Reacting to Apple at CES 2012, part two: Samsung's Galaxy Note



  • Reply 61 of 102
    Originally Posted by mausz View Post

    Is that the intended use ? I'm sure there are people doing this (like the ones where MS Paint is used with some very impressive results like

    It's for taking notes (hence the name) and drawing simple schematics and such

    Any graphics professional would not use it (as any professional photographer will not use the ipad/iphone camera or any of its apps, or any serious editor will not use the ipad for editing video) apart from some simple web-comics etc.

    That was just a quick initial post to get into the discussion. I would not buy that device -- but I like the possibilities it demonstrates.

    I was thinking more of capability for a larger form factor -- a future iPad to be more specific.

    As to your other points:

    If a future iPad offered wireless or wired capability equivalent to a Wacom tablet connected to a Mac -- why wouldn't a graphics professional, artist, or architect use it?

    If a Video/Sound editor could use a wireless or wired future iPad as an editing control surface -- why wouldn't they?

    There is an element of newness here, so I don't believe we should limit our thinking to what's available. today -- rather, what are the possibilities for the future.

    And, it may already be happening:

    Sony launch XMPilot an iPad app that lets you log shots as you shoot for direct ingest into Final Cut Pro bins


    FCPX on the iPad

    This, latter, shows FCP X running on a Mac and being controlled from an iPad -- certainly there are some warts, but some interesting advantages too...

  • Reply 62 of 102
    galbigalbi Posts: 968member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Is it just me or is a refrigerator that runs apps one of the stupidest ideas that this industry has ever come up with?


    Here is a scenario that they are pitching.

    1) App runs on refrigerator that keeps track of food contents and their respective expiration dates.

    2) Refrigerator connects to the cloud.

    3) While shopping at the grocery, you whip out your smart phone.

    Connect to the cloud and notice that you are running out of eggs and need to buy more milk because the carton in the refrigerator is about to expire in 2 days.

    4) Then you forgot what type of note you wrote on the refrigerator's LCD screen as a reminder.

    You log into the refrigerators' OS and find the memo note, a note that said you need to buy more chicken.

    5) You go to the appropriate aisles and buy chicken.

    Samsung seems to be ahead of its time with this type of technology.

    They have been a proponent of this connected "ubiquitous" era for years now.

    They were just waiting for the bandwidth and network connections to be mature to really push this to each of their VERY diverse sets of products.
  • Reply 63 of 102
    galbigalbi Posts: 968member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Has any video been posted showing an artist using this for high quality drawing or painting...

    CAD drawings would be interesting too.

    Kinda of like this? Near the end

    You can pinch and zoom the canvas to how ever detailed you want the drawing to be.

    Your imagination is the only limit.

    Samsung also released their own SDK so app developers can incorporate this into their apps and make even better drawing apps.
  • Reply 64 of 102
    galbigalbi Posts: 968member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    2) this is a nice addition, one that would be nice for larger tablets, but we're still dealign with a 5" device which I don't think is the best size for the unique buyers that need a tablet they can draw on.

    You are missing the point of this device then.

    Of course tablets would be the ideal canvas to draw on.

    However, they take up lots of space and are bulky.

    Samsung came in and said there should be a middle ground where you can get the benefits of a tablet with the convenience, portability and capability of a smart phone.

    The high resolution display shows lots of information in such a small screen.

    I dont know if you have ever used the Note before, but if you get a chance, please do.

    You'll see what I mean.
  • Reply 65 of 102
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by Galbi View Post

    You are missing the point of this device then.

    Of course tablets would be the ideal canvas to draw on.

    However, they take up lots of space and are bulky.

    Samsung came in and said there should be a middle ground where you can get the benefits of a tablet with the convenience, portability and capability of a smart phone.

    The high resolution display shows lots of information in such a small screen.

    I dont know if you have ever used the Note before, but if you get a chance, please do.

    You'll see what I mean.

    If this can outsell the iPad I'll admit this device is an ideal "middle ground" with the "benefits of a tablet with the convenience, portability and capability of a smart phone."
  • Reply 66 of 102
    Originally Posted by Galbi View Post


    Here is a scenario that they are pitching.

    1) App runs on refrigerator that keeps track of food contents and their respective expiration dates.

    2) Refrigerator connects to the cloud.

    3) While shopping at the grocery, you whip out your smart phone.

    Connect to the cloud and notice that you are running out of eggs and need to buy more milk because the carton in the refrigerator is about to expire in 2 days.

    4) Then you forgot what type of note you wrote on the refrigerator's LCD screen as a reminder.

    You log into the refrigerators' OS and find the memo note, a note that said you need to buy more chicken.

    5) You go to the appropriate aisles and buy chicken.

    Samsung seems to be ahead of its time with this type of technology.

    They have been a proponent of this connected "ubiquitous" era for years now.

    They were just waiting for the bandwidth and network connections to be mature to really push this to each of their VERY diverse sets of products.

    By "ubiquitous" are you referring to the KDDI or NTT Docomo "Knock! Knock! Ubiquitous" futuristic campaign a few years back (before the iPhone)

    They had some amazing ideas and videos posted on their web site -- things that, just now, are beginning to be implemented.

    Sigh... I can no longer find a link to these videos...
  • Reply 67 of 102
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    By "ubiquitous" are you referring to the KDDI or NTT Docomo "Knock! Knock! Ubiquitous" futuristic campaign a few years back (before the iPhone)

    They had some amazing ideas and videos posted on their web site -- things that, just now, are beginning to be implemented.

    Sigh... I can no longer find a link to these videos...

  • Reply 68 of 102
    Originally Posted by Galbi View Post

    Kinda of like this? Near the end

    You can pinch and zoom the canvas to how ever detailed you want the drawing to be.

    Your imagination is the only limit.

    Samsung also released their own SDK so app developers can incorporate this into their apps and make even better drawing apps.

    Yes, Exactly!

    For the demo, she appears to be drawing on a layer (or layers) over a background image. That's one good use -- another is creating an image from scratch with oil, water colors, charcoal, etc...

    But, I am sure this will come in future apps.

    This kind of capability needs to be on other form factors -- from an iPad to a big-assed tablet/table/drawing board.
  • Reply 69 of 102
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    That was a good one!

    It looks like a follow-on to the originals that were sometime in 2004, AIR.

    It's funny -- some of their ideas are real kludgey, and others are very futuristic.

    This video and the older ones both featured transparent devices... These are possible today, but nobody makes them.

    Thanks for the link.
  • Reply 70 of 102
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    That was a good one!

    It looks like a follow-on to the originals that were sometime in 2004, AIR.

    It's funny -- some of their ideas are real kludgey, and others are very futuristic.

    This video and the older ones both featured transparent devices... These are possible today, but nobody makes them.

    Thanks for the link.

    The video cameras in the hand and can are just wrong on so many levels. They look they are from the Jetsons.

    A lot of the other stuff look slick in a sci-fi movie way. Example, the transparent displays in Avatar and Minority Report. But these are ultimately bad for customers unless there is a reason they need to see through to the device. There are certainly wndowed applications for these. I can see planes having this at some point.

    Note that they refer to the 3D glasses as being a wearable "PC" yet you can't call the iPad a "PC" because it has a new UI for the primary I/O. I wonder how Win8 tablets will be regarded later this year.
  • Reply 71 of 102
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    Originally Posted by Galbi View Post

    Its not "Wacom-esque" it IS a Wacom digitzer with 256 level of sensitivity (pressures).

    Example video:

    Thanks for that video, but now my neck aches. I'm holding my head wrong.
  • Reply 72 of 102
    drdoppiodrdoppio Posts: 1,132member
    Originally Posted by Alfiejr View Post

    read that article carefully. it says "for upgradeable models." but it does not list which ones those are. that means, some do and some don't get the ICS upgrade. Samsung also allowed everyone to speculate that its original 2010 tablet - that 7" Gingerbread model that shipped 2 million and sold ? - would be upgraded to Honeycomb, but it never was.

    bottom line: Samsung buyers, beware.

    You read it carefully. The second sentence list the models: "The ICS-upgradable devices are the GALAXY S II, GALAXY S II LTE, GALAXY Note, GALAXY R, GALAXY Tab 10.1, GALAXY Tab 8.9, GALAXY Tab 7.7, and GALAXY Tab 7.0 Plus."

    It is against forum rules to tell you what I think about your intellect.

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Thanks for the laugh. And, for proving my point.

    Get back to us when you have actual sales numbers.

    Your point was:

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Really? How do you know? (Don't bother with some silly analyst/consulting firm/tech guru estimates).

    All you Android guys ever do is pull numbers out of your hat.

    I showed that the numbers come from an official press release, and not from an analyst estimate, and these numbers weren't made up as you had insinuated.

    For what it's worth, the actual meaning of the numbers (shipped vs. sold) was not contested in your original post, just the source of the information.

    I guess the modest success of an innovative albeit niche non-Apple device gets some peoples' panties in a bunch so they start making shit up and posting rubbish.
  • Reply 73 of 102
    galbigalbi Posts: 968member
    Originally Posted by Dick Applebaum View Post

    Yes, Exactly!

    For the demo, she appears to be drawing on a layer (or layers) over a background image. That's one good use -- another is creating an image from scratch with oil, water colors, charcoal, etc...

    But, I am sure this will come in future apps.

    This kind of capability needs to be on other form factors -- from an iPad to a big-assed tablet/table/drawing board.

    That would be an artists dream come true.

    But hopeful those new devices would also be affordable.

    BTW, the Note also has a "Zen" brush that mimics the brush stroke characteristics of those Asian bamboo brushes. It also has oil painting brushes. Pretty neat.
  • Reply 74 of 102
    Originally Posted by DrDoppio View Post

    I showed that the numbers come from an official press release, and not from an analyst estimate, and these numbers weren't made up as you had insinuated.

    For what it's worth, the actual meaning of the numbers (shipped vs. sold) was not contested in your original post, just the source of the information.

    'Shipped' versus 'sold' has been understood as completely separate numbers for the longest time on this Forum. Shipped numbers don't mean a darned thing. It is not an audited number, and is worthless.

    If you did not know that before, you do now for future reference.

    For what its worth, the actual post I was responding to was talking about 'sold' not 'shipped.' Read before you comment.

    Androiders like you reply with obfuscation, dissembling, and defensiveness to make a case for Android. I've said this many times before, and will say this again: I'd be very happy if Android is successful. It would just be nice if your folks would tell us the (verified) truth, that's all.

    Perhaps you can tell me: Why won't they post their actual sales numbers?
  • Reply 75 of 102
    drdoppiodrdoppio Posts: 1,132member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    'Shipped' versus 'sold' has been understood as completely separate numbers for the longest time on this Forum. Shipped numbers don't mean a darned thing. It is not an audited number, and is worthless.

    If you did not know that before, you do now for future reference.

    You should have said so, instead of implying that the source of the information was unreliable and insinuating that Android fans were making it up.


    For what its worth, the actual post I was responding to was talking about 'sold' not 'shipped.' Read before you comment.

    ... a couple of the sources I found also said "sold", which could have been the source of the inaccuracy in the post you replied to. Do follow your own advice.


    Androiders like you reply with obfuscation, dissembling, and defensiveness to make a case for Android. I've said this many times before, and will say this again: I'd be very happy if Android is successful. It would just be nice if your folks would tell us the (verified) truth, that's all.

    I do not appreciate being called names. I do like Android, but I prefer other (more obscure) mobile OSes. I believe I have been very clear in my posts in his thread, so any accusation about obfuscation is completely unwarranted.

    Allow me to strongly doubt your sincerity when you say you'd be very happy if Android is successful.


    Perhaps you can tell me: Why won't they post their actual sales numbers?

    Perhaps because they don't know them yet. They've shipped to distributors, and that's what they reported. Maybe the final sales numbers are far less than the shipped. But it is beyond doubt that this very odd and specialized device is attracting a lot of attention.
  • Reply 76 of 102
    Originally Posted by DrDoppio View Post

    Perhaps because they don't know them yet.

    Nonsense. And you probably know it.

    That just about sums up the nature of your obfuscation, dissembling, and defensiveness.

    Originally Posted by DrDoppio View Post

    ... this very odd and specialized device is attracting a lot of attention.

  • Reply 77 of 102
    addaboxaddabox Posts: 12,665member
    Originally Posted by DrDoppio View Post

    I guess the modest success of an innovative albeit niche non-Apple device gets some peoples' panties in a bunch so they start making shit up and posting rubbish.

    Actually it would appear that Samsung/Android fanboys are such desperately insecure losers that they make the fabled Apple fanboys of yore look like models of balance and rectitude.

    Look at the number of straight up gushing Samsung lickers that rush to a thread like this, on an Apple enthusiast site, to agitatedly remind us how awesome and innovative Samsung is, and how even their most pointlessly elaborated products are sure to revolutionize the industry. I mean, of course everyone wants to run their refrigerator like a small business utilizing state of the art inventory management! It's the future!

    We need to all remember the name of Samsung's CEO, so we can endlessly refer to your Lord and Master, how you take orders from Seoul, etc. That's how it works, right?

    I mean, at least Apple fans don't spend a lot of time embarrassing themselves by simultaneously waxing rhapsodic over iPhones and accusing everyone else of being fanboys, but apparently Samsung love is special that way.
  • Reply 78 of 102
    drdoppiodrdoppio Posts: 1,132member
    Originally Posted by addabox View Post

    Actually it would appear that Samsung/Android fanboys are such desperately insecure losers that they make the fabled Apple fanboys of yore look like models of balance and rectitude.

    Look at the number of straight up gushing Samsung lickers that rush to a thread like this, on an Apple enthusiast site, to agitatedly remind us how awesome and innovative Samsung is, and how even their most pointlessly elaborated products are sure to revolutionize the industry. I mean, of course everyone wants to run their refrigerator like a small business utilizing state of the art inventory management! It's the future!

    We need to all remember the name of Samsung's CEO, so we can endlessly refer to your Lord and Master, how you take orders from Seoul, etc. That's how it works, right?

    I mean, at least Apple fans don't spend a lot of time embarrassing themselves by simultaneously waxing rhapsodic over iPhones and accusing everyone else of being fanboys, but apparently Samsung love is special that way.

    Like I said, the modest success of an innovative albeit niche non-Apple device gets some peoples' panties in a bunch so they start making shit up and posting rubbish.
  • Reply 79 of 102
    Originally Posted by DrDoppio View Post

    Like I said, the modest success of an innovative albeit niche non-Apple device gets some peoples' panties in a bunch so they start making shit up and posting rubbish.

    Please go away. To some Samsung site (if there's one; I have no clue).
  • Reply 80 of 102
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    My Company just replaced all of their Sales, IT and Trading departments Blackberries with the Samsung Galaxy Note. I live in Switzerland we've had the Note since November. Anyway, it's a really fantastic phone, the screen, that screen .... aaaahhhh it's beautiful and the rez, AMAZING!!. I don't care what anyone say's long live the stylus, very usable utility for jotting down fast ideas, graphs, notes, Looney Tunes characters. Actually it kind of makes you lazy, all of my notes are now written instead of typed. Oh well, hey at least I've gotten good at drawing snoopy, Charles Schwarz be proud.

    Yes, it is a big phone but all of us wear those silly Bluetooth wireless devices so it makes it easier. Surfing on it is a dream, editing Word and Excel files is actually doable, the email client is fast with lots of features, very, very fast, camera is comparable to my iPhone 4s, minisd, thin and light enough for my pocket. So I get a tablet/phone that fits in my pocket for 200 less then a iPhone with 1280 x 800 resolution screen. I'm sorry guys but it's a steal at 550 bucks it's a no brainer for a company when you get so much functionality for a fraction of the cost of what the other guys are selling.

    Oh sorry I should tell you that here in Switzerland the Galaxy Note is 550 CHF retail where as the Apple iPhone is 750 chf. This is unlocked prices of course. Plus Swisscom/Orange/Sunrise, our providers here, offers deals in bulk purchases for companies for the Galaxy Note, Apple products no, because they don't deal, at least that is what the providers told us. Maybe it is different in the US I hope so for Apples sake if they want to even think about getting into the government sector.

    In fact Credit Suisse, UBS, Swiss government offices, Manor, Nestle and Julies Baar are also replacing there Blackberries with Galaxy Notes here. (It was in a news story last month). There really popular here for business people. It was the all those black outs last year that changed the minds of everyone to get rid of their Blackberries. A real shame to as I still like my RIM Bold, there is still no substitute over a real qwerty keyboard.

    Long story short, until you see this thing and get to touch it in person I wouldn't pass judgment so soon because if you think the iPhone is king, I have both of them and the Galaxy Note is .... well .... aaahhh .... it's just down right bitchen!

    All hail the stylus baby!
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