Samsung Galaxy Note Super Bowl ad takes more jabs at Apple users



  • Reply 301 of 349
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by DrDoppio View Post

    It does not confuse me, it disgusts me.

    Being social disgusts you?

    Again, I suggest the problem is with you....
  • Reply 302 of 349
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,759member
    Originally Posted by rkevwill View Post

    That said, whats wrong with a stylus?

    You can loose the damn things? Funny, I found one from my old Windows Phone when I was cleaning out my car this weekend....
  • Reply 303 of 349
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by hjb View Post

    Again I think, Apple should bring Iphone 5 earlier.

    With every new product there is talk that Apple needs to counter it sooner rather than later yet we've seen Apple maintain a yearly upgrade cycle with the last one being 1.25 years yet they still dominate the sale per model, revenue and profits from the market segment. Apparently reacting to every newfangled gadget is not the answer.

    As fuwafuwa notes, the Dell Streak was 5" and it didn't fare so well. In all fairness comparing a Dell product to Samsung is laughable, but I think the size is an issue for phone usage. Now Samsung has added the digitiser and created APIs for devs but is that enough to make the product so important to buyers that Apple would need to bring the 6th generation iPhone out earlier? I don't think so.
  • Reply 304 of 349
    hjbhjb Posts: 278member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    With every new product there is talk that Apple needs to counter it sooner rather than later yet we've seen Apple maintain a yearly upgrade cycle with the last one being 1.25 years yet they still dominate the sale per model, revenue and profits from the market segment. Apparently reacting to every newfangled gadget is not the answer.

    As fuwafuwa notes, the Dell Streak was 5" and it didn't fare so well. In all fairness comparing a Dell product to Samsung is laughable, but I think the size is an issue for phone usage. Now Samsung has added the digitiser and created APIs for devs but is that enough to make the product so important to buyers that Apple would need to bring the 6th generation iPhone out earlier? I don't think so.

    Good points! I appreciate your comment.
  • Reply 305 of 349
    Originally Posted by fuwafuwa View Post

    Big size will make a good door stop because it's less smart

    Isn't it a phone? Why the ads didn't show phone functionality? Because it's as ugly as Dell Streak when you use it as a phone. That's why most Samsung ads always picture fantasy, while Apple ads picture real life experience.

    eh? Are you asking why nobody is holding it to their head in this commercial? You know, it comes with a headset (and support for bluetooth devices) and I'm guessing there must be a reason why. Hmm..

    Yeah, I agree - I think it's a terrible idea to buy $200-$600 phones just based on their picture fantasy. You know what's really crazy though?- I'm told that there are crazy folks out there willing to wait days in line for a product without full pics or spec. That's just insane!!
  • Reply 306 of 349
    Originally Posted by greg30127 View Post

    The strange reaction to this phone is really odd.

    Just because you don't need a stylus on a phone, doesn't mean there's no one out there who wouldn't like to have one, and it doesn't mean it's a stupid device to make available in a lineup. I personally know several people who use iPhones who almost never actually make voice calls on them, but instead simply use them for texting and apps... should I go up to them and say, "It's a PHONE!" (?).

    I don't have a specific need for the Samsung Note. I won't be buying one. But I'm not going to trash it just because I don't need it. Others will want one or even need the specific features it has to offer. More power to them. Variety is good.

    Hehe.. I guess I'm one of those people - I make fewer than 5 calls / month on average using it mainly for messaging/email/apps.
  • Reply 307 of 349
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by pedromartins View Post

    that ad wasn't direct at anyone that loves and admires their apple products.

    it was direct at apple haters and android lovers (the same group, people like you), so they can live in the illusion that we (the ones that freely CHOOSED apple) are some sort of inferior beings.

    it's a pity actually... one must be really dumb to believe that we are not free and we are have no knowledge. well, they even come at apple sites (people like you), trying to bash apple, always defending those companies that compete with apple.

    truth is, it's everything about apple now. google and microsoft don't matter, samsung does not matter, the same with nokia, etc..

    it's all about apple. either you love their products or you hate them. they rule the tech industry. people like you just prove my point.

    Whatever it is, it is good long-due response (in my eyes) to "I'm a Mac" adds which were directed at Apple lovers and Windows haters (the same group, people like you), so they can live in the illusion that we (the ones that freely CHOSEN Windows) are some sort of inferior beings.

    See how well it works in both directions? I'm only surprised Microsoft hasn't done the same ages back.

    Regarding rest of your statement, it is pretty much pure fanboysm. Unless you are heavily misinformed and mixing gadget world for tech world. In tech world where I make my living, Microsoft is still the only name that matters.

    But whatever spins your wheels and makes your day...
  • Reply 308 of 349
    Originally Posted by tooltalk View Post

    eh? Are you asking why nobody is holding it to their head in this commercial? You know, it comes with a headset (and support for bluetooth devices) and I'm guessing there must be a reason why. Hmm..

    Hmm, ok, you need to bring headset everywhere, just like a home telephone with handset. Even with bluetooth, I feel it is annoying.


    Yeah, I agree - I think it's a terrible idea to buy $200-$600 phones just based on their picture fantasy. You know what's really crazy though?-

    Wow wow wow, what a typical ( know what..) that must compare specs, and can switch easily just because of 100Mhz speed difference .


    I'm told that there are crazy folks out there willing to wait days in line for a product without full pics or spec. That's just insane!!

    No they aren't. That because they know what is valuable. That's why Samsung need to create fantasy ads for unknown product.
  • Reply 309 of 349
    Who cares?
  • Reply 310 of 349
    Originally Posted by Mechanic View Post

    Who cares?

    It's definitely that time in the thread...
  • Reply 311 of 349
    Also I didnt wait in line lol. I made an appointment with a local apple store and walked in at the appointed time and picked up my phone lol. Anyone who waits in line anymore has more time on there hands than me lol. I would never stand in line for hours.
  • Reply 312 of 349
    hirohiro Posts: 2,663member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Whatever it is, it is good long-due response (in my eyes) to "I'm a Mac" adds which were directed at Apple lovers and Windows haters (the same group, people like you), so they can live in the illusion that we (the ones that freely CHOSEN Windows) are some sort of inferior beings.

    See how well it works in both directions? I'm only surprised Microsoft hasn't done the same ages back.

    Regarding rest of your statement, it is pretty much pure fanboysm. Unless you are heavily misinformed and mixing gadget world for tech world. In tech world where I make my living, Microsoft is still the only name that matters.

    But whatever spins your wheels and makes your day...

    Your metaphor comparison is broken. The "I'm a Mac" didn't make fun of the customers. It made fun of the device. Big difference when you are trying to build a user base, because every potential user can see that Samsung is willing to call some of the potential customers dumb.

    Now ask yourself how well that worked out for Moto last year at the Super Bowl ad table when they tried to skewer Apple users as drones in the Xoom ad?

    Making fun of the device - fair game. Make fun of potential customers - EPIC FAIL.
  • Reply 313 of 349
    hirohiro Posts: 2,663member
    Originally Posted by rkevwill View Post

    Being a long time (since 85 or so) mac user, past BB and current iphone user (and yes, old palm user), I never personally got the anti keyboard, and anti stylus movement. I far preferred, and still prefer, the physical keyboard on the blackberry, to the soft keyboard on the iPhone. I also FAR prefer the os and usability of the iPhone! I just wish I had the option of a physical keyboard.

    That said, whats wrong with a stylus? Its far more accurate than a finger, and is better at drawing and notation on pictures etc. Anyone heard of Wacom? Tell those users a stylus is no good!

    How many replacement stylii did you buy for that Palm. I remember going through at least a dozen and until I got back to my spares I was carrying a near-brick.

    I have never been able to fathom how any of my buddies could function on the BB. I used to watch in astonishment at all the effort they spent playing with the Pearl furiously to essentially get nothing done. Now they all have iPhones, one via a Droid interlude.


    I see no use for one on an iPhone, but I could sure see a use for it for many folks on an iPad. I guess thats why I always keep a Moleskine in my briefcase.

    There are 3rd party stylii for the iPad, some people like them some people don't. Why would I want to pay for one and the related engineering if I don't want to carry it?

    As for the Wacom tablets, I have a Cintique 12 sitting just to my left. The stylus is wonderful for artwork and drafting, worthless for marking up or writing more than a huge word or two on a PDF. And since it doesn't go anyplace, I only lose the stylus underneath the Cintique when it falls out of the puck -- not really lost, is it. I'm not ever worried about having to go cushion diving on the couch to find it like I was in the Palm days.
  • Reply 314 of 349
    nikon133nikon133 Posts: 2,600member
    Originally Posted by Hiro View Post

    Your metaphor comparison is broken. The "I'm a Mac" didn't make fun of the customers. It made fun of the device. Big difference when you are trying to build a user base, because every potential user can see that Samsung is willing to call some of the potential customers dumb.

    Now ask yourself how well that worked out for Moto last year at the Super Bowl ad table when they tried to skewer Apple users as drones in the Xoom ad?

    Making fun of the device - fair game. Make fun of potential customers - EPIC FAIL.

    Do you really believe that? Because most people I know don't. True Mac and PC guys were embodiments of respective computers, but like in La Fontaine fables, meaning was much deeper.

    Even Microsoft tried to counter "PC users are dull and boring bureaucrats type" with "I'm a PC" adds presenting people from various professional and social circles, claiming to be a PC users. Where and why do you think that came from?
  • Reply 315 of 349
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by nikon133 View Post

    Do you really believe that? Because most people I know don't. True Mac and PC guys were embodiments of respective computers, but like in La Fontaine fables, meaning was much deeper.

    Even Microsoft tried to counter "PC users are dull and boring bureaucrats type" with "I'm a PC" adds presenting people from various professional and social circles, claiming to be a PC users. Where and why do you think that came from?

    Your example has no baring on the facts. Regardless of MS reacted Apple's Get A Mac campaign personified PC HW, they did not represent the user.

    You can watch Apple's failed Lemmings ad to see how attacking the customer doesn't work.
  • Reply 316 of 349
    drdoppiodrdoppio Posts: 1,132member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    It disgusts you that humans line up? Are you equally disgusted lining up at th grocery checkout, to get on an airplane, or that planes line up on a runway so they all don't land or take off at the same time? How else do you except companies with a finite number of supply sold by a finite number of associates in a finite space? Sure, I can see the beneot of time and space not existing but they do and until otherwise discovered we are tied to them.

    Originally Posted by DocNo42 View Post

    Being social disgusts you?

    Again, I suggest the problem is with you....

    Both of you purposely misinterpret my words to suggest that there is something wrong with my attitude, when it is in fact you who should think whether you have adequate reading comprehension skills. It is especially puzzling why you would misinterpret my posts, when the ad we are discussing essentially says the same thing that I did: "Feels like detention". I never said that being social disgust me in itself, or that everyday activities such as queuing disgust me. In the context, I meant that considering everyday humdrum a "fun and social event" is disgusting. What kind of lowlife finds pleasure in being crammed together with a random crowd in a confined space for extended period of time? My idea of spending quality time with people is quite different, thank you very much.

    ^^^^ "Fun and social event" according to DocNo42 ^^^
  • Reply 317 of 349
    Originally Posted by Chris_CA View Post

    Why? As others have noted (no pun intended) this ad (and the other Samsung ads) are not mocking Apple Inc. nor its products. They are mocking iPhone users.

    Why not!!! It will be amusing for one... They might be mocking iPhone users but iPhone user use iPhone so they are mocking iPhone indirectly saying that it is not worth waiting in line for.. anyways it is just my interpretation.. I don't want to start a slug fest on that
  • Reply 318 of 349
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by DrDoppio View Post

    What kind of lowlife finds pleasure in being crammed together with a random crowd in a confined space for extended period of time? My idea of spending quality time with people is quite different, thank you very much.

    So everyone that visits an amusement is a lowlife. Quality time spent with you must be awesome¡

    No one likes lines but if it's a between waiting a short time for something immediate or waiting weeks or months for something you could have now it's not to hard to stick it out.

    It's ridiculous that you think all those parents who take their children to Disney World or some other theme park are pathetic lowlifes for doing something for their children. Unbelievable!

    ^^^^ Pathetic lowlifes" according to DrDoppio ^^^
  • Reply 319 of 349
    drdoppiodrdoppio Posts: 1,132member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    So everyone that visits an amusement is a lowlife. Quality time spent with you must be awesome¡

    No one likes lines but if it's a between waiting a short time for something immediate or waiting weeks or months for something you could have now it's not to hard to stick it out.

    It's ridiculous that you think all those parents who take their children to Disney World or some other theme park are pathetic lowlifes for doing something for their children. Unbelievable!

    Don't be daft, of course I make small sacrifices in order to enjoy myself later. I clearly said that considering the waiting in line itself as the fun event disturbing. I know it's easier to endure if you fool yourself that it is actually fun, however I was never too keen on this type of self-deception (perhaps one more reason why my opinions are at odds with those of many posters here).
  • Reply 320 of 349
    solipsismxsolipsismx Posts: 19,566member
    Originally Posted by DrDoppio View Post

    I know it's easier to endure if you fool yourself that it is actually fun, however.

    Or you could be a human and try to make it enjoyable. It's not like people are being forced into these lines. It's fine if you have an irrational fear of lines or crowds of people, but don't deceive yourself that not getting something you want is better than getting with a small sacrifice of being around other people. I don't particularly enjoy lines of any sort but when it comes to getting new gadgets I'd prefer to get it right away instead of just reading about it. I get enjoyment from having new kit now instead of months later. Such a pathetic lowlife am I¡
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