Samsung Galaxy Note Super Bowl ad takes more jabs at Apple users



  • Reply 141 of 349
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by Amoled View Post

    ROFL try again.

  • Reply 142 of 349
    Originally Posted by dcolley View Post

    Samsung, the new microsoft. No that is not a misspelling. They are the little Microsoft.

    lol what?

    I'm not sure how that follows logically.
  • Reply 143 of 349
    Originally Posted by Amoled View Post

    ROFL try again.

    Signing up here just for trolling is stupid.

    Trolling when you can easily be refuted by anybody with a working internet search engine is retarded.

    But you're funny and a great example of what's wrong with the Android "community" ;-)
  • Reply 144 of 349
    Originally Posted by matrix07 View Post


    You're talking about Garage Band right? LOL
  • Reply 145 of 349
    "Hey it's got a pen ? " :| if you want a pen why the hell you are going for capacitive devices ?

    go for the resistive and enjoy that pen all time ....

    more over if you want in casually even Iphone and Ipad has it

    not to say that f*king size of note is like i can nether keep it in my pocket nor can i use it like Ipad !
  • Reply 146 of 349
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by Amoled View Post

    You're talking about Garage Band right? LOL

    I'm talking about iPad. Did Gorillaz use GarageBand?
  • Reply 147 of 349
    Originally Posted by matrix07 View Post

    I'm talking about iPad. Did Gorillaz use GarageBand?

    You just said with Garage Band you can hook up guitar and drums.
  • Reply 148 of 349
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by Amoled View Post

    You just said with Garage Band you can hook up guitar and drums.

    I thought you asked what could be connected to iPad. I don't have any experience with Garage Band on iPad. I only know you can connect Guitar and Keyboard to it (Garage Band). I just don't see how it will be different with other instruments but there're more professional apps though.

    Do you understand a process to create CD file with iPad?
  • Reply 149 of 349
    Originally Posted by matrix07 View Post

    I thought you ask what could be connected to iPad. I don't have any experience with Garage Band on iPad. I only know you can connect Guitar and Keyboard to it (Garage Band). I just don't see how it will be different with other instruments but there're more professional apps though.

    Do you understand a process to create CD file with iPad?

    Why are you changing the subject, you can't connect anything except a synthesizer to an ipad.
  • Reply 150 of 349
    All I can say is that if Apple came out with such a device it would be awesome, lines around the building when released. If it's not an Apple product most of you guys around here just think it's a POS. I enjoy Apple products myself, but I'm not blind to other products like these people. You guys gotta remember one thing. Competition is a very good thing.
  • Reply 151 of 349
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by Amoled View Post

    you can't connect anything except a synthesizer to an ipad.

    OK. Now I know I'm talking to the one who doesn't have a clue what he's talking about.
  • Reply 152 of 349
    Originally Posted by matrix07 View Post

    OK. Now I know I'm talking to the one who doesn't have a clue what he's talking about.

    LOL show me where it says you can hook up guitars, drums and bass to the ipad.
  • Reply 153 of 349
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by Amoled View Post

    LOL show me where it says you can hook up guitars, drums and bass to the ipad.

    One: I saw it with my own eyes.

    Two: It's even in Apple demo

    Guided Tour GarageBand

    from 3:15 onward.
  • Reply 154 of 349
    sol77sol77 Posts: 203member
    Originally Posted by greg30127 View Post

    Ok, let's clear it up...

    I'm not a brand loyal person. I own an iPad and love it, but use an Android phone, and might try a Windows Phone as my next one when the next gen comes out. Apple, Android, Windows... they're all good in their own ways. I just get tired of the back and forth bashing.

    That last line. The entire android versus ios thing is annoying. Every computer product I own is from Apple, but it's simply because I have a preference. I literally can't overhear or be involved in a conversation about ios or android without somebody arbitrarily identifying the alleged drones on one side or the other. It reminds me of how geeky teenage gamers flame each other about which is better...PS3 or Xbox. I literally can't say something nice about Apple without somebody saying, "....blah blah blah reality distortion field blah...." And it's rare that I hear something about Android without hearing the oh, so clever "fandroid" nonsense. In reality, people who are looking for a device that does the job for them do so...and then shut up about it because, well, they've got a job to do. All I hear anymore when someone bashes android or ios, android users or Apple users, is, "I've got ego loyalty, and I need to be sure you know how much more clever I am than you." If you prefer one over the other, great. Who cares? I usually try to tune it out as so much angry dog barking. The WORLD MUST KNOW how STUPID [insert operating system you don't use] users are! I must convince them! NOW! I'm a smart consumer! Everyone else is just a dupe!
  • Reply 155 of 349
    d-ranged-range Posts: 396member
    Terrible ad, to the point it amuses me.

    I particularly like the irony of Samsung trying to make Apple users look bad because they are mindless sheep who make their tech buying decisions based on emotional arguments, by ... showing an ad that is basically a bunch of people going wild for no apparent reason, other than that they seem to enjoy it.

    The ad literally has zero connection to the product, I think if some took it and edited a few Coca-Cola references into it, nobody would actually notice it was supposed to be a phone ad. I understand that this can be an effective advertising strategy, especially for products that don't really have any competitive advantage over competitors except brand image, but the fact that Samsung is trying to make their direct competitor look bad by doing exactly what they are making fun of, is quite astonishing. I can't imagine no-one at Samsung or their ad-agency didn't see the obvious reverse-irony in this ad.

    Funny thing is that these days (I'm talking about at least the last 5 years), Apple ads have been very simple and functional, showing actual features of the product and how easy and useful they are. Which makes Samsungs advertising strategy even worse.
  • Reply 156 of 349
    Originally Posted by matrix07 View Post

    One: I saw it with my own eyes.

    Two: It's even in Apple demo

    Guided Tour GarageBand

    from 3:15 onward.

    Video does not work here.

    And I don't believe your eyes.
  • Reply 157 of 349
    hill60hill60 Posts: 6,992member
    Originally Posted by JDW View Post

    I think the anti-pen crowd (including the late Steven P Jobs) has missed the point entirely. And such is reasonable in light of the fact that Steve Jobs wasn't always right. Yes, he's right to prioritize touch. No question. But he was wrong to assume that no one would ever need or want to use a pen in those cases (however rare one wishes to argue they are) that one needs precision.

    Honestly, I would love to have an iOS device that lets me focus on touch manipulation 95% of the time, but then gives me the power to use a pressure sensitive pen or paint brush to do some dazzling creative stuff. And giving me that power is by no means "bringing back the pen" or "doing something that has failed in the past." What failed in the past were devices that prioritized the pen over touch. What has made the iPad and iPhone a success was Steve Jobs insistence that TOUCH get the priority. The problem is that Steve was so adamant about touch that he refused to give thought to anyone ever wanting a pen for any reason. His sheer hatred for the pen/stylus drove him to insanity. His iOS devices are insanely great, but the insanity pertains to the parts he left out -- parts that we don't notice at first, but over time we start to desire.

    The good news is that all Apple has to do to deflate Samsung's pride is just secretly add support for pressure sensitive pen devices. That would not be what Steve Jobs would have done. But then again, Steve Jobs himself wanted Apple execs to make their own decisions so Apple wouldn't become like Disney after their founder died, perpetually asking "what would Walt have done in this situation." Apple should gauge consumer demand for such features and then go for it. They have nothing to lose in doing so, and it's not like everyone will stop focusing on touch and go with a pen primarily. The pen has it's place, and it shouldn't be completely ignored.

    Capacitive pen = crayon, a lesson I learnt shortly after buying one for my iPhone 3G in 2008 used it for 10 minutes before realising just how useless they are.
  • Reply 158 of 349
    matrix07matrix07 Posts: 1,993member
    Originally Posted by Amoled View Post

    Video does not work here.

    And I don't believe your eyes.

    Understood. I captured a pic for you then.

  • Reply 159 of 349
    s4mb4s4mb4 Posts: 267member
    The Samsung Note is almost the perfect device imho.

    This is the form factor and size i want the iPad to have.

    I remember all the people here on these forums complaining that the iPad was nothing more than an oversized iPod touch. Most people wanted the iPad to have cellular service so they could make phone calls via a BT headset.

    Now, people are saying that the Samsung Note is too big for cell phone use!!

    Apple, pay attention. Combine the iPhone and iPad into a device this size running IOS and it would be the greatest device in the history of cellular gadgets.
  • Reply 160 of 349
    d-ranged-range Posts: 396member
    Originally Posted by Amoled View Post

    Video does not work here.

    Trying it on a Samsung device or what? Works just fine here (not even on Apple hardware or software, go figure).


    And I don't believe your eyes.

    Let me help you with that:

    Convincing enough, or do you still want to continue pretending you actually have a clue what you are talking about?
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