Google launches Chrome browser, Drive cloud storage for iOS



  • Reply 61 of 78
    freshmakerfreshmaker Posts: 532member

    Just downloaded it - seems pretty slick so far.  Very quick.  I like Safari fine, but Chrome is a good bit faster.  Kinda surprised Apple even approved it, but, hey I'll take it!  My iPhone 4S just got a lot better.

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  • Reply 62 of 78


    Originally Posted by MaroonMushroom View Post



    It puts Safari to shame. And Google Drive is easily the best cloud storage out there right now. (Dropbox is a close 2nd)


    So nice being able to work on my computer in Chrome and having all of my tabs being right there on my phone.


    But I've had this for a little while thanks to my Galaxy Nexus (that's now running Jelly Bean!)


    My 25GB SkyDrive would disagree. 

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  • Reply 63 of 78


    Originally Posted by GoonerYoda View Post


    My 25GB SkyDrive would disagree. 

    But you also have file size limits and 25gb is no longer free to new users.

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  • Reply 64 of 78
    raptoroo7raptoroo7 Posts: 140member

    Agreed, I look forward to ALL of the Google Apples (that are on Android) being placed on the iOS devices.  Google lives on ad revenue and that will simply make the our iOS devices that much better.

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  • Reply 65 of 78
    sensisensi Posts: 346member


    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    I fixed it for you.

    Zz, speaking of privacy Apple is actively searching for any copyrighted content (legit or not) among your "private" files on iCloud, Google wouldn't dare to do so on Drive. Objectivity seems a lost cause with some people.

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  • Reply 66 of 78
    gazoobeegazoobee Posts: 3,754member


    Originally Posted by screamingfist View Post


    safari is to apple what IE is to microsoft. pure sh*t.

    This comment doesn't even make sense.  

    Take a logic course and an English writing course and come back later.  

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  • Reply 67 of 78

    My turn for "am I missing something here" -- the timing of this GDrive release seems to be chosen to scoop up the folks (like me) who will be mourning the loss of the _very_ useful iDrive.  


    Would'a liked to be a fly on the wall in that Apple corporate meeting -- "Yes our plan is to tick off a whole lot of our customers who adopted iDrive as if it would always be there, with nothing to fill the hole.  Then we loose a million iWork customers to some cloud services provider who gets their nose into the customer's tent with cheap cloud storage and a suite of attractive Office applications.  Once converted to _real_ cloud computing, there is no adavantage to our expensive computers, so they go Linux or Windows on cheap hardware.  Apple becomes the world's premier provider of expensive phones and tablets, a business that will never be undercut by a challenger. ;-)  Yea, that's our plan!"  

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  • Reply 68 of 78
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    toysandme wrote: »
    Actually, only half as bad as Facebook.

    Google steals your information and intellectual property from other companies.

    Facebook only steals your information.

    I think you have the "half" backward.
    raptoroo7 wrote: »
    Agreed, I look forward to ALL of the Google Apples (that are on Android) being placed on the iOS devices.  Google lives on ad revenue and that will simply make the our iOS devices that much better.

    How do you figure that in ANY sense?
    johndoe98 wrote: »
    Safari has/had a private mode too, and Google ignored it. Found a way to circumvent that. Why should anyone trust incognito mode to actually work?

    Google circumvented the browser's blocking of cookies overall, which has nothing to do with Private/Incognitio anything. No matter how you use your browser, if you have cookies set to never or 'only from first-parties', Google has circumvented that and is sending you cookies anyway.
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  • Reply 69 of 78
    antkm1antkm1 Posts: 1,441member
    It kills me how all you think browsing with safari makes your "private data" so much safer. Try reading Apple's privacy policy sometime.



    Wording is different but say very similar things.
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  • Reply 70 of 78
    It's only a browser people and an optional one at that - it's not life or death. I'm an Apple guy and like the iOS Chrome. The tabbing is soo much better than mobile Safari and cool how if you push-in from the sides it lets you push from tab to tab. If Apple put this tabbing into Safari it'll be a lot better. And what do I care if Google knows I'm looking at AppleInsider or ESPN or any other generic site. Guess you Privacy people never use Google for search, Gmail, or never used Google maps on your phone or computer cuz Google will know where your going (goodness not that!)?! I like it, some of you act like Steve Jobs personally christened your first born and you can never use anything without an apple logo on it. Firefox and Chrome are the only desktop browsers I use. Ghost.
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  • Reply 71 of 78
    crawdad62crawdad62 Posts: 100member
    I'm sure if I used Chrome on the desktop I'd be excited about this but I don't and this is just another browser. I've tried using Chrome on my Mac but I guess I'm getting old and set in my ways. I've got Safari set up like I like it and I'm amazed at all the negative comments regarding it. But I've got no agenda and I'll try out Chrome a little and maybe it'll grow on me but I don't see it bringing anything to the table that Safari doesn't already do (short of tab syncing which will be moot shortly).
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  • Reply 72 of 78
    jetzjetz Posts: 1,293member about them maps?

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  • Reply 73 of 78
    sr2012sr2012 Posts: 896member
    menithings wrote: »
    Product: Hardware
    Customer: Consumers 

    Product: Consumers
    Customer: Advertisers

    Why would I want to start using Google services on my iOS device? Google's MO is to harvest as much of my personal information as possible. No thank you.

    It's amazing how many tech nerds have been duped by Google's "free" services and "open" BS. Nothing is free. You pay by progressively giving away your privacy.

    Google is as evil as a tech company can get.

    This deserves the high Thumbs Up it is getting.
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  • Reply 74 of 78
    sr2012sr2012 Posts: 896member

    It puts Safari to shame. And Google Drive is easily the best cloud storage out there right now. (Dropbox is a close 2nd)

    So nice being able to work on my computer in Chrome and having all of my tabs being right there on my phone.

    But I've had this for a little while thanks to my Galaxy Nexus (that's now running Jelly Bean!)

    I now have my life on Dropbox. Even then passwords and so on are encrypted using 1Password. No way would I trust Google with any of this stuff. Let the people download Google Drive, like lambs to the slaughter.
    jetz wrote: » about them maps?

    Open Street Map. Stop using Google Maps today. Do you want how to drive down a street to be owned by a company, let alone Google? One day, will your car refuse to start because you stopped the auto-drive from displaying ads?
    Crazy isn't it. I won't have that crap on my machine. Last time I tried. Little Snitch nearly blew up! 

    Yeah, LOL I recently installed Ghostery and my goodness, yeah, Ghostery might have melted my computer trying to fend off all kinds of nonsense. I mean, are the people out there making websites or just making tracking rubbish? No wonder you look at most websites on Retina and it's nonsense. I'm done with this industry, I think.

    It's like the whole world finally caught up to the "promise of the web", like it's 1999 now, and they're bringing all the idiots from TV, print land, and real life just screwing everything up on the web now. Tell me you don't think so too. A place just for any self-conflicted teen to post themselves doing duck faces? Really? Tim Berners Lee invented the web for this? C'mon.
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  • Reply 75 of 78
    sr2012sr2012 Posts: 896member
    (Apologies, used up too many separate replies)
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  • Reply 76 of 78
    sr2012sr2012 Posts: 896member
    (Apologies, used up too many separate replies)
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  • Reply 77 of 78
    tallest skiltallest skil Posts: 43,388member
    sr2012 wrote: »
    Open Street Map. Stop using Google Maps today. Do you want how to drive down a street to be owned by a company, let alone Google? One day, will your car refuse to start because you stopped the auto-drive from displaying ads?

    One day, Google's self-driving cars will take people to fast food joints, electronics stores, and gentleman's clubs, without the consent of the driver, and won't leave until you buy something from them.
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  • Reply 78 of 78
    tjwaltjwal Posts: 404member

    I access a website fairly regularly that just won't work with Safari (OSX or IOS) so I just gave Chrome a try.  It works, now I have to figure out how to make it safe.

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