Android device activations reach 700,000 per day



  • Reply 201 of 276
    What impresses me is the fact that Google can make all this money and they produce nothing. Nothing at all, all fee's and ad's, like Facebook. Just that fact alone is pretty cool. Sure Apple is more valuable and make more profit, they actually sell stuff, they should.
  • Reply 202 of 276
    My word! A story that does not portray an Apple device as the holy grail and look what happens. Everyone has to defend the reasoning beyond comprehension. I would imagine that some of the Apple fanboys here sleep with there iPhone under the pillow at night. It is just a company folks, a company that does not give a rats ass about us except for our money, which is no different than any other company.

    Apple's stock is down close to $2.00 today. Is there going to be an explanation explaining how this can't be happening?

    I enjoy all my Apple products, but I surely don't bow down to them as some around here.
  • Reply 203 of 276
    Originally Posted by Toughbook View Post

    My word! A story that does not portray an Apple device as the holy grail and look what happens. Everyone has to defend the reasoning beyond comprehension. I would imagine that some of the Apple fanboys here sleep with there iPhone under the pillow at night. It is just a company folks, a company that does not give a rats ass about us except for our money, which is no different than any other company.

    Apple's stock is down close to $2.00 today. Is there going to be an explanation explaining how this can't be happening?

    I enjoy all my Apple products, but I surely don't bow down to them as some around here.

    Incoming in 3.....2.......1
  • Reply 204 of 276
    You just made my point. Truth sucks doesn't it my friend. You guys are almost like I am with Panasonic Toughbooks.
  • Reply 205 of 276
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by Toughbook View Post

    My word! A story that does not portray an Apple device as the holy grail and look what happens. Everyone has to defend the reasoning beyond comprehension. I would imagine that some of the Apple fanboys here sleep with there iPhone under the pillow at night. It is just a company folks, a company that does not give a rats ass about us except for our money, which is no different than any other company.

    Apple's stock is down close to $2.00 today. Is there going to be an explanation explaining how this can't be happening?

    I enjoy all my Apple products, but I surely don't bow down to them as some around here.

    Actually, as of this moment, Apple is up 0.12%.

    DJIA is up 0.02%

    Nasdaq is down 0.97%

    Amazon is down 4.47%

    Google is down 0.48%

    What was your point again?
  • Reply 206 of 276
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by Gatorguy View Post

    You might be one of those I mentioned earlier then. There are going to be certain posters who won't trust any answer other than one that comes from Apple.

    Among the Faithful, they are the Fundamentalists.
  • Reply 207 of 276
    blursdblursd Posts: 123member
    Originally Posted by caliminius View Post

    I really hope you're not employed in a field that deals with math. Even at 700K activations a day, that's only around 255 million phones a year. Or about 60 million less than just the U.S. population. Factor in that the world population is over 6 billion and you've got plenty of room for the number to be correct. Feel free to continue to disbelieve it, but it would be foolish of Google to announce something like that without it being true.

    And if you're going to throw anecdotal nonsense into the mix, I happen to know a lot more Android users than iPhone users. A large portion of my family uses Android but I think only one person has an iPhone (I have an HP/Palm Pre 2 for the record).

    I wouldn't go insulting other people's intelligence when your own reading comprehension skills need some attention. I NEVER mentioned the iPhone ... I said iPod.

    The point was Google is claiming their going to sell more Andriod devices in one year than all the iPods that have been sold by Apple in a decade ... thats just absurd.
  • Reply 208 of 276
    I suppose you can sell a lot of phone if you sell them really cheap and don't allow OS upgrades. I wonder how many google phones are kicking around the bottom of peoples drawers.

    I would have more respect for Google if they didn't so publicly pee their pants every time Apple releases a new technology. What I don't get is why they can't do any better than they have been. It isn't like Apple is all that good about keeping secrets. Anyone tuned it knew 5 years in advance that Apple was working on a tablet. iPhone rumors started 2 years before it was released. Everyone knew they had bought Siri. Next Apple will be smoking Google Maps.

    You would think someone would actually try to copy Apple before Apple actually released.

    Maybe it is just because Google just don't know how to design stuff without a demo. Microsoft should sue Google for copying their strategy. Chase after every rabbit you see hoping you might catch something.
  • Reply 209 of 276
    ssquirrelssquirrel Posts: 1,196member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Google stated 550k activations on June 28th, 2011. That's week 26, this is week 51 for a difference of 25 weeks.

    So we have A = P (1 + r) ^n, right?

    500,000 ( 1 + 4.4/100) ^ 26 = 1,531,733 activations per day if they were maintaining a 4.4% growth rate per week.

    Yeah if they were increasing at 4.4% week over week, it would have only taken them 8 weeks to clear 700k activations per day.

    Originally Posted by piot View Post

    I thought that your job here was to put an end to misinformation?

    He did. He was showing that if they had maintained 4.4% increases every week they would be well over 1.5M activations per day by now. His later post shows Android has slowed to a 1.3% growth week over week.
  • Reply 210 of 276
    Let's look at real world metrics.

    November 2011 mobile device statistics as compiled by Mellenia Media research:

    Top 5 Device Manufacturers:

    1 - Apple

    2 - Samsung

    3 - RIM

    4 - HTC

    5 - Motorola

    Top Mobile Phones:

    1 - Apple iPhone

    2 - Blackberry Curve

    3 - Motorola Droid X

    4 - HTC Evo

    5 - LG Optimus

    Looks like Apple's doing just fine.
  • Reply 211 of 276
    These are

    1) Junk FREE or $10 Android crap phones running Android 1.x

  • Reply 212 of 276
    conradjoeconradjoe Posts: 1,887member
    Originally Posted by Toughbook View Post

    Apple's stock is down close to $2.00 today. Is there going to be an explanation explaining how this can't be happening?

    Any temporary downward price move is caused by horrid people who hate Apple and try to kill it via stock manipulation.
  • Reply 213 of 276
    gwydiongwydion Posts: 1,083member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    MacVicta askes "What exactly counts as an Android device? Does it include the Kindle Fire and Barnes & Noble Nook Color?"

    Do these count for the activations? What about forked versions of Android in China?

    Those are fair questions.

    Rubin said moths ago that they only count devices with Google services installed
  • Reply 214 of 276
    Another relevant real-world metric is App revenue.

    According to Distimo research, US iOS App Store revenue is 4 times more than all of Android's marketplaces.

    Quite a different reality than what Google is trying to spin.
  • Reply 215 of 276
    Originally Posted by Arasu View Post

    Which one of the two claimed to be sterile, so he could get out of paying child support for his out-of-wedlock daughter who was on welfare? Oh wait, that was Steve Jobs.

    the first example is business, this example is personal..

    two very different things..

    but, i'm sure you're a saint...
  • Reply 216 of 276
    Congratulations Android. you're the new NOKIA.

    all that useless market share and near-ZERO revenue.

    *slow clap*

  • Reply 217 of 276
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Sorry guys...

    It is not W / W

    It is W | W

    It represents the large "W" that Rubin had tattooed on each butt cheek...

    And, when Andy bends over...

    W O W

    OMG now I will have bad dreams because of you!!
  • Reply 218 of 276
    Originally Posted by FriedLobster View Post

    Congratulations Android. you're the new NOKIA.

    all that useless market share and near-ZERO revenue.

    *slow clap*

    Near zero revenue? Is that really honest?
  • Reply 219 of 276
    msanttimsantti Posts: 1,377member
    Originally Posted by LarryV View Post

    Actually Apple's % of all mobile profits last quarter dropped from 57% to 52% while Android's rose 12% to near 40%. After this 700K figure, I would not be surprised if Android is sucking up more % of mobile profits than Apple after the Q4 results. They are growing super fast while Apple has flat lined for almost a year now.

    They have to sell 3 times the devices to match Apples profit.
  • Reply 220 of 276
    cmvsmcmvsm Posts: 204member
    Originally Posted by slapppy View Post

    It's not ridiculous. It's exactly as it was with the Mac back in the eighties. More profit doesn't mean success. It means failure in the end. Apple ended up with 1% market share. Niche player. They barely survived. Then again Apple seems to be happy with 1-3% share.

    I'm certainly glad that you don't run my business. So by your definition, if I turn 1,000 units of something that makes me ten cents gross margin per unit, that's $100 profit right? If I sold 50 units of something that makes $10 gross margin per unit, that's $500 profit correct? As a business, I wonder which I would rather have? Higher turns with less profit, or less turns with higher profit. You are a nob from a business standpoint.

    According to Comscore, Apple currently scoops up 52% of all smartphone profits, leaving 48% for all other smartphone manufacturers to share. Google's profits from Android would have to by abysmal at best since it gives Android away.

    Anyone can give product away. Amazon and Google are proving that with Android and the Fire tablet. Turning a profit is what gets a shareholder excited or is what lynches a CEO. So the moral of the story is that activations mean squat without profitability somewhere in the mix.
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