Google launches Chrome browser, Drive cloud storage for iOS

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in iPhone edited January 2014
Google on Thursday announced that its Chrome browser will launch in the App Store for iPhone and iPad, as well as a native iOS application connected to the Google Drive service.

The two new iOS applications were announced during presentations at the Google I/O conference. Both Google Chrome and Google Drive are set to launch at some point today in the App Store.

The Chrome browser for iOS will feature the "incognito" private browsing mode as well as syncing with the desktop version of the software, according to Engadget. It also features Google's own unique tabbed browsing interface.

Apple's App Store rules bar third-party developers from offering their own rendering or JavaScript engines, meaning the iOS version of WebKit must be used by all browsers available in the App Store. But Google's Chrome for iOS will add its own user interface over Apple's technical browser underpinnings.

Word first surfaced in May that Google was working on a Chrome Web browser for iOS to compete with Apple's own built-in Safari browser. Third-party browsers first began appearing on the Apple-controlled iOS App Store in early 2009. Prior to that, browsers that would rival Apple's own Safari were rejected from the App Store.


Google also announced this week that Chrome will become the default browser for Android in its next major release, 4.1 Jelly Bean. Currently, the Android mobile operating system ships with a generic browser.

Also set to launch in the App Store on Thursday is an official application for Google Drive, the search giant's cloud storage service. The company also announced that in just 10 weeks of availability, Google Drive now has more than 10 million users.


  • Reply 1 of 78
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member

    YES YES!! Thank goodness! I exclusively use Chrome on my MacBook Air (I don't like Safari) and I have long wished to be able to sync my bookmarks, passwords, etc. from my desktop to my iPhone and iPad.


    Not to mention that I vastly prefer the Chrome UI (at least in OS X) to Safari and other browsers like Firefox and Opera. 
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  • Reply 2 of 78
    jragostajragosta Posts: 10,473member
    The company also announced that in just 10 weeks of availability, Google Drive now has more than 10 million victims willing to give up all their privacy.

    I fixed it for you.
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  • Reply 3 of 78


    Product: Hardware

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    Product: Consumers

    Customer: Advertisers


    Why would I want to start using Google services on my iOS device? Google's MO is to harvest as much of my personal information as possible. No thank you.


    It's amazing how many tech nerds have been duped by Google's "free" services and "open" BS. Nothing is free. You pay by progressively giving away your privacy.


    Google is as evil as a tech company can get.

     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 4 of 78


    Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    Apple's App Store rules bar third-party developers from offering their own rendering or JavaScript engines, meaning the iOS version of WebKit must be used by all browsers available in the App Store. But Google's Chrome for iOS will add its own user interface over Apple's technical browser underpinnings.


    Surely Opera Mini for iPhone/iPad doesn't use Webkit? Doesn't it run everything through its own servers to compress and speed up loading times?

     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 5 of 78
    bighypebighype Posts: 148member

    Why the heck would you want to use a browser designed to suck as much data out of you as possible? 


    Don't be an idiot, quit using Google products. You're not a Google's customer, you're just the product they sell to their customers: advertisers.

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  • Reply 6 of 78
    This is good news! It will allow people who feel obligated to be Apple haters to enjoy having the wonderful experience of a iPad, but still maintain their anti-apple cred.

    I've never understood what the big deal about browsers is; I just use Safari because it seems simple, and it integrates easily with my various Apple devices. Maybe I'm missing something.
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  • Reply 7 of 78

    Google Drive is now live in the iOS App Store. Just search Google Drive and it should be in the first page of apps.

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  • Reply 8 of 78
    h2ph2p Posts: 338member
    Originally Posted by jragosta View Post

    I fixed it for you.


    "...Originally Posted by AppleInsider View Post

    The company also announced that in just 10 weeks of availability, Google Drive now has more than 10 million victims willing to give up all their privacy."

    Thank you -- It's important to remind those that have forgotten how intrusive the Goog is.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 9 of 78
    applegreenapplegreen Posts: 421member

    The "evil" has landed.  iOS will never be the same again.

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  • Reply 10 of 78 Posts: 340member
    Yep, GDrive, GoTasks, Chrome.. All the Google goodness from the gods on iOS devices.
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  • Reply 11 of 78


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  • Reply 12 of 78
    mazda 3smazda 3s Posts: 1,613member
    bighype wrote: »
    Why the heck would you want to use a browser designed to suck as much data out of you as possible? 

    Don't be an idiot, quit using Google products. You're not a Google's customer, you're just the product they sell to their customers: advertisers.

    So much hate and negativity for an app that YOU don't have to download? Geez, choice is fine. If you don't like it, don't download it.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 13 of 78
    jusephejusephe Posts: 108member

    I really like this kind of choice that apple offers, but i don`t think about switch... safari is very nice, i am waiting on iOS 6 and also don`t want to lose privacy....


    It`s smart move from apple, google think they will make more ads, but now android loses another specific feature  that prevent users to switch to iPhone....

     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 14 of 78
    bill42bill42 Posts: 131member

    You are missing nothing. I tried Chrome to see what the fuss was about but all it offers is the same internet you are familiar with except for an ugly no frills interface.

    Stick with Safari as it will always be updated alongside your operating system so it will never be broken. I could understand using other browsers if Safari sucked, but safar is fast, syncs with all my devices, and matches my other iApps. It is one of the pleasures of using an apple system.

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  • Reply 15 of 78
    sleepy3sleepy3 Posts: 244member


    Originally Posted by bill42 View Post

    You are missing nothing. I tried Chrome to see what the fuss was about but all it offers is the same internet you are familiar with except for an ugly no frills interface.

    Stick with Safari as it will always be updated alongside your operating system so it will never be broken. I could understand using other browsers if Safari sucked, but safar is fast, syncs with all my devices, and matches my other iApps. It is one of the pleasures of using an apple system.

    Seeing as Apple bans other browsers from being anything more than skins...this is NOT chrome. Its more of a chrome skin. 


    At the end of the day, its Safari with a lick of paint. Call it what you want. Dolphin, firefox, chrome...on iOS it is ALL Safari. 

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  • Reply 16 of 78
    joeysjoeys Posts: 4member

    Thank you! Seriously...

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  • Reply 17 of 78
    Originally Posted by H2P View Post


    "...Originally Posted by AppleInsider View PostThe company also announced that in just 10 weeks of availability, Google Drive now has more than 10 million victims willing to give up all their privacy."Thank you -- It's important to remind those that have forgotten how intrusive the Goog is.


    lots of ignorant people out there that don't know how to secure their data on 'drive' (or anywhere else for that matter). not worth bothering them with a 'reminder'.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 18 of 78
    toysandmetoysandme Posts: 243member


    Originally Posted by MeniThings View Post



    Google is as evil as a tech company can get.


    Actually, only half as bad as Facebook.

     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 19 of 78
    Originally Posted by bill42 View Post

    You are missing nothing. I tried Chrome to see what the fuss was about but all it offers is the same internet you are familiar with except for an ugly no frills interface.

    Stick with Safari as it will always be updated alongside your operating system so it will never be broken. I could understand using other browsers if Safari sucked, but safar is fast, syncs with all my devices, and matches my other iApps. It is one of the pleasures of using an apple system.


    safari is to apple what IE is to microsoft. pure sh*t.
     0Likes 0Dislikes 0Informatives
  • Reply 20 of 78
    fredaroonyfredaroony Posts: 619member


    Originally Posted by AppleGreen View Post

    The "evil" has landed.  iOS will never be the same again.

    Yeah maybe it will be better as you have another choice?


    lol some of you posters are so pre-programmed to hate anything non-Apple it's hilarious. 

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