Apple jumps 9 spots to become 8th most valuable brand in the world



  • Reply 61 of 128
    pokepoke Posts: 506member
    Originally Posted by Ireland View Post

    That list is laughable.

    Note that they separate brand from functionality, etc. So if you sell sugar water, brand is a bigger deal than if you sell phones/computers.
  • Reply 62 of 128
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    You said you were anti-charity and not fond of poor people. People that are disabled have a higher likelihood of falling into the category because they are less likely to support themselves well and therefore rely on charity.

    Forget it, I'm putting you on ignore. I'm tired of reading your hateful, bigoted comments.

    Solip- The sad thing is, what you just typed made complete sense and debunked his previous point- but it won't matter and he won't see it because in his eyes he's the smartest guy in the room- what could you possibly teach him?

    Ignoring him doesn't matter- he derails a thread quicker than slappy. He says things to intentionally draw people offsides, start arguments, so that people comment on him. Duh- that's what sociopaths do. I had him ignored for a couple weeks but ended up taking him off because everyone quotes him and tells him how dumb he is, so you have to read through his crap anyway. Theres no avoiding it until the Mods finally have enough off topic, hateful, bigoted, political talk and just ban him permanently. I mean- why was he ever taken off the ban? Does he contribute a single thing?

    That, or the joke is on us, and its all a bit. In which case- he's a genius.
  • Reply 63 of 128
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Forget it, I'm putting you on ignore. I'm tired of reading your hateful, bigoted comments.

    And that is your prerogative.

    Unlike Andysol who lied about having me on ignore, I trust that you will keep your word at least.
  • Reply 64 of 128
    Originally Posted by poke View Post

    Note that they separate brand from functionality, etc. So if you sell sugar water, brand is a bigger deal than if you sell phones/computers.

    Maybe Coca-Cola should start making smartphones... get the best of both worlds.
  • Reply 65 of 128
    kerrybkerryb Posts: 270member
    Originally Posted by X38 View Post

    Silly noob, that would be like eating our seed corn. People aren't poor because other people aren't taxed enough. The actual solution is to reduce taxes and regulations on business sufficiently to make the USA a business friendly country once again so that there are jobs available for those willing to take them. You know, that whole liberty concept that the country was founded on. Anybody still poor where work is available is lazy and deserves to be poor.

    You do realize Apples used to actually be made in California for many years, not just headquartered there, right? If you care about poor people in the USA, then you would care about changing the tax and regulatory environment that forced Apple (and everyone else) to move so much of their business out of California and out of the country. OTOH, your ideas would only accelerate the destruction of what is left of the American economy and make everyone poor.

    Apple as with many super corporations did not move because of taxes, they are sitting on billions of $. They moved manufacturing jobs overseas as soon as 3rd world nations would let them in to set up shop. Just about everything is made overseas by low waged workers that have none of the benefits Western workers have fought for. Lower you costs and increase profits. Steve Jobs before he died met with President Obama and asked him to change corporate tax policies to make it easier (meaning cheaper) for US corporations to bring back huge amounts of income gained from overseas markets back into the US without having to pay the same rate as profits made within the USA. If the average American understood how little the rich actually pay towards taxes there would be riots in the streets. Raise corporate taxes will not force companies like Apple to flee to even bigger tax havens than what we have here.

    As for all of you that think the that being un-employed is always the fault of the un-employed I say, count yourself lucky that you have a job because the day you lose it someone will be telling you how lazy you are and it is all your fault, enjoy your time at the soup kitchen.
  • Reply 66 of 128
    blitz1blitz1 Posts: 448member
    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    That's oversimplifying it. There are plenty of exceptions on both ends of the spectrum and personal responsibility shouldn't be discounted.

    And if you believe in God and the devil- the devil will absolutely use your weaknesses against you. (no need to respond if you do or not- just saying IF).

    Please note- I don't agree with Apple ][ at all- I think he's an ignorant Egotistical sociopath too. Yes- I know the definition of ignorant- and it can include someone who- key word- THINKS- they know everything but don't.

    This is why I made the distinction between the chances of success as opposed to actually succeeding. Indeed there are many, many exceptions.

    It's just that the odds are against you when born in the wrong place, or with you when born in the right place.
  • Reply 67 of 128
    radarradar Posts: 271member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    You're correct that I'm honest, however you are quite wrong in your other assumptions about me. I may be many things, but ignorant is not a valid term that may be applied to a person such as myself who is extremely informed, well read, decently educated, a world traveller and more intelligent than the majority of people on this planet. You might want to look up the definition of ignorance in a dictionary sometime. I have my views and I make no apologies for them.

    Well 'education' doesn't guarantee that one doesn't suffer from a lack of basic knowledge or have correct information; it never has. Matter of fact many of the stupidest people I've met have had plenty of 'decent education'. Also, well-tavelled means dick all in terms of understanding of issues like poverty (Dubya and Kissinger went plenty of places yet remained blissfully ignorant all of their lives). Lastly, clever don't mean wise. In other words, your being "extremely well-informed" isn't impressing me much at all there, Rhodes.

    Listen up folks, not only do "poor people deserve" to live in absolute poverty, die from preventable diseases and such, but now "Apple ] [" claims he's "more intelligent than the majority of people on this planet". Jesus H., the ego on this guy is truly laughable. Here's a free tip for ya fella, the smartest people I ever met never felt so insecure that they had to blab it to the world, so perhaps the inverse is also true?
  • Reply 68 of 128
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    Originally Posted by island hermit View Post

    Maybe Coca-Cola should start making smartphones... get the best of both worlds.

    Could you imagine?
  • Reply 69 of 128
    blitz1blitz1 Posts: 448member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Of course somebody born with a silver spoon in their mouth will have an easier time at getting ahead, but that doesn't mean that somebody else doesn't have that same chance, if they choose to pursue it.

    Surely, if you have the intelligence you claim, you'd see the contradiction in this very claim.

    But then again, if you were intelligent, you'd never have written such a contradiction
  • Reply 70 of 128
    Re: Apple II

    You're good for a laugh. Irony, satire, conviction, closely held beliefs, whatever...You take a stand and do not waiver.

    I don't agree with you, but I have my opinions and you have yours. You rarely fail to increase my blood pressure.
  • Reply 71 of 128
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    You're correct that I'm honest, however you are quite wrong in your other assumptions about me. I may be many things, but ignorant is not a valid term that may be applied to a person such as myself who is extremely informed, well read, decently educated, a world traveller and more intelligent than the majority of people on this planet. You might want to look up the definition of ignorance in a dictionary sometime. I have my views and I make no apologies for them.

    Originally Posted by Radar View Post

    Well 'education' doesn't guarantee that one doesn't suffer from a lack of basic knowledge or have correct information; it never has. Matter of fact many of the stupidest people I've met have had plenty of 'decent education'. Also, well-tavelled means dick all in terms of understanding of issues like poverty (Dubya and Kissinger went plenty of places yet remained blissfully ignorant all of their lives). Lastly, clever don't mean wise. In other words, your being "extremely well-informed" isn't impressing me much at all there, Rhodes.

    Listen up folks, not only do "poor people deserve" to live in absolute poverty, die from preventable diseases and such, but now "Apple ] [" claims he's "more intelligent than the majority of people on this planet". Jesus H., the ego on this guy is truly laughable. Here's a free tip for ya fella, the smartest people I ever met never felt so insecure that they had to blab it to the world, so perhaps the inverse is also true?

    Socrates is a pretty wise guy.... he said:

    I never think that I know something that I do not know.

    "At any rate it seems that I am wiser than he is to this small extent, that I do not think that I know what I do not know." [Apology 21d]

    Socrates indicates that he knew when others were ignorant, but merely thought they were knowledgable. He simply never made the mistakes of either (1) overestimating his limited knowledge, or (2) underestimating his actual knowledge. That made him a lifelong learner and wiser than those who thought they knew what they did not know.

    When you think you know something that you do not know, you rest content in your ignorance --- learning stops. And it is much harder to teach a person when he thinks he knows what he does not know than to teach a person who realizes his ignorance in a subject.

    Socrates was a great teacher of people who realized their own ignorance. But it was impossible for him to teach anyone who was ignorant but falsely believed himself to be knowledgeable.

    Who does that apply to? Hmm....
  • Reply 72 of 128
    radarradar Posts: 271member
    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    Socrates is a pretty wise guy.... he said:

    I never think that I know something that I do not know.

    "At any rate it seems that I am wiser than he is to this small extent, that I do not think that I know what I do not know." [Apology 21d]

    Socrates indicates that he knew when others were ignorant, but merely thought they were knowledgable. He simply never made the mistakes of either (1) overestimating his limited knowledge, or (2) underestimating his actual knowledge. That made him a lifelong learner and wiser than those who thought they knew what they did not know.

    When you think you know something that you do not know, you rest content in your ignorance --- learning stops. And it is much harder to teach a person when he thinks he knows what he does not know than to teach a person who realizes his ignorance in a subject.

    Socrates was a great teacher of people who realized their own ignorance. But it was impossible for him to teach anyone who was ignorant but falsely believed himself to be knowledgeable.

    Who does that apply to? Hmm....

    I think a more apt question is what does your mini-lecture on a long dead blowhard have to do with your supposed all-encompassing expertise of issues like world poverty?
  • Reply 73 of 128
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Of course somebody born with a silver spoon in their mouth will have an easier time at getting ahead, but that doesn't mean that somebody else doesn't have that same chance, if they choose to pursue it.

    Actually, there's now spades of empirical evidence that income mobility -- or lack of it -- has become a serious problem in the US. We are perhaps the worst now, on that score, among OECD countries.

    2012 is not 1962 or 1982 in the US. I am not suggesting that there's lack of laziness, but don't kid yourself.
  • Reply 74 of 128
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    Originally Posted by Radar View Post

    I think a more apt question is what does your mini-lecture on a long dead blowhard have to do with your supposed all-encompassing expertise of issues like world poverty?

    Merely pointing out Apple ][ is the ignorant person that Socrates describes cannot be taught because he believes he knows all and thus refuses to learn anymore. And showing the hypocrisy in Apple ][ saying he can't be called ignorant, but also standing firm that he has his views and he can't be changed in his views- thereby defining ignorant to the T.

    I was also agreeing with what you said about the smartest people you know were humble on the subject.

    Calm down little buddy....
  • Reply 75 of 128
    flaneurflaneur Posts: 4,526member
    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    That, or the joke is on us, and its all a bit. In which case- he's a genius.

    It's all an act, I guess you mean. Maybe, but that wouldn't make him a genius, just cunning. ConradJoe, toward the end when he was going down in flames, said Apple][ was a paid shill, hired to pollute the forum, pretending to be both an Apple fan AND an ignorant bigot who thinks he's educated and intelligent. It's quite an act, but can one believe ConradJoe on this? And who would be his paymasters?
  • Reply 76 of 128

    So basically, it's financial performance and two more, equally weighted, but entirely subjective measures.
  • Reply 77 of 128
    radarradar Posts: 271member
    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    Merely pointing out Apple ][ is the ignorant person that Socrates describes cannot be taught because he believes he knows all and thus refuses to learn anymore. And showing the hypocrisy in Apple ][ saying he can't be called ignorant, but also standing firm that he has his views and he can't be changed in his views- thereby defining ignorant to the T.

    I was also agreeing with what you said about the smartest people you know were humble on the subject.

    Calm down little buddy....

    My mistake, I misread the post and poster.
  • Reply 78 of 128
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by Radar View Post

    I think a more apt question is what does your mini-lecture on a long dead blowhard have to do with your supposed all-encompassing expertise of issues like world poverty?

    His mini lecture has to do with me. If you're aware of his posting history, then you'd know that a great many of his posts are merely comments about me. I've said it before, but the dude has a huge hard on for me.

    I wouldn't be surprised if a greater percentage of his posts were more about me specifically than about anything Apple related. In the dictionary, this behavior is called stalking.
  • Reply 79 of 128
    radarradar Posts: 271member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Of course somebody born with a silver spoon in their mouth will have an easier time at getting ahead, but that doesn't mean that somebody else doesn't have that same chance, if they choose to pursue it.

    You fail to grasp the reality of the big picture, which is founded on one of the biggest myths ever devoured by man. Suppose that in America we can all make it, a-la Horatio Alger style (a myth you seem to subscribe to); who's gonna be left to shine my shoes and mine my coal?
  • Reply 80 of 128
    radarradar Posts: 271member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    His mini lecture has to do with me. If you're aware of his posting history, then you'd know that a great many of his posts are merely comments about me. I've said it before, but the dude has a huge hard on for me.

    I wouldn't be surprised if a greater percentage of his posts were more about me specifically than about anything Apple related. In the dictionary, this behavior is called stalking.

    But you seem like the type who likes any attention he can get, so enjoy!
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