unprepared infrastructure and the lack of qualified workers.

The Brazilian Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation had previously said that the first iPads produced by Foxconn in the country would arrive in December. A "reliable source" told MacMagazine.br that "Made in Brazil" 8GB iPhone 4 units are also expected to hit the local market in December. Distribution will reportedly start in Sao Paulo, Brasilia and other major capitals first before gradually expanding to other cities in the country.

Localized Foxconn production of Apple products in Brazil may help the company circumvent sizable tariffs on imported electronics. After tax, some of Apple's devices in Brazil cost more than double their original retail price.

If the company's products arrived on the Brazilian market without import taxes, Apple's sales in the country could see rapid growth. Apple revealed last quarter that sales in Brazil had jumped up 118 percent year over year to pass the $900 million mark.



  • Reply 1 of 35
    Indústria Brasileira, Os parabéns ao Brasil por estar a evoluir economicamente e socialmente, já nós por cá em Portugal estamo-nos a enterrar! Congratulations to Brasil!
  • Reply 2 of 35
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,218member
    Poor Brazilians. They probably think high tariffs will benefit their country. All it does is benefit the few who manufacture behind the tarif wall, while everyone else has less money for a narrower range of goods. Meanwhile, more and more resources in the economy get diverted to the products protected by the tarif wall. One day it all ends in tears. It's what happened in Australia years ago, and more recently in Ireland. You would think people would learn.
  • Reply 3 of 35
    Originally Posted by SaltWater View Post

    Indústria Brasileira, Os parabéns ao Brasil por estar a evoluir economicamente e socialmente, já nós por cá em Portugal estamo-nos a enterrar! Congratulations to Brasil!

    I wouldn't be so enthusiastic. It isn't all that nice. We're actually really, really behind considering our potential.

    Originally Posted by Entropys View Post

    Poor Brazilians. They probably think high tariffs will benefit their country. All it does is benefit the few who manufacture behind the tarif wall, while everyone else has less money for a narrower range of goods. Meanwhile, more and more resources in the economy get diverted to the products protected by the tarif wall. One day it all ends in tears. It's what happened in Australia years ago, and more recently in Ireland. You would think people would learn.

    Not only you are only partially right (a small part at that), your tone is disgusting.

    You also seem to forget that Australia is AKA The Best Country of The World. (Also if you're wondering, the USA isn't in the top 3 of that list. It's barely in the Top 20, actually)
  • Reply 4 of 35
    Originally Posted by Entropys View Post

    Poor Brazilians. They probably think high tariffs will benefit their country. All it does is benefit the few who manufacture behind the tarif wall, while everyone else has less money for a narrower range of goods. Meanwhile, more and more resources in the economy get diverted to the products protected by the tarif wall. One day it all ends in tears. It's what happened in Australia years ago, and more recently in Ireland. You would think people would learn.

    What a lot of right-wing ideological garbage. You don't know what you are talking about.

    In this case, the tariffs apply to any industry that just wants to sell product to Brazilians without investing anything in the country itself. It's the very thing that caused Apple to make the plant in Brazil in the first place to avoid the tariffs, and in case you didn't notice ... it's working out rather well.
  • Reply 5 of 35
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    It's the very thing that caused Apple

    I think you mean Foxconn


    , and in case you didn't notice ... it's working out rather well.

    Crazy thought, let's wait until the products are released before we judge if something is a success or not
  • Reply 6 of 35
    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    I think you mean Foxconn

    correct (Apple through Foxconn)

    Originally Posted by charlituna View Post

    Crazy thought, let's wait until the products are released before we judge if something is a success or not

    I meant a success for Brazil, not for the consumers of the products. The tariffs "worked" in that they got Apple to build a factory in Brazil.

    It will probably also "work" (in the future), for Apple's consumers and for the people of Brazil and other south American countries, as it allows Apple to flood that part of the world with cheap handsets, but that remains to be seen as you say.
  • Reply 7 of 35
    Why doesn't it say "Assembled in Brazil"? Or put another way, China-made models don't say "Assembled in China" in Chinese. Seems very unlike Apple to have markings on their hardware in other language than English.
  • Reply 8 of 35
    Originally Posted by iTuomas View Post

    Why doesn't it say "Assembled in Brazil"? Or put another way, China-made models don't say "Assembled in China" in Chinese. Seems very unlike Apple to have markings on their hardware in other language than English.

    At first iPhones were sold largely in the U.S. since it's apples home country. I believe there's a requirement to have the country an item was made in listed on that item.

    I'm guessing that these will be sold mostly in South America so if any of those countries have similar requirements for labeling I suppose portuguese is what they go with.

    Maybe it's just a requirement from brazil.
  • Reply 9 of 35
    Originally Posted by iTuomas View Post

    Why doesn't it say "Assembled in Brazil"? Or put another way, China-made models don't say "Assembled in China" in Chinese. Seems very unlike Apple to have markings on their hardware in other language than English.

    Because the phones made in Brazil are exclusively for the Brazilian market, whereas the phones made in China are for the whole world.
  • Reply 10 of 35
    Originally Posted by michaelab View Post

    Because the phones made in Brazil are exclusively for the Brazilian market, whereas the phones made in China are for the whole world.

    Do you know if the phones made in Brazil will be sold in other S. America countries?
  • Reply 11 of 35
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Well apparently, China is not the only place that leaks will come out of now, great. Somebody needs to plug the holes, crack the whip and lay down the law.
  • Reply 12 of 35
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    it's working out rather well.

    We don't know that yet.
  • Reply 13 of 35
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Somebody needs to plug the holes, crack the whip and lay down the law.

    I think that they use machetes for that in Brazil.

  • Reply 14 of 35
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by ConradJoe View Post

    I think that they use machetes for that in Brazil.

    I have no idea what they use down in Brazil, but whatever they use, they should make use of it.

    This is not some Android phones that we're talking about here. Nobody really cares about Android leaks. Apple has gotten way too lax with their security lately. From drunk and careless engineers in the US, to sneaky workers in China and Brazil, leaking Apple secrets should have deep consequences for all involved.
  • Reply 15 of 35
    entropysentropys Posts: 4,218member
    Originally Posted by Lukeskymac View Post

    I wouldn't be so enthusiastic. It isn't all that nice. We're actually really, really behind considering our potential.

    Not only you are only partially right (a small part at that), your tone is disgusting.

    You also seem to forget that Australia is AKA The Best Country of The World. (Also if you're wondering, the USA isn't in the top 3 of that list. It's barely in the Top 20, actually)

    Disgusting? For pointing out that protectionism doesn't work? The reason Australia is doing well, now, is because we junked all those stupid policies forty years ago. Before then, we were paying a fortune for manufactured goods, with the result that a family's income could not buy the range of goods it can today, and it was harder for other businesses to boost their productivity and performance. Not everyone in Oz is a miner.

    It is not disgusting to want others to learn from our mistakes.

    We will see how much this is costing Brazilians when the price is released. As the article notes, Brazilans pay for the privilege of a tariff wall by paying up to twice as much as the world price for Apple products, along with all other sorts of electronics that could boost the productivity of their country. So the price of a locally made iPhone will be somewhere between the current price in Brazil and the world price. Just enough lower to make the masses happy, but noticeably higher than everyone else in the world. This extra 'economic rent' will mostly be to the benefit of Foxconn and Apple, with a small flow on to the workers in the mostly robotic factory.
  • Reply 16 of 35
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    I have no idea what they use down in Brazil, but whatever they use, they should make use of it.

    This is not some Android phones that we're talking about here. Nobody really cares about Android leaks. Apple has gotten way too lax with their security lately. From drunk and careless engineers in the US, to sneaky workers in China and Brazil, leaking Apple secrets should have deep consequences for all involved.

    Seriously, you're like the Haruhi Suzumiya of Apple fans. We're all the SOS Brigade and you're the dyed-in-the-wool leader, energetic, convinced of Apple's rightness, Ultra Leader, leading the charge without so much as a second thought; the Apple idea just sounds so right.

    Meanwhile, I'm Kyon. A believer of the system, but not ludicrous with my support. A supporter of Apple, but rational and able to remove myself from the situation. Basically, my type reins in your type.

    No, I'm not suggesting you're a woman, and no, I'm not suggesting that we're to be married. The analogy ends at the superficial (and specific to this one instance) personality level.

    As to the leaks, yeah, Apple needs to prevent another Gizmodo farce. But the little leaks? Like when we saw the leaked unibody shells before the first ones came out? They drive the rumor mill. It's good for Apple.

    And it's good for us, because otherwise the only thing we have to go on are IDIOTIC publications by newspapers and 'analysts' that know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.
  • Reply 17 of 35
    tylerk36tylerk36 Posts: 1,037member
    Brazil has some mighty fine looking women. A brazilian women with an iPhone 4. Momamia.
  • Reply 18 of 35
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    Seriously, you're like the Haruhi Suzumiya of Apple fans. We're all the SOS Brigade and you're the dyed-in-the-wool leader, energetic, convinced of Apple's rightness, Ultra Leader, leading the charge without so much as a second thought; the Apple idea just sounds so right.

    Meanwhile, I'm Kyon. A believer of the system, but not ludicrous with my support. A supporter of Apple, but rational and able to remove myself from the situation. Basically, my type reins in your type.

    No, I'm not suggesting you're a woman, and no, I'm not suggesting that we're to be married. The analogy ends at the superficial (and specific to this one instance) personality level.

    I'd never heard of those people that you're talking about before, but a quick check on Google told me that they are Anime characters. It's not surprising that I had never heard of them before, since I know pretty much nothing about Anime.

    I think that you might have a false impression of me though, If you believe that I'm some fanatical Apple supporter who thinks that Apple can do no wrong. I do think that they do many more things right than wrong, but they have certainly had a few missteps in the past, and I can be critical of them when necessary. Just to prove that I can criticize Apple, here's a few things that I can remember off the top of my head that is worthy of criticism.
    • Apple handled the scalper situation in a weak and unsatisfactory manner. They could have been much more forceful and implemented stronger rules, such as limiting sales to one per person. If a family needs more than one device, then they need to send more bodies down to the store so that they can purchase more. This would also cut into scalper's profits and make things more difficult for them. They could also have more security outside watching and monitoring the lines for scalpers.

    • I remember the hockey puck mouse that came with one of the first iMacs when it was released. I had one of those iMacs. As a matter of fact I still have it and it still works perfectly. That mouse may have looked ok and matched the iMac, but it was horrible, one of the worst mice ever made and a real pain to use. It was the opposite of ergonomic. My magic trackpad today more than makes up for that blunder though.

    • Ipods are great, I have one of those too. The headphones are however not that great and I find them to be useless. Buying third party headphones is a must, if you ask me.

    • It is cheap of Apple to only provide their accessories in white, and with all the money that Apple has, they do not need to be cheap. Not everybody has or likes white Macs. I happen to prefer black over white usually and since Apple is so concerned with design and style, I find it outrageous that they only offer their accessories in white. How about making black power supplies and black cables that will match black Apple products?

    Those are just a few criticisms that I have of Apple that I can think of at the moment. They are relatively minor issues, but it proves that I can be critical of Apple sometimes at least.

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    As to the leaks, yeah, Apple needs to prevent another Gizmodo farce. But the little leaks? Like when we saw the leaked unibody shells before the first ones came out? They drive the rumor mill. It's good for Apple.

    Let's take the iPad 3 for example. That is going to be the next highly anticipated Apple product. If it's true that it's going to have an ultra-high resolution display, then that is going to be insane, and the demand for it is going to be unlike anything else. I don't mind shooting the breeze and speculating about it, but I honestly don't want to see exactly what it looks like before it's being presented during the keynote. That would take all of the excitement away.

    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    And it's good for us, because otherwise the only thing we have to go on are IDIOTIC publications by newspapers and 'analysts' that know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING.

    I totally agree with you that many of the morons who write for publications and especially the analysts are extremely clueless people.

    Much of my extremely strong Apple stance on these forums has more to do with Fandroid infiltrators rather than me being a blind fanatic.
  • Reply 19 of 35
    Apple][ if your not a fanatical supporter of apple then the word fanatic has lost all meaning, in my opinion. Even fandroids would be off the hook.
  • Reply 20 of 35
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by Doctor David View Post

    Apple][ if your not a fanatical supporter of apple then the word fanatic has lost all meaning, in my opinion. Even fandroids would be off the hook.

    You're not going to be seeing me lining up outside any Apple stores, camping and waiting around.

    I am a big fan of Apple products, I am no fanatic.
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