Google's Schmidt predicts developers will prioritize Android over iOS in 6 months



  • Reply 161 of 170
    gctwnlgctwnl Posts: 278member
    Originally Posted by Jetz View Post

    There'll be lots of comments about how Android is unprofitable for developers and such. Whatever. All this talk is reminiscent of all the threads that said Android would never ever outsell the iPhone (and later when the goalpost moved iOS). Even the supporting arguments have changed. It used to be that nobody would ever want or buy an Android device. Now the argument is that those who buy thme are cheapskates. I'm probably missing a few more stereotypes in here. Others will add them I'm sure.

    I dunno if Schmidt is right, but I would certainly like to see some balance. More devleopers being platform agnostic would be nice. As a consumer, I don't really like having to buy certain hardware just to run certain software. I'd hope that some day they go one step further and allow somebody who bought an app on iOS to get the same app free on Android or vice versa (iTunes Match for apps?).

    Android is quickly eating away at the market segment 'non-smartphone'. It is doing that faster than iOS. However, so far it seems people are more likely to 'upgrade' fro Android to iOS than the other way around. At this point in time iOS and Android are still not really competing.

    There are a few exceptions. In the tablet space they are competing (no dumb-tablet-segment to gobble up). And in the business they are competing (and there security rules supreme these days, which poses a huge problem for Android).

    We won't get a monopoly this time, it seems. And both platforms can grow. Android is growing faster probably because it has a bigger supply-side (hardware producers) and thus it can eat up non-smartphone consumption faster than Apple can. As long as developers make a lot of money on iOS, Apple is not in much danger.
  • Reply 162 of 170
    sockrolidsockrolid Posts: 2,789member
    No, he's gone beyond creepy. Time for a new code name.

    How about "Fruitcake"? Fits in with the Android "empty calorie" release name scheme pretty well.
  • Reply 163 of 170
    Originally Posted by SockRolid View Post

    No, he's gone beyond creepy. Time for a new code name.

    How about "Fruitcake"? Fits in with the Android "empty calorie" release name scheme pretty well.

    They're going in alphabetical order, so Jelly Roll would be next.
  • Reply 164 of 170
    sockrolidsockrolid Posts: 2,789member
    Originally Posted by gctwnl View Post

    Android is quickly eating away at the market segment 'non-smartphone'. It is doing that faster than iOS. [...]

    Very likely, but Apple now has a "free" iPhone. The 'non-smartphone' market largely consists of newbies who don't know any better. The "just give me the cheapest one that looks the most like an iPhone" crowd. We'll see how much the free 3GS affects that market. It's only available on AT&T, of course, but next year Apple could cancel the 3GS and make the iPhone 4 "free," and the 4 is available on a larger number of carriers.

    Originally Posted by gctwnl View Post

    [...] Android is growing faster probably because it has a bigger supply-side (hardware producers) and thus it can eat up non-smartphone consumption faster than Apple can. [...]

    Don't forget that all Android manufacturers are competing against each other as well as against Apple. Samsung would gladly push HTC and Motorola off the cliff if they could. They aren't soft-playing each other.
  • Reply 165 of 170
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    Originally Posted by SockRolid View Post

    Very likely, but Apple now has a "free" iPhone. The 'non-smartphone' market largely consists of newbies who don't know any better. The "just give me the cheapest one that looks the most like an iPhone" crowd. We'll see how much the free 3GS affects that market. It's only available on AT&T, of course, but next year Apple could cancel the 3GS and make the iPhone 4 "free," and the 4 is available on a larger number of carriers.

    FWIW, the 3GS is also available elsewhere in the world. India is one of the other markets, where Vodaphone is pushing them I believe.
  • Reply 166 of 170
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    It may (not) be very easy for you (to believe), but the vast majority of jailbreakers don't pirate?

    The jailbreaker he was responding to admitted he did. I agree with you but why not direct that frustration towards the moron who was boasting about stealing iOS apps.
  • Reply 167 of 170
    Originally Posted by hezetation View Post

    The jailbreaker he was responding to admitted he did. I agree with you but why not direct that frustration towards the moron who was boasting about stealing iOS apps.

    Oh, I'm frustrated with him; believe you me.
  • Reply 168 of 170
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,584member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    "Ultimately, application vendors are driven by volume, and volume is favored by the open approach Google is taking," Schmidt said. "There are so many manufacturers working to deliver Android phones globally. Whether you like Android or not, you will support that platform, and maybe you'll even deliver it first."

    As clarification, Schmidt did not say "Whether you like Android or not, you will support that platform, and maybe you’ll even deliver it first." He was misquoted (not the first time) by CNET. The actual words were:

    "Whether you like ICS or not, and again I like it a great deal, you will want to develop for that platform, and perhaps even first."

    Originally Posted by Bigpics

    I've just been reading that ICS won't even be on ANY devices for some good number of months - and that upgrades for existing devices will come along (for some and when/if they do) "sometime" after that.

    Meaning there still won't be ANY meaningful number of tablets to even host decent tab applications for at least a year or two - and a phone base mired in the 2.x's - not even 3.x and let alone 4.0.

    The most recent list of Android devices that will be getting the ICS update is here. The claims that it will be at least a year or two are likely just a tad exaggerated.. Archos, HTC, Samsung, Motorola and others say they will begin updates to existing models 1st quarter/early in the year.
  • Reply 169 of 170
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by thesmoth View Post

    The reality is actually opposite to what you say in this post. For iOS, it's VERY easy to pirate apps. All you have to do is jailbreak

    See, you lost your argument right there. Your less than one half of one percent of the potential smartphone userbase.

    But thank you for playing!
  • Reply 170 of 170
    "Google's Schmidt predicts developers will prioritize Android over iOS in 6 months"

    Shouldn't the real headline be

    "Even Google's Eric Schmidt admits that developers prioritize IOS over Android"
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