Nokia warns of 'disappointing' smartphone sales in first half of 2012



  • Reply 61 of 82
    drdoppiodrdoppio Posts: 1,132member
    Originally Posted by SolipsismX View Post

    And the Titanic was mostly above the water when people were jumping ship.

    So where is your prof that Elop is the one that sank Nokia?

    If not sank, then significantly accelerated the sinking, by pulling an "Osborne" on Symbian:
  • Reply 62 of 82
    philboogiephilboogie Posts: 7,675member
    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    I will buy the Nokia 808 Proview when it's released next month as I'm still a fan of Belle and I am very enthusiastic about replacing my Canon point and shoot with one that can share my photos automatically and has a friggen 41MP lens . Though I would totaly forget the whole idea if Canon would throw a sim card into a 5D.

    interesting phone, so I looked it up, and found a telling tale that Nokia seems to have lost focus on designing something people will be able to make good use of:

    "So, if you really want a smartphone that can shoot photos at a resolution of as much as 7,728 x 5,368 pixels (to display on the PureView's surprisingly low resolution 640 x 360 pixel 4-inch screen), you'll either have to wait for Nokia to drum up a U.S. PureView device of some sort or import a handset."
  • Reply 63 of 82
    Lol, perfect thread. snoring mouthpiece!
  • Reply 64 of 82
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by PhilBoogie View Post

    interesting phone, so I looked it up, and found a telling tale that Nokia seems to have lost focus on designing something people will be able to make good use of:

    "So, if you really want a smartphone that can shoot photos at a resolution of as much as 7,728 x 5,368 pixels (to display on the PureView's surprisingly low resolution 640 x 360 pixel 4-inch screen), you'll either have to wait for Nokia to drum up a U.S. PureView device of some sort or import a handset."

    I have a Nokia E7 that I bought early last year because I own every Communicator Nokia has ever made. Although the resolution is the same as the Pro View, it seems low but it's surprising very useable. With Nokias new Belle OS it also makes for a very decent phone experience. I will use the phone as a smart camera though nothing more.
  • Reply 65 of 82
    I think the Lumia 900 has a much better user experience and build quality than anything in the android world now or ever before.

    If Apple was not an option, I would get the Lumia long before any android phone.
  • Reply 66 of 82
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by Technarchy View Post

    I think the Lumia 900 has a much better user experience and build quality than anything in the android world now or ever before.

    If Apple was not an option, I would get the Lumia long before any android phone.

    I would almost agree with you, have you seen the HTC One X, oh my gosh that is a beautiful device, probably the best phone ever made to date. I'm going to get burned for that remark, please don't respond till you've had one in your hands as any remark would be speculation otherwise.
  • Reply 67 of 82
    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    I would almost agree with you, have you seen the HTC One X, oh my gosh that is a beautiful device, probably the best phone ever made to date. I'm going to get burned for that remark, please don't respond till you've had one in your hands as any remark would be speculation otherwise.

    It's still just a lateral move from android to android. All the same issues in a new casing.

    I was with android for 3 years before the iPhone. I came to the conclusion that android sucks and I see nothing introduced in the last 8 weeks that would make me change my mind in the slightest.
  • Reply 68 of 82
    Originally Posted by Technarchy View Post

    It's still just a lateral move from android to android. All the same issues in a new casing.

    I was with android for 3 years before the iPhone. I came to the conclusion that android sucks and I see nothing introduced in the last 8 weeks that would make me change my mind in the slightest.

    I'm in the same boat as you are. Started off Android and then switched to iPhone, no regrets whatsoever.

    I can't help but feel a tinge of sadness for Nokia when I heard the announcement on the radio - then there's a bit of guilt now when I see their ads on TV. Good looking phone, wouldn't mind testing out the OS.
  • Reply 69 of 82
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    Originally Posted by JackieBee View Post

    I'm in the same boat as you are. Started off Android and then switched to iPhone, no regrets whatsoever.

    I can't help but feel a tinge of sadness for Nokia when I heard the announcement on the radio - then there's a bit of guilt now when I see their ads on TV. Good looking phone, wouldn't mind testing out the OS.

    I started with Nokia then went to Apple, then went to Samsung, then went to Nokia and Samsung, decided in the end to just own one of each. I love all things mobile, no OS is better then the other, each have their strengths and weaknesses. What's great about Android and iOS though is that I have exactly the same apps on both platforms so It's easy to swap.
  • Reply 70 of 82
    hirohiro Posts: 2,663member
    Originally Posted by dreyfus2 View Post

    There is a lot right about this, but we should not ignore that Nokia was still outselling Apple in smartphones, and overall profitable when Elop came in. The N9 was maybe the most-praised version one mobile phone since the original iPhone, but Elop ordered to only sell it in markets that are (on a global scale) largely irrelevant to maintain his cozy position: ankle-deep and head-first in Ballmer's behind.

    That's only because Nokia's definition of a smartphone is very liberal in comparison to just about everyone else. A lot of what they consider smartphones are really just knockoffs of 5 year old Blackberry's. That qualified as a smartphone in those days when iPhones had not shipped yet and smartphone meant it could do email.

    The whole meaning of smartphone is very different today and Nokia's definition never changed. So they are just propping up their numbers of sold smartphones with what everyone else considers low margin feature phones.
  • Reply 71 of 82
    jfanningjfanning Posts: 3,398member



    Originally Posted by Hiro View Post

    That's only because Nokia's definition of a smartphone is very liberal in comparison to just about everyone else. A lot of what they consider smartphones are really just knockoffs of 5 year old Blackberry's. That qualified as a smartphone in those days when iPhones had not shipped yet and smartphone meant it could do email.

    The whole meaning of smartphone is very different today and Nokia's definition never changed. So they are just propping up their numbers of sold smartphones with what everyone else considers low margin feature phones.


    Nokia doesn't count their features phones as smartphones.  So you can please detail what is missing from the Nokia smartphones that mean they shouldn't be classified as smartphones, and also detail which phones you believe are being incorrectly classified?

  • Reply 72 of 82



    Originally Posted by Hiro View Post

    That's only because Nokia's definition of a smartphone is very liberal in comparison to just about everyone else. A lot of what they consider smartphones are really just knockoffs of 5 year old Blackberry's. That qualified as a smartphone in those days when iPhones had not shipped yet and smartphone meant it could do email.

    The whole meaning of smartphone is very different today and Nokia's definition never changed. So they are just propping up their numbers of sold smartphones with what everyone else considers low margin feature phones.


    To my knowledge, Nokia has only ever considered Symbian, Meego and Windows Phone phones as smartphones (and they are all smartphone OSes).  Nokia's Series 30 and 40 phones are all feature phones, and are counted as such. 




    Defying logic is to say that because Nokia was still making a profit before Elop signed on as CEO that Nokia would have continued to make a profit if he had not, despite the rapid drop YoY in profit.

    You can't rationally defend this because there is nothing to suggest that Nokia was going to remain profitable. They had no viable products in the pipeline and no avenue to get themselves out of the hole they dug log before Elop was on board. The iCeberg (see what I did there?) had done its damage in 2007 and it was just a matter of time before the Nokianic sank below the water line.

    This is why a new CEO was brought on but the change was going to happen over a very long period, not overnight. You can blame Elop all you want for Nokia's woes, and some of them might be true, but to say that Elop is responsible for Nokia not being profitable is bullshit, he was just the newly appointed captain when it happened.


    I agree with you.  The profit trend was already downwards before Elop took over, so it was only a matter of time anyway before Nokia started to lose money, regardless of whether Elop was in charge or not.  The problem was, Nokia were on this slippery slope downwards with a portfolio of Symbian and Meego (and Maemo) products.  This means that Symbian, Maemo and Meego were not what customers wanted.  This meant that Nokia were left with only two options; Android or Windows Phone.  And we all know the reasons why they picked Windows Phone over Android, so there's no point in repeating them.  Either way, I think Nokia still have some falling left to do before they (hopefully) bounce back.     



  • Reply 73 of 82



    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    I would almost agree with you, have you seen the HTC One X, oh my gosh that is a beautiful device, probably the best phone ever made to date. I'm going to get burned for that remark, please don't respond till you've had one in your hands as any remark would be speculation otherwise.


    I'm actually going to agree with you on this. 


    The HTC One X is utterly stunning. It looks and feels incredible. The screen is the first that actually looks better than the iPhone Retina display. It makes a big screen look really good. In terms of build quality it has some slight quirks. It's such a good looking phone that putting a cover on it should be a crime.


    The downside is it runs android, with the same android issues. 

  • Reply 74 of 82
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member
    technarchy wrote: »

    The downside is it runs android, with the same android issues. 

    The new Android 4.04 is a huge improvement over older versions. It's defiantly has become my favorite OS. I really think iOS is starting to age very quickly, the UI has been the same for the last 5 years. There really isn't any assentive for me to use iOS especially th now that every decent app that I use have been ported over to Android. There are also just so many more advanced features to be found on Android. I can't tell you how usefull it is to have all of my work servers and home NAS drives mounted as a folder on my desktop. Being able to run all of my Python front end apps is also a god send.

    iOS is still a great consumer OS but for the power user it's all about Android.
  • Reply 75 of 82
    relic wrote: »
    technarchy wrote: »

    The downside is it runs android, with the same android issues. 

    The new Android 4.04 is a huge improvement over older versions. It's defiantly has become my favorite OS. I really think iOS is starting to age very quickly, the UI has been the same for the last 5 years. There really isn't any assentive for me to use iOS especially th now that every decent app that I use have been ported over to Android. There are also just so many more advanced features to be found on Android. I can't tell you how usefull it is to have all of my work servers and home NAS drives mounted as a folder on my desktop. Being able to run all of my Python front end apps is also a god send.

    iOS is still a great consumer OS but for the power user it's all about Android.

    Please. No one buys it.

    iOS does not need these massive overhauls every year because it doesn't suck and Steve was right when he said it was 5 years ahead if not more.

    Android has these massive OS overhauls because they are crooks and need to get around patent litigation in addition to the software being so bad that it needs to be gutted often to improve the abysmal user experience and performance issues.

    Android is bad software that can't be fixed with better hardware.
  • Reply 76 of 82
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member



    Originally Posted by Technarchy View Post

    Please. No one buys it.

    iOS does not need these massive overhauls every year because it doesn't suck and Steve was right when he said it was 5 years ahead if not more.

    Android has these massive OS overhauls because they are crooks and need to get around patent litigation in addition to the software being so bad that it needs to be gutted often to improve the abysmal user experience and performance issues.

    Android is bad software that can't be fixed with better hardware.


    That's nice and you are defiantly allowed your opinion. These crook comments like Google stole this and that is nothing more then silly words though. I really could care less if Google sent over an armed person to Apple demanding to see their code. The truth of the matter is everyone copy's or is inspired by someone else's work. Apple is not above approach on this  they copy things from other platforms all the time. Again I really could care less who thought of it first as long as the outcome benefits me as the user.


    iOS is getting long in the tooth and is very boring to use, great it works but it's definitely time for a new look. Okay so you don't like Android fine but I really do, well now that it's use able with this new 4.04 version. Everything is smooth, fast, customizable, plus I have many features that simple aren't available on iOS like a file manager that is capable of mounting my work server over VPN as a normal folder. I can also modify the OS code when I need it to do something that wasn't planned, I have Perl and Python scripts that are in crontab's. I now have a multi-session phone where I can login as one user and be in my work environment and the another for home. I'm a programmer and a power user, I like being able to run a MySQL server, Python apps, Java apps and any native Linux/Unix apps on my phone, Android fits the role perfectly for someone like me. It's not for everyone but it's defiantly for me, I have been waiting a long time to have a viable Linux computer in my pocket and now I have a good one.


    Yes what I do on my phone is defiantly out of the normal spectrum but the fact that I can do these things is simply amazing to me. I am to the point now where I can just plug my Samsung Note into it's cradle that's connected to a 21" display with bluetooth keyboard and mouse and have a complete desktop experience with development tools, running Eclipse and Netbeans. Something that I have been dreaming for years.


    When comparing a iPhone to Android the iPhone wins hands down in everyday consumer usability but when it comes to using the OS's for something more Android wipes the floor with iOS even when it's been Jail-Broken. Android is something special and I wish you could see what I do, oh well continue with your rants and have a wonderful day.

  • Reply 77 of 82
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member


    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    iOS is getting long in the tooth and is very boring to use, great it works but it's definitely time for a new look.


    And that's the difference between Android users and iOS users. We're fine with something that actually works, and works well. We'll keep our cars well-maintained for fifteen years or more. They're the ones that buy a brand new car every six months because they can't stand even looking at their old car for that long.

    Case in point, me. I drive a seventeen year old van that is, as of only a few months ago, on its last legs. Nice little thing. Until this most recent problem with the engine, I got a better MPG rating on it than it was supposed to get when it was brand new. I treat my stuff with respect and it responds in kind.



    I am to the point now where I can just plug my Samsung Note into it's cradle that's connected to a 21" display with bluetooth keyboard and mouse and have a complete desktop experience with development tools, running Eclipse and Netbeans. Something that I have been dreaming for years.


    And that's fine. Phones are certainly powerful enough now to provide the same experience you would get from an Apple ][ in 1977. But they're not desktop replacements, nor are they designed or meant to be.



    Android wipes the floor with iOS even when it's been Jail-Broken. Android is something special and I wish you could see what I do, oh well continue with your rants and have a wonderful day.



    I just wonder why you bother being here if it's so much better. "I use what's best for me in every situation, so I use some Apple products." That's fine, whatever. Do you REALLY have to keep hitting us with your squeaky inflatable Android mallet in every single thread for NO reason other than to tout Android's "superiority"?


  • Reply 78 of 82
    hirohiro Posts: 2,663member



    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    And that's the difference between Android users and iOS users. We're fine with something that actually works, and works well. We'll keep our cars well-maintained for fifteen years or more. They're the ones that buy a brand new car every six months because they can't stand even looking at their old car for that long.

    Case in point, me. I drive a seventeen year old van that is, as of only a few months ago, on its last legs. Nice little thing. Until this most recent problem with the engine, I got a better MPG rating on it than it was supposed to get when it was brand new. I treat my stuff with respect and it responds in kind.

    Geez, you newer car drivers! :p  My daily driver is about to hit 25!   It's not the top of the line in performance today, but it outperforms 90%+ of what's on the streets despite having almost 200K miles on it.  Mechanically it's in great condition, admittedly the interior needs refreshing as ~25 years of sunlight takes it's toll, but nice sheepskins keep the seats comfy.


    Yeah, the basic quality over flash argument goes a long way with the Old Guard.


  • Reply 79 of 82
    relicrelic Posts: 4,735member



    Originally Posted by Tallest Skil View Post


    And that's the difference between Android users and iOS users. We're fine with something that actually works, and works well. We'll keep our cars well-maintained for fifteen years or more. They're the ones that buy a brand new car every six months because they can't stand even looking at their old car for that long.

    Case in point, me. I drive a seventeen year old van that is, as of only a few months ago, on its last legs. Nice little thing. Until this most recent problem with the engine, I got a better MPG rating on it than it was supposed to get when it was brand new. I treat my stuff with respect and it responds in kind.


    And that's fine. Phones are certainly powerful enough now to provide the same experience you would get from an Apple ][ in 1977. But they're not desktop replacements, nor are they designed or meant to be.




    I just wonder why you bother being here if it's so much better. "I use what's best for me in every situation, so I use some Apple products." That's fine, whatever. Do you REALLY have to keep hitting us with your squeaky inflatable Android mallet in every single thread for NO reason other than to tout Android's "superiority"?



    Look I only post about Android in reply to a post about Android. I have never, ever come out of blue and just write about Android. This is a Apple site but for some reason Android sure comes up a whole lot, so if you can get everyone to stop talking about Android then I will stop replying to the posts. Wait what is this thread, Nokia sucks and will die soon, should have bought Apple stock to save company. Yea I don't see people stopping with these silly threads or posts about other company's product's or OS's anytime soon, so I'll have plenty to do.


    Oh and please tell me your computer is newer then 15 years of age. If car technology would move as quicky as computer technology yes I think you would want a new car every year.


    1977 huh, I can run any modern Linux disto with ease on a dual core phone with 1GB that is more then capable of running any program. Open Office, Gimp, Blender, C++ compile, CITRIX, Eclipse, ect. I really don't think you know what kind of power your carrying in your pocket.

  • Reply 80 of 82
    hirohiro Posts: 2,663member



    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    Oh and please tell me your computer is newer then 15 years of age. If car technology would move as quicky as computer technology yes I think you would want a new car every year.


    Or maybe you can learn what is really slowing your machine down and address that directly.  I have a 2007 MBP with a sizeable SSD plopped in it and it outperforms a 2011 MBP with a spinning drive.  You would think that the new machine would be about 8x faster (3 full generations) given a basic tech corollary to Moore's Law of doubled performance to go with the doubling in transistors.  But guess what? You would be way wrong.  The drive accesses are so profound a performance bottleneck that making those 200x faster more than makes up for the small but very expensive performance gains you would get from buying a new machine.


    It's that old age and treachery thing, only we substitute knowledge for the treachery part...




    Originally Posted by Relic View Post

    1977 huh, I can run any modern Linux disto with ease on a dual core phone with 1GB that is more then capable of running any program. Open Office, Gimp, Blender, C++ compile, CITRIX, Eclipse, ect. I really don't think you know what kind of power your carrying in your pocket.

    I can tell you are about the spec, and don't really know what that power is and is not capable of.  


    We could run a modern Linux distro on an old x386 box and get quite reasonable performance. We could even do the compiles on those if we connected it to an SSD like is in the phones.  See that's all about the I/O again.  CITRIX?  That's all remote compute, local bit blits- I/O again.  OO sucks everywhere, sucky and fast or sucky and slow is still sucky.  Ooooh GIMP you say, about the processing????   Nope sorry, the file buffering is all about optimizing the disc accessing during filter runs, SSD again to the rescue, not the CPU or general architecture.  And this is only a little bit simplified.


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