Apple asks for US preliminary injunction of Samsung's Android 4.0 Galaxy Nexus



  • Reply 261 of 448
    neo42neo42 Posts: 287member
    Originally Posted by kadndad View Post

    I always wonder what makes the iphone so much better then android? Can anybody tell me what that is? It can't be because it runs smoother. Android has lag because there's so much going on at once like, widgets, live wallpaper, etc. Is it because it's easier to use? Some make think it's too easy and boring. The tiny screen? Have to zoom in on every website to read and see pictures. Many like big screens to view sites and pictures better. The iphone is better because Apple tells you what you can and can't do with your phone? Millions like android because you have freedom what you can do to your phone. You can add themes, any type of widget, and even there's numerous types of lock screens. I for one love using android. What you can do to it is endless. I have played with the iphone few times here and there. Even used Siri. I was bored with the iphone 5 minutes later and think Siri is not all that special. "She" can't understand what planet i live on. I think the iphone it self is a good phone, but how would you feel if you bought a car and you can only buy new tires from the dealership and it has to be the tires that came with it. You can't change the paint, customize it, and can't listen to cds. To listen to music, you must use a special device. If that's the life you want, than I am happy for you. Someone tells you what you can and can't do on a device that you payed for out of your pocket. I rather have that freedom.

    The point I am trying to make is that who gave the right for Apple to wonder this planet suing anyone that is "copying" Apple? Everyone copies everyone. Honda was first to come out with the Vtec engine. Everyone else "copies" and now every engine has their version of "vtec." Most people on this board are acting like babies. Destroy android! destroy android! And why it took 3 long years for Apple to start suing android? Why didn't they start suing from day 1? If we don't "copy" someone else idea and improve on it, we will all still be using tube TVs, rotary phones, and etc. Go to any store and count every clone product out there. Clothes, games, toys, everything.

    I still don't see anything special about the iphone. For the last 5 years, the iphone still looks the same. Android; however, has changed so much. The phones have improved, the OS has improved, everything. Android has added NFC, 3D, face unlock, and the list goes on. What has Apple added to make it that much more? My 3 reason why i do not like the iphone, the screen is too small. I have a droid Eris. Can't stand the screen size. The OS is boring. Number 3, seen one you seen them all. Can anyone change my mind why the iphone is much better?

    Look, it's about intellectual property and innovation. Apple is best. Apple stands for protecting IP and they're the best at everything. They may have borrowed ideas but they TRULY REVOLUTIONIZE EVERYTHING. No other company has the talent and clout. Just do yourself a favor and go buy some iStuff. It's the best, don't come round here with some other crazy ideas that go against this fundamental truth.
  • Reply 262 of 448
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    Originally Posted by MicroNix View Post

    If you patent a wireless technology that is specific on an i/o operation to a device, it doesn't matter what that device is to infringe on the patent if you are using the IP that is spelled out in the patent. Perhaps you are the one in need of education.

    Obviously, because that's not what I was referring to.
  • Reply 263 of 448
    Originally Posted by MicroNix View Post

    Just as Apple is doing from everything from a rectangle shaped phone to how you move your fingers on a flat surface. You can't call it IP one way and not the other. Silly!

    Point being is that everyone does it everywhere. However, Apple thinks its the only one that someone can't steal from. This after SJ himself declares that great artists steal. That pretty much makes him and Apple the hypocrites of the last 2 decades.

    Stop spouting utter nonsense. Your response is completely invalid vis-a-vis your own original post that led to the reply, and you know it.

    All you're doing at this point is digging yourself deeper into the territory of looking foolish.

    You're not making a very good case for Androiders being either very smart or substantive.
  • Reply 264 of 448
    geekdadgeekdad Posts: 1,131member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Nobody knocked me down. I was given one infraction and I didn't like it. That's pretty much all there is to that story.

    Fandroids will never win, and so I am back.

    Who am I kidding? Do you think that I'd be able to miss the opportunity to bash and destroy Fandroids yet again, now that the iPad 3 is right around the corner?

    That tablet is going to be the final death of any Android based tablets. The iPad 2 already kills everything else out there, but the iPad 3 is just going to be so many lightyears ahead of any Android tablet, and I'll be getting one on day one.

    I agree with you about most of what you said......but there is no Android based tablet that is a threat to the iPad...any version. I am curious what about the iPad3 will make it lightyears ahead of any tablet?
  • Reply 265 of 448
    Originally Posted by DrDoppio View Post

    Google's search algorithm blew every other search engine out of the water. Read about PageRank if you want to try to get an idea.

    Of course it did. That was the whole point, Dr.

    Try to follow the whole thread of points and counterpoints, if you can.
  • Reply 266 of 448
    Originally Posted by muppetry View Post


    I love it when they think they are bringing the heat, and it's really just batting practice. hill60 was knockin' em out of the park earlier. This is just fun to watch!
  • Reply 267 of 448
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    Originally Posted by kadndad View Post

    I always wonder what makes the iphone so much better then android? Can anybody tell me what that is?

    Overall user-experience

    Oh, and Apple's products are so good that Android fans hang out on Apple forums.

    Interesting to see that you love widgets, themes, and wallpaper, yet the first real A.I. on a phone fails to impress you.
  • Reply 268 of 448
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    Originally Posted by kadndad View Post

    Android has added NFC, 3D, face unlock, and the list goes on

    It's not called face unlock, it's called photograph unlock.
  • Reply 269 of 448
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by geekdad View Post

    I agree with you about most of what you said......but there is no Android based tablet that is a threat to the iPad...any version. I am curious what about the iPad3 will make it lightyears ahead of any tablet?

    I agree that there is no Android tablet that is a threat to any iPad.

    As for the lightyears ahead comment, I was mostly thinking about the new, ridiculous Hi-Res screen, if that happens to be true. The iPad 2 is no slouch in the power department, and it is quite obvious that the iPad 3 will be even more powerful, both in terms of CPU power and GPU power. It'll also most likely have better cameras and some rumors speak of a larger battery. Combine all of those features together with the ultra-smooth and reliable iOS which runs a ton of amazing apps and you've got yourself one hell of a killer tablet.

    Who knows, maybe some Android tablet will eventually come out with some sort of Hi-Res screen too, I wouldn't be surprised by that, as they all follow in Apple's footsteps, but as we all know, features alone won't mean anything if the whole package doesn't come together and flow smoothly.

    My main area of expertise is audio and music, and no true pros would ever choose an Android based system, as it is laggy as hell and totally unsuitable for anything of importance.
  • Reply 270 of 448
    geekdadgeekdad Posts: 1,131member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    I agree that there is no Android tablet that is a threat to any iPad.

    As for the lightyears ahead comment, I was mostly thinking about the new, ridiculous Hi-Res screen, if that happens to be true. The iPad 2 is no slouch in the power department, and it is quite obvious that the iPad 3 will be even more powerful, both in terms of CPU power and GPU power. It'll also most likely have better cameras and some rumors speak of a larger battery. Combine all of those features together with the ultra-smooth and reliable iOS which runs a ton of amazing apps and you've got yourself one hell of a killer tablet.

    Who knows, maybe some Android tablet will eventually come out with some sort of Hi-Res screen too, I wouldn't be surprised by that, as they all follow in Apple's footsteps, but as we all know, features alone won't mean anything if the whole package doesn't come together and flow smoothly.

    My main area of expertise is audio and music, and no true pros would ever choose an Android based system, as it is laggy as hell and totally unsuitable for anything of importance. wife has already said she is buying the iPad3 on day one!!!! I guess I will get her iPad2
  • Reply 271 of 448
    drdoppiodrdoppio Posts: 1,132member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Of course it did. That was the whole point, Dr.

    Try to follow the whole thread of points and counterpoints, if you can.

    You're only referring to the point about the success of Google search, while ignoring that it was due to a novel algorithm that Lycos and Dogpile didn't use. That's not the same as copying OS features, which MicroNix had alluded.
  • Reply 272 of 448
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,397member
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    You're not making a very good case for Androiders being either very smart or substantive.

    We haven't started basing the opinion of an entire class of OS fans on the postings of just one have we?
  • Reply 273 of 448
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by geekdad View Post wife has already said she is buying the iPad3 on day one!!!! I guess I will get her iPad2

    Don't be cheap! Get her the iPad 3.

    It is rumored that the iPad 2 may drop $100 and be priced at $399 when the iPad 3 comes out. But, if the iPad 3 is priced at $499, then I'd say that it's totally worth it to spend $100 more and get the iPad 3. If you can get the iPad 2 for real cheap used or something, then that is a different story of course. There's nothing wrong with the iPad 2 of course. The iPad 2 is an awesome tablet, I've been using mine just about every day for the past year.

    But if the choice is between $399 for the iPad 2 and $499 for the iPad 3, then I'd say that there's really not even much to think about. Get the iPad 3. There will undoubtedly be some new games and apps coming out that will be tailor made for the Hi-Res iPad 3 screen. All text and characters when reading books or websites will be much crisper etc.

    Either way, I'm sure your wife will be happy. Just don't be one of those husbands who buys their wife one of those cheap Android tablets, because in the best case scenario, she might withhold sex for 12 months and in the worst case scenario, she might divorce you.
  • Reply 274 of 448
    Originally Posted by JeffDM View Post

    AI's penalties are based on infractions, most are 1 point each, and he has a list of infractions. I think it's 5 points for a 3 day ban, two more for a week ban and ten infractions is a permanent ban. He got at least two in this thread for two instances of ad hominem attacks.

    Is he baned for 3 days or for a week?
  • Reply 275 of 448
    geekdadgeekdad Posts: 1,131member
    Originally Posted by Apple ][ View Post

    Don't be cheap! Get her the iPad 3.

    It is rumored that the iPad 2 may drop $100 and be priced at $399 when the iPad 3 comes out. But, if the iPad 3 is priced at $499, then I'd say that it's totally worth it to spend $100 more and get the iPad 3. If you can get the iPad 2 for real cheap used or something, then that is a different story of course. There's nothing wrong with the iPad 2 of course. The iPad 2 is an awesome tablet, I've been using mine just about every day for the past year.

    But if the choice is between $399 for the iPad 2 and $499 for the iPad 3, then I'd say that there's really not even much to think about. Get the iPad 3. There will undoubtedly be some new games and apps coming out that will be tailor made for the Hi-Res iPad 3 screen. All text and characters when reading books or websites will be much crisper etc.

    Either way, I'm sure your wife will be happy. Just don't be one of those husbands who buys their wife one of those cheap Android tablets, because in the best case scenario, she might withhold sex for 12 months and in the worst case scenario, she might divorce you.

    you mis understood me or I didn't explain very well. She already has the iPad 2. I am going to buy her the iPad 3 on the first day it is released....then I will get the iPad 2 she already has now....
  • Reply 276 of 448
    apple ][apple ][ Posts: 9,233member
    Originally Posted by geekdad View Post

    you mis understood me or I didn't explain very well. She already has the iPad 2. I am going to buy her the iPad 3 on the first day it is released....then I will get the iPad 2 she already has now....

    Yes, I did misunderstand. I thought that you meant that she wanted the iPad 3, but you'd be getting her the iPad 2 instead.

    But your plan sounds like a good plan. I probably won't be selling my iPad 2 either, and I'll just keep it when I get the iPad 3 and then there will be two tablets around for when my girlfriend wants to use one.
  • Reply 277 of 448
    Originally Posted by Neo42 View Post

    Do you really think Apple isn't the company that started this forest fire? The entire industry is in retaliation mode. ALL of these suits are reaching the pinnacle of absurdity.

    Global Thermonuclear War always has exactly one winner.
  • Reply 278 of 448
    muppetrymuppetry Posts: 3,331member
    Originally Posted by I am a Zither Zather Zuzz View Post

    Global Thermonuclear War always has exactly one winner.

    What exactly is Global Thermonuclear War, and who won the last one?
  • Reply 279 of 448
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,397member
    Originally Posted by muppetry View Post

    What exactly is Global Thermonuclear War, and who won the last one?

    The first thing I thought of was the old War Games movie (at least I think that was the name of it) where they finally realized there could be no winner by playing it.

    Perhaps he was being sarcastic.
  • Reply 280 of 448
    gtrgtr Posts: 3,231member
    Originally Posted by muppetry View Post

    What exactly is Global Thermonuclear War, and who won the last one?

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