Apple jumps 9 spots to become 8th most valuable brand in the world



  • Reply 81 of 128
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by Flaneur View Post

    It's all an act, I guess you mean. Maybe, but that wouldn't make him a genius, just cunning. ConradJoe, toward the end when he was going down in flames, said Apple][ was a paid shill, hired to pollute the forum, pretending to be both an Apple fan AND an ignorant bigot who thinks he's educated and intelligent. It's quite an act, but can one believe ConradJoe on this? And who would be his paymasters?

    Yes, that makes sense.

    A huge Android fan on an Apple forum accusing an Apple fan (me) of being a paid shill.
  • Reply 82 of 128
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    Then why do people continue to risk their lives to make it to the U.S.A? Why aren't U.S. citizens fleeing to these other superior countries? Where's the mass emigration to greener pastures?

    Please stay in the US or wherever your home is and make it right. Don't run away to my country (Canada) thinking all your problems will go away. We welcome working citizens who can pay into our social support system and pay for my pension plan when I retire. Unless you're willing to pay lots of tax and work at an exceptional job, then we don't want you.
  • Reply 83 of 128
    Originally Posted by Radar View Post

    ?who's gonna be left to shine my shoes and mine my coal?

    I'm not actually getting into this argument, but I'd like to make the point here that any job that does not require sentient, creative thought can and will eventually be done by a robot or a less intelligent machine.
  • Reply 84 of 128
    andysolandysol Posts: 2,506member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    His mini lecture has to do with me. If you're aware of his posting history, then you'd know that a great many of his posts are merely comments about me. I've said it before, but the dude has a huge hard on for me.

    I wouldn't be surprised if a greater percentage of his posts were more about me specifically than about anything Apple related. In the dictionary, this behavior is called stalking.

    100% of my posts had nothing to do with you when you were banned- those were the days.....
  • Reply 85 of 128
    radarradar Posts: 271member
    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post

    I'm not actually getting into this argument, but I'd like to make the point here that any job that does not require sentient, creative thought can and will eventually be done by a robot or a less intelligent machine.

    I hope you realize I was merely pointing out the absurdity of a system that proclaims that anyone and everyone in America who TRIES CAN and WILL become one of the chosen. (And yes, you may eventually be proven be right, as long as the manufacture and upkeep of said machines remain lower than that of human wages; pathetic but likely.)
  • Reply 86 of 128
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by Radar View Post

    You fail to grasp the reality of the big picture, which is founded on one of the biggest myths ever devoured by man. Suppose that in America we can all make it, a-la Horatio Alger style (a myth you seem to subscribe to); who's gonna be left to shine my shoes and mine my coal?

    I think that we have different pictures, and I prefer my picture.

    We may all be able to make it, but don't worry, there will always be somebody around to shine your shoes, because we're not all equal in terms of skill, ability and talent.

    It would be a pretty boring place if everybody had the same exact wage, and we all lived in the same sort of house and we all wore grey clothes, so that nobody stood out from the crowd. Everybody may have the opportunity to make it, but not everybody will succeed, and that's a good thing.
  • Reply 87 of 128
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by Andysol View Post

    100% of my posts had nothing to do with you when you were banned- those were the days.....

    I've never been banned, you genius.

    And your post count would take a heavy hit, if all of your posts that have to do with me specifically were erased. Your total post count would probably drop 15-20%.
  • Reply 88 of 128
    Originally Posted by Radar View Post

    I think a more apt question is what does your mini-lecture on a long dead blowhard ...

    The very fact that you are calling Socrates a "long dead blowhard" highlights you as a deeply ignorant and uneducated individual.

    In a debate, this is the equivalent of standing up and saying, "I have no idea what I'm talking about, but listen to me ..."
  • Reply 89 of 128
    Originally Posted by lkrupp View Post

    Then why do people continue to risk their lives to make it to the U.S.A? Why aren't U.S. citizens fleeing to these other superior countries? Where's the mass emigration to greener pastures?

    This could be explained by money alone. There is no reason to suspect they are coming to the USA for greater freedom or any of that other BS ideology the US pushes.

    It's just the place to make money.
  • Reply 90 of 128
    Originally Posted by Radar View Post

    ... You ignoramus. Americans like you who don't fight for workers rights at home are why our big companies (Apple guilty here too) are allowed to farm out our jobs to nations even less respect for for the rights of the working man. ...

    This is laughable.

    I'm a left-wing socialist by American standards, but this argument turns the truth on it's head. Outsourcing is clearly the direct result of those "fighting for workers rights" in the USA today. It's the very fact that the union workers need more money and benefits that causes the outsourcing.

    It's true that if it wasn't for the bankers and executives raping the companies left right and centre, that those rights *could* be easily affordable, but in fact the fight for the wages and "rights" of the American workers is directly responsible (all other things being equal) for the outsourcing situation.
  • Reply 91 of 128
    radarradar Posts: 271member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    I think that we have different pictures, and I prefer my picture.

    We may all be able to make it, but don't worry, there will always be somebody around to shine your shoes, because we're not all equal in terms of skill, ability and talent.

    It would be a pretty boring place if everybody had the same exact wage, and we all lived in the same sort of house and we all wore grey clothes, so that nobody stood out from the crowd. Everybody may have the opportunity to make it, but not everybody will succeed, and that's a good thing.

    Hold on. You believe that we can all make it (i.e. get filthy stinking rich) in America, yet some of those who make it will still want to shine my shoes for 50 cents? For someone "more intelligent than most of the people on this planet", you have some pretty faulty logic and math that doesn't quite add up.

    So...just for the record....if having the same wage (your words, not mine) is "boring", are you lining up to take the minimum wage or the slave labor wage? And if tomorrow you lost your job and stock options or vast inheritance from Daddy or whatever makes you "not poor" and the only job you could get was flipping burgers for the rest of your days, that would be a good thing, right? Or does that only apply when it's anyone but your "well-educated" self?

    Uh-huh, grinding poverty is so exciting, especially when it means you can get your rocks off lording it over those with so much less than you.
  • Reply 92 of 128
    radarradar Posts: 271member
    Originally Posted by Prof. Peabody View Post

    This is laughable.

    I'm a left-wing socialist by American standards, but this argument turns the truth on it's head. Outsourcing is clearly the direct result of those "fighting for workers rights" in the USA today. It's the very fact that the union workers need more money and benefits that causes the outsourcing.

    It's true that if it wasn't for the bankers and executives raping the companies left right and centre, that those rights *could* be easily affordable, but in fact the fight for the wages and "rights" of the American workers is directly responsible (all other things being equal) for the outsourcing situation.

    Left-wing by American standards ... what does that mean? And when did "American socialists" start condemning things like workers' pension plans, medical coverage and basic workplace safety standards and work hours in favor of outsourcing the jobs to places like China where unions are basically illegal and American corporations can say to hell with American workers? And when did they stop letting off the hook corporations that allow workers rights and profiteering to intersect at the lowest common denominator as long as stockholders get paid? You sure don't sound like any "American socialist" or ex-Ford worker that I know. American companies that close down plants at home to outsource overseas should be required to pay taxes to cover the amount of lost income to their American employees. That would be the patriotic thing, and the right thing to do. Or are our corporations now Chinese and not beholden to Americans in any way?
  • Reply 93 of 128
    Hmmmm... brands... what about brands... anybody??
  • Reply 94 of 128
    IBM? Ok.
  • Reply 95 of 128
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by Radar View Post

    Hold on. You believe that we can all make it (i.e. get filthy stinking rich) in America, yet some of those who make it will still want to shine my shoes for 50 cents? For someone "more intelligent than most of the people on this planet", you have some pretty faulty logic and math that doesn't quite add up.

    So...just for the record....if having the same wage (your words, not mine) is "boring", are you lining up to take the minimum wage or the slave labor wage? And if tomorrow you lost your job and stock options or vast inheritance from Daddy or whatever makes you "not poor" and the only job you could get was flipping burgers for the rest of your days, that would be a good thing, right? Or does that only apply when it's anyone but your "well-educated" self?

    Uh-huh, grinding poverty is so exciting, especially when it means you can get your rocks off lording it over those with so much less than you.

    It's like a sports game, there will be winners and losers. We all can't be winners. The guy who has a good idea and works hard to start their own business which ultimately succeeds in the marketplace will be rewarded more than the other guy who has no idea and no balls or plans of their own.

    I remember reading about how some schools or sports teams are awarding medals to everybody! That is un-American, and the worst idea I have ever heard of. Those kids being brought up like that will be facing some difficulties later on in life. Not everybody deserves a medal and not everybody deserves to win.
  • Reply 96 of 128
    radarradar Posts: 271member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    It's like a sports game, there will be winners and losers. We all can't be winners. The guy who has a good idea and works hard to start their own business which ultimately succeeds in the marketplace will be rewarded more than the other guy who has no idea and no balls or plans of their own.

    So...exactly how do all the hundreds of millions of children born into absolute poverty (the ones who actually survive third world infant mortality rates, that is) take their 'game-winning' business strategies to their corporate backers and then proceed to conquer the marketplace? You're the ideas man (intact balls clearly in question). Tell us.

    If the "American" system you so admire isn't up to the task of providing for all, then it was clearly never much of a system to begin with. And if the state of economies and human existence and well-being is all just a game of winners and losers as you assert, then I guess the healthy economies of Norway, Canada and other countries are making the Good Ol' US of A look like a bunch of fat bloated losers who deserve it. That's too bad, I had always hoped we could aspire to so much more than that.
  • Reply 97 of 128
    quinneyquinney Posts: 2,528member
    Originally Posted by Radar View Post

    Left-wing by American standards ... what does that mean?

    Anybody who would rather pet a puppy than eat it.
  • Reply 98 of 128
    If Disney and HP were 9 and 10 respectfully last time, who was #8?? Is the chart wrong? Shouldn't it show Disney as #8 and HP as #9 previously or did another company loose a lot of brand value last year?
  • Reply 99 of 128
    x38x38 Posts: 97member
    Originally Posted by Radar View Post

    Yeah, all those out of work Ford assembly line workers DESERVE to be poor and work in a minimum wage place like Wal-Mart because ya know, they're just plain LAZY.

    You ignoramus. Americans like you who don't fight for workers rights at home are why our big companies (Apple guilty here too) are allowed to farm out our jobs to nations even less respect for for the rights of the working man. The Chinese are laughing all the way to the bank as our trade deficit with them widens. Happy?

    Try reading before replying and you might no look a fool. I said IF jobs are available. The whole point is to end the government polices driving business away. Your prescription for more government control will just accelerate the job losses.
  • Reply 100 of 128
    radarradar Posts: 271member
    Originally Posted by quinney View Post

    Anybody who would rather pet a puppy than eat it.

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