Google exec expects 'majority' of TVs to have Google TV in 2012



  • Reply 41 of 159
    I have an image in my head of Schmidt breaking into electronics stores in the dead of night, prying off the backs of the TVs on the shelves, and reflashing the chips...all while giggling maniacally.
  • Reply 42 of 159
    With how easy it is to create a distribute Malware on Android, I can already predict that unless some more stringent security is enabled on these GooleTvs, the most prevalent Malwares will "brick" the TV. Its easy to take a phone and restore it, but a TV?

    I will NEVER buy a TV that is collecting data on me and sending it out to the highest bidder.
  • Reply 43 of 159
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    It is mathematically impossible for most TVs to be smart by the end of 2012! The sales would have to exceed all TVs in existence already that are not smart.

    Come on... really? \

    I mean TV's on store shelves as per the article we're all commenting on. No one is claiming Goolge is going to go to every persons house and swap out the internals of every single TV in existence in the next 12 months.
  • Reply 44 of 159
    Originally Posted by sciwiz View Post

    Except, that's not what he said.

    "Whether you like Ice Cream Sandwich or not, you will want to develop for it."

    No, Eric, no I will not want to develop for it because Android stinks and you have no way for me to make proper money "SELLING my apps", instead I have to "SELL my end-users" to YOUR customers as ad-supported is the only really viable option for Android developers and even then, a lot of Android users are A-Holes and do their best to block ads, so I won't get anything!

    No thank you. Come back when you offer something viable for DEVELOPERS, rather than your CUSTOMERS (advertisers, end-users of Google products ARE COMMODITIES).
  • Reply 45 of 159
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Even as rumors of an Apple television set continue to swirl, Google Chairman Eric Schmidt has claimed that company's Google TV platform will be embedded on the "majority" of televisions in stores by next summer.

    Keep telling yourself that Eric. I mean Google TV has been in the market for 18 months has NO TRACTION! Because it's awful, and nobody wants is, as Logitech found out at their expense.

    Google can talk it up all they like, but doesn't mean it's going to happen.

    Microsoft have said Windows EVERYWHERE since before 2000, and still they barely have any presence in the tablet market, and almost none now in the Phone market.

    You have to back up your words with an excellent compelling product, Google thus far haven't (as far as Google TV is concerned), and neither has Microsoft really in Phones as anything before Windows Phone 7 was utter crap and barely registered on the radar (I've had my share of Compaq/HP high-end WinMo devices) and Windows Phone 7 is even less of a blip on the radar.
  • Reply 46 of 159
    There may be some truth to it.

    After the success of the iPhone, Every PC manufacture were on the Windows tablet bandwagon. HP even demoed a prototype.

    Then Apple introduced iPad.

    TV manufactures have such small margins, They will hedge their bets with the "free" Google TV license. They are hoping to supplement their revenue with Ads.
  • Reply 47 of 159
    Originally Posted by winstein2010 View Post

    TV manufactures have such small margins, They will hedge their bets with the "free" Google TV license.

    You mean like Samasung, the most successful Android handset maker, that is also doing their own OS, just in case things don't pan out how they like with Android. Yeah, that's great!

    Also, if a TV manufacturer wants to provide a better experience, they can use a better paid for (or for in-house solution) and then be able to charge more for their TV, you know like a TON of TV manufacturers do.

    The premium brands have had smart TV tech since before Google TV came along. ONLY at the bottom end will Google TV succeed. People trust these premium TV manufacturers a hell of lot more than some cheapy manufacturer.

    Look at the $200 small/no margin bottom end of Google Android-based tablets. They're utter underpowered crap, that barely work, don't even run a tablet version of the OS.

    You're already hearing about a ton of returns on Kindle Fire tablets from AMAZON! Mostly cos they balls'ed up the implementation royally and the devices are very crap.

    This what Google is aiming for, and I certainly don't want to have to PUT UP WITH IT. I want GOOD products, with EXCELLENT build quality and GREAT performance (performance not necessarily highest spec, as iOS devices perform better than much higher spec'ed Android devices).
  • Reply 48 of 159
    Does it matter if there even in every TV, it doesn't mean anyones actually going to use the "smart" bit.

    Maybe when Steve said he'd cracked it he meant he realised that the set top box needs to be built into the TV. When it isn't you're just left with what Microsoft released this week. A really nice interface and a really nice way of searching for programs but ultimately useless when it doesn't do normal TV. The fact it doesn't have every channel my set top box has mean when I want to see whats on I turn on the set to box and not the Xbox. So my tv has it's channel set to the set top box. Despite all the amazing stuff the Xbox does until I can hook up my satalite dish to it, it's not going to be what I use by default.

    The same goes for a Smart TV. Unless I can give up the set top box, all it's functions are still on the wrong remote!
  • Reply 49 of 159
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member
    Eric Schmidt is starting to remind me more and more of Steve Ballmer. He's always seemed a little mentally unstable, and the creepiness factor is even higher than Ballmer's, but now he's adopting the trash talkin' too? How long until we have a weasel boy video for Schmidt going viral, assuming he doesn't have them pull it from you tube.
  • Reply 50 of 159
    Does he have some sort of plan for a remote redesign? I've shown pictures of the GoogleTV remote to a bunch of my "average end user" friends, and they all stared in horror. I can just imagine the unfortunate sales person in best buy trying to convince someone that having that built in to the $2000 tv they want to buy is a GOOD thing...
  • Reply 51 of 159
    Said Schmidt as he left the stage, "All your TV are belong to us!"
  • Reply 52 of 159
    8002580025 Posts: 179member
    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Even as rumors of an Apple television set continue to swirl, Google Chairman Eric Schmidt has claimed that company's Google TV platform will be embedded on the "majority" of televisions in stores by next summer.

    The former Google CEO made the bold prediction while speaking at the Le Web conference in France this week, paidContent reports. The Mountain View, Calif., search giant recently relaunched Google TV with a major software update that brings more apps to the platform.

    Sounds a lot like the Ballmer jump up and down "me too, look at us, not at them" marketing ploy.

    Bold prediction? Welcome to Fantasy Island. Da plane, da plane...
  • Reply 53 of 159
    sirozhasirozha Posts: 801member
    Anything running Android is a Trojan Horse. Google does not make a penny on Android, yet Google is not a charity. Therefore, they have plans to monetize Android in the future. This stage of Android is called expansion, aka "grabbing the market share." They are trying to put Android on as many devices and platforms as they can as quickly as possible by offering it to OEMs for no cost. OEMs eat it up because Android is free for them, so their development costs are minimized compared to having to develop and maintain their own software platform.

    Free cheese only occurs in a mouse trap - never forget this. The more people buy and use Android devices, the more reach Google will have in the future when they start monetizing Android. Does everyone remember how Google makes money? Advertizements! So, be my guest and spend your personal money and time on acquiring, learning and getting addicted to the OS that is a foundation for Google to inundate you with advertisements in the future. In the meantime, I will stick to more expensive iOS, knowing full well that Apple imbeds a huge profit margin in their devices on the front end, but has no ulterior motives for the OS in the future. I have set up my digital life style around the Apple ecosystem, and the money that I invested on the front end of the deal will pay off in the future years.

    I do not hate Google. I almost went working for them. In fact, I admire Google as a successful company. However, I never forget that Google is a high-tech advertisement agency, and advertisement is the core of their business. They have no other significant source of revenue besides advertisement, and the reason they have invested so much money into Android development is to utilize the platform to contribute to their core business - advertisement.
  • Reply 54 of 159
    mytdavemytdave Posts: 447member
    The question one has to ask is: "Do I want GoogleTV in my TV?" For me the answer is hell no.

    I just want a high quality big-ass screen that's as dumb as a brick. All it needs is 1 HDMI and component inputs. I will provide the content myself, thank you.
  • Reply 55 of 159
    Originally Posted by sirozha View Post

    However, I never forget that Google is a high-tech advertisement agency, and advertisement is the core of their business. They have no other significant source of revenue besides advertisement, and the reason they have invested so much money into Android development is to utilize the platform to contribute to their core business - advertisement.

    If that's the case, their ads suck!
  • Reply 56 of 159
    pendergastpendergast Posts: 1,358member
    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    It is mathematically impossible for most TVs to be smart by the end of 2012! The sales would have to exceed all TVs in existence already that are not smart.

    Stop being argumentative and use some common sense. Clearly the poster meant that the majority of TVs SOLD in 2012 will be smart TVs.
  • Reply 57 of 159
    Lots of irrational talk coming out of Google these days. Feels like they are turning in to RIM. They will be eating their words in 6 months. You can't make a prediction for that short of a timeframe without the actual change happening now. I don't see any change.
  • Reply 58 of 159
    pendergastpendergast Posts: 1,358member
    Originally Posted by Firefly7475 View Post

    This is madness!

    All the major manufacturers (Samsung, Panasonic, Sharp, LG, Sony etc) have their own "Smart TV" platforms.

    There would have to be some significant looming outside threat from a company able to disrupt their existing business for them to throw out their own platforms and coalesce around Android as the defacto standard for Smart TV's.

    Could this external threat be... Apple? Were it not for the iPhone changing the game, how rapidly would carriers have adopted Google's Blackberry clone?

    You mean, once again, Google will need to wait for Apple to create or redefine a market, and then weasel their way in by undercutting the market with their "free" product?
  • Reply 59 of 159
    mytdavemytdave Posts: 447member
    Originally Posted by chadbag View Post

    Schmidt almost has Obama beat in the narcissism category

    Originally Posted by digitalclips View Post

    Enough with your own view of politics in an Apple blog please!

    No, he has a good point. It's a valid comparison (accurate I'd say), and we are critiquing Schmidt here.
  • Reply 60 of 159
    Everybody knows Google TV is a disaster waiting to happen. I would NEVER buy a TV with that in it.

    I just want some of what Schmidt is smoking.
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