Samsung says an Apple television won't beat them in picture quality



  • Reply 41 of 165
    Sounds to me more like somebody is looking over their shoulder in fear.
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  • Reply 42 of 165
    Samsung has nothing to worry about. This is all speculation, guesswork and fantasy from Apple fanatics. No one would be silly enough to pay the Apple premium for a TV. This is just silly talk and Samsung is playing along for fun of course.
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  • Reply 43 of 165
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,761member
    Originally Posted by yu119995 View Post

    Name one Apple product that isn't "break the bank expensive" relative to its competition.


    Shooting fish in a barrel....
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  • Reply 44 of 165
    docno42docno42 Posts: 3,761member
    Originally Posted by tomhayes View Post

    The Samsung 8000 LCD series is a wonderful TV. Only Sony's XBR HX929 series comes close.

    And both pale compared to the Mitsubishi LaserVue. LCD's are LCD's - grey goo, slow response time, crappy contrast...
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  • Reply 45 of 165
    jungmarkjungmark Posts: 6,927member
    Originally Posted by yu119995 View Post

    Name one Apple product that isn't "break the bank expensive" relative to its competition.

    the iphone since I only paid $200 w/contract and would have paid that much for a comparable android w/contract.

    The iPad, no one has yet to offer a comparable tablet. The Kindle Fire isn't comparable.

    The MacBook Air. Other companies are having trouble keeping to prices below that level with comparable specs.
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  • Reply 46 of 165
    Originally Posted by Freshmaker View Post

    No, not doomed, but I don't see them becoming the #1 TV manufacturer either.

    Only 5% of the TV market per year is tens of billions of dollars.

    I doubt what ever Apple does will have a "better picture", I don't think that's what Apple is aiming to do, especially since they don't own any patents or production capability.

    I'd say it's all in the UI and access to certain content.

    Stupid is as Samsung does.
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  • Reply 47 of 165
    Samsung is doing what all of Apple's competitors do - they pick one or two specific points of a product spec and challenge Apple on that point. They're missing the big picture - which is a common problem for lots of big businesses. They have mba's (not MacBook Airs) that think they can boil things down in their matrix to the one or two points that drive people to buy and they're not looking at things that aren't there and how they could capitalize on providing something new and maybe even revolutionary.

    The consumer does care about more than screen or image quality - just look at all the bad televisions sold each year - ha! I think, if Apple can tie the tv into the rest of their product and process lineup, they will take lots of market share.
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  • Reply 48 of 165
    roos24roos24 Posts: 170member
    Originally Posted by raymondinperth View Post

    Another Steve ballmer ?

    Right, thought the same thing. And add those two comedians from RIM as well as the CEO of Nokia in 2007!
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  • Reply 49 of 165
    Originally Posted by yu119995 View Post

    Name one Apple product that isn't "break the bank expensive" relative to its competition.

    How about the Mac Mini for $600?
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  • Reply 50 of 165
    cpsrocpsro Posts: 3,251member
    I've never seen a Samsung display that didn't produce garish images. It's hard to believe Apple couldn't do better.
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  • Reply 51 of 165
    irnchrizirnchriz Posts: 1,617member
    Nokia thought that their expertise would keep them in the game.

    Pride comes before a fall.
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  • Reply 52 of 165
    Originally Posted by gwmac View Post

    ... I can say that picture quality was my #1 consideration when shopping. ...

    What you are forgetting is that "picture quality" is in practice primarily a subjective area.

    By the numbers it can easily be demonstrated that LED TVs have poorer picture quality than LCD TVs on average, but in the market, the LED TV is currently King and most people that buy them, buy them for their "picture quality."

    Any Apple TV will no doubt have an (objectively) great quality screen but Samsung is completely wrong about this being the most important or essential quality that would make a new TV successful. All TVs (except perhaps budget crap), have excellent picture quality, it's the TV with excellent picture quality that does a bunch of things that no other TV does that will stand out, and this is exactly what Apple is likely to make.
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  • Reply 53 of 165
    Originally Posted by gwmac View Post

    But then again recently made TV's don't tend to last that long compared to the old CRT sets that seemed to last forever.

    Yes, because they are all crappy products with big screens, and cheap components that fail regularly and cannot be repaired, and usually require atrociously designed remote controls and a degree in reading technical jargon to use. We all know that Apple will not follow this crap product strategy.
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  • Reply 54 of 165
    Geez, Samsung, get a grip. THE PRODUCT DOESN'T EXIST, YOU IDIOTS.

    How pathetic do you have to be to publicly tear down alleged competition from a company not even in your market?!

    If TV was really about picture quality, you'd shut up, remove all the crap software from your TVs, and just make them beautiful, dumb screens.

    That's what I want out of my TV manufacturer: a dumb screen with ports and gorgeous colors and contrast that turns on immediately instead of waiting MINUTES for its stupid software (that no one will ever use, because they'll have an Apple TV plugged into it) to load.
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  • Reply 55 of 165
    irnchrizirnchriz Posts: 1,617member
    Originally Posted by slapppy View Post

    Samsung has nothing to worry about. This is all speculation, guesswork and fantasy from Apple fanatics. No one would be silly enough to pay the Apple premium for a TV. This is just silly talk and Samsung is playing along for fun of course.

    Aye, they said that about tablets as well, didn't they. If Apple wanted to they could roll these out at cost and decimate the market.

    I can't believe that you would try predicting anything after your monumental failure predicting sales figures for Apple.
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  • Reply 56 of 165
    Originally Posted by rbonner View Post

    Samsung sounds scared. Why release a comment about a product they have not seen.

    Originally Posted by StLBluesFan View Post

    Because he was interviewed and asked?

    But, why was he peeing himself while answering??

    Originally Posted by StLBluesFan View Post

    Nothing that guy said that can really be argued with.

    He posed an imagined position for Apple, and then shot it down. Pew! Pew! Pew!
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  • Reply 57 of 165
    recrec Posts: 217member
    Originally Posted by Slurpy View Post

    Hear that, Apple?

    Don't even bother competing. Just stick to what you know best, so you don't make a mockery of yourselves. Remember the catastrophe that was getting into the music player market? That was nothing compared to the massive fuckup of entering the phone market- while everyone mocked your efforts. You should have listened. And the tablet market? What were you thinking, Apple? What a disaster.

    This time, I hope Apple listens to such visionaries and industry leaders as Samsung, who obviously know better, in order to avoid these past mistakes. I mean, how can Apple beat 10,000 R&D people? How can they hope to match Samsung's pristine picture quality? I for one am glad Samsung is being so generous as to offer this insightful advice, so Apple can avoid the inevitable train-wreck as their previous misguided efforts to enter industries they have no business entering, and to spare consumers their horrendous failure.

    Thank you for this. =)
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  • Reply 58 of 165
    swiftswift Posts: 436member
    Originally Posted by thataveragejoe View Post

    While what this guy says wreaks of arrogance and shortsightedness on the big picture, he's also essentially correct. Apple doesn't make screens, and generally as of now Samsung makes the best TVs. I think it's more a shot across the bow at LG, Sharp and Sony than Apple directly.

    Picture quality doesn't have to be everything but right now that's the largest factor along with cost for a new TV, and if Apple comes up with something that changes how we perceive the TV, that could easily make up for 'best' screen quality.

    The picture quality, except for fantastic and fantastically expensive OLEDs this summer, is not a huge issue. Apple's screens will be good. Retina Display 50"??? Probably, Samsung's will be better, unless Apple buys up a whole bunch of screens... from Samsung.

    But the important thing about TV ISN'T hardware. It's software.
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  • Reply 59 of 165
    What picture quality?

    Samsung TV's don't impress me, my parents bought a new 55" Samsung led tv, I went and bought a sharp aquos 40", there's no comparison, I love my sharp set so much more the the 55", even the 32" Samsung led we have can't's all hype.

    Hell we have 3 Samsung 3D tv bolted to the wall at work all of them 55" and they didn't wow me either.
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  • Reply 60 of 165
    My bet is Apple is waiting for TV competitors to spend a lot of money trying to create a friendly TV, and make other changes. Apple waits, analyzes the market of these new expensive failures, then introduces their own version -- maybe.

    Apple's version of bait and switch.
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