Apple asks for US preliminary injunction of Samsung's Android 4.0 Galaxy Nexus



  • Reply 161 of 448
    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Is that even a serious question?

    yes...I've seen a shitload of Android criticism on Android sites...from the writers, the commenters...hell even on the forums on the Verge...criticism...

    Yet aside from "they should've kept the old icon" I never see any criticism from Apple supporters towards Apple.

    No matter what.

    MMS non existent? who cares, you don't need it!!

    Copy Paste? who don't need it!!

    Multitasking? who don't need it!!

    Old Badge notifications? who cares...the way it is is perfect!! (this I've heard complaints from, but I've also heard an uncanny number of supporters who now sing praises for the Android style notifications)

    Same old song and dance. and it's shocking...

    they can never be wrong, or going overboard, or a bane to the progress of an entire industry...or anything...they must be right..100% of the time for 100% of the things.

    It's truly a marvelous thing to watch...what CAN Apple do wrong?
  • Reply 162 of 448
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    just a question to the Apple fans...

    Can Apple even be wrong to you? Legally or ethically? It seems that from your perspectives they are always right, no matter what...

    That is a ridiculous question. That's like asking: How can Apple not be wrong somewhere?

    You have to point out where Apple has been wrong. Then, we can debate the merits of that assertion. In fact, that is what has been happening in this forum.

    Google, on the other hand, has been wrong several times:

    1) Eric Schmidt used his knowledge of the development of the iPhone to introduce Android. Was kicked out of Apple's board.

    2) Google copied many features of iOS.

    3) Google blatantly violates the privacy of users of its products to generate ad revenue.

    4) Google knowingly allowed providers of fake pharmaceuticals to advertise on its sites. For this, they paid a $500 million fine.

    I am sure others can provide even more instances.
  • Reply 163 of 448
    Originally Posted by IQatEdo View Post

    How do we know that he/she is a paid shill?

    I only get to read his/her posts in the quotes responded to by others. \

    It's like fitting together the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. You look at:

    * His rate of posting/how much time he spends on an Apple-centric site when he obviously isn't Apple-centric

    * The types of articles he tends to comment on.

    * The dishonest way he flip flops what he's saying when he gets into trouble. This is most frequently exhibited in the form of Gatorguy (hereafter known as GG) casting out some innuendo, typically negative to Apple, then, when he gets called for bullshitting, claims either a) that he didn't really know what was the case (which begs the question of why he was making the statements in the first place) or b) that he didn't really say what he said. (Of course, sometimes he just gets caught in outright, indefensible lies, which, when he's called on, he adopts a self-righteous, "why do you have to engage in personal attacks," defense.)

    * The fact that he always seems to have a link at the ready, or was always just, "reading about," something "relevant". If we add up all the time GG spends posting here, researching his posts, finding supporting links, reading Foss, Groklaw, etc. and so on and so on, he simply doesn't have time to have another job. He doesn't quite fall into the "too much insider information" trap that other shills here (like samab) have, but he comes very close.

    And I could probably keep going on with circumstantial point after circumstantial point, all of which point to the same conclusion. You can accept or reject that the evidence supports the conclusion, but my instinct is that it isn't just coincidence that all the signs on GG point in the same direction, that there's a reason they do, and that reason is that the conclusion they support is in fact the truth about him: he's a paid shill.
  • Reply 164 of 448
    mstonemstone Posts: 11,510member

    Do Apple fans even go to Android forums?

    If you guys weren't all the time coming here spouting your nonsense we wouldn't have to spend so much time defending Apple.

    Left alone you would hear us discussing things that we think Apple should or shouln't have done and questioning why they did this or that.
  • Reply 165 of 448
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    just a question to the Apple fans...

    Can Apple even be wrong to you? Legally or ethically? It seems that from your perspectives they are always right, no matter what...

    Originally Posted by anantksundaram View Post

    Is that even a serious question?

    No, he's just finally descended to pure unadulterated trolling without the pretense that he usually (and unsuccessfully) attempts to keep up.
  • Reply 166 of 448
    Originally Posted by AppleGreen View Post

    1) Eric Schmidt used his knowledge of the development of the iPhone to introduce Android. Was kicked out of Apple's board.

    Inventing facts...


    2) Google copied many features of iOS.



    3) Google blatantly violates the privacy of users of its products to generate ad revenue.

    Exaggeration..and you know that.


    4) Google knowingly allowed providers of fake pharmaceuticals to advertise on its sites. For this, they paid a $500 million fine.

    Real pharmaceuticals...from Canada...

    sooo diversion is your tactic?
  • Reply 167 of 448
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Do Apple fans even go to Android forums?

    If you guys weren't all the time coming here spout your nonsense we wouldn't have to spend so much time defending Apple.

    Left alone you would hear us discussing things that we think Apple should or shouln't have done and questioning why they did this or that.

    find me an Android site with 50% articles NOT about Android.
  • Reply 168 of 448
    gatorguygatorguy Posts: 24,591member
    Originally Posted by AppleGreen View Post

    That is a ridiculous question. That's like asking: How can Apple not be wrong somewhere?

    You have to point out where Apple has been wrong. Then, we can debate the merits of that assertion. In fact, that is what has been happening in this forum.

    Google, on the other hand, has been wrong several times:

    1) Eric Schmidt used his knowledge of the development of the iPhone to introduce Android. Was kicked out of Apple's board.

    2) Google copied many features of iOS.

    3) Google blatantly violates the privacy of users of its products to generate ad revenue.

    4) Google knowingly allowed providers of fake pharmaceuticals to advertise on its sites. For this, they paid a $500 million fine.

    I am sure others can provide even more instances.

    1. Don't believe even Steve Jobs or Apple ever claimed that.

    2. Perhaps numerous features were influenced by iOS. That should be a compliment to Apple's creativity.

    3. In what way?

    4. The pharmaceuticals weren't claimed to be fake. It was that the US government, in it's wisdom, banned the importation of regulated drugs from Canada, something a whole lot of Americans did to try and save money over the identical but price-inflated drugs supplied by US pharmacies. Yes, it was probably illegal (it never got that far as the US proposed a settlement that Google accepted rather than fight it) to promote those Canadian pharmacies but it was far from dangerous to US consumers.
  • Reply 169 of 448
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    just a question to the Apple fans...

    Can Apple even be wrong to you? Legally or ethically? It seems that from your perspectives they are always right, no matter what...

    Those are bullshit questions. If you read you'll see nearly all posters have a pro and con attitude toward any company. I'm sure some would say that you think everything Apple does is shite and everything Google or Samsung does is great but most would say that you have said genuinely positive things about Apple and negative things about Google and Samsung. That doesn't mean you are being objective in your praise or that you aren't heavily slanted toward or against a company but thats completely different then the bullshit questions you're asking.
  • Reply 170 of 448
    Originally Posted by mstone View Post

    Do Apple fans even go to Android forums?

    If you guys weren't all the time coming here spout your nonsense we wouldn't have to spend so much time defending Apple.

    Left alone you would hear us discussing things that we think Apple should or shouln't have done and questioning why they did this or that.

    Yes, the trolls and shills definitely destroy the possibility of actually meaningful discussion. Some of them come here with that intent in general, others to specifically derail any discussion on particular topics, others to tie us up countering bullshit so there's no time to focus on real issues. Etc, etc.
  • Reply 171 of 448
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    Those are bullshit questions. If you read you'll see nearly all posters have a pro and con attitude toward any company. I'm sure some would say that you think everything Apple does is shite and everything Google or Samsung does is great but most would say that you have said genuinely positive things about Apple and negative things about Google and Samsung. That doesn't mean you are being objective in your praise or that you aren't heavily slanted toward or against a company but thats completely different then the bullshit questions you're asking.

    Eh, I feel the way Apple handles things is better than either Google or Samsung does...

    I can admit to a slant towards Google (fuck Samsung overall) but when it comes to praise and appreciation I feel both Google and Apple deserve it for different reasons.

    I feel for the masses iOS is lightyears ahead of Android en masse...i feel like Google should enforce a UI/UX criteria for the Android market...they should also be able to stop the production of some devices with Google apps on the basis that they are hideous.

    Outside of iOS my appreciation for Apple is probably greater than mine for Windows even...and I've always used Windows.

    I prefer Android over open initiative over a closed proprietary initiative...I feel like one is better for everyone than the other.

    I also feel like tech has always been looking, copying, modifying, adapting, selling, ad infinitum but now we have people who swear one company invented the smartphone PERIOD and are genuinely mad that Google dares compete in that space.

    They hold up Steve's quote about it "they entered the smartphone business" as if it means anything and as if if Ballmer said the same thing about Apple the exact quote verbatim wouldn't be used mockingly alongside some monkey references.

    I personally don't give a damn what any of the heads at Google say...I don't need a quotebook or hold every word mentioned as if it is more profound than it is.

    I am willing to bet that my POV is vastly more objective than most posters here despite by preference for Android on phones, iOS on tablets, and a near tie when it comes to OSX and Windows.
  • Reply 172 of 448
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    Inventing facts...


    Exaggeration..and you know that.

    Real pharmaceuticals...from Canada...

    sooo diversion is your tactic?

    This guy is really a riot too. No, it's no exageration that Google is a serious threat to privacy, and thus liberty. And, no, again, the fact that the drugs may not have been fake doesn't exonerate Google from blatantly violating the law. (Is there a law they aren't willing to break for profit?)

    Of course, GG tells us it's all the US Government's fault that Google broke the law. If they hadn't passed laws designed to protect consumers from fake and contaminated drugs (because, since they come from outside this country, they are completely unregulated) Google wouldn't have been breaking the law.

    GG is really over the top, though, with his "probably illegal". Dude (oh, that's right, you aren't reading this), Google admitted they broke the law. And, can someone ask him for prrof on how unregulated drugs from foreign sources are "far from dangerous to US consumers." The whole problem is that since they are unregulated we don't even know where they come from, or what's in them. Duh!
  • Reply 173 of 448
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    just a question to the Apple fans...

    Can Apple even be wrong to you? Legally or ethically? It seems that from your perspectives they are always right, no matter what...

    Every Apple fan I know of has admitted it when Apple made mistakes. Your assessment is wrong.

    Of course, what do you expect from someone who is apparently a paid Google shill?

    Originally Posted by Galeforce View Post

    No point.

    Google carefully set this up so they take no liability - no revenue from Android : nothing to claim in damages.

    And before you throw up the "Nexus" card - the only Nexus phone Google sold was the Nexus One. The Nexus S was sold by BestBuy (with unsold units picked up by Vodafone) and the Galaxy Nexus is a Samsung product, Google take no revenue from sales

    I really wish people would keep saying that. Yo do not need to make a profit on an item to be sued for patent infringement - and lose. Even a non-profit company can be sued for patent infringement - and lose. Furthermore, even if Google were not the direct infringer, look up 'contributory infringement'.

    And the damages Apple claims would have nothing to do with Google's profit. They would rather be related to Apple's lost profit and other lost value (brand image, etc).

    Originally Posted by Neo42 View Post

    A new low for Apple

    I know i am in the minority hear, but when is Apple going to get past Steve's ego? These legal moves are only productive at stifling competition. I love Apple products but really starting to hate the anti-competitive and monopolistic world view

    It's not a matter of Steve's ego. It's a culture that Steve helped create. A culture where people are rewarded and recognized for innovating. Where innovation creates products that are of immense value to customers. Where innovation is worth protecting. Where people who steal your innovations should be stopped.

    And there's nothing wrong with any of those values.
  • Reply 174 of 448
    could someone inform anonymouse (if he is responding to me) that I have him ignored so he shouldn't waste his finger strength.
  • Reply 175 of 448
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    Every Apple fan I know of has admitted it when Apple made mistakes. Your assessment is wrong.

    Of course, what do you expect from someone who is apparently a paid Google shill?

    lol I'm paid by Google?

    another thing...has there ever been one documented paid Google shill or are you inventing a category so you can place any undesirable in there so you do not have to deal with them?
  • Reply 176 of 448
    berpberp Posts: 136member
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    just a question to the Apple fans...

    Can Apple even be wrong to you? Legally or ethically? It seems that from your perspectives they are always right, no matter what...

    "Has your bank manager ever been wrong before?" Of course, but on the whole he's been great... It is why he still is, is it not?

    "Has your friend ever been wrong before?" Of course, but on the whole he's great... That's why I swallow hard when he's not...

    "Has your sister ever been wrong before?" Of course not, and don't tell me otherwise to my nose...

    "Have I been ever wrong before?" Hadn't you been more than thrice, I would have had a house of crap to foreclose...
  • Reply 177 of 448
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    could someone inform anonymouse (if he is responding to me) that I have him ignored so he shouldn't waste his finger strength.

    That's ok AD, even when I "respond" to you, what I write isn't for you, so it's fine for you to ignore it.
  • Reply 178 of 448
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    lol I'm paid by Google?

    No, this one is just a troll, not a shill
  • Reply 179 of 448
    Originally Posted by AbsoluteDesignz View Post

    could someone inform anonymouse (if he is responding to me) that I have him ignored so he shouldn't waste his finger strength.

    Since you are the one ignoring him, not the other way around, he can read your posts. Follow me so far?

    So why would you make a post that he can read just to ask others to relate to him the words he can read? Why not just say "Hey anonymouse, I have you on ignore so responding directly to me is useless."

    But it's not, is it, since you made your comment right after he responded directly to you and before someone else quoted him. Clearly you read his comment.
  • Reply 180 of 448
    Originally Posted by Berp View Post

    "Has your bank manager ever been wrong before?" Of course, but on the whole he's been great... It is why he still is, is it not?

    "Has your friend ever been wrong before?" Of course, but on the whole he's great... That's why I swallow hard when he's not...

    "Has your sister ever been wrong before?" Of course not, and don't tell me otherwise to my nose...

    "Have I been ever wrong before?" Hadn't you been more than thrice, I would have had a house of crap to foreclose...

    so no one can answer the question and point to examples...instead I get diversion after diversion...nice.

    I don't even recall the regulars speaking bad when Apple tried to sue that Spanish tablet maker.
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