Samsung says it wasn't involved with 'Wake Up' Apple Store flashmob



  • Reply 61 of 63
    fredaroonyfredaroony Posts: 619member


    Originally Posted by anonymouse View Post



    The problem is that we can't believe your response. You'd have us believe that you buy Apple products all the time (where have we heard that one before?) but just happen to prefer x & y, but aren't any sort of "fanboy" -- i.e., not passionate about any technology? So, why exactly are you here posting if you aren't passionate about anything discussed on this site? Sorry, but people post on internet forums for only a few reasons: they are passionate about the topic under discussion, they are trolls or they are paid by someone to try to shape opinion. People who don't have strong opinions, psychological problems, or a job to do, respectively, don't post on internet forums. So, the fact that you are posting here doesn't agree with your pretenses, or means you have some other reason to do so. Which of the three are you, then: "fanboy", troll or shill?

    I had a whole response written then decided I couldn't be bothered as it's obvious you are just a troll.

  • Reply 62 of 63
    anonymouseanonymouse Posts: 6,950member


    Originally Posted by fredaroony View Post

    I had a whole response written then decided I couldn't be bothered as it's obvious you are just a troll.

    Well, I guess if your imaginary response doesn't explain away the obvious inconsistencies in your previous statements, that's the best thing to do.

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