Unfortunately, none of them seem to have turned on the link yet. The closest is Hot103 and Virgin which both say "Coming Soon".
Not giving up that easily, I searched for the Coldplay album in iTunes, and it's there for free, I'm downloading it now. So it looks like if you know the give-away, you can bypass everything. Here's the link to the album: http://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/itu...11/id478017658
Thx for the album link. I am in Montreal and can't find the app. Plz. Post next Free gift links on this thread
Pfff, none of today's items were available from the Belgian store. I just got error messages: this item is not available from the Belgian ITunes Store.
Sorry for believing Belgium was in Europe, Apple.
Is this a bug or is it intentional ? Whose legs are you pulling with this non-promotion?
In Canada, it's done through "Corporate Sponsors". Link with the list of sponsors is here: http://www.apple.com/ca/itunes/12days/
Unfortunately, none of them seem to have turned on the link yet. The closest is Hot103 and Virgin which both say "Coming Soon".
Not giving up that easily, I searched for the Coldplay album in iTunes, and it's there for free, I'm downloading it now. So it looks like if you know the give-away, you can bypass everything. Here's the link to the album: http://itunes.apple.com/ca/album/itu...11/id478017658
Thx for the album link. I am in Montreal and can't find the app. Plz. Post next Free gift links on this thread
I can't help but think that Apple really love Coldplay... A lot.
Don't be so sure. Lots of American's celebrate the 12 days ('Have a Festive Twelfth Night' is a common greeting in some areas).
Yes, but "The Twelve Days of Your Generic mid-WInter Holidays" doesn't have the same ring.
Really? Since when is separation of church and state relevant to Apple?
It was a joke, you incredibly intelligent person, you.
They'd probably get sued for violating "separation of Church and State."
nice try. But just like the First Amendment freedom of speech, separation of church and state doesn't apply to a private company.
Sorry for believing Belgium was in Europe, Apple.
Is this a bug or is it intentional ? Whose legs are you pulling with this non-promotion?
A somewhat deceitful action.
Today's present is a Kelly Clarkson single,
C'mon guys you can do better then THAT...
What do you expect for free???